• PHP7函数大全(4553个函数)




    abs 绝对值
    acos 反余弦
    acosh 反双曲余弦
    addcslashes 以 C 语言风格使用反斜线转义字符串中的字符
    addslashes 使用反斜线引用字符串
    apache_child_terminate 在本次请求结束后终止 apache 子进程
    apache_getenv 获取 Apache subprocess_env 变量
    apache_get_modules 获得已加载的Apache模块列表
    apache_get_version 获得Apache版本信息
    apache_lookup_uri 对指定的 URI 执行部分请求并返回所有有关信息
    apache_note 取得或设置 apache 请求记录
    apache_request_headers 获取全部 HTTP 请求头信息
    apache_reset_timeout 重置 Apache 写入计时器
    apache_response_headers 获得全部 HTTP 响应头信息
    apache_setenv 设置 Apache 子进程环境变量
    apcu_add Cache a new variable in the data store
    apcu_cache_info Retrieves cached information from APCu’s data store
    apcu_cas Updates an old value with a new value
    apcu_clear_cache Clears the APCu cache
    apcu_dec Decrease a stored number
    apcu_delete Removes a stored variable from the cache
    apcu_entry Atomically fetch or generate a cache entry
    apcu_exists Checks if entry exists
    apcu_fetch Fetch a stored variable from the cache
    apcu_inc Increase a stored number
    apcu_sma_info Retrieves APCu Shared Memory Allocation information
    apcu_store Cache a variable in the data store
    apc_add 缓存一个变量到数据存储
    apc_bin_dump Get a binary dump of the given files and user variables
    apc_bin_dumpfile Output a binary dump of cached files and user variables to a file
    apc_bin_load Load a binary dump into the APC file/user cache
    apc_bin_loadfile Load a binary dump from a file into the APC file/user cache
    apc_cache_info Retrieves cached information from APC’s data store
    apc_cas 用新值更新旧值
    apc_clear_cache 清除APC缓存
    apc_compile_file Stores a file in the bytecode cache, bypassing all filters.
    apc_dec Decrease a stored number
    apc_define_constants Defines a set of constants for retrieval and mass-definition
    apc_delete 从用户缓存中删除某个变量
    apc_delete_file Deletes files from the opcode cache
    apc_exists 检查APC中是否存在某个或者某些key
    apc_fetch 从缓存中取出存储的变量
    apc_inc 递增一个储存的数字
    apc_load_constants Loads a set of constants from the cache
    apc_sma_info Retrieves APC’s Shared Memory Allocation information
    apc_store Cache a variable in the data store
    apd_breakpoint Stops the interpreter and waits on a CR from the socket
    apd_callstack Returns the current call stack as an array
    apd_clunk Throw a warning and a callstack
    apd_continue Restarts the interpreter
    apd_croak Throw an error, a callstack and then exit
    apd_dump_function_table Outputs the current function table
    apd_dump_persistent_resources Return all persistent resources as an array
    apd_dump_regular_resources Return all current regular resources as an array
    apd_echo Echo to the debugging socket
    apd_get_active_symbols Get an array of the current variables names in the local scope
    apd_set_pprof_trace Starts the session debugging
    apd_set_session Changes or sets the current debugging level
    apd_set_session_trace Starts the session debugging
    apd_set_session_trace_socket Starts the remote session debugging
    array 新建一个数组
    array_change_key_case 返回字符串键名全为小写或大写的数组
    array_chunk 将一个数组分割成多个
    array_column 返回数组中指定的一列
    array_combine 创建一个数组,用一个数组的值作为其键名,另一个数组的值作为其值
    array_count_values 统计数组中所有的值出现的次数
    array_diff 计算数组的差集
    array_diff_assoc 带索引检查计算数组的差集
    array_diff_key 使用键名比较计算数组的差集
    array_diff_uassoc 用用户提供的回调函数做索引检查来计算数组的差集
