Assume Failure DC FP01 and Working DC DC01
1. Stop the Key Distribution Center (KDC) service on FP01.
Open a Command Prompt, type net stop KDC, and press Enter.
2. Purge the ticket cache on FP01.
Open a Command Prompt, type klist purge, and press Enter.
3. Reset the Server domain controller account password on DC01 (the PDC emulator).
Open a command prompt and type: netdom /resetpwd /server:FP01 /userd:domain.comadministrator /passwordd:password, and then press Enter.
4. Synchronize the domain on FP01.
Open a command prompt, type repadmin /syncall, and then press Enter.
6. Start the KDC service on FP01. To do so, open a command prompt, type
net start KDC, and press Enter. This completed the process, and the domain
controllers were replicating successfully.