• 算法大全源码

    冒泡排序 bubble sorting

            int t;

              int[] a ={21,56,64,94,97,123};

              for(int j =a.Length-1;j>0;j--)

              {  for(int i =0;i<j;i++)

                 { if(a[i]>a[i+1])

                  { t =a[i];



                  } } }

              for(int u =0;u<a.Length;u++)

             Console.WriteLine(a[u]);    结果:21,56,64,94,97,123


            int temp;                 

              int[] a={56,66,5,1230,87,95};

              for(int i =0;i<(a.Length+1)/2;i++)

              {  if(a[i]>a[a.Length-1-i])

                 {  temp =a[i];

                     a[i] =a[a.Length-1-i];

                     a[a.Length-1-i] =temp;



              int max =a[a.Length-1],min =a[0];

              for(int i=0;i<(a.Length+1)/2;i++)

              {    if(min>a[i])

                  min =a[i];


              for(int i =(a.Length+1)/2;i<a.Length;i++)

              {    if(max<a[i])

                  max =a[i];


              Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}",min,max);   结果:5,1230


            int[] a={1,5,9,7};

              int[] b=new int[10];

              for(int i=0;i<a.Length;i++)


              for(int j=0;j<b.Length;j++)


                     Console.WriteLine(j);     结果:1,5,7,9


            int[] r={12,2,6,65,42};

               for(int i=1;i<r.Length;i++)

              {  int t;


                 int j;

                 for(j=i-1;j>=0 && r[j]>t;j--)


                 for(int k=i;k>j+1;k--)




              for(int f=0;f<r.Length;f++)

                 Console.WriteLine(r[f]);    结果:2,6,12,42,65

    QuickSort   快速排序

            static void QuickSort(int[] a,int start,int end)

              {  int i=start,j=end;

                 int pivot = a[i];


                 {  while(i<j && pivot<=a[j])


                     a[i] = a[j];

                     while(i<j && a[i]<=pivot)




                 a[i] = pivot;






          static void Main(string[] args)

          {  int[] x={87,56,5,13,5,12,};


              for(int i=0;i<x.Length;i++)


           }    结果:5,5,12,13,56,87

    MergeSort  归并排序

            static void MergeSort(int[] a,int s,int e)

              {  if(s>=e) return;





          static void Merge(int[] a,int s,int mid, int e)

          {  int[] b=new int[a.Length];

              for(int w=0;w<a.Length;w++)


              int i=s;

              int j=mid+1;

              int k=s;

              while(i<=mid && j<=e)

              {  if(b[i]<b[j])

                     a[k++] = b[i++];


                     a[k++] = b[j++];



                 a[k++] = b[i++];


                 a[k++] = b[j++];


          static void Main(string[] args)

          {  int[] a={34,2,5,66,87,99};


              for(int i=0;i<a.Length;i++)


          }    结果:2,5,34,66,87,99


    // 二叉查找树节点 Binary search tree node

       public class BinarySearchTreeNode

       { public int key;// 二叉查找树节点的值

          public BinarySearchTreeNode left;// 二叉查找树节点的左子节点

          public BinarySearchTreeNode right;// 二叉查找树节点的右子节点

          /// 二叉查找树节点构造函数

          public BinarySearchTreeNode(int nodeValue)

          {  key = nodeValue;//nodeValue 节点的值

              left = null; right = null;


          /// 插入节点

          public void InsertNode(BinarySearchTreeNode node)

          {  if(node.key > this.key)

              {  if(this.right == null)

                 {  this.right = node;//node插入的节点







              {  if(this.left == null)

                 {  this.left = node; return; }





          /// 二叉查找树查询

          public bool SearchKey(int searchValue)

          { if(this.key == searchValue)//searchValue需要查询的值

                 return true;// 是否找到查询的值

              if(searchValue > this.key)

              {  if(this.right == null) return false;


                     return this.right.SearchKey(searchValue);



              {  if(this.left == null)  return false;


                     return this.left.SearchKey(searchValue);



          // 中序遍历

          public void MiddleDisplay()

          { if(this.left != null)



              if(this.right != null)



          // 前序遍历

          public void FrontDisplay()

