Scu gic in depth – 1
Scu unit is a powerful unit to deal with the coherence of L2 and memory ,and contains a general interrupt controller pl390 :
It deal with the following several kinds of interrupt:
- Private Peripheral interrupt of core 0 and 1: 5x2=10
- Software generated interrupt: 16x2=32
- I/O Peripherals interrupt: 44
- PL logic interrupt: 16
In total , it deal with up to 92 interupts input . however
* The maximum number of interrupts supported by the hardware.
So what is the left 3 interupts?
SCU GIC will depatch 16 kinds of interrupt to programmable logic unit to trigger hardware process and this is useful to communicate between cpu and FPGA .
Step 1: init the scu_gic module:
Int XScuGic_CfgInitialize(XScuGic* InstancePtr,XGcuGic_Config* ConfigPtr,u32 EffectiveAddr)
The function will init some inner data struct and disable all interrupt source.
EffectiveAddr is relative to Physial Address, equals virtual address.
Step 2: connect interrupt routes:
Int Connect( IntancePtr , Int_ID , InterruptHandler , void* CallBackRef )
Connect the interrupt route according to the specified interrupt ID number. The parameter CallBackRef contains some arguments.
Step 3 : Enable the interrupt :
Void Enable ( InstancePtr , Int_ID )
Step 4: get the interrupt information:
Void GetPriorityTriggerType(InstancePtr, Int_ID, Priority , Trigger )