• PX4 FMU [12] RC_Channel [转载]

    PX4 FMU [12] RC_Channel

    PX4 FMU [12] RC_Channel
                                                                                 -------- 转载请注明出处 
                                                                                 -------- 更多笔记请访问我的博客:merafour.blog.163.com 

                                                                                 -------- 2014-12-25.冷月追风

                                                                                 -------- email:merafour@163.com 

    1. setup  
        在前一篇笔记中我们把 RC_Channel一笔带过了。但其实如果你到 "ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/"目录下去看你会看到: 

    radiolink@ubuntu:~/apm$ ls ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/
    examples  RC_Channel_aux.cpp  RC_Channel_aux.h  RC_Channel.cpp  RC_Channel.h

    所以这里也有一个示例教你怎么使用 RC_Channel。完整路径为: "ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/examples/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.pde"。 

    #define CH_1 0
    #define CH_2 1
    #define CH_3 2
    #define CH_4 3
    #define CH_5 4
    #define CH_6 5
    #define CH_7 6
    #define CH_8 7
    const AP_HAL::HAL& hal = AP_HAL_BOARD_DRIVER;

    RC_Channel rc_1(CH_1);
    RC_Channel rc_2(CH_2);
    RC_Channel rc_3(CH_3);
    RC_Channel rc_4(CH_4);
    RC_Channel rc_5(CH_5);
    RC_Channel rc_6(CH_6);
    RC_Channel rc_7(CH_7);
    RC_Channel rc_8(CH_8);
    RC_Channel *rc = &rc_1;

    实际上 RC_Channel很容易让人误以为它是遥控器的输入,但从前一篇笔记中我们看到其实不是。这一段就是定义了八个 RC_Channel变量,也就是可以处理八个通道数据。 

    void setup()
        hal.console->println("ArduPilot RC Channel test");



        // set type of output, symmetrical angles or a number range;
        // XXX BROKEN

        // XXX BROKEN






        for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {

    set_range函数跟 set_range函数前面我们已经接触过了,用来设置范围的,就不重复去看了。而 set_default_dead_zone函数根据经验是用来设置死区的。要证明这点其实也简单,我们只需跟踪代码即可。 

    void RC_Channel::set_default_dead_zone(int16_t dzone)
        if (!_dead_zone.load()) {
    radiolink@ubuntu:~/apm$ grep -nr _dead_zone ./ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/
    ./ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/examples/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.pde:71:    rc_1.set_default_dead_zone(80);
    ./ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/examples/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.pde:75:    rc_2.set_default_dead_zone(80);
    ./ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/examples/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.pde:79:    rc_3.set_default_dead_zone(20);
    ./ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/examples/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.pde:82:    rc_4.set_default_dead_zone(500);
    ./ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp:73:    // Note: index 4 was used by the previous _dead_zone value. We
    ./ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp:84:    AP_GROUPINFO("DZ",   5, RC_Channel, _dead_zone, 0),
    ./ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp:115:RC_Channel::set_default_dead_zone(int16_t dzone)
    ./ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp:117:    if (!_dead_zone.load()) {
    ./ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp:118:        _dead_zone.set(abs(dzone));
    ./ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp:241:        int16_t radio_trim_low  = radio_min + _dead_zone;
    ./ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp:258:    _dead_zone.load();
    ./ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp:268:    _dead_zone.save();
    ./ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp:315:    returnpwm_to_angle_dz(_dead_zone);
    ./ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.cpp:358:    returnpwm_to_range_dz(_dead_zone);
    ./ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.h:59:    void        set_default_dead_zone(int16_t dzone);
    ./ardupilot/libraries/RC_Channel/RC_Channel.h:143:    AP_Int16        _dead_zone;

    稍加分析我们就能够发现我们要去查看的其实也就是那两个 return语句。 

      return an "angle in centidegrees" (normally -4500 to 4500) from
      the current radio_in value
    int16_t RC_Channel::pwm_to_angle()
        return pwm_to_angle_dz(_dead_zone);
      convert a pulse width modulation value to a value in the configured

    int16_t RC_Channel::pwm_to_range() 

         return pwm_to_range_dz(_dead_zone); 


      return an "angle in centidegrees" (normally -4500 to 4500) from
      the current radio_in value using the specified dead_zone
    int16_t RC_Channel::pwm_to_angle_dz(uint16_t dead_zone)
        int16_t radio_trim_high = radio_trim + dead_zone;
        int16_t radio_trim_low  = radio_trim - dead_zone;

