• CMOS单元

    unit CMOS;


    ClockSec = $00; { RTclock seconds }
    ClockMin = $02; { RTclock minutes }
    ClockHour = $04; { RTclock hours }
    ClockDOW = $06; { RTclock day of week }
    ClockDay = $07; { RTclock day in month }
    ClockMon = $08; { RTclock month }
    ClockYear = $09; { RTclock year (mod 100)}
    AlarmSec = $01; { Alarm seconds }
    AlarmMin = $03; { Alarm minutes }
    AlarmHour = $05; { Alarm hours }
    Diskettes = $10; { Floppy disk type byte }
    HardDisk = $12; { Regular hard disk type }
    HDExt1 = $19; { Extended hard disk type, unit 1 }
    HDExt2 = $1A; { Extended hard disk type, unit 2 }
    Equipment = $14; { Equipment list }
    CheckLo = $2F; { Checksum low }
    CheckHi = $2E; { Checksum high }
    BaseLo = $15; { Base mem low }
    BaseHi = $16; { Base mem high }
    ExpdLo = $17; { Expansion mem size low }
    ExpdHi = $18; { Expansion mem size high }
    StatRegA = $0A; { Status Register A }
    StatRegB = $0B; { Status register B }
    StatRegC = $0C; { Status register C }
    StatRegD = $0D; { Status register D }
    DiagStat = $0E; { Diagnostic status byte }
    ShutDown = $0F; { Shutdown status byte }
    Century = $32; { BCD Century number }
    AltExpdLo = $30; { Expansion mem size low (alternate) }
    AltExpdHi = $31; { Expansion mem size high (alternate) }
    InfoFlags = $33; { Bit 7 set = top 128k installed, bit
    6 set = first user message (?) }

    function ReadCmos(Address: byte): byte;
    { Returns the byte at the given CMOS ADDRESS }

    procedure WriteCmos(Address, Data: byte);
    { Writes DATA to ADDRESS in CMOS ram }

    procedure SetCMOSCheckSum;
    { Sets the CMOS checksum after you've messed with it :-}

    { The following bytes are RESERVED: $11, $13, $1B-$2D, and
    $34-$3F ($3F marks the end of the CMOS area). You'll note that
    some of these are included in the checksum calculation. }


    CmosAddr = $70; { CMOS control port }
    CmosData = $71; { CMOS data port }

    function ReadCmos(Address: byte): byte;
    {port[CmosAddr] := Address;
    ReadCmos := port[CmosData]}
    end; {ReadCmos}

    procedure WriteCmos(Address, Data: byte);
    {port[CmosAddr] := Address;
    port[CmosData] := Data;}
    end; {WriteCmos}

    procedure SetCMOSCheckSum;
    { The checksum is simply the sum of $10 to $2D
    (some of these bytes are reserved) }

    I, Sum: word;
    Sum := 0;
    for I:= $10 to $2D do Sum := Sum + ReadCmos(I);
    WriteCmos(CheckHi, Hi(sum));
    WriteCmos(CheckLo, Lo(sum));
    end; {SetCMOSCheckSum}


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/djcsch2001/p/2035828.html
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