• C#注册机与绑定软件(转发自:韩兆新的博客园的C#学习笔记——软件注册与注册机)

       1: using System;
       2: using System.Collections.Generic;
       3: using System.Linq;
       4: using System.Text;
       5: using System.Management;    //需要引用System.Management.dll
       7: namespace SoftRegister
       8: {
       9:     class SoftReg
      10:     {
      11:         ///<summary>
      12:         /// 获取硬盘卷标号
      13:         ///</summary>
      14:         ///<returns></returns>
      15:         public string GetDiskVolumeSerialNumber()
      16:         {
      17:             ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration");
      18:             ManagementObject disk = new ManagementObject("win32_logicaldisk.deviceid="c:"");
      19:             disk.Get();
      20:             return disk.GetPropertyValue("VolumeSerialNumber").ToString();
      21:         }
      23:         ///<summary>
      24:         /// 获取CPU序列号
      25:         ///</summary>
      26:         ///<returns></returns>
      27:         public string GetCpu()
      28:         {
      29:             string strCpu = null;
      30:             ManagementClass myCpu = new ManagementClass("win32_Processor");
      31:             ManagementObjectCollection myCpuCollection = myCpu.GetInstances();
      32:             foreach (ManagementObject myObject in myCpuCollection)
      33:             {
      34:                 strCpu = myObject.Properties["Processorid"].Value.ToString();
      35:             }
      36:             return strCpu;
      37:         }
      39:         ///<summary>
      40:         /// 生成机器码
      41:         ///</summary>
      42:         ///<returns></returns>
      43:         public string GetMNum()
      44:         {
      45:             string strNum = GetCpu() + GetDiskVolumeSerialNumber();
      46:             string strMNum = strNum.Substring(0, 24);    //截取前24位作为机器码
      47:             return strMNum;
      48:         }
      50:         public int[] intCode = new int[127];    //存储密钥
      51:         public char[] charCode = new char[25];  //存储ASCII码
      52:         public int[] intNumber = new int[25];   //存储ASCII码值
      54:         //初始化密钥
      55:         public void SetIntCode()
      56:         {
      57:             for (int i = 1; i < intCode.Length; i++)
      58:             {
      59:                 intCode[i] = i % 9;
      60:             }
      61:         }
      63:         ///<summary>
      64:         /// 生成注册码
      65:         ///</summary>
      66:         ///<returns></returns>
      67:         public string GetRNum()
      68:         {
      69:             SetIntCode();
      70:             string strMNum = GetMNum();
      71:             for (int i = 1; i < charCode.Length; i++)   //存储机器码
      72:             {
      73:                 charCode[i] = Convert.ToChar(strMNum.Substring(i - 1, 1));
      74:             }
      75:             for (int j = 1; j < intNumber.Length; j++)  //改变ASCII码值
      76:             {
      77:                 intNumber[j] = Convert.ToInt32(charCode[j]) + intCode[Convert.ToInt32(charCode[j])];
      78:             }
      79:             string strAsciiName = "";   //注册码
      80:             for (int k = 1; k < intNumber.Length; k++)  //生成注册码
      81:             {
      83:                 if ((intNumber[k] >= 48 && intNumber[k] <= 57) || (intNumber[k] >= 65 && intNumber[k]
      84:                     <= 90) || (intNumber[k] >= 97 && intNumber[k] <= 122))  //判断如果在0-9、A-Z、a-z之间
      85:                 {
      86:                     strAsciiName += Convert.ToChar(intNumber[k]).ToString();
      87:                 }
      88:                 else if (intNumber[k] > 122)  //判断如果大于z
      89:                 {
      90:                     strAsciiName += Convert.ToChar(intNumber[k] - 10).ToString();
      91:                 }
      92:                 else
      93:                 {
      94:                     strAsciiName += Convert.ToChar(intNumber[k] - 9).ToString();
      95:                 }
      96:             }
      97:             return strAsciiName;
      98:         }
      99:     }
     100: }
    1: using System;
       2: using System.Collections.Generic;
       3: using System.ComponentModel;
       4: using System.Data;
       5: using System.Drawing;
       6: using System.Linq;
       7: using System.Text;
       8: using System.Windows.Forms;
       9: using Microsoft.Win32;
      11: namespace SoftRegister
      12: {
      13:     public partial class FormMain : Form
      14:     {
      15:         public FormMain()
      16:         {
      17:             InitializeComponent();
      18:         }
      20:         SoftReg softReg = new SoftReg();