    array_diff_ukey 用回调函数对键名比较计算数组的差集
    array_fill 用给定的值填充数组
    array_fill_keys 使用指定的键和值填充数组
    array_filter 用回调函数过滤数组中的单元
    array_flip 交换数组中的键和值
    array_intersect 计算数组的交集
    array_intersect_assoc 带索引检查计算数组的交集
    array_intersect_key 使用键名比较计算数组的交集
    array_intersect_uassoc 带索引检查计算数组的交集,用回调函数比较索引
    array_intersect_ukey 用回调函数比较键名来计算数组的交集
    array_keys 返回数组中部分的或所有的键名
    array_key_exists 检查给定的键名或索引是否存在于数组中
    array_map 将回调函数作用到给定数组的单元上
    array_merge 合并一个或多个数组
    array_merge_recursive 递归地合并一个或多个数组
    array_multisort 对多个数组或多维数组进行排序
    array_pad 用值将数组填补到指定长度
    array_pop 将数组最后一个单元弹出(出栈)
    array_product 计算数组中所有值的乘积
    array_push 将一个或多个单元压入数组的末尾(入栈)
    array_rand 从数组中随机取出一个或多个单元
    array_reduce 用回调函数迭代地将数组简化为单一的值
    array_replace 使用传递的数组替换第一个数组的元素
    array_replace_recursive 使用传递的数组递归替换第一个数组的元素
    array_reverse 返回一个单元顺序相反的数组
    array_search 在数组中搜索给定的值,如果成功则返回相应的键名
    array_shift 将数组开头的单元移出数组
    array_slice 从数组中取出一段
    array_splice 把数组中的一部分去掉并用其它值取代
    array_sum 计算数组中所有值的和
    array_udiff 用回调函数比较数据来计算数组的差集
    array_udiff_assoc 带索引检查计算数组的差集,用回调函数比较数据
    array_udiff_uassoc 带索引检查计算数组的差集,用回调函数比较数据和索引
    array_uintersect 计算数组的交集,用回调函数比较数据
    array_uintersect_assoc 带索引检查计算数组的交集,用回调函数比较数据
    array_uintersect_uassoc 带索引检查计算数组的交集,用回调函数比较数据和索引
    array_unique 移除数组中重复的值
    array_unshift 在数组开头插入一个或多个单元
    array_values 返回数组中所有的值
    array_walk 使用用户自定义函数对数组中的每个元素做回调处理
    array_walk_recursive 对数组中的每个成员递归地应用用户函数
    arsort 对数组进行逆向排序并保持索引关系
    asin 反正弦
    asinh 反双曲正弦
    asort 对数组进行排序并保持索引关系
    assert 检查一个断言是否为 FALSE
    assert_options 设置/获取断言的各种标志
    atan 反正切
    atan2 两个参数的反正切
    atanh 反双曲正切


    base64_decode 对使用 MIME base64 编码的数据进行解码
    base64_encode 使用 MIME base64 对数据进行编码
    basename 返回路径中的文件名部分
    base_convert 在任意进制之间转换数字
    bbcode_add_element Adds a bbcode element
    bbcode_add_smiley Adds a smiley to the parser
    bbcode_create Create a BBCode Resource
    bbcode_destroy Close BBCode_container resource
    bbcode_parse Parse a string following a given rule set
    bbcode_set_arg_parser Attach another parser in order to use another rule set for argument parsing
    bbcode_set_flags Set or alter parser options
    bcadd 2个任意精度数字的加法计算
    bccomp 比较两个任意精度的数字
    bcdiv 2个任意精度的数字除法计算
    bcmod 对一个任意精度数字取模
    bcmul 2个任意精度数字乘法计算
    bcompiler_load 从一个 bz 压缩过的文件中读取并创建类
    bcompiler_load_exe 从一个 bcompiler exe 文件中读取并创建类
    bcompiler_parse_class 读取一个类的字节码并回调一个用户的函数
    bcompiler_read 从一个文件句柄中读取并创建类
    bcompiler_write_class 写入定义过的类的字节码
    bcompiler_write_constant 写入定义过的常量的字节码
    bcompiler_write_exe_footer 写入开始位置以及 exe 类型文件的结尾信号
    bcompiler_write_file 写入 PHP 源码文件的字节码
    bcompiler_write_footer 写入单个字符 x00 用于标识编译数据的结尾
    bcompiler_write_function 以字节码写入定义过的函数
    bcompiler_write_functions_from_file 以字节码写入一个文件中定义过的所以函数
    bcompiler_write_header 写入 bcompiler 头
    bcompiler_write_included_filename 写入一个包含的文件的字节码
    bcpow 任意精度数字的成方
    bcpowmod Raise an arbitrary precision number to another, reduced by a specified modulus
    bcscale 设置所有bc数学函数的默认小数点保留位数
    bcsqrt 任意精度数字的二次方根
    bcsub 2个任意精度数字的减法
    bin2hex 函数把ASCII字符的字符串转换为十六进制值
    bindec 二进制转换为十进制
    bindtextdomain Sets the path for a domain
    bind_textdomain_codeset Specify the character encoding in which the messages from the DOMAIN message catalog will be returned
    blenc_encrypt Encrypt a PHP script with BLENC.
