#include "iostream" #include "math.h" #include "algorithm" #define N 100000; using namespace std; int total,list[1000],n,m,MIN,top,step,data[1000]; void dfs(int a){ int i,j,num; if(total>m)return; if(m-total<MIN&&a==top){MIN=m-total;} for(i=a;i<top;i++){ num=0; for(j=a;j<=i;j++){ num=num+list[j]*pow(10,j-a); } total+=num; //cout<<a<<' '<<num<<' '<<total<<endl;system("pause"); dfs(i+1); total-=num; } } int main(){ int i; while(cin>>m>>n&&m&&n){ top=1;step=1; while(n){ list[top++]=n%10; n=n/10; } MIN=N; dfs(1); cout<<m-MIN<<endl; } }
// POJ1416.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include <iostream> #include <iterator> #include <string> using namespace std; static int clonum; static bool repeat; static int sh[20]; static int stps; void DFS(const string& num, int beg, int end, int cnt, int t, int stp, int shredded[20]) { int cutnum = 0; if (end == num.size()) { for (int i = beg; i < end; ++i) cutnum = cutnum * 10 + (num[i]-'0'); cnt += cutnum; if (cnt == clonum)repeat = true; else if(cnt <= t && cnt > clonum) { shredded[stp] = cutnum; copy(&shredded[0],&shredded[stp + 1], &sh[0]); clonum = cnt; stps = stp; repeat = false; } } else { DFS(num, beg, end + 1, cnt, t, stp, shredded); for (int i = beg; i < end; ++i) cutnum = cutnum * 10 + (num[i]-'0'); if (cnt + cutnum <= t) { shredded[stp] = cutnum; DFS(num, end, end + 1, cnt + cutnum, t, stp + 1, shredded); } } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int t; string num; while (cin >> t >> num && t != 0 && num != "0") { int n; sscanf(num.c_str(),"%d",&n); if (n == t) { cout << t <<" " << n << endl; continue; } n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num.size(); ++i) n += num[i] - '0'; if (n > t ) { cout << "error "; continue; } clonum = 0; repeat = false; int shredded[20]; memset(shredded, 0, sizeof(shredded)); DFS(num, 0, 1, 0, t, 0,shredded); if (repeat == true) cout << "rejected "; else { cout << clonum << " "; copy(&sh[0], &sh[stps + 1], ostream_iterator<int>(cout," ")); cout<<endl; } } return 0; }