• BlogEngine.Net架构与源代码分析系列part5:对象搜索——IPublishable与Search




    附件: OpenSearch.jpg


    <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="CodeProject" href="http://www.codeproject.com/info/OpenSearch.xml"></link>




    <link type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" rel="search" title="Name of the blog" href="http://hostname/opensearch.axd" />,




    1. 1namespace BlogEngine.Core
    2. 2{
    3. 3  /**//// <summary>
    4. 4  /// An interface implemented by the classed that can be published.
    5. 5  /// <remarks>
    6. 6  /// To implemnet this interface means that the class can be searched
    7. 7  /// from the search page and that it can be syndicated in RSS and ATOM.
    8. 8  /// </remarks>
    9. 9  /// </summary>
    10. 10  public interface IPublishable
    11. 11  {
    12. 12    /**//// <summary>
    13. 13    /// Gets the title of the object
    14. 14    /// </summary>
    15. 15    String Title { get; }
    16. 16
    17. 17    /**//// <summary>
    18. 18    /// Gets the content.
    19. 19    /// </summary>
    20. 20    /// <value>The content.</value>
    21. 21    String Content { get;}
    22. 22
    23. 23    /**//// <summary>
    24. 24    /// Gets the date created.
    25. 25    /// </summary>
    26. 26    /// <value>The date created.</value>
    27. 27    DateTime DateCreated { get; }
    28. 28
    29. 29    /**//// <summary>
    30. 30    /// Gets the date modified.
    31. 31    /// </summary>
    32. 32    /// <value>The date modified.</value>
    33. 33    DateTime DateModified { get; }
    34. 34
    35. 35    /**//// <summary>
    36. 36    /// Gets the id.
    37. 37    /// </summary>
    38. 38    /// <value>The id.</value>
    39. 39    Guid Id { get;  }
    40. 40
    41. 41    /**//// <summary>
    42. 42    /// Gets the relative link.
    43. 43    /// </summary>
    44. 44    /// <value>The relative link.</value>
    45. 45    String RelativeLink { get;}
    46. 46
    47. 47    /**//// <summary>
    48. 48    /// Gets the absolute link.
    49. 49    /// </summary>
    50. 50    /// <value>The absolute link.</value>
    51. 51    Uri AbsoluteLink { get;}
    52. 52
    53. 53    /**//// <summary>
    54. 54    /// Gets the description.
    55. 55    /// </summary>
    56. 56    /// <value>The description.</value>
    57. 57    String Description { get;}
    58. 58
    59. 59    /**//// <summary>
    60. 60    /// Gets the author.
    61. 61    /// </summary>
    62. 62    /// <value>The author.</value>
    63. 63    String Author { get;}
    64. 64
    65. 65    /**//// <summary>
    66. 66    /// Raises the <see cref="E:Serving"/> event.
    67. 67    /// </summary>
    68. 68    /// <param name="eventArgs">The <see cref="BlogEngine.Core.ServingEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
    69. 69    void OnServing(ServingEventArgs eventArgs);
    70. 70
    71. 71    /**//// <summary>
    72. 72    /// Gets the categories.
    73. 73    /// </summary>
    74. 74    /// <value>The categories.</value>
    75. 75    StateList<Category> Categories { get;}
    76. 76
    77. 77    /**//// <summary>
    78. 78    /// Gets whether or not this item should be shown
    79. 79    /// </summary>
    80. 80    bool IsVisible { get;}
    81. 81  }
    82. 82}

    void OnServing(ServingEventArgs eventArgs);这个东西现在我也不是很确定是干嘛的?还没有看到使用到的相关代码,我猜好像可以做一些统计什么的,包括阅读量等,欢迎大家一起讨论。


