• MovieReview—Ghost in the shell(攻壳机动队95版)

    About Future
    And is she really human?
    She’s just so something new
    A waking lithium flower
                                     ——《Lithium Flower》
            In the future depicted by Ghost in the Shell, mankind and machinery are combined. Cyborg, refers to the human organ that replaces some organs with machinery. The  くさなぎ もとこ  in the movie is human beings, and the whole body is made up of machinery, with human emotions and consciousness.
            Artificial intelligence has been hot since 2017. It seems that for a moment everyone is discussing AI. AI has also started to integrate with all aspects of life on the Internet, finance, education, etc. But at the same time I also found that some technology companies are focusing on the development of brain-computer interfaces(BCI) and some related research in this field. BCI's research and development mainly through the use of implantable or non-implantable sensors, enabling people to control the machinery, so as to get beyond the power of ordinary people.
            傀儡師 in the movie is impressive, it is the consciousness generated by a piece of code in the information world, and can go into the brains of Cyborg, manipulating their memories and manipulating them. With the current development of BCI, people become similar to the existence of semi-mechanical, is there a possibility, in the future, these semi-robots may also be controlled by AI hacker ? As if the world in the 1995 movie was getting closer and closer to us. Technology is always evolving, and I'm really curious about the future.
            Perhaps because I have been constantly growing, or because of the changes in the environment around me? From the second half of college in 2017, I gradually felt that the technology in this world is changing rapidly. Various new terms and technologies are emerging, such as Big Data, Internet of Things, AI, Deep Learning, NLP, CV, Blockchain , Bitcoin, brain machine interface (BCI) and so on.
            I'm really curious what the future will look like. Living in such an era of rapid change is fortunate ah, we must work hard to develop skills, identify the direction of progress, to explore the unknown、mysterious field!
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dongzhiwu/p/8395180.html
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