• .net下载图片,去下载重复的图片,保存数据库,保存图片

        public static string DowImg(string content1, string key)
            string content = content1;
            MatchCollection m = getregduo("<img.+?>", content);
            foreach (Match item in m)

                string imgurl = getreg("src=\"(.+?)\"", item.Value);//原图片url地址
                if (imgurl.IndexOf("lkjfds")!=-1)
                    string ddd = "ddd";
      string houzui = imgurl.Substring(imgurl.LastIndexOf("."));//图片的后缀
                string imgname = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + houzui;
                string name = "http://www.lkjfds.com/taoimg/" + key + "/" + imgname;//改后的图片路径;
                    DAL.Database.ExecProc("insert into img(url,houurl) values('" + imgurl + "','"+name+"')");//把已有的链接放入数据库
                    content = content.Replace(imgurl, name);
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (e.ToString().IndexOf("索引") != -1)//说明这幅图片已经存在于数据库了
                        name = DAL.Database.ReturnScalar("select houurl from img where url='" + imgurl + "'").ToString();
                        content = content.Replace(imgurl, name);
               // 如果不是就下载图片
                Stream ss = httpweb.getGet(imgurl, new System.Net.CookieContainer());//下载图片
                Image img = Image.FromStream(ss);
                img.Save(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/" + key + "/" + imgname);//保存图片
            return content;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/djhama/p/1796221.html
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