参考书籍《spring in action》
1)传统:XML should not be first choice
<util> constant/list/map/properties/property-path/set
2)explicit configuration in java
step1:creating a configuration class @Configuration public class CDPlayerConfig{...} step2:declaring a simple bean @Bean(name="newname") public CompactDisc sgtPeppers(){ return new SgtPeppers(); } step3 injecting with javaConfig @Bean public CDPlayer cdPlayer(){ return new CDPlayer(sgtPeppers()); }
3 ) implicit bean discovery and automatic wiring(只有自己写的源代码可以用)
##compoent scanning---在应用上下文中自动发现需要被创建的bean
step1: naming an component-scanned bean
@Component("newbeanID") public subclass implements superinterface{.....}
step2:setting a base package for component scanning
@Configuration @ComponentScan(basePackage={"a","b","c"}) //@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses={xx.class,xxx.class} public class classconfig{.....}
@Component public class CDPlayer implements MediaPlayer{ private CompactDisc cd; @Autowired ( or @Inject) public CDPlayer(CompactDisc cd) { this.cd =cd; } public void play() { cd.play(); } }
referencing XML configuration in JavaConfig
referencing JavaConfig in XML configuration