        // prevent div by 0
        if ((radio_trim_low - radio_min) == 0 || (radio_max - radio_trim_high) == 0)
            return 0;

        if(radio_in > radio_trim_high) {
            return _reverse * ((long)_high * (long)(radio_in - radio_trim_high)) / (long)(radio_max  - radio_trim_high);
        }else if(radio_in < radio_trim_low) {
            return _reverse * ((long)_high * (long)(radio_in - radio_trim_low)) / (long)(radio_trim_low - radio_min);
            return 0;

    稍加分析我们就会知道这是量程映射,而且其中有那么一段映射完后值始终为 0,这一段便是死区。那么最后还剩下三个函数: setup_radio、print_radio_values和 read_radio。 

    void print_radio_values()
        for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
             hal.console->printf("CH%u: %u|%u ",


    PX4 FMU [12] RC_Channel - Lonelys - 越长大越孤单  越长大越不安


    这是我们校准成功时的一个截图,那么我就有理由认为 hal.console就是跟上位机通信的那个串口。下面我们来看另外一个函数: 

    void setup_radio(void)
        hal.console->println(" Radio Setup:");
        uint8_t i;
        for(i = 0; i < 100;i++){
        rc_1.radio_min = rc_1.radio_in;
        rc_2.radio_min = rc_2.radio_in;
        rc_3.radio_min = rc_3.radio_in;
        rc_4.radio_min = rc_4.radio_in;
        rc_5.radio_min = rc_5.radio_in;
        rc_6.radio_min = rc_6.radio_in;
        rc_7.radio_min = rc_7.radio_in;
        rc_8.radio_min = rc_8.radio_in;

        rc_1.radio_max = rc_1.radio_in;
        rc_2.radio_max = rc_2.radio_in;
        rc_3.radio_max = rc_3.radio_in;
        rc_4.radio_max = rc_4.radio_in;
        rc_5.radio_max = rc_5.radio_in;
        rc_6.radio_max = rc_6.radio_in;
        rc_7.radio_max = rc_7.radio_in;
        rc_8.radio_max = rc_8.radio_in;

        rc_1.radio_trim = rc_1.radio_in;
        rc_2.radio_trim = rc_2.radio_in;
        rc_4.radio_trim = rc_4.radio_in;
        // 3 is not trimed
        rc_5.radio_trim = 1500;
        rc_6.radio_trim = 1500;
        rc_7.radio_trim = 1500;
        rc_8.radio_trim = 1500;
        hal.console->println(" Move all controls to each extreme. Hit Enter to save:");
            // Filters radio input - adjust filters in the radio.pde file
            // ----------------------------------------------------------

            if(hal.console->available() > 0) {
                hal.console->println("Radio calibrated, Showing control values:");

    这个函数虽然不短,但它其实就只是获取最大值和最小值。说白了这就是用来校准遥控器的。而 read_radio函数就是用来读取遥控器数据。但我们知道,连接遥控器的是 io,所以 read_radio肯定是通过跟 io通信的方式获取数据的。但这里有个地方让我觉得很奇怪,为什么 3通道没有 " radio_trim"?结合 pwm_to_angle_dz函数我觉得比较合理的解释是 " radio_trim"是通道的中点,而三通是油门通道,不需要对中点进行处理,故而不需要中点。 

    void read_radio()

    前面我们在 AP_Motors_test函数中看到给 RC_Channel传值是通过 servo_out进行的,但这里我们看到了另外一种方式,即 set_pwm函数。 

    // read input from APM_RC - create a control_in value
    void RC_Channel::set_pwm(int16_t pwm)
        radio_in = pwm;

        if (_type == RC_CHANNEL_TYPE_RANGE) {
            control_in = pwm_to_range();
        } else {
            control_in = pwm_to_angle();

    这里调用的 pwm_to_range跟 pwm_to_angle函数其实就是我们前面看到的,在这里其实就是处理死区跟映射。如果是三通最后是调用 pwm_to_range_dz函数来完成的。 

      convert a pulse width modulation value to a value in the configured
      range, using the specified deadzone
    int16_t RC_Channel::pwm_to_range_dz(uint16_t dead_zone)
        int16_t r_in = constrain_int16(radio_in, radio_min.get(), radio_max.get());

        if (_reverse == -1) {
            r_in = radio_max.get() - (r_in - radio_min.get());

        int16_t radio_trim_low  = radio_min + dead_zone;

        if (r_in > radio_trim_low)
            return (_low + ((long)(_high - _low) * (long)(r_in - radio_trim_low)) / (long)(radio_max - radio_trim_low));
        else if (dead_zone > 0)
            return 0;
            return _low;

