• DPVS Tutorial

    https://toscode.gitee.com/zc520yzy/dpvs/blob/master/doc/tutorial.mdDPVS Tutorial

    To compile and launch DPVS, pls check README.md for this project.


    About the concepts of Full-NAT (FNAT), DRTunneltoaOSPF/ECMP and keepalived, pls refer LVS and Alibaba/LVS.

    Note DPVS support FNATDRTunnelSNAT forwarding modes, and each mode can be configured as one-arm or two-arm topology, with or without OSFP/ECMP/keepalived. There're too many combinations, I cannot list all the examples here. Let's just give some popular working models used in our daily work.

    One-arm and two-arm

    The term two-arm means, you have clients in one side of load-balancer (LB) and servers (RS) in another side, then LB forwards packets between its two logical network interfaces. For example, WAN-to-LAN load balancing.

    On the other hand, one-arm means all clients and servers are in same side of load-balancerLB forwards traffic through the same logical network interface.

    Logical interface (or device) could be physical DPDK interface, or DPVS virtual devices like bondingvlan and tunnel devices.

    To make things easier, we do not consider virtual devices for now. Thus, two-arm topology need

    • two DPDK interfaces loaded with igb_uio driver, and
    • /etc/dpvs.conf should also be configured with two interfaces. Pls refer the file conf/dpvs.conf.sample.
    $ dpdk-devbind --status
    Network devices using DPDK-compatible driver
    0000:06:00.0 'Ethernet Controller 10-Gigabit X540-AT2' drv=igb_uio unused=uio_pci_generic
    0000:06:00.1 'Ethernet Controller 10-Gigabit X540-AT2' drv=igb_uio unused=uio_pci_generic

    For one-arm, only one DPDK intreface needed, and you can refer conf/dpvs.conf.single-nic.sample.

    KNI Device

    Like LVSDPVS can be deployed as different sort of Cluster models for High-Available (HA) purpose. Both OSPF/ECMP and Master/Backup models are supported. OSPF/ECMP model need package quagga and its zebra and ospfd programs. And master/back model need Keepalived.

    Considering DPDK application manages the networking interface completely (except the extra control NIC if exist), Linux Kernel and programs run on Kernel TCP/IP stack cannot receive packets from DPDK interface directly. To make Linux programs like sshdzebra/ospfd and keepalived work, DPDK kni device is used. Then the Linux programs can working on kni device with Linux TCP/IP stack. Actually, DPVS passes the packets, which it's not interested in, to kni device. For instance, OSPF/VRRP/ssh packets. So that the programs "working" on Linux stack are able to handle them.

    We do not want to port ospfd/keepalieved/sshd to DPDK environment, beacause TCP and Socket layer is needed. And the work load is another reason.


    Note, keepalived is modified by DPVS project to support some specific parameters. The codes is resident in tools/keepalived and the executable is bin/keepalived. And ospfd/sshd is the standard version.

    Let's start from Full-NAT example first, it's not the easiest but really popular.

    Full-NAT Mode

    Simple Full-NAT (two-arm)

    This is a simple example for FullNAT (FNAT), forwarding between two interfaces. Assuming one is WAN interface (dpdk1) and another is LAN interface (dpdk0).


    The setting including:

    • ip-addresses and routes for DPDK LAN/WAN network.
    • VIP on WAN interface (dpdk1)
    • FNAT service (vip:vport) and related RS
    • FNAT mode need at least one LIP on LAN interface (dpdk0)
    #!/bin/sh -
    # add VIP to WAN interface
    ./dpip addr add dev dpdk1
    # route for WAN/LAN access
    # add routes for other network or default route if needed.
    ./dpip route add dev dpdk1
    ./dpip route add dev dpdk0
    # add service <VIP:vport> to forwarding, scheduling mode is RR.
    # use ipvsadm --help for more info.
    ./ipvsadm -A -t -s rr
    # add two RS for service, forwarding mode is FNAT (-b)
    ./ipvsadm -a -t -r -b
    ./ipvsadm -a -t -r -b
    # add at least one Local-IP (LIP) for FNAT on LAN interface
    ./ipvsadm --add-laddr -z -t -F dpdk0

