• 用Group by分组后,取每组的前几条记录


    CREATE TABLE StudentGrade(
    stuId CHAR(4),    --学号
    subId INT,        --课程号
    grade INT,        --成绩
    PRIMARY KEY (stuId,subId)
    INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('001',1,97);
    INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('001',2,50);
    INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('001',3,70);
    INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('002',1,92);
    INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('002',2,80);
    INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('002',3,30);
    INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('003',1,93);
    INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('003',2,95);
    INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('003',3,85);
    INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('004',1,73);
    INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('004',2,78);
    INSERT INTO StudentGrade(stuId,subId,grade) VALUES('004',3,87);
    001 1 97
    003 1 93
    003 2 95
    002 2 80
    004 3 87
    003 3 85
    select * from StudentGrade

    select distinct *
    from studentgrade as t1
    where stuid in
    (select top 2 stuid
     from studentgrade as t2
     where t1.subid=t2.subid
             order by t2.grade desc)
    order by subid, grade desc

    select * from StudentGrade a where (select count(1) from studentGrade where subId=a.subId and grade>=a.grade)<=2

    select * from StudentGrade t
    where (select count(1) from StudentGrade where subid=t.subid and grade>t.grade)<=1
    order by subId,grade desc

    stuId subId       grade      
    ----- ----------- -----------
    001   1           97
    003   1           93
    003   2           95
    002   2           80
    004   3           87
    003   3           85

    (6 row(s) affected)

    drop table StudentGrade

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/flyfish/p/362984.html
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