• Power BI Report Server Installation steps including configuration


    2.1      Download the latest Power BI Report Server from Microsoft official website



    2.2      Install Power BI Report Server on windows server

    1)    Put the installation package to the server

    2)    Double click the package >> Choose Enther the product key:

    3)    Fill in the key: 2YCYN-3PFBG-3CC7W-V2DQG-8T2R2 >> Click Next button.


     4)    Click ‘I accept the license terms’ > Click Next button


     5)    Click Next button >


     6)    Click Install button


     7)    Set up Completed


     2.3      Power BI Report Server Configuration

    1)    Connect the Power BI DB server and create a system admin account(sql server sysadmin role account). Can name it as SDCPowerBIAdmin.

     2)    Click the Configure report server button in the above capture >> Click on the “Web Service URL” from in the left menu >> Select IP Address >> choose your HTTPS cert > Click Apply button.

     3)    If the Https cert can’t display,  need open the certificate list under the server, input “MMC” command on the Win+R textbox. Check whether has certificate under “Personal”>”Certificate”, if no,there need re-install the certificate

     4)    Click OK button in the pop up window.




    8)    Click on the “Database” in the left menu >> Click the Change database button.


     9)    Choose “Create a new report server database” in the pop up window>> Click Next button.


     10) Fill in the report database server and account information >> Test Connection (if the test is pass) >> Next


     11) Click Next button.


     12) Fill in the DB account information again >> Click Next button.


     13) Click Next button.


     14) Click Finish button.

    15)  Click on “Web portal URL” in the left menu> Click Apply button.


     Click OK button in the pop up window.


     2.4      Add one domain account to the web server’s local admin.    

    这一步一定要在配置完Power BI Report Server时再添加域账号,不然会影响下一步访问Power BI Web Portal url,设置角色权限和“Manage folder”

    3       Testing Procedure


    3.1      Testing Scenarios

    1)    Open chrome with the new Incognito window then paste the URL: https://xxxxxx/Reports

    2)    Login with the above domain account.

    This login box may not pop up. You need to add the account of the current login person to the Administrators group of Power BI Report Server to have permission to access the Portal url address.


     3)    Click the following site setting icon.

    4)    Click on the “Security” in the left menu >> Add group or user

     5)     Choose System administrator & System user > Click OK button.

     6)    Click the Browse >> Manage folder >> Security >> Add group or user Click OK button.

     7)    Close the current Chrome Incognito window >> Open the url with new chrome window. Auto Log in successfully.


    3.2      Note

     Power BI Desktop is installed on our local computer by default.

    But it is recommended user download the Power BI Desktop from the server URL: E.g. Open the report power BI website portal https://xxxxxx/Reports.

    Then click download icon >> Power BI Desktop >> Choose the 64-bit installation package(refer to the following Screen Capture 3) >> Install on local computer to do the report/dashboard development then publish the report to the server.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dxmdiy/p/15968938.html
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