    And you can use the commands below to check what's just set:

    $ ./dpip addr show
    inet scope global dpdk1
         valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet scope global dpdk0
         valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever sa_used 0 sa_free 1032176 sa_miss 0
    $ ./dpip route show
    inet via src dev dpdk1 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope host metric 0 proto auto
    inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope host metric 0 proto auto
    inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope link metric 0 proto auto
    inet via src dev dpdk1 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope link metric 0 proto auto
    $ ./ipvsadm  -ln
    IP Virtual Server version 0.0.0 (size=0)
    Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
      -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
    TCP rr
      ->             FullNat 1      0          0
      ->             FullNat 1      0          0
    $ ./ipvsadm  -G
    VIP:VPORT            TOTAL    SNAT_IP              CONFLICTS  CONNS        1
                              0          0

    And now to verify if FNAT (two-arm) works. I've setup Nginx server on RS (with TOA module) to response the HTTP request with Client's real IP and port. The response format is plain text (not html).

    client$ curl
    Your ip:port :
    Something about LIProutes and TOA

    LIP or Local-IP is needed for FNAT translation, clients' CIP:cport will be replaced with LIP:lport, while VIP:vport will be translated to RS's RIP:rport. That's why the mode called "Full-NAT" I think.

    Pls use ipvsadm --add-laddr to set LIP instead of dpip addr add .... Because the both ipvs and inet module need LIP address, and sapool option will be set automatically.

    Another tip is you can use dpip addr add dev dpdk1 to set VIP and WAN route simultaneously. But let's use two commands to make it clear.

    Optionally, if RS need to obtain client's real IP:port by socket API, e.g., getpeername or accept, instead of some application manner. TOA kernel module should be installed on RSTOA is developped for some version of Linux kernel, and porting may needed for other versions or other OS Kernel like BSD or mTCP. Pls refer this doc to get TOA source code and porting to your RS if needed.

    Full-NAT with OSPF/ECMP (two-arm)

    To work with OSPF, the patch in patch/dpdk-stable-17.05.2/ must be applied to dpdk-stable-17.05.2 and the correct rte_kni.ko should be installed.

    DPVS OSPF-cluster model looks like this, it leverage OSPF/ECMP for HA and high-scalability. This model is widely used in practice.


    For DPVS, things become more complicated. As mentioned above, DPDK program (here is dpvs) have full control of DPDK NICs, so Linux program (ospfd) needs receive/send packets through kni device (dpdk1.kni) related to DPDK device (dpdk1).

    DPDK apps based on whole TCP/IP stack like user-space Linux/BSD do not have this kind of configuration complexity, but more developing efforts are needed to porting ospfd and keepalived to the TCP/IP stack used by DPDK. Anyway, that's another solution.

    Thus, the internal relationship among interfaces and programs looks like below,


    Now the configuration has two parts, one is for dpvs and another is for zebra/ospfd.

    dpvs part is almost the same with the example in simple fnat, except

    • one more route to kni-host is needed to pass the packets received from dpvs device to Linux kni device.
    • VIP should not set to dpvs by dpip addr, need be set to kni instead, so that ospfd can be aware of it and then to publish.

    the prefix length of kni_host must be 32.

    #!/bin/sh -
    # routes for LAN access
    ./dpip route add dev dpdk0
    # add service <VIP:vport> to forwarding, scheduling mode is RR.
    # use ipvsadm --help for more info.
    ./ipvsadm -A -t -s rr
    # add two RS-es for service, forwarding mode is FNAT (-b)
    ./ipvsadm -a -t -r -b
    ./ipvsadm -a -t -r -b
    # add at Local-IPs (LIPs) for FNAT on LAN interface
    ./ipvsadm --add-laddr -z -t -F dpdk0
    ./ipvsadm --add-laddr -z -t -F dpdk0
    # add route to kni device.
    ./dpip route add dev dpdk1 scope kni_host

    Then, the zebra/ospfd part. Firstly, run the OSPF protocol between DPVS server and wan-side L3-switch, with the "inter-connection network" (here is For DPVS, we set the inter-connection IP on dpdk1.kni.

