• uvm_tlm_if_base——TLM1事务级建模方法(三)





      这个类没有派生自任何类,在类的中,定义了三类接口:第一类是阻塞性质的普通方法(task),put, get, peek, transport(T1, T2). 第二类是非阻塞性质的普通方法(function),try_put, try_get, try_peek, nb_transport(T1, T2). 还有can_put, can_get, can_peek. 第三类是用于广播的write, 是属于analysis的,向所有连接的port写。这是一个function. 这三类接口都必须要在派生类中重新定义,直接使用会报错误。

    `define UVM_TASK_ERROR "TLM interface task not implemented"
    `define UVM_FUNCTION_ERROR "TLM interface function not implemented"
    // CLASS: uvm_tlm_if_base #(T1,T2)
    // This class declares all of the methods of the TLM API.
    // Various subsets of these methods are combined to form primitive TLM
    // interfaces, which are then paired in various ways to form more abstract
    // "combination" TLM interfaces. Components that require a particular interface
    // use ports to convey that requirement. Components that provide a particular
    // interface use exports to convey its availability.
    // Communication between components is established by connecting ports to
    // compatible exports, much like connecting module signal-level output ports to
    // compatible input ports. The difference is that UVM ports and exports bind
    // interfaces (groups of methods), not signals and wires. The methods of the
    // interfaces so bound pass data as whole transactions (e.g. objects).
    // The set of primitive and combination TLM interfaces afford many choices for
    // designing components that communicate at the transaction level.
    virtual class uvm_tlm_if_base #(type T1=int, type T2=int);
      // Group: Blocking put
      // Task: put
      // Sends a user-defined transaction of type T. 
      // Components implementing the put method will block the calling thread if
      // it cannot immediately accept delivery of the transaction.
      virtual task put( input T1 t );
        uvm_report_error("put", `UVM_TASK_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
      // Group: Blocking get
      // Task: get
      // Provides a new transaction of type T. 
      // The calling thread is blocked if the requested transaction cannot be
      // provided immediately. The new transaction is returned in the provided
      // output argument. 
      // The implementation of get must regard the transaction as consumed.
      // Subsequent calls to get must return a different transaction instance.
      virtual task get( output T2 t );
        uvm_report_error("get", `UVM_TASK_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
      // Group: Blocking peek
      // Task: peek
      // Obtain a new transaction without consuming it. 
      // If a transaction is available, then it is written to the provided output
      // argument. If a transaction is not available, then the calling thread is
      // blocked until one is available. 
      // The returned transaction is not consumed. A subsequent peek or get will
      // return the same transaction.
      virtual task peek( output T2 t );
        uvm_report_error("peek", `UVM_TASK_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
      // Group: Non-blocking put
      // Function: try_put
      // Sends a transaction of type T, if possible. 
      // If the component is ready to accept the transaction argument, then it does
      // so and returns 1, otherwise it returns 0.
      virtual function bit try_put( input T1 t );
        uvm_report_error("try_put", `UVM_FUNCTION_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
        return 0;
      // Function: can_put
      // Returns 1 if the component is ready to accept the transaction; 0 otherwise.
      virtual function bit can_put();
        uvm_report_error("can_put", `UVM_FUNCTION_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
        return 0;
      // Group: Non-blocking get
      // Function: try_get
      // Provides a new transaction of type T.
      // If a transaction is immediately available, then it is written to the output
      // argument and 1 is returned. Otherwise, the output argument is not modified
      // and 0 is returned.
      virtual function bit try_get( output T2 t );
        uvm_report_error("try_get", `UVM_FUNCTION_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
        return 0;
      // Function: can_get
      // Returns 1 if a new transaction can be provided immediately upon request,
      // 0 otherwise.
      virtual function bit can_get();
        uvm_report_error("can_get", `UVM_FUNCTION_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
        return 0;
      // Group: Non-blocking peek
      // Function: try_peek
      // Provides a new transaction without consuming it. 
      // If available, a transaction is written to the output argument and 1 is
      // returned. A subsequent peek or get will return the same transaction. If a
      // transaction is not available, then the argument is unmodified and 0 is
      // returned.
      virtual function bit try_peek( output T2 t );
        uvm_report_error("try_peek", `UVM_FUNCTION_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
        return 0;
      // Function: can_peek
      // Returns 1 if a new transaction is available; 0 otherwise.
      virtual function bit can_peek();
        uvm_report_error("can_ppeek", `UVM_FUNCTION_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
        return 0;
      // Group: Blocking transport
      // Task: transport
      // Executes the given request and returns the response in the given output
      // argument. The calling thread may block until the operation is complete.
      virtual task transport( input T1 req , output T2 rsp );
        uvm_report_error("transport", `UVM_TASK_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
      // Group: Non-blocking transport
      // Task: nb_transport
      // Executes the given request and returns the response in the given output
      // argument. Completion of this operation must occur without blocking.
      // If for any reason the operation could not be executed immediately, then
      // a 0 must be returned; otherwise 1.
      virtual function bit nb_transport(input T1 req, output T2 rsp);
        uvm_report_error("nb_transport", `UVM_FUNCTION_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
        return 0;
      // Group: Analysis
      // Function: write
      // Broadcasts a user-defined transaction of type T to any number of listeners.
      // The operation must complete without blocking. 
      virtual function void write( input T1 t );
        uvm_report_error("write", `UVM_FUNCTION_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dpc525/p/8076032.html
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