• JAVA核心技术之球体碰撞多线程版



      1 /**
      2    @version 1.32 2004-07-27
      3    @author Cay Horstmann
      4 */
      6 import java.awt.*;
      7 import java.awt.event.*;
      8 import java.awt.geom.*;
      9 import java.util.*;
     10 import javax.swing.*;
     12 /**
     13    Shows an animated bouncing ball.
     14 */
     15 public class BounceThread
     16 {
     17    public static void main(String[] args)
     18    {
     19       JFrame frame = new BounceFrame();
     20       frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
     21       frame.setVisible(true);
     22    }
     23 }
     25 /**
     26    A runnable that animates a bouncing ball.
     27 */
     28 class BallRunnable implements Runnable
     29 {
     30    /**
     31       Constructs the runnable.
     32       @aBall the ball to bounce
     33       @aPanel the component in which the ball bounces
     34    */
     35    public BallRunnable(Ball aBall, Component aComponent) 
     36    { 
     37       ball = aBall; 
     38       component = aComponent;
     39    }
     41    public void run()
     42    {
     43       try
     44       {
     45          for (int i = 1; i <= STEPS; i++)
     46          {
     47             ball.move(component.getBounds());
     48             component.repaint();
     49             Thread.sleep(DELAY);
     50          }
     51       }
     52       catch (InterruptedException e)
     53       {                    
     54       }
     55    }
     57    private Ball ball;
     58    private Component component;
     59    public static final int STEPS = 1000;
     60    public static final int DELAY = 5;
     61 }
     63 /**
     64    A ball that moves and bounces off the edges of a 
     65    rectangle
     66 */
     67 class Ball
     68 {
     69    /**
     70       Moves the ball to the next position, reversing direction
     71       if it hits one of the edges
     72    */
     73    public void move(Rectangle2D bounds)
     74    {
     75       x += dx;
     76       y += dy;
     77       if (x < bounds.getMinX())
     78       { 
     79          x = bounds.getMinX();
     80          dx = -dx;
     81       }
     82       if (x + XSIZE >= bounds.getMaxX())
     83       {
     84          x = bounds.getMaxX() - XSIZE; 
     85          dx = -dx; 
     86       }
     87       if (y < bounds.getMinY())
     88       {
     89          y = bounds.getMinY(); 
     90          dy = -dy;
     91       }
     92       if (y + YSIZE >= bounds.getMaxY())
     93       {
     94          y = bounds.getMaxY() - YSIZE;
     95          dy = -dy; 
     96       }
     97    }
     99    /**
    100       Gets the shape of the ball at its current position.
    101    */
    102    public Ellipse2D getShape()
    103    {
    104       return new Ellipse2D.Double(x, y, XSIZE, YSIZE);
    105    }
    107    private static final int XSIZE = 15;
    108    private static final int YSIZE = 15;
    109    private double x = 0;
    110    private double y = 0;
    111    private double dx = 1;
    112    private double dy = 1;
    113 }
    115 /**
    116    The panel that draws the balls.
    117 */
    118 class BallPanel extends JPanel
    119 {
    120    /**
    121       Add a ball to the panel.
    122       @param b the ball to add
    123    */
    124    public void add(Ball b)
    125    {
    126       balls.add(b);
    127    }
    129    public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
    130    {
    131       super.paintComponent(g);
    132       Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
    133       for (Ball b : balls)
    134       {
    135          g2.fill(b.getShape());
    136       }
    137    }
    139    private ArrayList<Ball> balls = new ArrayList<Ball>();
    140 }
    142 /**
    143    The frame with panel and buttons.
    144 */
    145 class BounceFrame extends JFrame
    146 {
    147    /**
    148       Constructs the frame with the panel for showing the
    149       bouncing ball and Start and Close buttons
    150    */
    151    public BounceFrame()
    152    {
    153       setSize(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
    154       setTitle("BounceThread");
    156       panel = new BallPanel();
    157       add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    158       JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
    159       addButton(buttonPanel, "Start",
    160          new ActionListener()
    161          {  
    162             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
    163             {
    164                addBall();
    165             }
    166          });
    168       addButton(buttonPanel, "Close",
    169          new ActionListener()
    170          {
    171             public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
    172             {
    173                System.exit(0);
    174             }
    175          });
    176       add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    177    }
    179    /**
    180       Adds a button to a container.
    181       @param c the container
    182       @param title the button title
    183       @param listener the action listener for the button
    184    */
    185    public void addButton(Container c, String title, ActionListener listener)
    186    {
    187       JButton button = new JButton(title);
    188       c.add(button);
    189       button.addActionListener(listener);
    190    }
    192    /**
    193       Adds a bouncing ball to the canvas and starts a thread
    194       to make it bounce
    195    */
    196    public void addBall()
    197    {
    198       Ball b = new Ball();
    199       panel.add(b);
    200       Runnable r = new BallRunnable(b, panel);
    201       Thread t = new Thread(r);
    202       t.start();
    203    }
    205    private BallPanel panel;
    206    public static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 450;
    207    public static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 350;  
    208    public static final int STEPS = 1000;
    209    public static final int DELAY = 3;
    210 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/djcsch2001/p/2497482.html
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