    boolval Get the boolean value of a variable
    bson_decode 反序列化一个 BSON 对象为 PHP 数组
    bson_encode 序列化一个 PHP 变量为 BSON 字符串
    bzclose 关闭一个 bzip2 文件
    bzcompress 把一个字符串压缩成 bzip2 编码数据
    bzdecompress 解压经 bzip2 编码过的数据
    bzerrno 返回一个 bzip2 错误码
    bzerror 返回包含 bzip2 错误号和错误字符串的一个 array
    bzerrstr 返回一个 bzip2 的错误字符串
    bzflush 强制写入所有写缓冲区的数据
    bzopen 打开一个经 bzip2 压缩过的文件
    bzread bzip2 文件二进制安全地读取
    bzwrite 二进制安全地写入 bzip2 文件


    cairo_create Returns a new CairoContext object on the requested surface.
    cairo_font_face_get_type Description
    cairo_font_options_create Description
    cairo_font_options_equal Description
    cairo_font_options_get_antialias Description
    cairo_font_options_get_hint_metrics Description
    cairo_font_options_get_hint_style Description
    cairo_font_options_get_subpixel_order Description
    cairo_font_options_hash Description
    cairo_font_options_merge Description
    cairo_font_options_set_antialias Description
    cairo_font_options_set_hint_metrics Description
    cairo_font_options_set_hint_style Description
    cairo_font_options_set_subpixel_order Description
    cairo_font_options_status Description
    cairo_format_stride_for_width Description
    cairo_image_surface_create Description
    cairo_image_surface_create_for_data Description
    cairo_image_surface_create_from_png Description
    cairo_image_surface_get_data Description
    cairo_image_surface_get_format Description
    cairo_image_surface_get_height Description
    cairo_image_surface_get_stride Description
    cairo_image_surface_get_width Description
    cairo_matrix_invert Description
    cairo_matrix_multiply Description
    cairo_matrix_rotate Description
    cairo_matrix_transform_distance Description
    cairo_matrix_transform_point Description
    cairo_matrix_translate Description
    cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb Description
    cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba Description
    cairo_pattern_create_for_surface Description
    cairo_pattern_create_linear Description
    cairo_pattern_create_radial Description
    cairo_pattern_create_rgb Description
    cairo_pattern_create_rgba Description
    cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_count Description
    cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_rgba Description
    cairo_pattern_get_extend Description
    cairo_pattern_get_filter Description
    cairo_pattern_get_linear_points Description
    cairo_pattern_get_matrix Description
    cairo_pattern_get_radial_circles Description
    cairo_pattern_get_rgba Description
    cairo_pattern_get_surface Description
    cairo_pattern_get_type Description
    cairo_pattern_set_extend Description
    cairo_pattern_set_filter Description
    cairo_pattern_set_matrix Description
    cairo_pattern_status Description
    cairo_pdf_surface_create Description
    cairo_pdf_surface_set_size Description
    cairo_ps_get_levels Description
    cairo_ps_level_to_string Description
    cairo_ps_surface_create Description
    cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_page_setup Description
    cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_setup Description
    cairo_ps_surface_dsc_comment Description
    cairo_ps_surface_get_eps Description
    cairo_ps_surface_restrict_to_level Description
    cairo_ps_surface_set_eps Description
    cairo_ps_surface_set_size Description
    cairo_scaled_font_create Description
    cairo_scaled_font_extents Description
    cairo_scaled_font_get_ctm Description
    cairo_scaled_font_get_font_face Description
    cairo_scaled_font_get_font_matrix Description
    cairo_scaled_font_get_font_options Description
    cairo_scaled_font_get_scale_matrix Description
    cairo_scaled_font_get_type Description
    cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents Description
