1. 乱码问题
2. 报错 No operations allowed after statement closed.
需要调整wait_timeout: set global wait_timeout=1000000;
3. net_write_timeout 参数也需要调整:set global net_write_timeout='60000'
4. kettle 加速
原理是把 单条的insert转换为 批量 batch insert
To remedy this, in PDI I create a separate, specialized Database Connection I use for batch inserts. Set these two MySQL-specific options on your Database Connection:
useServerPrepStmts false
rewriteBatchedStatements true
Used together, these "fake" batch inserts on the client. Specificially, the insert statements:
INSERT INTO t (c1,c2) VALUES ('One',1);
INSERT INTO t (c1,c2) VALUES ('Two',2);
INSERT INTO t (c1,c2) VALUES ('Three',3);
will be rewritten into:
INSERT INTO t (c1,c2) VALUES ('One',1),('Two',2),('Three',3);
So that the batched rows will be inserted with one statement (and one network round-trip). With this simple change, Table Output is very fast and close to performance of the bulk loader steps.
另外 目标 端的mysql可以调整一下参数:
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0
sync_binlog = 0