      22:         private void FormMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
      23:         {
      24:             //判断软件是否注册
      25:             RegistryKey retkey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE", true).CreateSubKey("mySoftWare").CreateSubKey("Register.INI");
      26:             foreach (string strRNum in retkey.GetSubKeyNames())
      27:             {
      28:                 if (strRNum == softReg.GetRNum())
      29:                 {
      30:                     this.labRegInfo.Text = "此软件已注册!";
      31:                     this.btnReg.Enabled = false;
      32:                     return;
      33:                 }
      34:             }
      35:             this.labRegInfo.Text = "此软件尚未注册!";
      36:             this.btnReg.Enabled = true;
      37:             MessageBox.Show("您现在使用的是试用版,可以免费试用30次!", "信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
      39:             Int32 tLong;    //已使用次数
      40:             try
      41:             {
      42:                 tLong = (Int32)Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\mySoftWare", "UseTimes", 0);
      43:                 MessageBox.Show("您已经使用了" + tLong + "次!", "信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
      44:             }
      45:             catch
      46:             {
      47:                 MessageBox.Show("欢迎使用本软件!", "信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
      48:                 Registry.SetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\mySoftWare", "UseTimes", 0, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
      49:             }
      51:             //判断是否可以继续试用
      52:             tLong = (Int32)Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\mySoftWare", "UseTimes", 0);
      53:             if (tLong < 30)
      54:             {
      55:                 int tTimes = tLong + 1;
      56:                 Registry.SetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\mySoftWare", "UseTimes", tTimes);
      57:             }
      58:             else
      59:             {
      60:                 DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("试用次数已到!您是否需要注册?", "信息", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
      61:                 if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
      62:                 {
      63:                     FormRegister.state = false; //设置软件状态为不可用
      64:                     btnReg_Click(sender, e);    //打开注册窗口
      65:                 }
      66:                 else
      67:                 {
      68:                     Application.Exit();
      69:                 }
      70:             }
      72:         }
      74:         private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      75:         {
      76:             Application.Exit();
      77:         }
      79:         private void btnReg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      80:         {
      81:             FormRegister frmRegister = new FormRegister();
      82:             frmRegister.ShowDialog();
      83:         }
      84:     }
      85: }



    1: using System;
       2: using System.Collections.Generic;
       3: using System.ComponentModel;
       4: using System.Data;
       5: using System.Drawing;
       6: using System.Linq;
       7: using System.Text;
       8: using System.Windows.Forms;
       9: using Microsoft.Win32;
      11: namespace SoftRegister
      12: {
      13:     public partial class FormRegister : Form
      14:     {
      15:         public FormRegister()
      16:         {
      17:             InitializeComponent();
      18:         }
      20:         public static bool state = true;  //软件是否为可用状态
      21:         SoftReg softReg = new SoftReg();
      23:         private void btnReg_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      24:         {
      25:             try
      26:             {
      27:                 if (txtLicence.Text == softReg.GetRNum())
      28:                 {
      29:                     MessageBox.Show("注册成功!重启软件后生效!", "信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
      30:                     RegistryKey retkey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software", true).CreateSubKey("mySoftWare").CreateSubKey("Register.INI").CreateSubKey(txtLicence.Text);
      31:                     retkey.SetValue("UserName", "Rsoft");
      32:                     this.Close();
      33:                 }
      34:                 else
      35:                 {
      36:                     MessageBox.Show("注册码错误!", "警告", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
      37:                     txtLicence.SelectAll();