    Assuming quagga package is installed, if not, pls use 'yum' (CentOS) or 'apt-get' (Ubuntu) to install it. After installed, you should have zebra and ospfd, as well as their config files.

    $ ip link set dpdk1.kni up
    $ ip addr add dev dpdk1.kni
    $ ip addr add dev dpdk1.kni # add VIP to kni for ospfd
    $ ip route add default via dev dpdk1.kni

    VIP should be add to kni device, to let ospfd to publish it.

    Check if inter-connection works by ping switch.

    $ ping
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=2.19 ms

    Now let's config zebra and ospfd. Nothing special for zebra, just use it with the default configuration.

    $ cat /etc/quagga/zebra.conf  # may installed to other path
    ! -*- zebra -*-
    ! zebra sample configuration file
    ! Id: zebra.conf.sample,v 1.1 2002/12/13 20:15:30 paul Exp $
    hostname localhost.localdomain # change to it real hostname
    password ****
    enable password ****
    log file /var/log/quagga/zebra.log
    service password-encryption

    For ospfd, these parameters need be set:

    • interface: it's WAN interface dpdk1.kni
    • route-id: not that significant, just use the LAN IP.
    • network: which network to advertise
      • the inter-connection network, and
      • the VIP
    • area-ID: should be the same with switch, here is for example.
    • Other parameters, like "p2p", "authentication", ... they must be consistent with Switch.
    $ cat /etc/quagga/ospfd.conf   # may installed to other path
    log file /var/log/quagga/ospf.log
    log stdout
    log syslog
    password ****
    enable password ****
    interface dpdk1.kni      # should be wan-side kni device
    ip ospf hello-interval 10
    ip ospf dead-interval 40
    router ospf
    ospf router-id # just use LAN IP
    auto-cost reference-bandwidth 1000
    network area # announce inter-connection network
    network area # announce VIP

    Note OSPF must also be configured on l3-switch. This Tutorial is not about OSPF's configuration, so no more things about switch here.

    Now start zebra and ospfd:

    service restart zebra
    service restart ospfd

    Hopefully (if OSPF works), the VIP is accessible by client:

    client: curl

    Full-NAT with Keepalived (one-arm)

    This is an example for FullNAT used in internal network (LAN). Keepalived (DPVS modified version) is used for to make DPVS works as Master/Backup model.


    By using keepalived, routes, LIPVIP and RS can be configured through keepalived config file. Note the configure parameters for DPVS modified keepalived is slight different from original keepalived.

    $ cat /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
    ! Configuration File for keepalived
    global_defs {
        notification_email {
        notification_email_from bar@example.com
        smtp_connect_timeout 60
        router_id DPVS_DEVEL
    local_address_group laddr_g1 { dpdk0    # use DPDK interface dpdk0    # use DPDK interface
    # VRRP section
    vrrp_instance VI_1 {
        state MASTER                  # master
        interface dpdk0.kni           # should be kni interface
        dpdk_interface dpdk0          # should be DPDK interface
        virtual_router_id 123         # VID should be unique in network
        priority 100                  # master's priority is bigger than worker
        advert_int 1
        authentication {
            auth_type PASS
            auth_pass ****
        virtual_ipaddress {
    # Virtual Server Section
    virtual_server_group { 80
    virtual_server group {
        delay_loop 3
        lb_algo rr         # scheduling algorithm Round-Robin
        lb_kind FNAT       # Forwarding Mode Full-NAT
        protocol TCP       # Protocol TCP
        laddr_group_name laddr_g1   # Local IP group-ID
        real_server 80 { # real-server
            weight 100
            TCP_CHECK {    # health check
                nb_sock_retry 2
                connect_timeout 3
                connect_port 80
        real_server 80 { # real-server
            weight 100
            TCP_CHECK { # health check
                nb_sock_retry 2
                connect_timeout 3
                connect_port 80

    The keepalived config for backup is the same with Master, except the state should be 'BACKUP', and priority should be lower.

    vrrp_instance VI_1 {
        state BACKUP
        priority 80
        ... ...

