安装扩展库pywin32和speech,然后修改一下speech.py文件使得适用于Python 3.x。
pip install pywin32
pip --default-timeout=1000 install -U pywin32 -i http://pypi.douban.com/simple/ --trusted-host pypi.douban.com
pip3 install speech
然后修改speech.py 文件使得适用于Python 3.x,重点修改之处如图,
""" speech recognition and voice synthesis module. Please let me know if you like or use this module -- it would make my day! speech.py: Copyright 2008 Michael Gundlach (gundlach at gmail) License: Apache 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) For this module to work, you'll need pywin32 (http://tinyurl.com/5ezco9 for Python 2.5 or http://tinyurl.com/5uzpox for Python 2.4) and the Microsoft Speech kit (http://tinyurl.com/zflb). Classes: Listener: represents a command to execute when phrases are heard. Functions: say(phrase): Say the given phrase out loud. input(prompt, phraselist): Block until input heard, then return text. stoplistening(): Like calling stoplistening() on all Listeners. islistening(): True if any Listener is listening. listenforanything(callback): Run a callback when any text is heard. listenfor(phraselist, callback): Run a callback when certain text is heard. Very simple usage example: import speech speech.say("Say something.") print "You said " + speech.input() def L1callback(phrase, listener): print phrase def L2callback(phrase, listener): if phrase == "wow": listener.stoplistening() speech.say(phrase) # callbacks are executed on a separate events thread. L1 = speech.listenfor(["hello", "good bye"], L1callback) L2 = speech.listenforanything(L2callback) assert speech.islistening() assert L2.islistening() L1.stoplistening() assert not L1.islistening() speech.stoplistening() """ from win32com.client import constants as _constants import win32com.client import pythoncom import time import threading # Make sure that we've got our COM wrappers generated. from win32com.client import gencache gencache.EnsureModule('{C866CA3A-32F7-11D2-9602-00C04F8EE628}', 0, 5, 0) _voice = win32com.client.Dispatch("SAPI.SpVoice") _recognizer = win32com.client.Dispatch("SAPI.SpSharedRecognizer") _listeners = [] _handlerqueue = [] _eventthread=None class Listener(object): """Listens for speech and calls a callback on a separate thread.""" _all = set() def __init__(self, context, grammar, callback): """ This should never be called directly; use speech.listenfor() and speech.listenforanything() to create Listener objects. """ self._grammar = grammar Listener._all.add(self) # Tell event thread to create an event handler to call our callback # upon hearing speech events _handlerqueue.append((context, self, callback)) _ensure_event_thread() def islistening(self): """True if this Listener is listening for speech.""" return self in Listener._all def stoplistening(self): """Stop listening for speech. Returns True if we were listening.""" try: Listener._all.remove(self) except KeyError: return False # This removes all refs to _grammar so the event handler can die self._grammar = None if not Listener._all: global _eventthread _eventthread = None # Stop the eventthread if it exists return True _ListenerBase = win32com.client.getevents("SAPI.SpSharedRecoContext") class _ListenerCallback(_ListenerBase): """Created to fire events upon speech recognition. Instances of this class automatically die when their listener loses a reference to its grammar. TODO: we may need to call self.close() to release the COM object, and we should probably make goaway() a method of self instead of letting people do it for us. """ def __init__(self, oobj, listener, callback): _ListenerBase.__init__(self, oobj) self._listener = listener self._callback = callback def OnRecognition(self, _1, _2, _3, Result): # When our listener stops listening, it's supposed to kill this # object. But COM can be funky, and we may have to call close() # before the object will die. if self._listener and not self._listener.islistening(): self.close() self._listener = None if self._callback and self._listener: newResult = win32com.client.Dispatch(Result) phrase = newResult.PhraseInfo.GetText() self._callback(phrase, self._listener) def say(phrase): """Say the given phrase out loud.""" _voice.Speak(phrase) def input(prompt=None, phraselist=None): """ Print the prompt if it is not None, then listen for a string in phraselist (or anything, if phraselist is None.) Returns the string response that is heard. Note that this will block the thread until a response is heard or Ctrl-C is pressed. """ def response(phrase, listener): if not hasattr(listener, '_phrase'): listener._phrase = phrase # so outside caller can find it listener.stoplistening() if prompt: print(prompt) if phraselist: listener = listenfor(phraselist, response) else: listener = listenforanything(response) while listener.islistening(): time.sleep(.1) return listener._phrase # hacky way to pass back a response... def stoplistening(): """ Cause all Listeners to stop listening. Returns True if at least one Listener was listening. """ listeners = set(Listener._all) # clone so stoplistening can pop() returns = [l.stoplistening() for l in listeners] return any(returns) # was at least one listening? def islistening(): """True