• Extjs gridpanel 合并单元格

      1 /*
      2          * *合并单元格的函数,合并表格内所有连续的具有相同值的单元格。调用方法示例:
      3          * *store.on("load",function(){gridSpan(grid,"row","[FbillNumber],[FbillDate],[FAudit],[FAuditDate],[FSure],[FSureDate]","FbillNumber");});
      4          * *参数:grid-需要合并的表格,rowOrCol-合并行还是列,cols-需要合并的列(行合并的时候有效),sepCols以哪个列为分割(即此字段不合并的2行,其他字段也不许合并),默认为空
      5          */  
      6         function gridSpan(grid, rowOrCol, cols, sepCol){  
      7             // alert('grid===='+grid+';rowOrCol='+rowOrCol+';cols='+cols);
      8             var array1 = new Array();  
      9             var arraySep = new Array();  
     10             var count1 = 0;  
     11             var count2 = 0;  
     12             var index1 = 0;  
     13             var index2 = 0;  
     14             var aRow = undefined;  
     15             var preValue = undefined;  
     16             var firstSameCell = 0;  
     17             var allRecs = grid.getStore().getRange();  
     18             if(rowOrCol == "row"){  
     19                 count1 = grid.getColumnModel().getColumnCount();  //列数
     20                 count2 = grid.getStore().getCount();  //行数(纪录数)
     21             } else {  
     22                 count1 = grid.getStore().getCount();  
     23                 count2 = grid.getColumnModel().getColumnCount();  
     24             }  
     25             for(i = 0; i < count1; i++){  
     26                 if(rowOrCol == "row"){  
     27                     var curColName = grid.getColumnModel().getDataIndex(i); //列名 
     28                     var curCol = "[" + curColName + "]";  
     29                     if(cols.indexOf(curCol) < 0)  
     30                     continue;  
     31                 }
     34                 preValue = undefined;  
     35                 firstSameCell = 0;  
     36                 array1[i] = new Array();  
     37                 for(j = 0; j < count2; j++){
     39                     if(rowOrCol == "row"){  
     40                         index1 = j;  
     41                         index2 = i;  
     42                     } else {  
     43                         index1 = i;  
     44                         index2 = j;  
     45                     }  
     46                     var colName = grid.getColumnModel().getDataIndex(index2);  
     47                     if(sepCol && colName == sepCol)  
     48                     arraySep[index1] = allRecs[index1].get(sepCol);  
     49                     var seqOldValue = seqCurValue = "1";  
     50                     if(sepCol && index1 > 0){  
     51                         seqOldValue = arraySep[index1 - 1];  
     52                         seqCurValue = arraySep[index1];  
     53                     }  
     55                     if(allRecs[index1].get(colName) == preValue && (colName == sepCol || seqOldValue == seqCurValue)){  
     56  //alert(colName + "======" + seqOldValue + "======" + seqCurValue);
     57                          allRecs[index1].set(colName, "");  
     58                          array1[i].push(j);  
     59                          if(j == count2 - 1){  
     60                              var index = firstSameCell + Math.round((j + 1 - firstSameCell) / 2 - 1);  
     61                              if(rowOrCol == "row"){  
     62                                  allRecs[index].set(colName, preValue);  
     63                                } else {  
     64                                    allRecs[index1].set(grid.getColumnModel().getColumnId(index), preValue);  
     65                                }  
     66                            }  
     67                        } else {  
     68                            if(j != 0){  
     69                                var index = firstSameCell + Math.round((j + 1 - firstSameCell) / 2 - 1);  
     70                                if(rowOrCol == "row"){  
     71                                    allRecs[index].set(colName, preValue);  
     72                                } else {  
     73                                    allRecs[index1].set(grid.getColumnModel().getColumnId(index), preValue);  
     74                             }  
     75                            }  
     76                        firstSameCell = j;  
     77                        preValue = allRecs[index1].get(colName);  
     78                        allRecs[index1].set(colName, "");  
     79                        if(j == count2 - 1){  
     80                            allRecs[index1].set(colName, preValue);  
     81                        }  
     82                    }
     84                 }  
     85             }  
     86             grid.getStore().commitChanges();  
     88             // 添加所有分隔线
     89             var rCount = grid.getStore().getCount();  
     90             for(i = 0; i < rCount; i ++){
     91                 hRow = grid.getView().getRows()[i];
     92                 hRow.style.border = "none";
     93                 //hRow.style.borderBottom= "none";
     94                 for(j = 0; j < grid.getColumnModel().getColumnCount(); j ++){  
     95                        aRow = grid.getView().getCell(i,j); 
     96                        aRow.style.margin="0";
     97                        aRow.style.padding="0";
     99                      if(i == 0){  