    Start keepalived on both Master and Backup.

    ./keepalived -f /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf

    For test only, add VIP and routes to DPDK interface manually on Master. Do not set VIP on both master and backup, in practice they should be added to keepalived configure file.

    ./dpip addr add dev dpdk0
    ./dpip route add dev dpdk0

    Check if parameters just set are correct:

    $ ./ipvsadm  -ln
    IP Virtual Server version 0.0.0 (size=0)
    Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
      -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
    TCP rr
      ->             FullNat 100    0          0
      ->             FullNat 100    0          0
    $ ./dpip addr show
    inet scope global dpdk0
         valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet scope global dpdk0
         valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever sa_used 0 sa_free 1032176 sa_miss 0
    inet scope global dpdk0
         valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever sa_used 0 sa_free 1032176 sa_miss 0
    $ ./dpip route show
    inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope host metric 0 proto auto
    inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope host metric 0 proto auto
    inet via src dev dpdk0 mtu 1500 tos 0 scope link metric 0 proto auto
    $ ./ipvsadm  -G
    VIP:VPORT            TOTAL    SNAT_IP              CONFLICTS  CONNS   2
                              0          0
                              0          0

    Seems good, then try access the VIP from client.

    client$ curl
    Your ip:port :

    We just explain how DPVS works with keepalived, and not verify if the master/backup feature provided by keepalived works. Pls refer LVS docs if needed.

    DR Mode (one-arm)

    Let's make a simple example for DR mode, some users may need it.


    To use DR:

    • dpvs needs a LAN IP first. (for one-arm, it must be different from VIP).
    • the RS and DPVS must in same sub-network (on-link).
    • On RSVIP must be added to its lo interface.
    • On RSarp_ignore must be set to lo interface.

    DPVS needs a RS-faced IP itself (here means "LAN-side" IP, it's not the same conception as Local-IP (LIP) used by FNAT, just a normal IP address). Because DPVS need communicated with RSes. For one-arm, this LAN IP and VIP are on same DPDK interface. But they cannot be same, because VIP will also be set on RSes, if we do not use a separated LAN-IP, RSes will not reply the ARP request. Furthermore, the LAN-IP of DPVS must be added before VIP. For tow-arm DR, DPVS also need a LAN side IP to talk with LAN-side hosts, while VIP is configured on client-faced (WAN) interface.

    On DPVS, The DR configuration can be,

    # on DPVS
    # add LAN IP for DPVS, it must be different from VIP
    # and must be added before VIP.
    ./dpip addr add dev dpdk0
    # add VIP and the route will generate automatically.
    ./dpip addr add dev dpdk0
    # route for LAN network, just a hint.
    #./dpip route add dev dpdk0
    # add service <VIP:vport> to forwarding, scheduling mode is RR.
    # use ipvsadm --help for more info.
    ./ipvsadm -A -t -s rr
    # add two RS for service, forwarding mode is DR
    ./ipvsadm -a -t -r -g
    ./ipvsadm -a -t -r -g

    And then on RSes,

    # for each Real Server
    rs$ ip addr add dev lo    # add VIP to each RS's lo
    rs$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.lo.arp_ignore=1  # ignore ARP on lo
    net.ipv4.conf.lo.arp_ignore = 1

    Try if client can access VIP with DR mode.

    client$ curl
    Your ip:port :

    DR mode for two-arm is similar with two-arm FNAT, pls change the forwarding mode by ipvsadm -g, and you need NOT config LIP. Configuration of RSes are the same with one-arm.

