//获取每一位的状态 返回值 状态 0,1
function GetBitSate(dw1:DWORD; Pos:Byte):Byte;
//设置每一位的状态 返回值 设置后的数据
function SetBitSate(dw1:DWORD; Pos:Byte; Sate: Byte): DWORD;
//获取最后8,16,24位的值 返回值 8位的数值
function GetValue(dw1:DWORD; Pos:Byte):Integer;
//设置最后8位的值 返回值 设置后8位的数值
function SetValue(dw1:DWORD; Pos:Byte; nValue:Integer):DWORD;
//从第0位开始 31,30,29..0; function GetBitSate(dw1:DWORD; Pos:Byte):Byte; begin Result:=((dw1 and (1 shl Pos))shr Pos); end; function SetBitSate(dw1:DWORD; Pos:Byte; Sate: Byte): DWORD; var dw2: DWORD; begin dw2 := dw1; Result := dw2; if GetBitSate(dw1,Pos) = Sate then Exit; case Sate of 0: Result := dw2 and (not (1 shl Pos)); 1: Result := dw2 or (1 shl Pos); end; end; function GetValue(dw1:DWORD; Pos:Byte):Integer; begin //取数的8位,16位,24位的值 Result := 0; if not pos in[8,16,24] then Exit; case Pos of 8: Result:= dw1 and $FF; 16: Result:= dw1 and $FFFF; 24: Result:= dw1 and $FFFFFF; end; end; function SetValue(dw1:DWORD; Pos:Byte; nValue:Integer):DWORD; begin Result := 0; if not pos in[8,16,24] then Exit; case Pos of 8: Result:= dw1 and (not $FF) or nValue; 16: Result:= dw1 and (not $FFFF) or nValue; 24: Result:= dw1 and (not $FFFFFF) or nValue; end; end;
procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject); var a, b: Byte; b1, b2: Byte; begin //取一个字节中的前4位:v := v and $0F; //低4位 //取一个字节中的后4位:v := v shr $04; //高4位 a := 245; b1 := a and $0F; // 1111 0101 // 0000 1111 b2 := a shr $04; ShowMessage(IntToStr(b1)); ShowMessage(IntToStr(b2)); //将2个byte高低位合并 b := (b1 and $0F) or (b2 shl $04); ShowMessage(IntToStr(b)); end;