2018-2019-1 20165311《信息安全系统设计基础》实验三 并发程序
- 学习使用Linux命令wc(1)
- 基于Linux Socket程序设计实现wc(1)服务器(端口号是你学号的后6位)和客户端
- 客户端传一个文本文件给服务器
- 服务器返加文本文件中的单词数
- 上方提交代码
基于Linux Socket程序设计实现wc(1)服务器(端口号是你学号的后6位)和客户端
server.c: #include<stdlib.h> #include<pthread.h> #include<sys/socket.h> #include<sys/types.h> //pthread_t , pthread_attr_t and so on. #include<stdio.h> #include<netinet/in.h> //structure sockaddr_in #include<arpa/inet.h> //Func : htonl; htons; ntohl; ntohs #include<assert.h> //Func :assert #include<string.h> //Func :memset bzero #include<unistd.h> //Func :close,write,read #define SOCK_PORT 165329 #define BUFFER_LENGTH 1024 #define MAX_CONN_LIMIT 512 //MAX connection limit static void Data_handle(void * sock_fd); //Only can be seen in the file int CountWordsOfEuropeanTxtFile(char *szFileName); int CountWordsInOneLine(const char *szLine); int main() { int sockfd_server; int sockfd; int fd_temp; struct sockaddr_in s_addr_in; struct sockaddr_in s_addr_client; int client_length; sockfd_server = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); //ipv4,TCP assert(sockfd_server != -1); //before bind(), set the attr of structure sockaddr. memset(&s_addr_in,0,sizeof(s_addr_in)); s_addr_in.sin_family = AF_INET; s_addr_in.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); //trans addr from uint32_t host byte order to network byte order. s_addr_in.sin_port = htons(SOCK_PORT); //trans port from uint16_t host byte order to network byte order. fd_temp = bind(sockfd_server,(const struct sockaddr *)(&s_addr_in),sizeof(s_addr_in)); if(fd_temp == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"bind error! "); exit(1); } fd_temp = listen(sockfd_server,MAX_CONN_LIMIT); if(fd_temp == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"listen error! "); exit(1); } while(1) { printf("waiting for new connection... "); pthread_t thread_id; client_length = sizeof(s_addr_client); //Block here. Until server accpets a new connection. sockfd = accept(sockfd_server,(struct sockaddr * restrict)(&s_addr_client),(socklen_t *)(&client_length)); if(sockfd == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"Accept error! "); continue; //ignore current socket ,continue while loop. } printf("A new connection occurs! "); if(pthread_create(&thread_id,NULL,(void *)(&Data_handle),(void *)(&sockfd)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"pthread_create error! "); break; //break while loop } } //Clear int ret = shutdown(sockfd_server,SHUT_WR); //shut down the all or part of a full-duplex connection. assert(ret != -1); printf("Server shuts down "); return 0; } static void Data_handle(void * sock_fd) { int fd = *((int *)sock_fd); int i_recvBytes; char data_recv[BUFFER_LENGTH]; const char * data_send = "Server has received your request! "; while(1) { printf("waiting for file_name... "); //Reset data. memset(data_recv,0,BUFFER_LENGTH); i_recvBytes = read(fd,data_recv,BUFFER_LENGTH); if(i_recvBytes == 0) { printf("Maybe the client has closed "); break; } if(i_recvBytes == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"read error! "); break; } if(strcmp(data_recv,"quit")==0) { printf("Quit command! "); break; //Break the while loop. } printf("read from client : %s ",data_recv); char buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH]; int count=0; bzero(buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH); count = CountWordsOfEuropeanTxtFile(data_recv); sprintf(buffer,"%d", count); send(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0); if(write(fd,data_send,strlen(data_send)) == -1) { break; } } //Clear printf("terminating current client_connection... "); close(fd); //close a file descriptor. pthread_exit(NULL); //terminate calling thread! } int CountWordsOfEuropeanTxtFile(char *szFileName) { int nWords = 0;//词计数变量,初始值为0 FILE *fp; //文件指针 char carrBuffer[1024];//每行字符缓冲,每行最多1024个字符 //打开文件 if ((fp = fopen(szFileName, "r")) == NULL) { return -1; //文件打开不成功是返回-1 } while (!feof(fp))//如果没有读到文件末尾 { //从文件中读一行 if (fgets(carrBuffer, sizeof(carrBuffer),fp) != NULL) //统计每行词数 nWords += CountWordsInOneLine(carrBuffer); } //关闭文件 fclose(fp); return nWords; } int CountWordsInOneLine(const char *szLine) { int nWords = 0; int i=0; for (;i<strlen(szLine);i++) { if (*(szLine+i)!=' ') { nWords++; while ((*(szLine+i)!=' ')&&(*(szLine+i)!='