    cairo_scaled_font_status Description
    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents Description
    cairo_surface_copy_page Description
    cairo_surface_create_similar Description
    cairo_surface_finish Description
    cairo_surface_flush Description
    cairo_surface_get_content Description
    cairo_surface_get_device_offset Description
    cairo_surface_get_font_options Description
    cairo_surface_get_type Description
    cairo_surface_mark_dirty Description
    cairo_surface_mark_dirty_rectangle Description
    cairo_surface_set_device_offset Description
    cairo_surface_set_fallback_resolution Description
    cairo_surface_show_page Description
    cairo_surface_status Description
    cairo_surface_write_to_png Description
    cairo_svg_surface_create Description
    cairo_svg_surface_restrict_to_version Description
    cairo_svg_version_to_string Description
    calculhmac Obtain a hmac key (needs 2 arguments)
    calcul_hmac Obtain a hmac key (needs 8 arguments)
    call_user_func 把第一个参数作为回调函数调用
    call_user_func_array 调用回调函数,并把一个数组参数作为回调函数的参数
    call_user_method 对特定对象调用用户方法(已废弃)
    call_user_method_array 调用一个用户方法,同时传递参数数组(已废弃)
    cal_days_in_month 返回某个历法中某年中某月的天数
    cal_from_jd 转换Julian Day计数到一个支持的历法。
    cal_info 返回选定历法的信息
    cal_to_jd 从一个支持的历法转变为Julian Day计数。
    ceil 进一法取整
    chdb_create Creates a chdb file
    chdir 改变目录
    checkdate 验证一个格里高里日期
    checkdnsrr 给指定的主机(域名)或者IP地址做DNS通信检查
    chgrp 改变文件所属的组
    chmod 改变文件模式
    chop rtrim 的别名
    chown 改变文件的所有者
    chr 返回指定的字符
    chroot 改变根目录
    chunk_split 将字符串分割成小块
    classkit_import Import new class method definitions from a file
    classkit_method_add Dynamically adds a new method to a given class
    classkit_method_copy Copies a method from class to another
    classkit_method_redefine Dynamically changes the code of the given method
    classkit_method_remove Dynamically removes the given method
    classkit_method_rename Dynamically changes the name of the given method
    class_alias 为一个类创建别名
    class_exists 检查类是否已定义
    class_implements 返回指定的类实现的所有接口。
    class_parents 返回指定类的父类。
    class_uses Return the traits used by the given class
    clearstatcache 清除文件状态缓存
    cli_get_process_title Returns the current process title
    cli_set_process_title Sets the process title
    closedir 关闭目录句柄
    closelog 关闭系统日志链接
    compact 建立一个数组,包括变量名和它们的值
    com_create_guid Generate a globally unique identifier (GUID)
    com_event_sink Connect events from a COM object to a PHP object
    com_get_active_object Returns a handle to an already running instance of a COM object
    com_load_typelib 装载一个 Typelib
    com_message_pump Process COM messages, sleeping for up to timeoutms milliseconds
    com_print_typeinfo Print out a PHP class definition for a dispatchable interface
    connection_aborted 检查客户端是否已经断开
    connection_status 返回连接的状态位
    constant 返回一个常量的值
    Constants for PDO_4D Constants for PDO_4D
    Context 参数 Context 参数列表
    convert_cyr_string 将字符由一种 Cyrillic 字符转换成另一种
    convert_uudecode 解码一个 uuencode 编码的字符串
    convert_uuencode 使用 uuencode 编码一个字符串
    copy 拷贝文件
    cos 余弦
    cosh 双曲余弦
    count 计算数组中的单元数目或对象中的属性个数
    counter_bump 修改简单计数器的当前值。
    counter_bump_value 更新计数器资源的当前值。
    counter_create 创建一个包含单个数值的计数器。
    counter_get 获取简单计数器的当前值。
    counter_get_meta 返回计数器资源的部分元信息。
    counter_get_named 按名称查询一个已存在的计数器,并作为资源返回。
    counter_get_value 获取计数器资源的当前值。
    counter_reset 重置简单计数器的当前值。
    counter_reset_value 重置计数器资源的当前值。
    count_chars 返回字符串所用字符的信息
    crack_check Performs an obscure check with the given password
    crack_closedict Closes an open CrackLib dictionary
    crack_getlastmessage Returns the message from the last obscure check
    crack_opendict Opens a new CrackLib dictionary
    crc32 计算一个字符串的 crc32 多项式
    create_function Create an anonymous (lambda-style) function