    1. 1/**//// <summary>
    2. 2/// Searches all the posts and returns a ranked result set.
    3. 3/// </summary>
    4. 4/// <param name="searchTerm">The term to search for</param>
    5. 5/// <param name="includeComments">True to include a post's comments and their authors in search</param>
    6. 6public static List<IPublishable> Hits(string searchTerm, bool includeComments)
    7. 7{
    8. 8    lock (_SyncRoot)
    9. 9    {
    10. 10        List<Result> results = BuildResultSet(searchTerm, includeComments);
    11. 11        List<IPublishable> items = results.ConvertAll(new Converter<Result, IPublishable>(ResultToPost));
    12. 12        results.Clear();
    13. 13        OnSearcing(searchTerm);
    14. 14        return items;
    15. 15    }
    16. 16}
    17. 17
    18. 18public static List<IPublishable> ApmlMatches(XmlDocument apmlFile, int maxInterests)
    19. 19{
    20. 20    Dictionary<string, float> concepts = new Dictionary<string, float>();
    21. 21    XmlNodeList nodes = apmlFile.SelectNodes("//Concept");
    22. 22    foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
    23. 23    {
    24. 24        string key = node.Attributes["key"].InnerText.ToLowerInvariant().Trim();
    25. 25        float value = float.Parse(node.Attributes["value"].InnerText, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
    26. 26        if (!concepts.ContainsKey(key))
    27. 27        {
    28. 28            concepts.Add(key, value);
    29. 29        }
    30. 30        else if (concepts[key] < value)
    31. 31        {
    32. 32            concepts[key] = value;
    33. 33        }
    34. 34    }
    35. 35
    36. 36    concepts = SortDictionary(concepts);
    37. 37    int max = Math.Min(concepts.Count, maxInterests);
    38. 38    int counter = 0;
    39. 39    List<Result> resultSet = new List<Result>();
    40. 40    foreach (string key in concepts.Keys)
    41. 41    {
    42. 42        counter++;
    43. 43        List<Result> results = BuildResultSet(key, false);
    44. 44        //results = results.FindAll(delegate(Result r) { return r.Rank > 1; });
    45. 45        resultSet.AddRange(results);
    46. 46        if (counter == max)
    47. 47            break;
    48. 48    }
    49. 49
    50. 50    resultSet.Sort();
    51. 51    List<Result> aggregatedResults = new List<Result>();
    52. 52    foreach (Result r in resultSet)
    53. 53    {
    54. 54        if (!aggregatedResults.Contains(r))
    55. 55        {
    56. 56            aggregatedResults.Add(r);
    57. 57        }
    58. 58        else
    59. 59        {
    60. 60            Result existingResult = aggregatedResults.Find(delegate(Result res) { return res.GetHashCode() == r.GetHashCode(); });
    61. 61            existingResult.Rank += r.Rank;
    62. 62        }
    63. 63    }
    64. 64
    65. 65    aggregatedResults = aggregatedResults.FindAll(delegate(Result r) { return r.Rank > 1; });
    66. 66    List<IPublishable> items = aggregatedResults.ConvertAll(new Converter<Result, IPublishable>(ResultToPost));
    67. 67    List<IPublishable> uniqueItems = new List<IPublishable>();
    68. 68
    69. 69    foreach (IPublishable item in items)
    70. 70    {
    71. 71        if (!uniqueItems.Contains(item))
    72. 72            uniqueItems.Add(item);
    73. 73    }
    74. 74
    75. 75    return uniqueItems;
    76. 76}


    1. 1/**//// <summary>
    2. 2/// Adds a post to the catalog when it is added.
    3. 3/// </summary>
    4. 4private static void Post_Saved(object sender, SavedEventArgs e)
    5. 5{
    6. 6    lock (_SyncRoot)
    7. 7    {
    8. 8        if (e.Action == SaveAction.Insert)//  插入时进行添加
    9. 9        {
    10. 10            AddItem(sender as Post);
    11. 11        }
    12. 12        else
    13. 13        {
    14. 14            BuildCatalog();// 否则重建目录
    15. 15        }
    16. 16    }
    17. 17}


    1. 1/**//// <summary>
    2. 2/// Builds the results set and ranks it.
    3. 3/// </summary>
    4. 4private static List<Result> BuildResultSet(string searchTerm, bool includeComments)
    5. 5{
    6. 6    List<Result> results = new List<Result>();
    7. 7    string term = CleanContent(searchTerm.ToLowerInvariant().Trim(), false);
    8. 8    string[] terms = term.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
    9. 9    string regex = string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "({0})", string.Join("|", terms));
    10. 10
    11. 11    foreach (Entry entry in _Catalog)
    12. 12    {
    13. 13        Result result = new Result();
    14. 14        if (!(entry.Item is Comment))
    15. 15        {
    16. 16            int titleMatches = Regex.Matches(entry.Title, regex).Count;
    17. 17            result.Rank = titleMatches * 20;
    18. 18
    19. 19            int postMatches = Regex.Matches(entry.Content, regex).Count;
    20. 20            result.Rank += postMatches;
    21. 21
    22. 22            int descriptionMatches = Regex.Matches(entry.Item.Description, regex).Count;
    23. 23            result.Rank += descriptionMatches * 2;
    24. 24        }
    25. 25        else if (includeComments)
    26. 26        {
    27. 27            int commentMatches = Regex.Matches(entry.Content + entry.Title, regex).Count;
    28. 28            result.Rank += commentMatches;
    29. 29        }
    30. 30
    31. 31        if (result.Rank > 0)
    32. 32        {
    33. 33            result.Item = entry.Item;
    34. 34            results.Add(result);
    35. 35        }
    36. 36    }
    37. 37
    38. 38    results.Sort();
    39. 39    return results;
    40. 40}





    List<IPublishable> list = Search.Hits(term, includeComments);

    list = Search.ApmlMatches(docs[key], 30);





    1.使用 RSS 和 Atom 实现新闻联合


    3.OPML 详解


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/encounter/p/2188813.html
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