final class ModelInfo { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private Map<Class<? extends Model>, TableInfo> mTableInfos = new HashMap<Class<? extends Model>, TableInfo>(); private Map<Class<?>, TypeSerializer> mTypeSerializers = new HashMap<Class<?>, TypeSerializer>() { { put(Calendar.class, new CalendarSerializer()); put(java.sql.Date.class, new SqlDateSerializer()); put(java.util.Date.class, new UtilDateSerializer()); put(java.io.File.class, new FileSerializer()); } };
第一个Map mTableInfos储存了类与表参数的的键值对。第二个Map mTypeSerializers储存了SQL的日期,时间,文件的序列化类与接口的键值对。
…… public ModelInfo(Configuration configuration) { if (!loadModelFromMetaData(configuration)) { try { scanForModel(configuration.getContext()); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e("Couldn't open source path.", e); } } Log.i("ModelInfo loaded."); } ……
private boolean loadModelFromMetaData(Configuration configuration) { if (!configuration.isValid()) { return false; } final List<Class<? extends Model>> models = configuration.getModelClasses(); if (models != null) { for (Class<? extends Model> model : models) { mTableInfos.put(model, new TableInfo(model)); } } final List<Class<? extends TypeSerializer>> typeSerializers = configuration.getTypeSerializers(); if (typeSerializers != null) { for (Class<? extends TypeSerializer> typeSerializer : typeSerializers) { try { TypeSerializer instance = typeSerializer.newInstance(); mTypeSerializers.put(instance.getDeserializedType(), instance); } catch (InstantiationException e) { Log.e("Couldn't instantiate TypeSerializer.", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Log.e("IllegalAccessException", e); } } } return true; }
if (!loadModelFromMetaData(configuration)) { try { scanForModel(configuration.getContext()); }
public boolean isValid() { return mModelClasses != null && mModelClasses.size() > 0; }
private boolean loadModelFromMetaData(Configuration configuration) { if (!configuration.isValid()) { return false; } final List<Class<? extends Model>> models = configuration.getModelClasses(); if (models != null) { for (Class<? extends Model> model : models) { mTableInfos.put(model, new TableInfo(model)); } } final List<Class<? extends TypeSerializer>> typeSerializers = configuration.getTypeSerializers(); if (typeSerializers != null) { for (Class<? extends TypeSerializer> typeSerializer : typeSerializers) { try { TypeSerializer instance = typeSerializer.newInstance(); mTypeSerializers.put(instance.getDeserializedType(), instance); } catch (InstantiationException e) { Log.e("Couldn't instantiate TypeSerializer.", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Log.e("IllegalAccessException", e); } } } return true; }
private void scanForModel(Context context) throws IOException { String packageName = context.getPackageName(); String sourcePath = context.getApplicationInfo().sourceDir; List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>(); if (sourcePath != null && !(new File(sourcePath).isDirectory())) { DexFile dexfile = new DexFile(sourcePath); Enumeration<String> entries = dexfile.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { paths.add(entries.nextElement()); } } // Robolectric fallback else { ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Enumeration<URL> resources = classLoader.getResources(""); while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { String path = resources.nextElement().getFile(); if (path.contains("bin") || path.contains("classes")) { paths.add(path); } } } for (String path : paths) { File file = new File(path); scanForModelClasses(file, packageName, context.getClassLoader()); } }
String packageName = context.getPackageName(); String sourcePath = context.getApplicationInfo().sourceDir; List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>();
if (sourcePath != null && !(new File(sourcePath).isDirectory())) { DexFile dexfile = new DexFile(sourcePath); Enumeration<String> entries = dexfile.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
接着可以看到DexFile:google官方文档中这样解释Opens a DEX file from a given filename. This will usually be a ZIP/JAR file with a "classes.dex" inside. 我们直接打开了apk包,用apk包的中路径信息创建了DexFile对象。并用枚举型迭代器Enumeration,将apk中的所有路径加入到paths中。
for (String path : paths) { File file = new File(path); scanForModelClasses(file, packageName, context.getClassLoader()); }
获得 apk中所有路径后,将依次寻找这些路径中的model类。
private void scanForModelClasses(File path, String packageName, ClassLoader classLoader) { if (path.isDirectory()) { for (File file : path.listFiles()) { scanForModelClasses(file, packageName, classLoader); } } else { String className = path.getName(); // Robolectric fallback if (!path.getPath().equals(className)) { className = path.getPath(); if (className.endsWith(".class")) { className = className.substring(0, className.length() - 6); } else { return; } className = className.replace(System.getProperty("file.separator"), "."); int packageNameIndex = className.lastIndexOf(packageName); if (packageNameIndex < 0) { return; } className = className.substring(packageNameIndex); } try { Class<?> discoveredClass = Class.forName(className, false, classLoader); if (ReflectionUtils.isModel(discoveredClass)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<? extends Model> modelClass = (Class<? extends Model>) discoveredClass; mTableInfos.put(modelClass, new TableInfo(modelClass)); } else if (ReflectionUtils.isTypeSerializer(discoveredClass)) { TypeSerializer instance = (TypeSerializer) discoveredClass.newInstance(); mTypeSerializers.put(instance.getDeserializedType(), instance); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { Log.e("Couldn't create class.", e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { Log.e("Couldn't instantiate TypeSerializer.", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Log.e("IllegalAccessException", e); } } }
if (!path.getPath().equals(className)) { className = path.getPath(); if (className.endsWith(".class")) { className = className.substring(0, className.length() - 6); } else { return; } className = className.replace(System.getProperty("file.separator"), "."); int packageNameIndex = className.lastIndexOf(packageName); if (packageNameIndex < 0) { return; } className = className.substring(packageNameIndex); }
try { Class<?> discoveredClass = Class.forName(className, false, classLoader); if (ReflectionUtils.isModel(discoveredClass)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<? extends Model> modelClass = (Class<? extends Model>) discoveredClass; mTableInfos.put(modelClass, new TableInfo(modelClass)); } else if (ReflectionUtils.isTypeSerializer(discoveredClass)) { TypeSerializer instance = (TypeSerializer) discoveredClass.newInstance(); mTypeSerializers.put(instance.getDeserializedType(), instance); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { Log.e("Couldn't create class.", e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { Log.e("Couldn't instantiate TypeSerializer.", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Log.e("IllegalAccessException", e); }