    经过对比我们看到该函数只是把数据映射到 [_high - _low], 但并没有使用中点数据。那么我们很容易想到 "hal.rcin->read"函数就是用来读遥控器数据的了。那么这个我们还得从 hal说起。 

    2. hal  

        如果我们回到 HAL_PX4的构造函数: 

    HAL_PX4::HAL_PX4() :
            &uartADriver,  /* uartA */
            &uartBDriver,  /* uartB */
            &uartCDriver,  /* uartC */
            &uartDDriver,  /* uartD */
            &uartEDriver,  /* uartE */
            &i2cDriver, /* i2c */
            &spiDeviceManager, /* spi */
            &analogIn, /* analogin */
            &storageDriver, /* storage */
            &uartADriver, /* console */
            &gpioDriver, /* gpio */
            &rcinDriver,  /* rcinput */
            &rcoutDriver, /* rcoutput */
            &schedulerInstance, /* scheduler */
            &utilInstance) /* util */
    static PX4RCInput rcinDriver;

    我们看到其中有一个 "rcinput",它其实就是 "hal.rcin"。类定义为: 

    #include <pthread.h>

    class PX4::PX4RCInput : public AP_HAL::RCInput {
        void init(void* machtnichts);
        bool new_input();
        uint8_t num_channels();
        uint16_t read(uint8_t ch);
        uint8_t read(uint16_t* periods, uint8_t len);

        bool set_overrides(int16_t *overrides, uint8_t len);
        bool set_override(uint8_t channel, int16_t override);
        void clear_overrides();

        void _timer_tick(void);

        /* override state */
        uint16_t _override[RC_INPUT_MAX_CHANNELS];
        struct rc_input_values _rcin;
        int _rc_sub;
        uint64_t _last_read;
        bool _override_valid;
        perf_counter_t _perf_rcin;
        pthread_mutex_t rcin_mutex;

    我们看到它其实有两个 read函数。我们也需要注意这里这个头文件: " pthread.h",区区一个头文件为什么值得特别注意呢?因为该头文件表明这个类会去创建任务。其中 _timer_tick函数应该就是这个任务需要执行的函数。而由于该函数不是私有的,所以它可能是由外部进行调用的。 
        那么下面我们就不妨去看看这两个 read函数。 

    uint16_t PX4RCInput::read(uint8_t ch) 
        if (ch >= RC_INPUT_MAX_CHANNELS) {
            return 0;
        _last_read = _rcin.timestamp_last_signal;
        _override_valid = false;
        if (_override[ch]) {
                uint16_t v = _override[ch];
                return v;
        if (ch >= _rcin.channel_count) {
                return 0;
        uint16_t v = _rcin.values[ch];
            return v;

    uint8_t PX4RCInput::read(uint16_t* periods, uint8_t len) 
        if (len > RC_INPUT_MAX_CHANNELS) {
            len = RC_INPUT_MAX_CHANNELS;
        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++){
            periods[i] = read(i);
        return len;

    最后数据来自 _override跟 _rcin.values,那这两个家伙又是什么呢?我们一个个来跟踪。 

    bool PX4RCInput::set_overrides(int16_t *overrides, uint8_t len) 
        bool res = false;
        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            res |= set_override(i, overrides[i]);
        return res;

    PX4RCInput::set_override(uint8_t channel, int16_t override) {
        if (override < 0) {
            return false; /* -1: no change. */
        if (channel >= RC_INPUT_MAX_CHANNELS) {
            return false;
        _override[channel] = override;
        if (override != 0) {
            _override_valid = true;
            return true;
        return false;
    radiolink@ubuntu:~/apm$ grep -nr set_overrides ./ |grep rcin 
    ./ardupilot/ArduCopter/GCS_Mavlink.pde:1046:        hal.rcin->set_overrides(v, 8); 
    所以这个就是校准的时候获取的数据。由于我们是从 io获取数据,所以我们的数据来自 _rcin.values。它是在 _timer_tick函数中把数据放进去的: 

    void PX4RCInput::_timer_tick(void)
        bool rc_updated = false;
        if (orb_check(_rc_sub, &rc_updated) == 0 && rc_updated) {
                orb_copy(ORB_ID(input_rc), _rc_sub, &_rcin);
            // note, we rely on the vehicle code checking new_input() 
            // and a timeout for the last valid input to handle failsafe