          { Console.WriteLine(this.key);

              if(this.left != null)


              if(this.right != null)



          // 后序遍历

          public void BehindDisplay()

          {  if(this.left != null)


              if(this.right != null)





       /// 二叉查找树

       public class BinarySearchTree

       {  private BinarySearchTreeNode root;

          /// 生成一个二叉查找树

           public BinarySearchTree()

          {  root = nul; }

          /// 生成一个二叉查找树

          /// <param name="nodeValue">二叉查找树根节点的值</param>

          public BinarySearchTree(int nodeValue)

          { root = new BinarySearchTreeNode(nodeValue); }

          /// 在二叉查找树上插入一个节点

          /// <param name="nodeValue">插入节点的值</param>

          public void InsertBinarySearchTreeNode(int nodeValue)

          {   BinarySearchTreeNode insertNode = new BinarySearchTreeNode(nodeValue);

                        if(root == null)

              { root = insertNode;







          /// 在二叉查找树上查询一个数

          /// <param name="searchValue">需要查询的值</param>

          /// <returns>是否找到查询的值</returns>

          public bool SearchKey(int searchValue)

          { if(root.key == searchValue)  return true;


                 return root.SearchKey(searchValue);


          /// 二叉查找树中序遍历

          public void MiddleDisplay()

          { root.MiddeleDisplay(); return; }

          /// 二叉查找树前序遍历

          public void FrontDisplay()

          { root.FrontDisplay(); return; }

          /// 二叉查找树后序遍历

          public void BehindDisplay()

          {  root.BehindDisplay(); return; }

          /// 二叉查找树排序

          /// <param name="a">需要排序的数组</param>

          public static void BinarySearchTreeSort(int [] a)

          { BinarySearchTree t = new BinarySearchTree();

              for(int i = 0; i < a.Length; i ++)



          }/// 二叉查找树查找

          /// <param name="a">进行查找的数组</param>

          /// <param name="searchKey">需要查找的树</param>

          public static bool BinarySearchTreeSearch(int [] a, int searchKey)

          {  BinarySearchTree t = new BinarySearchTree();

              for(int i = 0; i < a.Length; i ++)


              return t.SearchKey(searchKey);



    namespace 二叉树

    {  class Node

       {  int n;

           public Node(int x)

           {  n=x; }

           public Node Left;

           public Node Right;

           public void Insert(Node node)

           {  if(node.n > this.n)

               {  if(this.Right == null)

                       this.Right = node;


                       this.Right.Insert(node);  }


               {  if(this.Left == null)

                   { this.Left = node; }


                   { this.Left.Insert(node); }  }  }   //递归

           public void Show()

           {  Console.WriteLine(n); } }

       class BinaryTree

       {  Node root; 

           public void GenerateTree(Node node) //高内聚,低耦合

           {  if(root == null)

               {  root = node; return; }//如果树是空,第一次加节点



           public void ShowInOrder(Node node) //中序遍历(in order):左中右。先(前)序遍历(pre order):中左右。后序遍历(post order):左右中。

           {  if(node == null) return;//递归必须有个终止条件,递归方法中一定要接受参数





           public void Show()

           {  ShowInOrder(root); }


       class A

       {  static void Main()

           {  BinaryTree b = new BinaryTree();

               Node node = new Node(5);


               node = new Node(13);


               node = new Node(6);


               node = new Node(26);


               node = new Node(7);


               b.Show();  }  }  }   结果:5,6,7,13,26


       class Node

       { int a;

          public Node(int a) 

          {  this.a=a; }

          public int A      

          {get{return a;}  set{a=value;} }

          public Node next;


       class LinkedList

       { Node header;

          public void Generate(int x)

          {  if(header==null)

                 header=new Node(x);


              {  Node n = new Node(x);

                 if(n.A < header.A)

                 {  n.next = header;




                 Node tmp=header;

                 Node t=header;

                 while(tmp.A < n.A)

                 {  t=tmp; //为了下一次循环









          public void Out()

          {  Node tmp=header;


              {  Console.WriteLine(tmp.A);

                 tmp = tmp.next;

              } } }

       class Test

       {  static void Main()

          {  LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();






