N couples sit in 2N seats arranged in a row and want to hold hands. We want to know the minimum number of swaps so that every couple is sitting side by side. A swap consists of choosing any two people, then they stand up and switch seats.
The people and seats are represented by an integer from 0
to 2N-1
, the couples are numbered in order, the first couple being (0, 1)
, the second couple being (2, 3)
, and so on with the last couple being (2N-2, 2N-1)
The couples' initial seating is given by row[i]
being the value of the person who is initially sitting in the i-th seat.
Example 1:
Input: row = [0, 2, 1, 3] Output: 1 Explanation: We only need to swap the second (row[1]) and third (row[2]) person.
Example 2:
Input: row = [3, 2, 0, 1] Output: 0 Explanation: All couples are already seated side by side.
is even and in the range of[4, 60]
is guaranteed to be a permutation of0...len(row)-1
本来以为是用dp解题,然而不是,还是好好背题吧。解法有 cyclic swapping,并差集,贪心这三种。
class Solution {
public int minSwapsCouples(int[] row) {
int res=0, n=row.length;
for(int i=0;i<n;i=i+2){
if(row[i+1]==(row[i]^1)) continue;
for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++){
if(row[j]==(row[i]^1)){ // 这里注意要加括号,因为java中恒等运算符的优先级大于位运算
return res;
Think about each couple as a vertex(顶点) in the graph. So if there are N couples, there are N vertices. Now if in position 2i and 2i +1 there are person from couple u and couple v sitting there, that means that the permutations are going to involve u and v. So we add an edge to connect u and v. The min number of swaps = N - number of connected components. This follows directly from the theory of permutations. Any permutation can be decomposed into a composition of cyclic permutations. If the cyclic permutation involve k elements, we need k -1 swaps. You can think about each swap as reducing the size of the cyclic permutation by 1. So in the end, if the graph has k connected components, we need N - k swaps to reduce it back to N disjoint vertices.
class Solution {
private class UF {
private int[] parents;
public int count;
UF(int n) { // 初始化组号
parents = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
parents[i] = i; // i-具体节点的值,parents[i]-节点i所对应的组号,放在这题中i就是couple的编号,数组值就是这个couple应该在的组号
count = n;
private int find(int i) {
if (parents[i] == i) { // 如果couple的编号和组号对应,所在组号正确,直接返回组号
return i;
parents[i] = find(parents[i]); // 这种情形时发生了标记1的情况,连接后组号被修改过,不会和原来对应
return parents[i];
public void union(int i, int j) {
int a = find(i);
int b = find(j);
if (a != b) { // 如果不在一个组,连接之
parents[a] = b; // 将a的组号改成b的,注意原parents数组如果组号是a,那么其数组索引也是a。标记1
public int minSwapsCouples(int[] row) {
int N = row.length/ 2;
UF uf = new UF(N); // 并查集初始化组号
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
int a = row[2*i];
int b = row[2*i + 1];
uf.union(a/2, b/2);
return N - uf.count;