select TABLE_NAME from user_tables; -- 获取表 select * from user_tab_comments; -- 获取表注释 select * from User_Col_Comments; -- 获取字段注释
-- 导出文档 SELECT t.TABLE_NAME, t.COLUMN_NAME, REPLACE ( REPLACE ( REPLACE ( t1.COMMENTS, chr( 10 ), '' ), chr( 13 ), '' ), chr( 9 ), '' ), t.DATA_TYPE, t.DATA_LENGTH, NVL( NULL, '' ), NVL( NULL, '' ), t.NULLABLE, NVL( NULL, '无' ), case when t.COLUMN_NAME = 'ID' THEN '是' else '否' end , REPLACE ( REPLACE ( REPLACE ( t1.COMMENTS, chr( 10 ), '' ), chr( 13 ), '' ), chr( 9 ), '' ), NVL( NULL, '新增' ), NVL( NULL, '' ) FROM user_tab_columns t, User_Col_Comments t1 WHERE t.TABLE_NAME =t1.TABLE_NAME and t1.column_name = t.COLUMN_NAME and t.TABLE_NAME = 'SCFP_XP_CJXP_XXFWS' --表名 需要修改 ORDER BY COLUMN_ID;