    Tunnel Mode (one-arm)

    Traffic flow of tunnel mode is the same as DR mode. It forwards packets to RSs, and then RSs send replies to clients directly. Different with DR mode, tunnel mode can forward packets across L2 network through ipip tunnels between DPVS and RSs.


    DPVS configs of the above diagram as follows.

    ## DPVS configs ##
    # config LAN network on dpdk0
    ./dpip addr add dev dpdk0
    # config default route, `src` must be set for tunnel mode
    ./dpip route add default via src dev dpdk0
    # add service <VIP:vport> to forwarding, scheduling mode is RR
    ./ipvsadm -A -t -s rr
    # add RS in the same subnet with DPVS, forwarding mode is tunnel
    ./ipvsadm -a -t -r -i
    # add another RS in different subnet with DPVS, forwarding mode is tunnel
    ./ipvsadm -a -t -r -i
    # add VIP and the route will generate automatically
    ./dpip addr add dev dpdk0

    DPVS tunnel requires RS supports ip tunnel. VIP should be configured and arp_ignore should be set on RS.

    ## for each Real Server ##
    rs$ ifconfig tunl0 netmask broadcast up
    rs$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.tunl0.arp_ignore=1  # ignore ARP on tunl0
    rs$ sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.tunl0.rp_filter=2 # use loose source validation

    You should note that default rp_filter uses strict source validation, but source route for incoming packets on tunl0 is not configured on tunl0. So we change rp_filter behavior of tunl0 to loose source validation mode to avoid packet drop on RSs.

    You can test the dpvs tunnel service now.

    client$ curl
    Hi, I am
    client$ curl
    Hi, I am

    <a id=nat/>

    NAT mode (one-arm)

    A strict limitation exists for DPVS NAT mode: DPVS NAT mode can only work in single lcore. It is hard for DPVS to support multi-lcore NAT forwarding mode due to the following facts.

    • DPVS session entries are splited and distributed on lcores by RSS.
    • NAT forwarding requires both inbound and outbound traffic go through DPVS.
    • Only dest IP/port is translated in NAT forwarding, source IP/port is not changed.
    • Very limited maximum flow director rules can be set for a NIC.

    So, if no other control of the traffic flow, outbound packets may arrive at different lcore from inbound packets. If so, outbound packets would be dropped because session lookup miss. Full-NAT fixes the problem by using Flow Director(FDIR). However, there are very limited rules can be added for a NIC, i.e. 8K for XT-540. Unlike Full-NAT, NAT does not have local IP/port, so FDIR rules can only be set on source IP/port, which means only thousands concurrency is supported. Therefore, FDIR is not feasible for NAT.

    Whatever, we give a simple example for NAT mode. Remind it only works single lcore.


    ## DPVS configs ##
    # config LAN network on bond0, routes will generate automatically
    ./dpip addr add dev bond0
    ./dpip addr add dev bond0
    # add service <VIP:vport> to forwarding, scheduling mode is RR
    ./ipvsadm -A -t -s -rr
    # add two RSs, forwarding mode is NAT
    ./ipvsadm -A -t -r -m
    ./ipvsadm -A -t -r -m
    # add VIP and the route will generate automatically
    ./dpip addr add dev bond0

    On RSs, back routes should be pointed to DPVS.

    ## for each real server ##
    ip route add via dev eth0

    Now you can test DPVS NAT mode.

    client$ curl
    Hi, I am
    client$ curl
    Hi, I am

    SNAT Mode (two-arm)

    SNAT mode can be used to let hosts in internal network without WAN IP (e.g., servers in IDC) to have Internet access.

    To configure SNAT,

    • WAN-side IP must be configured with sapool option.
    • SNAT uses "match" service instead of vip:vport for TCP/UDP,
    • default route may be needed on DPVS WAN interface.

    match supports protosrc-rangedst-rangeoif and iif. For example: proto=tcp,src-range=,dst-range=,oif=dpdk1.

