1. 安装SVN客户端,从Apache OFBiz Source Repository获取OFBIZ下载地址。此处以12.04为例,下载地址为http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ofbiz/branches/release12.04/:
2. 安装JDK 1.6,不是JRE。注意,ofbiz 13.07必须安装JDK 1.7才可以。
3. 安装OFBIZ演示数据:
$ ant load-demo
4. 启动OFBIZ:
$ ant start
Once OFBiz starts, you can look at the demo storefront at: http://localhost:8080/ecommerce the back office at: https://localhost:8443/ordermgr and the administration interface at: https://localhost:8443/webtools You can log in with the user "admin" and password "ofbiz".
$ ant -p