1. 安装
sudo yum install yum-utils sudo rpm --import https://repo.clickhouse.tech/CLICKHOUSE-KEY.GPG sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://repo.clickhouse.tech/rpm/stable/x86_64 sudo yum install clickhouse-server clickhouse-client sudo /etc/init.d/clickhouse-server start clickhouse-client
启动:sudo /etc/init.d/clickhouse-server start
2. 目录配置
Server config files are located in /etc/clickhouse-server/
. Before going further, please notice the <path>
element in config.xml
. Path determines the location for data storage, so it should be located on volume with large disk capacity; the default value is /var/lib/clickhouse/.If you want to adjust the configuration, it’s not handy to directly edit
file, considering it might get rewritten on future package updates. The recommended way to override the config elements is to create files in config.d directory which serve as “patches” to config.xml.
The default location for server logs is /var/log/clickhouse-server/
. The server is ready to handle client connections once it logs the Ready for connections
把数据存放目录都配置到 /data/clickhouse/ 目录下面。
3. 建表
sudo /etc/init.d/clickhouse-server start
clickhouse-client --query "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS tutorial"
4. clickhouse-client 客户端工具
clickhouse-client -m 可以支持多行SQL;
5. 建表:
clickhouse-client -m
CREATE TABLE tutorial.hits_v1 ( `WatchID` UInt64, `JavaEnable` UInt8, `Title` String, `GoodEvent` Int16, `EventTime` DateTime, `EventDate` Date, `CounterID` UInt32, `ClientIP` UInt32, `ClientIP6` FixedString(16), `RegionID` UInt32, `UserID` UInt64, `CounterClass` Int8, `OS` UInt8, `UserAgent` UInt8, `URL` String, `Referer` String, `URLDomain` String, `RefererDomain` String, `Refresh` UInt8, `IsRobot` UInt8, `RefererCategories` Array(UInt16), `URLCategories` Array(UInt16), `URLRegions` Array(UInt32), `RefererRegions` Array(UInt32), `ResolutionWidth` UInt16, `ResolutionHeight` UInt16, `ResolutionDepth` UInt8, `FlashMajor` UInt8, `FlashMinor` UInt8, `FlashMinor2` String, `NetMajor` UInt8, `NetMinor` UInt8, `UserAgentMajor` UInt16, `UserAgentMinor` FixedString(2), `CookieEnable` UInt8, `JavascriptEnable` UInt8, `IsMobile` UInt8, `MobilePhone` UInt8, `MobilePhoneModel` String, `Params` String, `IPNetworkID` UInt32, `TraficSourceID` Int8, `SearchEngineID` UInt16, `SearchPhrase` String, `AdvEngineID` UInt8, `IsArtifical` UInt8, `WindowClientWidth` UInt16, `WindowClientHeight` UInt16, `ClientTimeZone` Int16, `ClientEventTime` DateTime, `SilverlightVersion1` UInt8, `SilverlightVersion2` UInt8, `SilverlightVersion3` UInt32, `SilverlightVersion4` UInt16, `PageCharset` String, `CodeVersion` UInt32, `IsLink` UInt8, `IsDownload` UInt8, `IsNotBounce` UInt8, `FUniqID` UInt64, `HID` UInt32, `IsOldCounter` UInt8, `IsEvent` UInt8, `IsParameter` UInt8, `DontCountHits` UInt8, `WithHash` UInt8, `HitColor` FixedString(1), `UTCEventTime` DateTime, `Age` UInt8, `Sex` UInt8, `Income` UInt8, `Interests` UInt16, `Robotness` UInt8, `GeneralInterests` Array(UInt16), `RemoteIP` UInt32, `RemoteIP6` FixedString(16), `WindowName` Int32, `OpenerName` Int32, `HistoryLength` Int16, `BrowserLanguage` FixedString(2), `BrowserCountry` FixedString(2), `SocialNetwork` String, `SocialAction` String, `HTTPError` UInt16, `SendTiming` Int32, `DNSTiming` Int32, `ConnectTiming` Int32, `ResponseStartTiming` Int32, `ResponseEndTiming` Int32, `FetchTiming` Int32, `RedirectTiming` Int32, `DOMInteractiveTiming` Int32, `DOMContentLoadedTiming` Int32, `DOMCompleteTiming` Int32, `LoadEventStartTiming` Int32, `LoadEventEndTiming` Int32, `NSToDOMContentLoadedTiming` Int32, `FirstPaintTiming` Int32, `RedirectCount` Int8, `SocialSourceNetworkID` UInt8, `SocialSourcePage` String, `ParamPrice` Int64, `ParamOrderID` String, `ParamCurrency` FixedString(3), `ParamCurrencyID` UInt16, `GoalsReached` Array(UInt32), `OpenstatServiceName` String, `OpenstatCampaignID` String, `OpenstatAdID` String, `OpenstatSourceID` String, `UTMSource` String, `UTMMedium` String, `UTMCampaign` String, `UTMContent` String, `UTMTerm` String, `FromTag` String, `HasGCLID` UInt8, `RefererHash` UInt64, `URLHash` UInt64, `CLID` UInt32, `YCLID` UInt64, `ShareService` String, `ShareURL` String, `ShareTitle` String, `ParsedParams` Nested( Key1 String, Key2 String, Key3 String, Key4 String, Key5 String, ValueDouble Float64), `IslandID` FixedString(16), `RequestNum` UInt32, `RequestTry` UInt8 ) ENGINE = MergeTree() PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(EventDate) ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID)) SAMPLE BY intHash32(UserID) SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192
6. 导入数据
clickhouse-client --query "INSERT INTO tutorial.hits_v1 FORMAT TSV" --max_insert_block_size=100000 < hits_v1.tsv
7. 执行sql
clickhosue-client -m