这是这两天ASP.NET Core迁移中遇到的一个问题。2个ASP.NET Core站点(对应于2个不同的ASP.NET Core Web应用程序),2个站点都可以登录,但在其中任1个站点登录后,在当前站点处于登录状态,访问另外1个站点却处于未登录状态。
app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions { CookieName = ".AspNetCore.Cookies", CookieDomain = ".cnblogs.com" });
if (Environment.IsDevelopment()) { services.AddDistributedMemoryCache(); } else { services.AddDistributedServiceStackRedisCache(options => { Configuration.GetSection("redis").Bind(options); //Workaround for deadlock when resolving host name IPAddress ip; if (!IPAddress.TryParse(options.Host, out ip)) { options.Host = Dns.GetHostAddressesAsync(options.Host) .Result.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork).ToString(); } }); } services.AddDataProtection().PersistKeysToDistributedStore();
为了进一步确认密钥是否是一样的,修改了 DataProtection.DistributedStore 的源代码将密钥打印在控制台,运行后确认2个站点用的密钥是一样的。
public IReadOnlyCollection<XElement> GetAllElements() { var data = _cache.GetString(_key); Console.WriteLine(data); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data)) { return XDocument.Parse(data).Root.Elements().ToList().AsReadOnly(); } else { return new List<XElement>().AsReadOnly(); } }
后来突然想到 services.AddDataProtection() 是不是有什么配置选项?F12之后发现果然有个DataProtectionOptions:
public static IDataProtectionBuilder AddDataProtection(this IServiceCollection services, Action<DataProtectionOptions> setupAction);
// // Summary: // Provides global options for the Data Protection system. public class DataProtectionOptions { public DataProtectionOptions(); // // Summary: // An identifier that uniquely discriminates this application from all other applications // on the machine. The discriminator value is implicitly included in all protected // payloads generated by the data protection system to isolate multiple logical // applications that all happen to be using the same key material. // // Remarks: // If two different applications need to share protected payloads, they should ensure // that this property is set to the same value across both applications. public string ApplicationDiscriminator { get; set; } }
原来不同的ASP.NET Core应用程序要使用同样的加解密方式,除了共享密钥,还要设置同样的ApplicationDiscriminator。
services.AddDataProtection(options => options.ApplicationDiscriminator = "cnblogs.com");