      38:                 }
      39:             }
      40:             catch (Exception ex)
      41:             {
      42:                 throw new Exception(ex.Message);
      43:             }
      44:         }
      46:         private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      47:         {
      48:             if (state == true)
      49:             {
      50:                 this.Close();
      51:             }
      52:             else
      53:             {
      54:                 Application.Exit();
      55:             }
      56:         }
      58:         private void FormRegister_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
      59:         {
      60:             this.txtHardware.Text = softReg.GetMNum();
      61:         }
      62:     }
      63: }
       1: using System;
       2: using System.Collections.Generic;
       3: using System.Linq;
       4: using System.Text;
       5: using System.Management;
       7: namespace SoftwarePassport
       8: {
       9:     class SoftReg
      10:     {
      11:         public int[] intCode = new int[127];    //存储密钥
      12:         public char[] charCode = new char[25];  //存储ASCII码
      13:         public int[] intNumber = new int[25];   //存储ASCII码值
      15:         //初始化密钥
      16:         public void SetIntCode()
      17:         {
      18:             for (int i = 1; i < intCode.Length; i++)
      19:             {
      20:                 intCode[i] = i % 9;
      21:             }
      22:         }
      24:         ///<summary>
      25:         /// 生成注册码
      26:         ///</summary>
      27:         ///<returns></returns>
      28:         public string GetRNum(string strMNum)
      29:         {
      30:             SetIntCode();
      32:             for (int i = 1; i < charCode.Length; i++)   //存储机器码
      33:             {
      34:                 charCode[i] = Convert.ToChar(strMNum.Substring(i - 1, 1));
      35:             }
      36:             for (int j = 1; j < intNumber.Length; j++)  //改变ASCII码值
      37:             {
      38:                 intNumber[j] = Convert.ToInt32(charCode[j]) + intCode[Convert.ToInt32(charCode[j])];
      39:             }
      40:             string strAsciiName = "";   //注册码
      41:             for (int k = 1; k < intNumber.Length; k++)  //生成注册码
      42:             {
      44:                 if ((intNumber[k] >= 48 && intNumber[k] <= 57) || (intNumber[k] >= 65 && intNumber[k]
      45:                     <= 90) || (intNumber[k] >= 97 && intNumber[k] <= 122))  //判断如果在0-9、A-Z、a-z之间
      46:                 {
      47:                     strAsciiName += Convert.ToChar(intNumber[k]).ToString();
      48:                 }
      49:                 else if (intNumber[k] > 122)  //判断如果大于z
      50:                 {
      51:                     strAsciiName += Convert.ToChar(intNumber[k] - 10).ToString();
      52:                 }
      53:                 else
      54:                 {
      55:                     strAsciiName += Convert.ToChar(intNumber[k] - 9).ToString();
      56:                 }
      57:             }
      58:             return strAsciiName;
      59:         }
      60:     }
      61: }
    1: using System;
       2: using System.Collections.Generic;
       3: using System.ComponentModel;
       4: using System.Data;
       5: using System.Drawing;
       6: using System.Linq;
       7: using System.Text;
       8: using System.Windows.Forms;
      10: namespace SoftwarePassport
      11: {
      12:     public partial class FormMain : Form
      13:     {
      14:         public FormMain()
      15:         {
      16:             InitializeComponent();
      17:         }
      19:         SoftReg softReg = new SoftReg();
      21:         private void btnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      22:         {
      23:             try
      24:             {
      25:                 string strHardware = this.txtHardware.Text;
      26:                 string strLicence = softReg.GetRNum(strHardware);
      27:                 this.txtLicence.Text = strLicence;
      28:             }
      29:             catch (System.Exception ex)
      30:             {
      31:                 MessageBox.Show("输入的机器码格式错误!", "警告", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
      32:             }  
      33:         }
      35:         private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      36:         {
      37:             Application.Exit();
      38:         }
      39:     }
      40: }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dlexia/p/4649127.html
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