    crypt 单向字符串散列
    ctype_alnum 做字母和数字字符检测
    ctype_alpha 做纯字符检测
    ctype_cntrl 做控制字符检测
    ctype_digit 做纯数字检测
    ctype_graph 做可打印字符串检测,空格除外
    ctype_lower 做小写字符检测
    ctype_print 做可打印字符检测
    ctype_punct 检测可打印的字符是不是不包含空白、数字和字母
    ctype_space 做空白字符检测
    ctype_upper 做大写字母检测
    ctype_xdigit 检测字符串是否只包含十六进制字符
    cubrid_affected_rows Return the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement
    cubrid_bind Bind variables to a prepared statement as parameters
    cubrid_client_encoding Return the current CUBRID connection charset
    cubrid_close Close CUBRID connection
    cubrid_close_prepare Close the request handle
    cubrid_close_request Close the request handle
    cubrid_column_names Get the column names in result
    cubrid_column_types Get column types in result
    cubrid_col_get Get contents of collection type column using OID
    cubrid_col_size Get the number of elements in collection type column using OID
    cubrid_commit Commit a transaction
    cubrid_connect Open a connection to a CUBRID Server
    cubrid_connect_with_url Establish the environment for connecting to CUBRID server
    cubrid_current_oid Get OID of the current cursor location
    cubrid_data_seek Move the internal row pointer of the CUBRID result
    cubrid_db_name Get db name from results of cubrid_list_dbs
    cubrid_disconnect Close a database connection
    cubrid_drop Delete an instance using OID
    cubrid_errno Return the numerical value of the error message from previous CUBRID operation
    cubrid_error Get the error message
    cubrid_error_code Get error code for the most recent function call
    cubrid_error_code_facility Get the facility code of error
    cubrid_error_msg Get last error message for the most recent function call
    cubrid_execute Execute a prepared SQL statement
    cubrid_fetch Fetch the next row from a result set
    cubrid_fetch_array Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both
    cubrid_fetch_assoc Return the associative array that corresponds to the fetched row
    cubrid_fetch_field Get column information from a result and return as an object
    cubrid_fetch_lengths Return an array with the lengths of the values of each field from the current row
    cubrid_fetch_object Fetche the next row and returns it as an object
    cubrid_fetch_row Return a numerical array with the values of the current row
    cubrid_field_flags Return a string with the flags of the given field offset
    cubrid_field_len Get the maximum length of the specified field
    cubrid_field_name Return the name of the specified field index
    cubrid_field_seek Move the result set cursor to the specified field offset
    cubrid_field_table Return the name of the table of the specified field
    cubrid_field_type Return the type of the column corresponding to the given field offset
    cubrid_free_result Free the memory occupied by the result data
    cubrid_get Get a column using OID
    cubrid_get_autocommit Get auto-commit mode of the connection
    cubrid_get_charset Return the current CUBRID connection charset
    cubrid_get_class_name Get the class name using OID
    cubrid_get_client_info Return the client library version
    cubrid_get_db_parameter Returns the CUBRID database parameters
    cubrid_get_query_timeout Get the query timeout value of the request
    cubrid_get_server_info Return the CUBRID server version
    cubrid_insert_id Return the ID generated for the last updated AUTO_INCREMENT column
    cubrid_is_instance Check whether the instance pointed by OID exists
    cubrid_list_dbs Return an array with the list of all existing CUBRID databases
    cubrid_load_from_glo Read data from a GLO instance and save it in a file
    cubrid_lob2_bind Bind a lob object or a string as a lob object to a prepared statement as parameters.
