• Here is a 10-line template that can solve most 'substring' problems子字符串问题的模板


    I will first give the solution then show you the magic template.

    The code of solving this problem is below. It might be the shortest among all solutions provided in Discuss.

    string minWindow(string s, string t) {
            vector<int> map(128,0);
            for(auto c: t) map[c]++;
            int counter=t.size(), begin=0, end=0, d=INT_MAX, head=0;
                if(map[s[end++]]-->0) counter--; //in t
                while(counter==0){ //valid
                    if(end-begin<d)  d=end-(head=begin);
                    if(map[s[begin++]]++==0) counter++;  //make it invalid
            return d==INT_MAX? "":s.substr(head, d);

    Here comes the template.

    For most substring problem, we are given a string and need to find a substring of it which satisfy some restrictions. A general way is to use a hashmap assisted with two pointers. The template is given below.

    int findSubstring(string s){
            vector<int> map(128,0);
            int counter; // check whether the substring is valid
            int begin=0, end=0; //two pointers, one point to tail and one  head
            int d; //the length of substring
            for() { /* initialize the hash map here */ }
                if(map[s[end++]]-- ?){  /* modify counter here */ }
                while(/* counter condition */){ 
                     /* update d here if finding minimum*/
                    //increase begin to make it invalid/valid again
                    if(map[s[begin++]]++ ?){ /*modify counter here*/ }
                /* update d here if finding maximum*/
            return d;

    One thing needs to be mentioned is that when asked to find maximum substring, we should update maximum after the inner while loop to guarantee that the substring is valid. On the other hand, when asked to find minimum substring, we should update minimum inside the inner while loop.

    The code of solving Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters is below:

    int lengthOfLongestSubstringTwoDistinct(string s) {
            vector<int> map(128, 0);
            int counter=0, begin=0, end=0, d=0; 
                if(map[s[end++]]++==0) counter++;
                while(counter>2) if(map[s[begin++]]--==1) counter--;
                d=max(d, end-begin);
            return d;

    The code of solving Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters is below:

    Update 01.04.2016, thanks @weiyi3 for advise.

    int lengthOfLongestSubstring(string s) {
            vector<int> map(128,0);
            int counter=0, begin=0, end=0, d=0; 
                if(map[s[end++]]++>0) counter++; 
                while(counter>0) if(map[s[begin++]]-->1) counter--;
                d=max(d, end-begin); //while valid, update d
            return d;

    I think this post deserves some upvotes! : )

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fcyworld/p/6504625.html
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