• oracle常用的SQL语句



    create table adolph             

    (id number(10,0),              name varchar2(20),              salary number(10,0));         


    alter table adolph add constraint adolph_id_pk primary key(id);

    --插入数据 insert into adolph       

      values(1,'adolph',1000);                      insert into adolph        values(2,'adolph',1000);       

    --修改数据 update adolph set salary =2000 where id = 1;

    --删除数据 delete from adolph where id = 2; --查找 select * from adolph ;

    --多表查询 select * from emp_info_adolph e,dept d where e.empid = d.deptno;

    --分组 select avg(e.deptno),deptno from dept e group by e.deptno;

    --建视图 create view viewtest as select * from dept;

    --建索引 create index indextest on adolph(salary);

    --建同义词 create synonym sys1 for adolph ; SELECT * FROM sys1;

    --建序列 create sequence s1        increment by 1        start with 1        maxvalue 99        nocache        nocycle;       

    --INSERT INTO adolph        values(s1.nextval,'aaa' ,998);            

    truncate table adolph;   

    --添加列 alter table adolph add(loc varchar2(10));  

    --修改列 alter table adolph modify(loc varchar2(20));


    SELECT replace (replace('a is b','a','b'),' b',' a') FROM dual;


     ALTER TABLE 表名 rename   column  列名 to 新列名  例如:alter table WMSVMI940X rename column "ZONE" to "AREAZONE";


    ALTER TABLE 表名 rename to  新表名

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dt520/p/5683798.html
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