    折腾了半天又是 ORB。但 ORB究竟是什么我却始终未能参透。 

    int orb_copy(const struct orb_metadata *meta, int handle, void *buffer)
        int ret;

        ret = read(handle, buffer, meta->o_size);

        if (ret < 0)
            return ERROR;

        if (ret != (int)meta->o_size) {
            errno = EIO;
            return ERROR;

        return OK;

    从 orb_copy函数使用 read接口操作 _rc_sub来看 _rc_sub应该是一个文件描述符。 

    void PX4RCInput::init(void* unused)
        _perf_rcin = perf_alloc(PC_ELAPSED, "APM_rcin");
        _rc_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(input_rc));
        if (_rc_sub == -1) {
            hal.scheduler->panic("Unable to subscribe to input_rc");        
            pthread_mutex_init(&rcin_mutex, NULL);

    orb_subscribe(const struct orb_metadata *meta)
        return node_open(PUBSUB, meta, nullptr, false);
     * Common implementation for orb_advertise and orb_subscribe. 
     * Handles creation of the object and the initial publication for 
     * advertisers. 
    int node_open(Flavor f, const struct orb_metadata *meta, const void *data, bool advertiser) 

        char path[orb_maxpath]; 
        int fd, ret; 

         * If meta is null, the object was not defined, i.e. it is not 
         * known to the system.  We can't advertise/subscribe such a thing. 
        if (nullptr == meta) { 
            errno = ENOENT; 
            return ERROR; 

         * Advertiser must publish an initial value. 
        if (advertiser && (data == nullptr)) { 
            errno = EINVAL; 
            return ERROR; 

         * Generate the path to the node and try to open it. 
        ret = node_mkpath(path, f, meta); 

        if (ret != OK) { 
            errno = -ret; 
            return ERROR; 

        /* open the path as either the advertiser or the subscriber */ 
        fd = open(path, (advertiser) ? O_WRONLY : O_RDONLY); 

        /* we may need to advertise the node... */ 
        if (fd < 0) { 

            /* try to create the node */ 
            ret = node_advertise(meta); 

            /* on success, try the open again */ 
            if (ret == OK) 
                fd = open(path, (advertiser) ? O_WRONLY : O_RDONLY); 

        if (fd < 0) { 
            errno = EIO; 
            return ERROR; 

        /* everything has been OK, we can return the handle now */ 
        return fd; 

    代码跟踪到这里我们发现它直接就去 open了一个文件(应该是设备文件),但总不可能凭空产生一个文件吧,而且就算是凭空产生了一个文件,那 read操作也不可能成功啊。而且这里面为什么要两次 open操作? node_advertise函数有到底有什么密码呢?根据注释 " try to create the node"我觉得 node_advertise函数应该会去创建一个 node,但 node指的是设备文件吗? 

     * Advertise a node; don't consider it an error if the node has
     * already been advertised.
     * @todo verify that the existing node is the same as the one
     *       we tried to advertise.
    int node_advertise(const struct orb_metadata *meta)
        int fd = -1;
        int ret = ERROR;

        /* open the control device */
        fd = open(TOPIC_MASTER_DEVICE_PATH, 0);

        if (fd < 0)
            goto out;

        /* advertise the object */
        ret = ioctl(fd, ORBIOCADVERTISE, (unsigned long)(uintptr_t)meta);

        /* it's OK if it already exists */
        if ((OK != ret) && (EEXIST == errno))
            ret = OK;


        if (fd >= 0)

        return ret;

    真是一波未平一波又起啊,旧的文件都没搞明白,新的文件又出现了。而且貌似这里也没有去创建设备文件啊。那难道是由 TOPIC_MASTER_DEVICE_PATH这个设备来完成的吗?也只有这样能够解释得通了。详细的我们就后面再来专门讨论了。 

    3. loop 


    void loop()

    其中 read_radio函数我们前面已经看过了, debug_rcin函数跟 print_pwm函数现在来看就简单多了。瞧: 

    void debug_rcin() {
        uint16_t channels[8];
        hal.rcin->read(channels, 8);
            PSTR("rcin: %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u "),

        for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
            hal.console->printf("ch%u: %4d ", (unsigned)i+1, (int)rc[i].control_in);
        hal.console->printf(" ");
    两个函数都是在向上位机传递数据,区别在于 debug_rcin传的是原始数据,print_pwm传的是映射后的数据。 
        关于这个测试程序就这命多了,下面我们还是赶紧来看看 ORB到底是怎么回事吧。 

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/eastgeneral/p/10879626.html
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