          }  }  }


       class Link           //this class reverse the LinkedList

       { public int a;

          public Link next;


       class createLink    //the class create the LinkedList


          Link header=null;

          Link p = null;

          Link temp = null;

          Link l=null;      //Link k=null;

          Link g=null;

          public void create()

          { string str;

              int i;

              Console.WriteLine("Please enter number:");



              { i=Convert.ToInt32(str);

                 temp=new Link();










                 { p.next=temp;



                 Console.WriteLine("please enter number:");




          public void display()

          {  while(header!=null)

              {  Console.WriteLine(header.a);




          public void reversed() // the mothod reversed the LinkedList

          { Link k=null;

              Link tmp=null;

              Link com =null;




              {  //           if(com==null)

    //            com=header;



                 {  header.next=null;









          public void show()

          {  while(l!=null)

              {  Console.WriteLine(l.a);


              } } }

       class Tester

       {  static void Main()

          {  createLink cl=new createLink();





          } } }

    Stack 栈

       class Node

       { int a;

          public Node(int a)

          {  this.a=a; }

          public int A

          { get{return a;} set{a=value;} }

          public Node next;


       class LinkedList

       { protected Node header;

          public void Generate(int x)

          {  if(header==null)

                 header=new Node(x);


              {  Node n = new Node(x);





          public void Out()

          {  Node tmp=header;


              {  Console.WriteLine(tmp.A);

                 tmp = tmp.next;

              } } }

       class Stack : LinkedList

       {  public void Push(int x)

          {  this.Generate(x); }

          public int Pop()

          { if(this.header == null)

                 return -1; // empty stack

              int n = header.A;

              header = header.next;

              return n;



       class Test

       {  static void Main()

          {  Stack ss = new Stack();





              int i = ss.Pop();

              while(i != -1)

              {  Console.WriteLine(i);

                 i = ss.Pop();

              } } } }




            ArrayList al;

              al =new ArrayList();

              string s = Console.ReadLine();

              while(s !="q")

              { al.Add(s);

                 s = Console.ReadLine();


              for(int i=0;i<al.Count;i++)



               int[] a;

                 Console.WriteLine("Pls input len:");

                 int len = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                 a = new int[len];

                 Console.WriteLine("Pls input array");

                 for(int i=0;i<len;i++)

                 {  a[i]=Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); }

                 for(int j=0;j<a.Length;j++)


                 for(int k=0;k<a.Length;k++)

                 {  if(a[0]<a[k])


                   }  Console.WriteLine(a[0]);


              int fac (int n) 

              {  if(n==0) return 1;

                 return n*fac(n-1);



              int fib (int n) 

              {  if(n==1) return 1;

                 if(n==2) return 1;

                 return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2);



              public int Fac(int n)

              {  if(n==1) return 1;

                 return n+Fac(n-1);


          static void Main()

          {  math f=new math();

              int s=f.Fac(100);




              static int fib(int n)

              {  if(n==1) return 1;

                 if(n==2) return 1;

                 return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2);


             static void Main(string[] args)

             {  int t=0;

                 for(int i=1;i<25;i++)

              {  t=fib(i);


              } }


              static void Hanoi(string X, string Y,string Z,int n)

              {  if(n==1)

                 {  Console.WriteLine(X + "-->" +Z);



                 Hanoi (X,Z,Y,n-1);


                 Hanoi (Y,X,Z,n-1);


          static void Main(string[] args)

          { Hanoi("A","B","C",5); }


              for(int i=100;i<1000;i++)

              {  int a=i/100; int c=i; int b=((i-c)/10);





                 class A

                 {  static void Main()

                     {  StringBuilder a=new StringBuilder();

                        a.Append ("asa");

                        a.Append ("www");

                        string s=a.ToString();



                 }      结果:asawww


                 class A

                 {  private int v;

                     A(int x)

                     { v=x; }

                     public int V

                     { get{return v;}  }

                     static A c=null;

                     public static A fun(int n)

                     {  if(c==null)

                          c=new A(n);

                        return c;



                 class B

                 {  static void Main(string[] args)

                     {  A c=A.fun(2);





                 }      结果:2,2



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    IDEA操作——Intellij IDEA 无法找到引入的包和类
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ecollab/p/2639838.html
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