if any Listeners are listening.""" return not not Listener._all def listenforanything(callback): """ When anything resembling English is heard, callback(spoken_text, listener) is executed. Returns a Listener object. The first argument to callback will be the string of text heard. The second argument will be the same listener object returned by listenforanything(). Execution takes place on a single thread shared by all listener callbacks. """ return _startlistening(None, callback) def listenfor(phraselist, callback): """ If any of the phrases in the given list are heard, callback(spoken_text, listener) is executed. Returns a Listener object. The first argument to callback will be the string of text heard. The second argument will be the same listener object returned by listenfor(). Execution takes place on a single thread shared by all listener callbacks. """ return _startlistening(phraselist, callback) def _startlistening(phraselist, callback): """ Starts listening in Command-and-Control mode if phraselist is not None, or dictation mode if phraselist is None. When a phrase is heard, callback(phrase_text, listener) is executed. Returns a Listener object. The first argument to callback will be the string of text heard. The second argument will be the same listener object returned by listenfor(). Execution takes place on a single thread shared by all listener callbacks. """ # Make a command-and-control grammar context = _recognizer.CreateRecoContext() grammar = context.CreateGrammar() if phraselist: grammar.DictationSetState(0) # dunno why we pass the constants that we do here rule = grammar.Rules.Add("rule", _constants.SRATopLevel + _constants.SRADynamic, 0) rule.Clear() for phrase in phraselist: rule.InitialState.AddWordTransition(None, phrase) # not sure if this is needed - was here before but dupe is below grammar.Rules.Commit() # Commit the changes to the grammar grammar.CmdSetRuleState("rule", 1) # active grammar.Rules.Commit() else: grammar.DictationSetState(1) return Listener(context, grammar, callback) def _ensure_event_thread(): """ Make sure the eventthread is running, which checks the handlerqueue for new eventhandlers to create, and runs the message pump. """ global _eventthread if not _eventthread: def loop(): while _eventthread: pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages() if _handlerqueue: (context,listener,callback) = _handlerqueue.pop() # Just creating a _ListenerCallback object makes events # fire till listener loses reference to its grammar object _ListenerCallback(context, listener, callback) time.sleep(.5) _eventthread = 1 # so loop doesn't terminate immediately _eventthread = threading.Thread(target=loop, args=()).start()
from speech import say
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'speech'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'win32com'
pip install pywin32
speech会调用 win32com(即为pywin32)
import tkinter from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo from time import sleep from random import shuffle from itertools import cycle from threading import Thread from speech import say try : from speech import say has_speech = True except: has_speech = False root = tkinter.Tk() #窗口标题 root.title('随机提问')#窗口初始大小和位置 root.geometry( '260x180+400+300')#不允许改变窗口大小 root.resizable(False,False) #关闭程序时执行的函数代码,停止滚动显示学生名单 def closewindow( ): if rolling.get(): showinfo('不能关闭','请先停止名单滚动') return root.destroy() root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOw' , closewindow) #读取学生名单,如果不存在文件就使用模拟数据try : try: with open( '学生名单.txt' , encoding='utf8 ' ) as fp: students = fp.read( ).splitlines() except: showinfo('学生名单不存在', '当前目录中没有文件:学生名单.txt 临时使用模拟数据') students =['张三','李四','王五','赵六','周七','钱八'] #变量,用来控制是否滚动显示学生名单 rolling = tkinter.BooleanVar(root, value=False) def switch(): rolling.set(True) #随机打乱学生名单 t = students[ : ] shuffle(t) t = cycle(t) while rolling.get(): # 滚动显示 lbFirst[ 'text'] = lbSecond[ 'text' ] lbSecond[ 'text'] = lbThird[ 'text'] lbThird[ 'text'] = next(t) #数字可以修改,控制滚动速度 sleep(0.1) def btnStartClick(): # 每次单击“开始”按钮启动新线程 Thread(target=switch).start() btnStart[ 'state' ] = 'disabled' btnStop[ 'state' ] = 'normal' btnStart = tkinter.Button( root, text='开始', command=btnStartClick) btnStart.place(x=30,y=10,width=80,height=20) saying = tkinter.BooleanVar(root, value=False) def say_name(): while has_speech and saying.get(): say(f"请{lbSecond[ 'text' ].replace( ' ,','')}回答问题") def btnStopClick(): #单击“停”按钮结束滚动显示rolling.set(False) sleep(0.3) saying.set(True) Thread(target=say_name).start() showinfo('恭喜','本次中奖: '+lbSecond[ 'text' ]) saying.set(False) btnStart[ 'state' ] = 'normal' btnStop[ 'state' ] = 'disabled' btnStop = tkinter.Button(root,text='停', command=btnStopClick) btnStop[ 'state'] = 'disabled' btnStop.place(x=150,y=10, width=80,height=20) #用来滚动显示学生名单的3个Label组件 #可以根据需要进行添加,但要修改上面的线程函数代码 lbFirst = tkinter.Label(root, text='') lbFirst.place(x=80, y=60, width=100,height=20) #红色Label组件,表示中奖名单 lbSecond = tkinter.Label(root,text='') lbSecond[ 'fg' ] = 'red' lbSecond.place(x=80,y=90,width=100,height=20) lbThird = tkinter.Label(root,text='') lbThird.place(x=80,y=120,width=100,height=20) #启动tkinter主程序 root.mainloop()