• 转 RMAN-20033


    RMAN-03008: error while performing automatic resync of recovery catalog

    RMAN-20033: control file SEQUENCE# too low


    1. 最可原因是一个全备和一个归档日志备份 同时进行,

    Catalog 一次更新一次,导致另一个备份报错归档日志的序列号


    官方建议:是在catalog库重新注册一个db,或者 重新初始化controlfile

    Wednesday, 9 August 2017

    RMAN-20033: control file SEQUENCE# too low

    Most probably the true reason for that error to occur is a race condition between 2 concurrent backup processes - for example one full backup and one archivelog backup with autobackup enabled. Thus both would synchronize with RMAN catalog and one of them may try to register controlfile being older than the last one already registered by the 2nd process.

    On Metalink they suggests a weird solution for this (Rman-20033 Control File Sequence# Too Low (Doc ID 342696.1)) to recreate the controlfile or RMAN catalog - it is possible it may be needed in some scenario, but I guess the best way first is simply rerun the backup ensuring there is only one backup process running.


    1. 重新注册dbcatlog catalog

    -首先检查catatlog 库,nods 信息

    sqlplus rman11g/rman11g@cat11g

    col name for a6

    select  *   from rc_database where name='NODS';


    ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ----------------- ------------------

         26369   45331854 1522978174 NODS          1.3129E+10 17-SEP-17

     102280754  102280755 1747437707 NODS                   1 07-DEC-19

    --unregister 跑一分钟

    rman target  / catalog rman11g/rman11g@cat11g

    RMAN> unregister database;

    database name is "NODS" and DBID is 1747437707

    Do you really want to unregister the database (enter YES or NO)? YES

    database unregistered from the recovery catalog

    --如果遇到hang,可以打开pl/sql developer,看看hostodsdbsession 等待是否在


    --如果等待是正常网络sqlnet等待,current sql那一栏没有显示数据,可以看看cursor游标那一栏,游标那一栏越往下,越是最新的



    --register 跑60分钟

    rman target  / catalog rman11g/rman11g@cat11g

    RMAN> register database;

    database registered in recovery catalog

    starting full resync of recovery catalog

     3.然后修改备份模式从网络备份 改到 san 备份

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/feiyun8616/p/14261078.html
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