
    根据博客基于RYU restful api实现的VLAN网络虚拟化完成最后的自动化脚本编写,实现RYU REST API的VLAN实现



    ~/ryu/ryu/app$ ryu-manager ofctl_rest.py 


    ~/ryu/ryu/app$ ryu-manager ~/ryu/ryu/app/gui_topology/gui_topology.py --observe-links



     curl -X POST -d '{
        "dpid": 1,
            "in_port": 1
                "type": "PUSH_VLAN",     # Push a new VLAN tag if a input frame is non-VLAN-tagged
                "ethertype": 33024       # Ethertype 0x8100(=33024): IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame
                "type": "SET_FIELD",
                "field": "vlan_vid",     # Set VLAN ID
                "value": 4096            # Describe sum of vlan_id(e.g. 6) | OFPVID_PRESENT(0x1000=4096)
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 4
     }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
     curl -X POST -d '{
        "dpid": 1,
            "in_port": 2
                "type": "PUSH_VLAN",     # Push a new VLAN tag if a input frame is non-VLAN-tagged
                "ethertype": 33024       # Ethertype 0x8100(=33024): IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame
                "type": "SET_FIELD",
                "field": "vlan_vid",     # Set VLAN ID
                "value": 4097            # Describe sum of vlan_id(e.g. 6) | OFPVID_PRESENT(0x1000=4096)
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 4
     }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
     curl -X POST -d '{
        "dpid": 1,
            "in_port": 3
                "type": "PUSH_VLAN",     # Push a new VLAN tag if a input frame is non-VLAN-tagged
                "ethertype": 33024       # Ethertype 0x8100(=33024): IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame
                "type": "SET_FIELD",
                "field": "vlan_vid",     # Set VLAN ID
                "value": 4098            # Describe sum of vlan_id(e.g. 6) | OFPVID_PRESENT(0x1000=4096)
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 4
     }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
     curl -X POST -d '{
        "dpid": 1,
            "vlan_vid": 0
                "type": "POP_VLAN",     # Push a new VLAN tag if a input frame is non-VLAN-tagged
                "ethertype": 33024       # Ethertype 0x8100(=33024): IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 1
     }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
     curl -X POST -d '{
        "dpid": 1,
            "vlan_vid": 1
                "type": "POP_VLAN",     # Push a new VLAN tag if a input frame is non-VLAN-tagged
                "ethertype": 33024       # Ethertype 0x8100(=33024): IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 2
     }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
     curl -X POST -d '{
        "dpid": 1,
            "vlan_vid": 2
                "type": "POP_VLAN",     # Push a new VLAN tag if a input frame is non-VLAN-tagged
                "ethertype": 33024       # Ethertype 0x8100(=33024): IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 3
     }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
     curl -X POST -d '{
        "dpid": 2,
            "in_port": 1
                "type": "PUSH_VLAN",     # Push a new VLAN tag if a input frame is non-VLAN-tagged
                "ethertype": 33024       # Ethertype 0x8100(=33024): IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame
                "type": "SET_FIELD",
                "field": "vlan_vid",     # Set VLAN ID
                "value": 4096            # Describe sum of vlan_id(e.g. 6) | OFPVID_PRESENT(0x1000=4096)
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 4
     }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
     curl -X POST -d '{
        "dpid": 2,
            "in_port": 2
                "type": "PUSH_VLAN",     # Push a new VLAN tag if a input frame is non-VLAN-tagged
                "ethertype": 33024       # Ethertype 0x8100(=33024): IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame
                "type": "SET_FIELD",
                "field": "vlan_vid",     # Set VLAN ID
                "value": 4097            # Describe sum of vlan_id(e.g. 6) | OFPVID_PRESENT(0x1000=4096)
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 4
     }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
     curl -X POST -d '{
        "dpid": 2,
            "in_port": 3
                "type": "PUSH_VLAN",     # Push a new VLAN tag if a input frame is non-VLAN-tagged
                "ethertype": 33024       # Ethertype 0x8100(=33024): IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame
                "type": "SET_FIELD",
                "field": "vlan_vid",     # Set VLAN ID
                "value": 4098            # Describe sum of vlan_id(e.g. 6) | OFPVID_PRESENT(0x1000=4096)
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 4
     }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
     curl -X POST -d '{
        "dpid": 2,
            "vlan_vid": 0
                "type": "POP_VLAN",     # Push a new VLAN tag if a input frame is non-VLAN-tagged
                "ethertype": 33024       # Ethertype 0x8100(=33024): IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 1
     }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
     curl -X POST -d '{
        "dpid": 2,
            "vlan_vid": 1
                "type": "POP_VLAN",     # Push a new VLAN tag if a input frame is non-VLAN-tagged
                "ethertype": 33024       # Ethertype 0x8100(=33024): IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 2
     }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add
     curl -X POST -d '{
        "dpid": 2,
            "vlan_vid": 2
                "type": "POP_VLAN",     # Push a new VLAN tag if a input frame is non-VLAN-tagged
                "ethertype": 33024       # Ethertype 0x8100(=33024): IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame
                "type": "OUTPUT",
                "port": 3
     }' http://localhost:8080/stats/flowentry/add


    $ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/stats/flow/<dpid>


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