• Linux命令之last

    last [-num | -n num] [-f file] [-t YYYYMMDDHHMMSS] [-R] [-adioxFw] [username..] [tty..]



    -num |-n num指定输出记录的条数
    -f file 指定记录文件作为查询的log文件
    -t YYYYMMDDHHMMSS 显示指定时间之前的登录情况
    username 账户名称
    tty 终端机编号


    -R 不显示登录系统或终端的主机名称或IP
    -a 将登录系统或终端的主机名过IP地址显示在最后一行
    -d 将IP地址转成主机名称
    -I 显示特定IP登录情况。
    -o 读取有linux-libc5应用编写的旧类型wtmp文件
    -x 显示系统关闭、用户登录和退出的历史
    -F 显示登录的完整时间
    -w 在输出中显示完整的用户名或域名






    第五列:结束时间(still login in尚未退出,down直到正常关机,crash直到强制关机)



    [root@CentOS6 桌面]# last -n 10
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Wed Apr 25 10:12   still logged in   
    root     pts/1        :0.0             Wed Apr 25 10:06 - 10:10  (00:03)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Wed Apr 25 10:06 - 10:10  (00:03)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Wed Apr 25 10:02 - 10:06  (00:04)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Wed Apr 25 09:51 - 09:51  (00:00)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Wed Apr 25 09:45 - 09:51  (00:05)    
    root     pts/1        :0.0             Wed Apr 25 09:38 - 09:41  (00:02)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Wed Apr 25 09:34 - 09:45  (00:11)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Tue Apr 17 10:46 - 10:48  (00:02)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Tue Apr 17 10:33 - 10:46  (00:13)    
    wtmp begins Tue Mar 13 18:31:47 2018
    [root@CentOS6 桌面]# last -10
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Wed Apr 25 10:12   still logged in   
    root     pts/1        :0.0             Wed Apr 25 10:06 - 10:10  (00:03)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Wed Apr 25 10:06 - 10:10  (00:03)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Wed Apr 25 10:02 - 10:06  (00:04)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Wed Apr 25 09:51 - 09:51  (00:00)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Wed Apr 25 09:45 - 09:51  (00:05)    
    root     pts/1        :0.0             Wed Apr 25 09:38 - 09:41  (00:02)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Wed Apr 25 09:34 - 09:45  (00:11)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Tue Apr 17 10:46 - 10:48  (00:02)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Tue Apr 17 10:33 - 10:46  (00:13)    
    wtmp begins Tue Mar 13 18:31:47 2018


    [root@CentOS6 桌面]# last -10 -f /var/log/btmp
    root     tty1         :0               Mon Apr 16 09:07    gone - no logout 
    btmp begins Mon Apr 16 09:07:03 2018

     将IP 地址转换为主机地址

    [root@CentOS6 桌面]# last -10 -d
    root     pts/0          Wed Apr 25 10:12   still logged in   
    root     pts/1          Wed Apr 25 10:06 - 10:10  (00:03)    
    root     pts/0          Wed Apr 25 10:06 - 10:10  (00:03)    
    root     pts/0          Wed Apr 25 10:02 - 10:06  (00:04)    
    root     pts/0          Wed Apr 25 09:51 - 09:51  (00:00)    
    root     pts/0          Wed Apr 25 09:45 - 09:51  (00:05)    
    root     pts/1          Wed Apr 25 09:38 - 09:41  (00:02)    
    root     pts/0          Wed Apr 25 09:34 - 09:45  (00:11)    
    root     pts/0          Tue Apr 17 10:46 - 10:48  (00:02)    
    root     pts/0          Tue Apr 17 10:33 - 10:46  (00:13)    
    wtmp begins Tue Mar 13 18:31:47 2018


    [root@CentOS6 桌面]# last -10 -t 20180425000000  //之所以展示出来是为了提醒下-t后面的时间写法
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Tue Apr 17 10:46 - 10:48  (00:02)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Tue Apr 17 10:33 - 10:46  (00:13)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Tue Apr 17 10:26 - 10:26  (00:00)    
    root     tty2                          Tue Apr 17 10:23 - 10:23  (00:00)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Tue Apr 17 10:22 - 10:22  (00:00)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Tue Apr 17 10:22 - 10:22  (00:00)    
    root     tty1         :0               Tue Apr 17 09:49   still logged in   
    reboot   system boot  2.6.32-642.el6.x Tue Apr 17 09:48 - 10:21 (8+00:32)   
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Mon Apr 16 16:13 - 16:20  (00:07)    
    root     pts/0        :0.0             Mon Apr 16 15:39 - 16:13  (00:33)    
    wtmp begins Tue Mar 13 18:31:47 2018
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