• Groovy User Guide

    1. http://groovy.codehaus.org/User+Guide
    2. Control Structures
      1. Logical Branching
        1. if-else statement
          1. Groovy supports the usual if - else syntax from Java
            def x = false
            def y = false
            if ( !x ) {
                x = true
            assert x == true
            if ( x ) {
                x = false
            } else {
                y = true
            assert x == y
          2. Groovy also supports the normal Java "nested" if then else if syntax:

            if ( ... ) {
            } else if (...) {
            } else {
        2. ternary operator
          def y = 5
          def x = (y > 1) ? "worked" : "failed"
          assert x == "worked"
        3. switch statement
          def x = 1.23
          def result = ""
          switch ( x ) {
              case "foo":
                  result = "found foo"
                  // lets fall through
              case "bar":
                  result += "bar"
              case [4, 5, 6, 'inList']:
                  result = "list"
              case 12..30:
                  result = "range"
              case Integer:
                  result = "integer"
              case Number:
                  result = "number"
                  result = "default"
          assert result == "number"
      2. Looping
        1. while {...} loops

          def x = 0
          def y = 5
          assert x==5
        2. for loop

          //standard java for loop
          for(int i=0;i<5;i++){}
          //iterate over a range
          def x = 0
          for(i in 0..9){
              x += i
          assert x==45
          //iterate over a list
          x = 0
          for(i in [0,1,2,3,4]){
          assert x==10
          //iterate over an array
          array = (0..4).toArray()
          x = 0
          for(i in array){
          assert x==10
          //iterate over a map
          def map = ['abc':1,'def':2,'xyz':3]
          x = 0
          for(e in map){
          assert x==6
          //iterate over values in a map
          x = 0
          for(v in map.values()){
              x += v
          assert x==6
          //iterate over the characters in a string
          def text = "abc"
          def list = []
          for(c in text){
          assert list == ["a","b","c"]
        3. closures

          def stringList = [ "java", "perl", "python", "ruby", "c#", "cobol",
                             "groovy", "jython", "smalltalk", "prolog", "m", "yacc" ];
          def stringMap = [ "Su" : "Sunday", "Mo" : "Monday", "Tu" : "Tuesday",
                            "We" : "Wednesday", "Th" : "Thursday", "Fr" : "Friday",
                            "Sa" : "Saturday" ];
          stringList.each() { print " ${it}" }; println "";
          stringMap.each() { key, value -> println "${key} --> ${value}" };
          stringList.eachWithIndex() { obj, i -> println " ${i}: ${obj}" };
          stringMap.eachWithIndex() { obj, i -> println " ${i}: ${obj}" };
      3. Returning values from if-else and try-catch blocks
        def method() {
            if (true) 1 else 0
        assert method() == 1
        def method(bool) {
            try {
                if (bool) throw new Exception("foo")
            } catch(e) {
            } finally {
        assert method(false) == 1
        assert method(true) == 2
    3. Operators
      1. Arithmetic and Conditional Operators
        def expression = false
        assert !expression
      2. Collection-based Operators
      3. Spread Operator(*.)
        parent*.action                             //equivalent to:
        parent.collect{ child -> child?.action }
        assert ['cat', 'elephant']*.size() == [3, 8]
      4. Object-Related Operators
            invokeMethod and get/setProperty (.)
            Java field (.@)
            The spread java field (*.@)
            Method Reference (.&)
            'as' - "manual coercion" - asType(t) method
            Groovy == ( equals()) behavior.
                "is" for identity
            The instanceof operator (as in Java)
      5. Java field(.@)
      6. Other Operators
            getAt(index) and putAt(index, value) for the subscript operator (e.g. foo[1] or foo['bar'], i.e. index is either an int or String)
            Range Operator (..) - see Collections#Collections-Ranges
            isCase() for the membership operator (in)
      7. Elvis Operator(?:)
        def displayName = user.name ? user.name : "Anonymous" //traditional ternary operator usage
        def displayName = user.name ?: "Anonymous"  // more compact Elvis operator - does same as above
      8. Safe Navigation Operator(?.)
        def user = User.find( "admin" )           //this might be null if 'admin' does not exist
        def streetName = user?.address?.street    //streetName will be null if user or user.address is null - no NPE thrown
      9. Regular Expression Operators
            find (=~)
            match (==~)
      10. Table of Operators

        Operator Name





        Useful in comparisons, returns -1 if left is smaller 0 if == to right or 1 if greater than the right

        Regex find


        Find with a regular expresion? See Regular Expressions

        Regex match


        Get a match via a regex? See Regular Expressions

        Java Field Override


        Can be used to override generated properties to provide access to a field



        Used to invoke an action on all items of an aggregate object

        Spread Java Field


        Amalgamation of the above two

        Method Reference


        Get a reference to a method, can be useful for creating closures from methods

        asType Operator


        Used for groovy casting, coercing one type to another.

        Membership Operator


        Can be used as replacement for collection.contains()

        Identity Operator


        Identity check. Since == is overridden in Groovy with the meaning of equality we need some fallback to check for object identity.

        Safe Navigation


        returns nulls instead of throwing NullPointerExceptions

        Elvis Operator


        Shorter ternary operator

    4. Bitwise Operations

      Operator Symbol



      Bitwise Left Shift Operator


      Bitwise Right Shift Operator


      Bitwise Unsigned Right Shift Operator


      Bitwise Or Operator


      Bitwise And Operator


      Bitwise Xor Operator


      Bitwise Negation Operator


      Bitwise Left Shift Assign Operator


      Bitwise Right Shift Assign Operator


      Bitwise Unsigned Right Shift Assign Operator


      Bitwise Or Assign Operator


      Bitwise And Assign Operator


      Bitwise Xor Operator

    5. Scripts and Classes

    6. Statements Add comment to Wiki

    7. Reserved Words

    8. Strings and GString

    9. http://groovy.codehaus.org/User+Guide
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dmdj/p/3405279.html
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