    100                          aRow.style.borderTop = "none";  
    101                          aRow.style.borderLeft = "1px solid #8db2e3"; 
    103                      }else if(i == rCount - 1){  
    104                          aRow.style.borderTop = "1px solid #8db2e3";  
    105                          aRow.style.borderLeft = "1px solid #8db2e3";  
    106                         aRow.style.borderBottom = "1px solid #8db2e3"; 
    107                      }else{  
    108                          aRow.style.borderTop = "1px solid #8db2e3";  
    109                          aRow.style.borderLeft = "1px solid #8db2e3"; 
    110                      }  
    111                      if(j == grid.getColumnModel().getColumnCount()-1)  
    112                          aRow.style.borderRight = "1px solid #8db2e3";  
    113                     if(i == rCount-1)       
    114                      aRow.style.borderBottom = "1px solid #8db2e3";  
    115                    }  
    116                }  
    117                // 去除合并的单元格的分隔线
    118                for(i = 0; i < array1.length; i++){  
    119                    if(!Ext.isEmpty(array1[i])){  
    120                        for(j = 0; j < array1[i].length; j++){  
    121                            if(rowOrCol == "row"){  
    122                                aRow = grid.getView().getCell(array1[i][j],i);  
    123                                aRow.style.borderTop = "none";
    125                            } else {  
    126                                aRow = grid.getView().getCell(i, array1[i][j]);  
    127                                aRow.style.borderLeft = "none";  
    128                            }  
    129                        }  
    130                    }  
    131                } 
    133                for(i = 0; i < count1; i++){  
    134                     if(rowOrCol == "row"){  
    135                         var curColName = grid.getColumnModel().getDataIndex(i); //列名 
    136                         var curCol = "[" + curColName + "]";  
    137                         if(cols.indexOf(curCol) < 0)  
    138                         continue;  
    139                     }
    141                     for(j = 0; j < count2; j++){
    142                         var hbcell = grid.getView().getCell(j,i);
    143                         hbcell.style.background="#FFF"; //改变合并列所有单元格背景为白色
    144                     }
    145                }
    147         }; 


     1 this.gridPanel = new HT.GridPanel({
     2             region : 'center',
     3             tbar : this.topbar,
     4             border:true,
     5 // hideBorders:true,
     6             columnLines:false,
     7 // bodyBorder :false,
     8             // 使用RowActions
     9             rowActions : true,
    10             id : 'PageGrid',
    11             url : __ctxPath + "/qywz/listPage.do",
    12             fields : [ {
    13                 name : 'id',
    14                 type : 'int'
    15             }, 'name', 'contant', 'edituserid', 'editdate', 'createdate',
    16                     'isenabled', 'navigationMenuId' ],
    17             columns : [ {
    18                 header : 'id',
    19                 dataIndex : 'id',
    20                 hidden : true
    21             }, {
    22                 header : '页面名称',
    23                 dataIndex : 'name'
    24             }, {
    25                 header : '内容',
    26                 dataIndex : 'contant'
    27             }, {
    28                 header : '编辑人',
    29                 dataIndex : 'edituserid'
    30             }, {
    31                 header : '编辑日期',
    32                 dataIndex : 'editdate'
    33             }, {
    34                 header : '生成日期',
    35                 dataIndex : 'createdate'
    36             }, {
    37                 header : '有效标志',
    38                 dataIndex : 'isenabled'
    39             }, {
    40                 header : '对应导航菜单表ID',
    41                 dataIndex : 'navigationMenuId'
    42             }, new Ext.ux.grid.RowActions({
    43                 header : '管理',
    44                 width : 100,
    45                 actions : [ {
    46                     iconCls : 'btn-del',
    47                     qtip : '删除',
    48                     style : 'margin:0 3px 0 3px'
    49                 }, {
    50                     iconCls : 'btn-edit',
    51                     qtip : '编辑',
    52                     style : 'margin:0 3px 0 3px'
    53                 } ],
    54                 listeners : {
    55                     scope : this,
    56                     'action' : this.onRowAction
    57                 }
    58             }) ]
    59         // end of columns
    60         });
    61         var gridp = this.gridPanel;
    63         this.gridPanel.addListener('rowdblclick', this.rowClick);
    65         // ==>监听load , 执行合并单元格
    66         this.gridPanel.getStore().on('load', function () { 
    67             gridSpan(gridp,"row","[name],[contant]"); 
    69         }); 
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    python打开文件时提示“File was loaded in the wrong encoding:’UTF-8”根因调查
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dirgo/p/7409913.html
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