var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({//v1.0 above do not use 'SMTP' as first param host: "", port: 25, name:"", tls: { rejectUnauthorized:false, }, auth: { user: user, pass: password } }); // setup e-mail data with unicode symbols var mailOptions = { date: new Date(), from: '', // sender address to: ',,', // list of receivers subject: title, // Subject line text:content, html: '<div>'+content.replace(/[ ]+/g,'<br />')+'</div>' // html body }; var msg = yield function(fn){ // send mail with defined transport object transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, info){ var msg=''; if(error){ msg = 'sendMail fail>>>'+error; } msg = 'Message sent: ' + (info&&info.response); transporter.close(); fn(error,msg); }); }
KOA 项目内,使用 co 框架扁平化回调函数