    cubrid_lob2_close Close LOB object.
    cubrid_lob2_export Export the lob object to a file.
    cubrid_lob2_import Import BLOB/CLOB data from a file.
    cubrid_lob2_new Create a lob object.
    cubrid_lob2_read Read from BLOB/CLOB data.
    cubrid_lob2_seek Move the cursor of a lob object.
    cubrid_lob2_seek64 Move the cursor of a lob object.
    cubrid_lob2_size Get a lob object’s size.
    cubrid_lob2_size64 Get a lob object’s size.
    cubrid_lob2_tell Tell the cursor position of the LOB object.
    cubrid_lob2_tell64 Tell the cursor position of the LOB object.
    cubrid_lob2_write Write to a lob object.
    cubrid_lob_close Close BLOB/CLOB data
    cubrid_lob_export Export BLOB/CLOB data to file
    cubrid_lob_get Get BLOB/CLOB data
    cubrid_lob_send Read BLOB/CLOB data and send straight to browser
    cubrid_lob_size Get BLOB/CLOB data size
    cubrid_lock_read Set a read lock on the given OID
    cubrid_lock_write Set a write lock on the given OID
    cubrid_move_cursor Move the cursor in the result
    cubrid_new_glo Create a glo instance
    cubrid_next_result Get result of next query when executing multiple SQL statements
    cubrid_num_cols Return the number of columns in the result set
    cubrid_num_fields Return the number of columns in the result set
    cubrid_num_rows Get the number of rows in the result set
    cubrid_pconnect Open a persistent connection to a CUBRID server
    cubrid_pconnect_with_url Open a persistent connection to CUBRID server
    cubrid_ping Ping a server connection or reconnect if there is no connection
    cubrid_prepare Prepare a SQL statement for execution
    cubrid_put Update a column using OID
    cubrid_query Send a CUBRID query
    cubrid_real_escape_string Escape special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement
    cubrid_result Return the value of a specific field in a specific row
    cubrid_rollback Roll back a transaction
    cubrid_save_to_glo Save requested file in a GLO instance
    cubrid_schema Get the requested schema information
    cubrid_send_glo Read data from glo and send it to std output
    cubrid_seq_drop Delete an element from sequence type column using OID
    cubrid_seq_insert Insert an element to a sequence type column using OID
    cubrid_seq_put Update the element value of sequence type column using OID
    cubrid_set_add Insert a single element to set type column using OID
    cubrid_set_autocommit Set autocommit mode of the connection
    cubrid_set_db_parameter Sets the CUBRID database parameters
    cubrid_set_drop Delete an element from set type column using OID
    cubrid_set_query_timeout Set the timeout time of query execution
    cubrid_unbuffered_query Perform a query without fetching the results into memory
    cubrid_version Get the CUBRID PHP module’s version
    CURL context options CURL 上下文选项列表
    curl_close 关闭一个cURL会话
    curl_copy_handle 复制一个cURL句柄和它的所有选项
    curl_errno 返回最后一次的错误号
    curl_error 返回一个保护当前会话最近一次错误的字符串
    curl_escape 使用 URL 编码给定的字符串
    curl_exec 执行一个cURL会话
    curl_file_create 创建一个 CURLFile 对象
    curl_getinfo 获取一个cURL连接资源句柄的信息
    curl_init 初始化一个cURL会话
    curl_multi_add_handle 向curl批处理会话中添加单独的curl句柄
    curl_multi_close 关闭一组cURL句柄
    curl_multi_exec 运行当前 cURL 句柄的子连接
    curl_multi_getcontent 如果设置了CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,则返回获取的输出的文本流
    curl_multi_info_read 获取当前解析的cURL的相关传输信息
    curl_multi_init 返回一个新cURL批处理句柄
    curl_multi_remove_handle 移除curl批处理句柄资源中的某个句柄资源
    curl_multi_select 等待所有cURL批处理中的活动连接
    curl_multi_setopt 为 cURL 并行处理设置一个选项
    curl_multi_strerror Return string describing error code
    curl_pause Pause and unpause a connection
    curl_reset Reset all options of a libcurl session handle
    curl_setopt 设置一个cURL传输选项
    curl_setopt_array 为cURL传输会话批量设置选项
    curl_share_close Close a cURL share handle
    curl_share_init Initialize a cURL share handle
    curl_share_setopt Set an option for a cURL share handle.
