Given an array S of n integers, are there elements a, b, c in S such that a + b + c = 0? Find all unique triplets in the array which gives the sum of zero.
1 class Solution(object): 2 def threeSum(self, nums): 3 """ 4 :type nums: List[int] 5 :rtype: List[List[int]] 6 """ 7 l = len(nums) 8 if l<3: 9 return [] 10 res = [] 11 nums.sort() 12 i=0 13 while(i<l-2): 14 if nums[i]>0: 15 break; 16 target = 0 - nums[i] 17 start = i+1;end = l-1 18 while start<end: 19 tmp = nums[start] + nums[end] 20 if tmp>target: 21 end-=1 22 elif tmp<target: 23 start+=1 24 else: 25 res.append([nums[i],nums[start],nums[end]]) 26 t = start 27 while start<end and nums[t]==nums[start]: #略过相同的数 28 start+=1 29 t = end 30 while start<end and nums[t]==nums[end]: #略过相同的数 31 end-=1 32 t=i 33 while i<l-2 and nums[t]==nums[i]: 34 i+=1 35 return res
1 class Solution(object): 2 def threeSum(self, nums): 3 """ 4 :type nums: List[int] 5 :rtype: List[List[int]] 6 """ 7 l = len(nums) 8 if l<3: 9 return [] 10 res = [] 11 nums.sort() 12 start=0;end=l-1 13 flag=0 14 while start<end-1: 15 tmp = nums[start]+nums[end] 16 target = 0-tmp 17 mid = (start+end)//2 18 tstart=start;tend=end 19 while tstart<mid<tend and nums[tstart]<=target<=nums[tend]: 20 if nums[mid]==target: 21 flag=1 22 res.append([nums[start],nums[mid],nums[end]]) 23 break 24 elif nums[mid]>target: 25 t=mid 26 mid=(tstart+mid)//2 27 tend=t 28 else: 29 t = mid 30 mid=(mid+tend)//2 31 tstart=t 32 if flag==1: 33 flag=0 34 35 subnums=self.threeSum(nums[start:end]) 36 if subnums!=[]: 37 for x in subnums: 38 res.append(x) 39 40 subnums=self.threeSum(nums[start+1:end+1]) 41 if subnums!=[]: 42 for x in subnums: 43 res.append(x) 44 45 t=start 46 while start<end and nums[t]==nums[start]: 47 start+=1 48 t=end 49 while start<end and nums[t]==nums[end]: 50 end-=1 51 else: 52 if tmp<0: 53 start+=1 54 else: 55 end-=1 56 57 return res