• HIVE常用SQL语句及语法


    create table dll102.sougou
    (id string,pwd string,name string,count int,seqno int,address string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by ' ' ;




     外部表默认 存在HDFS下的  ‘/user/hadoop/指定路径’


    load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/sgtest' into table sougou;


     desc formatted  emp;[table_name];


    // 创建内部表 student        
    create table student(id int, name string, sex string, age int, department string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by ','               //行分隔符用 lines
    stored as textfile;
    // 从本地导入数据
    load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/student.txt' into table student;
    // 查询数据
    select id, name, sex, age, department from student;
    // 创建一个external表
    create external table ext_student(id int, name string, sex string, age int, department string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by ','
    location '/ext_student';
    // 导入数据
    hadoop  fs -put student.txt /ext_student;
    load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/mingxing.txt' into table ext_student;
    // 查询数据
    select id, name ,sex, age , department from ext_student;
    // 创建内部表引用外部路径
    create table mng_student(id int, name string, sex string, age int, department string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by ','
    location '/ext_student';
    // 创建分区表
    create table ptn_student(id int, name string, sex string, age int, department string)
    partitioned by(code string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
    // 往分区表导入数据
    load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/student.txt' into table ptn_student partition(code='112233');
    load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/student.txt' into table ptn_student1 partition(code='335566');

    export table table_name to '/test/xx';

    insert overwrite local directory '/opt/bigdata/export/student' select * from student;
    insert overwrite local directory '/opt/bigdata/export/student' row format delimited fields terminated by ',' select * from student;

    有local指的是导出到本地 ,没有local 导出到HDFS
    // 创建多字段分区表
    create table ptn_student1(id int, name string, sex string, age int, department string)
    partitioned by(code string, province string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
    // 往多分区表导入数据,需指定两个分区字段值
    load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/student.txt'
    into table ptn_student1 partition(code='335566', province='beijing');
    load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/student.txt'
    into table ptn_student1 partition(code='335566', province='tianjing');
    load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/student.txt'
    into table ptn_student1 partition(code='kk', province='tianjing');
    // 创建分桶表
    create table bck_student(id int, name string, sex string, age int, department string)
    clustered by(department) into 4 buckets
    row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
    // 重命名表
    alter table student rename to studentss;
    // 修改表的字段
    alter table studentss add columns(abc string, efg int);
    // 删除表的字段,有一些问题。drop字段有问题。不确定能不能执行成功
    alter table studentss drop column efg;  
    // 修改表的字段
    alter table studentss change abc code int;
    // 修改表的字段,并且改变字段的位置
    alter table studentss change efg province string after name;
    // 替换所有字段
    alter table studentss replace columns(id int, name string, sex string ,
    age int , department string);
    // 删除表
    drop table bck_student;
    drop table if exists bck_student;
    // 添加分区
    alter table ptn_student add partition(code='445566');
    alter table ptn_student add partition(code='445566') partition(code='778899');
    // 删除分区
    alter table ptn_student drop partition(code='445566');
    // insert  ...  select .....
    insert into table student select id, name, sex, age, department from studentss where department = 'MA';
    // 以下两句操作是为多重插入准备两张表
    create table student11(id int, name string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by ','
    stored as textfile;
    create table student22(sex string, age int, department string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by ','
    stored as textfile;
    // 多重插入
    from studentss
    insert into table student11 select id, name
    insert into table student22 select sex, age, department;
    // 静态分区插入
    load data local inpath 'student.txt' into table ptn_student partition(code='112233');
    // 动态分区插入
    set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
    set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
    insert into table d_student partition(age) select id, name, sex, department,age from studentss;
    // 创建一个分区表,为上面的动态分区做准备的
    create table d_student(id int, name string, sex string ,department string)
    partitioned by(age int)
    row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
    // CTAS
    create table my_student as select id, name , sex, age, department from studentss;
    //  like
    create table like_student like studentss;
    // insert导出hive表数据到本地
    insert overwrite local directory '/home/hadoop/myoutput'
    select id, name, sex, age, department from studentss;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dll102/p/12002665.html
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