    curl_strerror Return string describing the given error code
    curl_unescape 解码给定的 URL 编码的字符串
    curl_version 获取cURL版本信息
    current 返回数组中的当前单元
    cyrus_authenticate Authenticate against a Cyrus IMAP server
    cyrus_bind Bind callbacks to a Cyrus IMAP connection
    cyrus_close Close connection to a Cyrus IMAP server
    cyrus_connect Connect to a Cyrus IMAP server
    cyrus_query Send a query to a Cyrus IMAP server
    cyrus_unbind Unbind …


    date 格式化一个本地时间/日期
    date_default_timezone_get 取得一个脚本中所有日期时间函数所使用的默认时区
    date_default_timezone_set 设定用于一个脚本中所有日期时间函数的默认时区
    date_parse Returns associative array with detailed info about given date
    date_parse_from_format Get info about given date formatted according to the specified format
    date_sunrise 返回给定的日期与地点的日出时间
    date_sunset 返回给定的日期与地点的日落时间
    date_sun_info Returns an array with information about sunset/sunrise and twilight begin/end
    db2_autocommit Returns or sets the AUTOCOMMIT state for a database connection
    db2_bind_param Binds a PHP variable to an SQL statement parameter
    db2_client_info Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database client
    db2_close Closes a database connection
    db2_columns Returns a result set listing the columns and associated metadata for a table
    db2_column_privileges Returns a result set listing the columns and associated privileges for a table
    db2_commit Commits a transaction
    db2_connect Returns a connection to a database
    db2_conn_error Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by the last connection attempt
    db2_conn_errormsg Returns the last connection error message and SQLCODE value
    db2_cursor_type Returns the cursor type used by a statement resource
    db2_escape_string Used to escape certain characters
    db2_exec Executes an SQL statement directly
    db2_execute Executes a prepared SQL statement
    db2_fetch_array Returns an array, indexed by column position, representing a row in a result set
    db2_fetch_assoc Returns an array, indexed by column name, representing a row in a result set
    db2_fetch_both Returns an array, indexed by both column name and position, representing a row in a result set
    db2_fetch_object Returns an object with properties representing columns in the fetched row
    db2_fetch_row Sets the result set pointer to the next row or requested row
    db2_field_display_size Returns the maximum number of bytes required to display a column
    db2_field_name Returns the name of the column in the result set
    db2_field_num Returns the position of the named column in a result set
    db2_field_precision Returns the precision of the indicated column in a result set
    db2_field_scale Returns the scale of the indicated column in a result set
    db2_field_type Returns the data type of the indicated column in a result set
    db2_field_width Returns the width of the current value of the indicated column in a result set
    db2_foreign_keys Returns a result set listing the foreign keys for a table
    db2_free_result Frees resources associated with a result set
    db2_free_stmt Frees resources associated with the indicated statement resource
    db2_get_option Retrieves an option value for a statement resource or a connection resource
    db2_last_insert_id Returns the auto generated ID of the last insert query that successfully executed on this connection
    db2_lob_read Gets a user defined size of LOB files with each invocation
    db2_next_result Requests the next result set from a stored procedure
    db2_num_fields Returns the number of fields contained in a result set
    db2_num_rows Returns the number of rows affected by an SQL statement
    db2_pclose Closes a persistent database connection
    db2_pconnect Returns a persistent connection to a database
    db2_prepare Prepares an SQL statement to be executed
    db2_primary_keys Returns a result set listing primary keys for a table
    db2_procedures Returns a result set listing the stored procedures registered in a database
    db2_procedure_columns Returns a result set listing stored procedure parameters
    db2_result Returns a single column from a row in the result set
    db2_rollback Rolls back a transaction
    db2_server_info Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database server
    db2_set_option Set options for connection or statement resources
    db2_special_columns Returns a result set listing the unique row identifier columns for a table
    db2_statistics Returns a result set listing the index and statistics for a table
