• javascript 基础3第13节

    		1.流程控制  顺序  选择  循环结构<br/>
    		<script type="text/javascript">
    		   var  score = 50;
    			/* 多行注释
    			if ( score > 60 )
    			// if ... else ...    单行注释
    			// if ...  else if  .... else if .... else ...
    			//  ?   :
    			 document.write("成绩是否合格 :  " , score > 60 ? '及格':'没通过'  ,"<br/>");
    			// while
    			// do while
    			//for( ; ;)         break   continue  之后的代码不执行
    		<script type="text/javascript">
    			 var  a = new Array();//创建数组  没有长度  没有类型限制  set  list
    			 document.write("a数组的长度 :  " , a.length  ,"<br/>");
    			 a[0] = 12;
    			 a[1] = 5;
    			 a[10] = 35;
    			 a[2] = '张三';
    			 a[5] = new Date();
    			 document.write("a数组的长度 :  " , a.length  ,"<br/>");
    			 document.write("a数组的元素 :  " , a.toString()  ,"<br/>");
    			 var b = new Array(3);
    			 document.write("b数组的长度 :  " , b.length  ,"<br/>");
    			 b[5] = 100;
    			 document.write("b数组的长度 :  " , b.length  ,"<br/>");
    			 document.write("b数组的元素 :  " , b ,"<br/>");
    			 //a = new Array(5);
    			 a.length = 5;//修改长度
    			 document.write("a数组的元素 :  " , a ,"<br/>");
    			 var colors = new Array('red','yellow','blue','green','white','black');
    			 colors[6] = "gray";
    			 document.write("colors数组的元素 :  " , colors ,"<br/>");
    			 for(var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++ ) {
    				   document.write(i , "  :  " , colors[i] ,"<br/>");                       
    			 for(var i in colors) {
    				  document.write( i , "  :  " , colors[i] , "<br/>"); // i 数组索引   
    			var  c = [, new Object , , 'a',new Number(80),"yema"];
    			c[0] = 20;
    			c[1] = 10;
    			c[2] = 30;
    			document.write("c是否是数组  :  " , c instanceof Array , "<br/>");
    			document.write("c数组的元素 :  " , c ,"<br/>");
    		<script type="text/javascript">
    			document.write("colors.concat(c) :  " , colors.concat(c) ,"<br/>");
    			document.write("colors.join('->') :  " , colors.join('->') ,"<br/>");
    			document.write("colors.pop() :  " , colors.pop() ,"<br/>");
    			document.write("colors :  " , colors ,"<br/>");
    			document.write("colors.shift() :  " , colors.shift() ,"<br/>");
    			document.write("colors :  " , colors ,"<br/>");
    			document.write("colors.reverse() :  " , colors.reverse() ,"<br/>");
    			document.write("colors.sort() :  " , colors.sort() ,"<br/>");
    			var  d = [11,2,6,34]
    			 document.write("d.sort() :  " , d.sort() ,"<br/>"); 
    			 document.write("colors.slice(2,5) :  " , colors.slice(2,5) ,"<br/>");
    			document.write("======================== <br/>");
    			 document.write("colors :  " , colors ,"<br/>");
    			colors .splice(1,2);//删除
    			document.write("colors :  " , colors ,"<br/>");
    			document.write("colors :  " , colors ,"<br/>");
    			document.write("colors :  " , colors ,"<br/>");


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    [Windows Azure] Development Considerations in Windows Azure SQL Database
    [Windows Azure] Management REST API Reference
    [Windows Azure] Windows Azure SQL Database library
    [Windows Azure] Getting Started with Windows Azure SQL Data Sync
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/feilongblog/p/4739689.html
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