• 记一则update 发生enq: TX



    SQL> select * from test;
        ID NAME
    ---------- --------------------------------
         2 b
        10 c
         1 b
    SQL> update test set id = 3 where name = 'c';
    1 row updated.


    SQL> update test set id = 4 where name = 'c';


    SQL>  select vw.sid,v.serial#, vw.event, vw.p1raw, vw.p2, v.username, sql_id  from v$session_wait vw, v$session v where vw.sid = v.sid   and vw.event not like '%message%' order by 3 desc; 
           SID    SERIAL# EVENT                                              P1RAW                    P2 USERNAME        SQL_ID
    ---------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------- --------------- -------------
            13          1 smon timer                                         000000000000012C          0
             2          1 pmon timer                                         000000000000012C          0
            40          7 i/o slave wait                                     0000000091605340          0
            42         23 i/o slave wait                                     0000000091605340          0
            36         23 enq: TX - row lock contention                      0000000054580006     196608 ELAN            53msja8m8hbcw
             4          1 VKTM Logical Idle Wait                             00                        0
            31          3 Streams AQ: waiting for time management or cleanup 00                        0
            18         15 Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait                    0000000000000001          0
            25          9 Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle wait              00                        0
            33         43 Space Manager: slave idle wait                     00                        0
             8          1 DIAG idle wait                                     0000000000000005          1
             6          1 DIAG idle wait                                     0000000000000005          1
    12 rows selected.



    SELECT DECODE(request,0,'Holder: ','Waiter: ')||sid sess, id1, id2, lmode, request, type   FROM V$LOCK   WHERE (id1, id2, type) IN(SELECT id1, id2, type FROM V$LOCK         WHERE request>0)  ORDER BY id1, request;
    SESS                                                    ID1        ID2      LMODE    REQUEST TY
    ------------------------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --
    Holder: 46                                           196608        786          6          0 TX
    Waiter: 36                                           196608        786          0          6 TX


    在oracle官方的支持文档中可以看到对于该模式的描述   exclusive 独占(X):独立访问使用,exclusive,通常发生在Alter table, Drop table, Drop Index, Truncate table, Lock Exclusive


     SELECT   /*+ ORDERED */         a.SQL_TEXT    FROM v$sqltext a   WHERE (a.hash_value, a.address) IN (            SELECT DECODE (sql_hash_value,        0, prev_hash_value,                            sql_hash_value                          ),                   DECODE (sql_hash_value, 0, prev_sql_addr, sql_address)            FROM v$session b              where b.SID = 46)              order by a.PIECE
    update test set id = 3 where name = 'c'


    select sid,serial#,machine,CLIENT_INFO from v$session where sid = 
      2  '46';
           SID    SERIAL# MACHINE                                                          CLIENT_INFO
    ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
            46         67 elan


    等待持有锁的会话commit或者rollback。 通常为会话1在某行上执行 update/delete 未提交,会话2对同一行数据进行 update/delete,或其它原因(例如SQL性能差)造成的锁释放速度缓慢或网络问题,都会造成后续的会话进入队列等待




    SQL> ORADEBUG setmypid
    Statement processed.
    SQL> oradebug unlimit;
    Statement processed.
    SQL> oradebug hanganalyze 3
    Hang Analysis in /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/elan/elan/trace/elan_ora_6322.trc

    HANG ANALYSIS基本信息,摘录部分信息如下

    Chain 1:
        Oracle session identified by: --阻塞会话信息
                    instance: 1 (elan.elan)
                       os id: 6337
                  process id: 27, oracle@elan (TNS V1-V3)
                  session id: 36
            session serial #: 23
        is waiting for 'enq: TX - row lock contention' with wait info:
                          p1: 'name|mode'=0x54580006
                          p2: 'usn<<16 | slot'=0x30000
                          p3: 'sequence'=0x312
                time in wait: 19 min 57 sec
               timeout after: never
                     wait id: 24
                    blocking: 0 sessions  --此处显示当前会话没有阻塞的session,说明是被阻塞会话
                 current sql: update test set id = 4 where name = 'c'
                wait history:
                  * time between current wait and wait #1: 0.000966 sec
                  1.       event: 'db file sequential read'
                     time waited: 0.000178 sec
                         wait id: 23              p1: 'file#'=0x5
                                                  p2: 'block#'=0x8a
                     time waited: 0.000040 sec
                         wait id: 22              p1: 'FileOperation'=0x2
                                                  p2: 'fileno'=0x5
                                                  p3: 'filetype'=0x2
                  * time between wait #2 and #3: 0.001004 sec
                  3.       event: 'SQL*Net message from client'
                     time waited: 17.589536 sec
                         wait id: 21              p1: 'driver id'=0x62657100
                                                  p2: '#bytes'=0x1
        and is blocked by
     => Oracle session identified by:
                    instance: 1 (elan.elan)
                       os id: 6336
                  process id: 25, oracle@elan (TNS V1-V3)
                  session id: 46    --会话session
            session serial #: 67
        which is waiting for 'SQL*Net message from client' with wait info:
                          p1: 'driver id'=0x62657100
                          p2: '#bytes'=0x1
                time in wait: 20 min 21 sec
               timeout after: never
                     wait id: 25
                    blocking: 1 session  --此处显示被阻塞的会话数是1,也证明是锁会话持有者
                 current sql: <none>
                 short stack: ksedsts()+465<-ksdxfstk()+32<-ksdxcb()+1927<-sspuser()+112<-__sighandler()<-read()+14<-ntpfprd()+117<-nsbasic_brc()+376<-nsbrecv()+69<-nioqrc()+495<-opikndf2()+978<-opitsk()+831<-opiino()+969<-opiodr()+917<-opidrv()+570<-sou2o()+103<-opimai_real()+133<-ssthrdmain()+265<-main()+201<-__libc_start_main()+253
                wait history:
                  * time between current wait and wait #1: 0.000003 sec
                  1.       event: 'SQL*Net message to client'
                     time waited: 0.000001 sec
                         wait id: 24              p1: 'driver id'=0x62657100
                                                  p2: '#bytes'=0x1
                  * time between wait #1 and #2: 0.000069 sec
                  2.       event: 'Disk file operations I/O'
                     time waited: 0.000040 sec
                         wait id: 23              p1: 'FileOperation'=0x2
                                                  p2: 'fileno'=0x3
                                                  p3: 'filetype'=0x2
                  * time between wait #2 and #3: 0.000287 sec


    通过上述分析:大概可以得出sid=36因为请求enq: TX - row lock contention(TX mode=6)被sid=46阻塞


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/elanjie/p/12015990.html
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