    The SNAT setting could be:

    #!/bin/sh -
    WAN_IP=        # WAN IP can access Internet.
    WAN_PREF=24             # WAN side network prefix length.
    GATEWAY=       # WAN side gateway
    # add WAN-side IP with sapool
    ./dpip addr add $WAN_IP/$WAN_PREF dev dpdk1 sapool # must add sapool for WAN-side IP
    # add LAN-side IP as well as LAN route (generated)
    ./dpip addr add $LAN_IP/$LAN_PREF dev dpdk0
    # add default route for WAN interface
    ./dpip route add default via $GATEWAY dev dpdk1
    # SNAT section
    # -H MATCH       SNAT uses -H for "match" service instead of -t or -u
    #                MATCH support "proto", "src-range", "oif" and "iif".
    # -r <WIP:0>     used to specify the WAN IP after SNAT translation,
    #                the "port" part must be 0.
    # -J             for "SNAT" forwarding mode.
    ./ipvsadm -A -s rr -H $MATCH0
    ./ipvsadm -a -H $MATCH0 -r $WAN_IP:0 -w 100 -J
    ./ipvsadm -A -s rr -H $MATCH1
    ./ipvsadm -a -H $MATCH1 -r $WAN_IP:0 -w 100 -J

    You can also use keepalived to configure SNAT instead of using ipvsadm. Every SNAT serivce should has parameter 'match':

    virtual_server match SNAT1 {
        protocol UDP
        lb_algo rr
        lb_kind SNAT
        oif dpdk1
        real_server  0 {
            weight 4
    virtual_server match SNAT2 {
        protocol ICMP
        lb_algo wrr
        lb_kind SNAT
        oif dpdk1
        iif dpdk0
        real_server  0 {
            weight 4

    If you also want to use keepalived instead of using dpip to configure WAN/LAN IP, you can using 'alpha' and 'omega' to configure keepalived. Healthy check is needed in alpha mode, so you have to make a healthy check. And the result of the healthy check must always be true or RS(LAN IP in fact) will be deleted. You can use MISC_CHECK to make real_server/WAN IP always be healthy:

    virtual_server match SNAT {
        protocol UDP
        delay_loop 3
        lb_algo rr
        lb_kind SNAT
        oif dpdk1
        quorum 1
        quorum_up "dpip addr add XXX;" ##Here is your cmd, you can also use a script.
        quorum_down "dpip addr del XXX;"
        real_server 0 {
            weight 4
            MISC_CHECK {
               misc_path "exit 0"##Just make a healthy check which will always judge real_server healthy
               misc_timeout 10

    For hosts in "LAN", the default route should be set to DPVS server's LAN IP.

    host$ ip route add default via dev eth0

    Then try Internet access from hosts through SNAT DPVS server.

    host$ ping www.iqiyi.com
    host$ curl www.iqiyi.com

    Virtual Devices

    DPVS supports virtual devices, such as BondingVLANIP-in-IP and GRE Tunnel.

    Bonding Device

    For Bonding device, both DPVS and connected Switch/Router need to set the Bonding interfaces with same Bonding mode. Note DPVS just supports bonding mode 0 and 4 for now. To enable Bonding device on DPVS, pls refer conf/dpvs.bond.conf.sample. Each Bonding device needs one or more DPDK Physical device (dpdk0, ...) to work as it's slaves.

    VLAN Device

    To use VLAN device, you can use dpip tool, VLAN device can be created based on real DPDK Physical device (e.g., dpdk0dpdk1) or Bonding device (e.g., bond0). But cannot create VLAN device on VLAN device.

    This is the VLAN example, pls check dpip vlan help for more info.

    $ dpip vlan add dpdk0.100 link dpdk0 proto 802.1q id 100
    $ dpip vlan add link dpdk0 proto 802.1q id 101            # auto generate dev name
    $ dpip vlan add link dpdk1 id 102
    $ dpip vlan add link bond1 id 103

    Tunnel Device

    DPVS support tunnel devices, including IP-in-IP and GRE tunnel. This can be used for example "SNAT-GRE" cluster, remote host use tunnel to access Internet through DPVS SNAT cluster.

