cls ########################### # "Enter the site URL here" $SITEURL = "http://xxx/IT" # "Name of Site group from which users have to be removed" $SITEGROUP = "Portal Information Technology Visitors" ########################### $site = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite ( $SITEURL ) $web = $site.OpenWeb() "Web is : " + $web.Title $oSiteGroup = $web.SiteGroups[$SITEGROUP]; "Site Group is :" + $oSiteGroup.Name $oUsers = $oSiteGroup.Users foreach ($oUser in $oUsers) { "Removing user : " + $oUser.Name $oSiteGroup.RemoveUser($oUser) } ######################################################################################################
########################################################################################### # # Title: Add-SPUser_Group.ps1 # # Description: Adds a group of users to a SharePoint group via an answer file # # URL: http://techchucker.wordpress.com/2013/09/17/addbulkspusergroups/ # # Author: Matt Anderson # Created: 9-13-2013 # ########################################################################################## #Region Action Function #Action taken via user input based on menu option chosen Function Action ($result) { if ($result -eq "A") { AnswerCreate } if ($result -eq "B") { } if ($result -eq "?") { clear #Opens Default Internet browser and navigates to the below site that holds the instructions for this program Start-Process -FilePath "http://techchucker.wordpress.com/2013/09/17/addbulkspusergroups/" } } #endRegion #Region PressKey Function #User must enter any key to continue Function PressKey { Write-Host "Press any key to continue..." -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White $x = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyUp,AllowCtrlC") return clear } #endRegion #Region WebInput Function #Function to request web input from user Function WebInput { $inpWeb = Read-Host "Enter the URL of the site to add users to a group" return $inpWeb } #endRegion #Region GroupInput Function #Function to request SharePoint Group input from user Function GroupInput { $inpGroup = Read-Host "Enter the SharePoint Group ID to add users to" return $inpGroup } #endRegion #Region AnswerCeate Function #Function to take answer file and add multiple users to SharePoint Group Function AnswerCreate { clear #Imports user inputted answer file $userList = Import-Csv ($answerFile = Read-Host "Enter path to Answer File (e.g. c:filename.csv)") $web = WebInput $group = GroupInput Write-Output $userList PressKey #Iterates through each record storing variables and executing user add ForEach ($user in $userList) { $validateUser = $null $LANID = $user."LANID" $validateUser = Get-SPUser -Identity $LANID -Web $web -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #This will throw an error if the user does not exist if($validateUser -eq $null) { Write-Host $LANID "does not exist" New-SPUser -UserAlias $LANID -Web $web -group $group Write-Host $LANID "created and added to " $group } else { #Adds user/s to the SharePoint group Set-SPUser -Identity $LANID -Web $web -Group $group Write-Host $LANID "has been added to "$group } } } #endRegion #Region Menu Function #Function to display the menu for the program Function Menu { Write-Host "Add Users to SP Groups in Bulk`n`n" -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White Write-Host "Choose the action you would like to perform shown below.`n`n" Write-Host " A - Add users in bulk using Answer File`n" Write-Host " ? - Program Help`n" Write-Host " Exit Exits this program`n`n" } #endRegion #Region Program Actions $ErrorActionPreference="SilentlyContinue" Stop-Transcript | out-null $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" $logPath = Read-Host "Enter log path (c:Logs)" $date = Get-Date -UFormat %y%m%d.%H.%M.%S $logFile = "" + $date + "_AddUserGroup.txt" Start-Transcript -path $logPath$logFile -append do { clear Menu $result = Read-Host "Enter your selection" if($result -ne "exit") { Action $result #Write-Host "Would you like to return to the main menu?`n`n" #$confirm = Confirm ($inp = Read-Host "Enter Y or N") $confirm = $True } else { $confirm = $false } } while($confirm -eq $True) Stop-Transcript #endRegion
1. 运行上面的ps1脚本,输入log的path:
2. 输入A:
3. 输入site url和group id:
4. 输入帐号列表的csv文件: