• Nebula3绘制2D纹理

    上次已经绘制过基本图元了, 这次只不过要贴张图而已.....

    本来我想用Graphics的Model渲染流程来做, 不过这一层太高级了, 都是什么场景管理资源映射之类的

    做低级的事情, 就要用低级的API嘛

    图形渲染的底层是CoreGraphics, 这个层我不打算再单独写(翻译)一篇了, 因为都是Direct3D概念的一些抽象. 也就是说D3D用熟了基本上一看就明白(用GL的我就不清楚啦, 嘿嘿, N3的作者都放弃用GL去实现@_@).

    还记得D3D Tutorial中的Textured例子不? 需要的东西有带纹理坐标的点, 纹理. N3中也一样, 不过, 这里没法用固定管线了.

    N3的设计的时候就放弃了固定管线(多么明智呀, 别喷我-_-, 我只会shader.......), 所以在这之前我们要先写一个shader来进行绘制.

    因为我们只是进行简单的演示, 就尽量简单了, 写一个2D的纹理绘制, 你可以用来做UI:

    1. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2. //  texture2d.fx
    3. //  texture shader for 2D(UI)
    4. //  (C) xoyojank
    5. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    6. float2 halfWidthHeight  : HalfWidthHeight;
    7. texture diffMap     : DiffMap0;
    8. sampler diffMapSampler = sampler_state
    9. {
    10.     Texture = <diffMap>;
    11.     AddressU = Clamp;
    12.     AddressV = Clamp;
    13.     MinFilter = Point;
    14.     MagFilter = Point;
    15.     MipFilter = None;
    16. };
    17. struct VS_INPUT
    18. {
    19.     float3 pos  : POSITION;
    20.     float2 uv       : TEXCOORD;
    21. };
    22. struct VS_OUTPUT
    23. {
    24.     float4 pos  : POSITION;
    25.     float2 uv       : TEXCOORD;
    26. };
    27. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    28. /**
    29. */
    30. VS_OUTPUT
    31. VertexShaderFunc(VS_INPUT input)
    32. {
    33.     VS_OUTPUT output;
    34.     output.pos.xy = float2(input.pos.x - halfWidthHeight.x, halfWidthHeight.y - input.pos.y) / halfWidthHeight;
    35.     output.pos.zw = float2(input.pos.z, 1.0f);
    36.     output.uv = input.uv;
    37. return output;
    38. }
    39. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    40. /**
    41. */
    42. float4
    43. PixelShaderFunc(float2 uv : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR
    44. {
    45. return tex2D(diffMapSampler, uv);
    46. }
    47. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    48. /**
    49. */
    50. technique Default
    51. {
    52.     pass p0
    53.     {
    54.         ColorWriteEnable  = RED|GREEN|BLUE|ALPHA;
    55.         ZEnable           = False;
    56.         ZWriteEnable      = False;
    57.         StencilEnable     = False;
    58.         FogEnable         = False;
    59.         AlphaBlendEnable  = True;
    60.         SrcBlend          = SrcAlpha;
    61.         DestBlend         = InvSrcAlpha;
    62.         AlphaTestEnable   = False;
    63.         ScissorTestEnable = False;
    64.         CullMode          = CW;        
    65.         VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VertexShaderFunc();
    66.         PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PixelShaderFunc();
    67.     }
    68. }

    值得一提的是CullMode = CW, 为什么? 因为N3用的右手坐标系, 这点又跟D3D不一样了........为什么呢? 难道写MAYA跟MAX的插件的时候比较省事?


    1. // vertex
    2.             Array<VertexComponent> vertexComponents;
    3.             vertexComponents.Append(VertexComponent(VertexComponent::Position, 0, VertexComponent::Float3));
    4.             vertexComponents.Append(VertexComponent(VertexComponent::TexCoord, 0, VertexComponent::Float2));
    5. float vertex[4][5] = {
    6.                 {0.0f,  0.0f,   0.0f,   0.0f, 0.0f},
    7.                 {0.0f,  256.0f, 0.0f,   0.0f, 1.0f}, 
    8.                 {256.0f,0.0f,   0.0f,   1.0f, 0.0f}, 
    9.                 {256.0f,256.0f, 0.0f,   1.0f, 1.0f}
    10.             };
    11.             vertexBuffer = VertexBuffer::Create();
    12.             Ptr<MemoryVertexBufferLoader> vbLoader = MemoryVertexBufferLoader::Create();
    13.             vbLoader->Setup(vertexComponents, 4, vertex, 4 * 5 * sizeof(float));
    14.             vertexBuffer->SetLoader(vbLoader.upcast<ResourceLoader>());
    15.             vertexBuffer->Load();
    16.             vertexBuffer->SetLoader(NULL);

    纹理的创建其实跟顶点差不多, 因为它都是属于资源的一种, 详见Nebula3资源子系统

    1. // texture
    2.             texture = Texture::Create();
    3.             texture->SetResourceId(ResourceId("bin:razor.jpg"));
    4.             texture->SetLoader(StreamTextureLoader::Create());
    5.             texture->Load();
    6.             texture->SetLoader(NULL);

    shader的加载跟上一次一样, 只是参数不同:

    1. // shader
    2. this->shaderInstance = this->shaderServer->CreateShaderInstance(ResourceId("shd:texture2d"));
    3.             Ptr<ShaderVariable> halfWidthHeight = this->shaderInstance->GetVariableBySemantic(ShaderVariable::Semantic("HalfWidthHeight"));
    4.             float2 halfWH = float2(this->renderDevice->GetDefaultRenderTarget()->GetWidth(), this->renderDevice->GetDefaultRenderTarget()->GetHeight()) * 0.5f;
    5.             halfWidthHeight->SetFloatArray(&halfWH.x(), 2);
    6.             Ptr<ShaderVariable> diffMap = this->shaderInstance->GetVariableBySemantic(ShaderVariable::Semantic("DiffMap0"));
    7.             diffMap->SetTexture(texture);

    绘制嘛, 当然改成矩形了, 图片可贴不到一跟线上:

    1. this->renderDevice->BeginFrame();
    2. this->renderDevice->BeginPass(this->renderDevice->GetDefaultRenderTarget(), this->shaderInstance);
    3.         PrimitiveGroup primGroup;
    4.         primGroup.SetBaseVertex(0);
    5.         primGroup.SetNumVertices(4);
    6.         primGroup.SetPrimitiveTopology(PrimitiveTopology::TriangleStrip);
    7. this->renderDevice->SetVertexBuffer(this->vertexBuffer);
    8. this->renderDevice->SetPrimitiveGroup(primGroup);
    9. this->renderDevice->Draw();
    10. this->renderDevice->EndPass();
    11. this->renderDevice->EndFrame();
    12. this->renderDevice->Present();


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/flying_bat/p/1354946.html
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