    Setting up tunnel device is just like what we do on Linux, use dpip instead of ip(8).

    $ dpip tunnel add mode ipip ipip1 local remote
    $ dpip tunnel add gre1 mode gre local remote dev dpdk0

    Pls also check dpip tunnel help for details.

    Pls Note, by using Tunnel

    1. RSS schedule all packets to same queue/CPU since underlay source IP may the same. if one lcore's sa_pool get full, sa_miss happens.
    2. fdir/rss won't works well on tunnel deivce, do not use tunnel for FNAT.

    KNI for Banding/VLAN

    Like DPDK Physical device, the Bonding and VLAN Virtual devices (e.g., bond0 and dpdk0.100) have their own related KNI devices on Linux environment (e.g., bond0.knidpdk0.100.kni).

    This is the example devices relationship between physical, vlan, bonding and KNI devices.


    To configure DPVS (FNAT/DR/Tunnel/SNATone-arm/two-armkeepalived/ospfd) for Virtual device is nothing special. Just "replace" the logical interfaces on sections above (like dpdk0dpdk1dpdk1.kni) with corresponding virtual devices.

    UDP Option of Address (UOA)

    As we know, TOA is used to get TCP's real Client IP/Port in LVS FNAT mode. We introduce UDP Option of Address or UOA, to let RS being able to retrieve real client IP/Port for the scenario source IP/port are modified by middle boxes (like UDP FNAT).

    To achieve this,

    1. The kernel module uoa.ko is needed to be installed on RS, and
    2. the program on RS just need a getsockopt(2) call to get the real client IP/port.

    The example C code for RS to fetch Real Client IP can be found here.

    rs$ insmod `uoa`
    rs$ cat /proc/net/uoa_stats
     Success     Miss  Invalid|UOA  Got     None    Saved Ack-Fail
    12866352 317136864        0  3637127 341266254  3628560        0

    Statistics are supported for debug purpose. Note recvfrom(2) is kept untouched, it will still return the source IP/port in packets, means the IP/port modified or translated by DPVS in UDP FNAT mode. It's useful to send the data back by socket. Pls note UDP socket is connect-less, one socket-fd can be used to communicate with different peers.

    Actually, we use private IP option to implement UOA, pls check the details in uoa.md.

    Launch DPVS in Virtual Machine (Ubuntu)

    DPDK build and install

    Before DPDK build and install ,fix code for ubuntu in vm

    $ cd dpdk-stable-17.05.2/
    $ sed -i "s/pci_intx_mask_supported(dev)/pci_intx_mask_supported(dev)||true/g" lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/igb_uio/igb_uio.c

    Now to set up DPDK hugepage,for more messages ( single-node system) pls refer the link.

    $ # for single node machine
    $ echo 1024 > /sys/devices/system/node/node0/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages

    Build DPVS on Ubuntu

    may need install dependencies, like opensslpopt and numactl, e.g., apt-get install libpopt-dev libssl-dev libnuma-dev (Ubuntu).

    Launch DPVS on Ubuntu

    Now, dpvs.conf must be put at /etc/dpvs.conf, just copy it from conf/dpvs.conf.single-nic.sample.

    $ cp conf/dpvs.conf.single-nic.sample /etc/dpvs.conf

    The NIC for Ubuntu may not support flow-director(fdir),for that case ,pls use 'single worker',may decrease conn_pool_size .

    queue_number        1
    ! worker config (lcores)
    worker_defs {
        <init> worker cpu0 {
            type    master
            cpu_id  0
        <init> worker cpu1 {
            type    slave
            cpu_id  1
            port    dpdk0 {
                rx_queue_ids     0
                tx_queue_ids     0
                ! isol_rx_cpu_ids  9
                ! isol_rxq_ring_sz 1048576
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dream397/p/14766014.html
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