    db2_stmt_error Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by an SQL statement
    db2_stmt_errormsg Returns a string containing the last SQL statement error message
    db2_tables Returns a result set listing the tables and associated metadata in a database
    db2_table_privileges Returns a result set listing the tables and associated privileges in a database
    dbase_add_record Adds a record to a database
    dbase_close Closes a database
    dbase_create Creates a database
    dbase_delete_record Deletes a record from a database
    dbase_get_header_info Gets the header info of a database
    dbase_get_record Gets a record from a database as an indexed array
    dbase_get_record_with_names Gets a record from a database as an associative array
    dbase_numfields Gets the number of fields of a database
    dbase_numrecords Gets the number of records in a database
    dbase_open Opens a database
    dbase_pack Packs a database
    dbase_replace_record Replaces a record in a database
    dba_close Close a DBA database
    dba_delete Delete DBA entry specified by key
    dba_exists Check whether key exists
    dba_fetch Fetch data specified by key
    dba_firstkey Fetch first key
    dba_handlers List all the handlers available
    dba_insert Insert entry
    dba_key_split Splits a key in string representation into array representation
    dba_list List all open database files
    dba_nextkey Fetch next key
    dba_open Open database
    dba_optimize Optimize database
    dba_popen Open database persistently
    dba_replace Replace or insert entry
    dba_sync Synchronize database
    dbplus_add Add a tuple to a relation
    dbplus_aql Perform AQL query
    dbplus_chdir Get/Set database virtual current directory
    dbplus_close Close a relation
    dbplus_curr Get current tuple from relation
    dbplus_errcode Get error string for given errorcode or last error
    dbplus_errno Get error code for last operation
    dbplus_find Set a constraint on a relation
    dbplus_first Get first tuple from relation
    dbplus_flush Flush all changes made on a relation
    dbplus_freealllocks Free all locks held by this client
    dbplus_freelock Release write lock on tuple
    dbplus_freerlocks Free all tuple locks on given relation
    dbplus_getlock Get a write lock on a tuple
    dbplus_getunique Get an id number unique to a relation
    dbplus_info Get information about a relation
    dbplus_last Get last tuple from relation
    dbplus_lockrel Request write lock on relation
    dbplus_next Get next tuple from relation
    dbplus_open Open relation file
    dbplus_prev Get previous tuple from relation
    dbplus_rchperm Change relation permissions
    dbplus_rcreate Creates a new DB++ relation
    dbplus_rcrtexact Creates an exact but empty copy of a relation including indices
    dbplus_rcrtlike Creates an empty copy of a relation with default indices
    dbplus_resolve Resolve host information for relation
    dbplus_restorepos Restore position
    dbplus_rkeys Specify new primary key for a relation
    dbplus_ropen Open relation file local
    dbplus_rquery Perform local (raw) AQL query
    dbplus_rrename Rename a relation
    dbplus_rsecindex Create a new secondary index for a relation
    dbplus_runlink Remove relation from filesystem
    dbplus_rzap Remove all tuples from relation
    dbplus_savepos Save position
    dbplus_setindex Set index
    dbplus_setindexbynumber Set index by number
    dbplus_sql Perform SQL query
    dbplus_tcl Execute TCL code on server side
    dbplus_tremove Remove tuple and return new current tuple
    dbplus_undo Undo
    dbplus_undoprepare Prepare undo
    dbplus_unlockrel Give up write lock on relation
    dbplus_unselect Remove a constraint from relation
    dbplus_update Update specified tuple in relation
    dbplus_xlockrel Request exclusive lock on relation
    dbplus_xunlockrel Free exclusive lock on relation
    dbx_close Close an open connection/database
    dbx_compare Compare two rows for sorting purposes
    dbx_connect Open a connection/database
    dbx_error Report the error message of the latest function call in the module
    dbx_escape_string Escape a string so it can safely be used in an sql-statement
    dbx_fetch_row Fetches rows from a query-result that had the DBX_RESULT_UNBUFFERED flag set
    dbx_query Send a query and fetch all results (if any)
    dbx_sort Sort a result from a dbx_query by a custom sort function
    dcgettext Overrides the domain for a single lookup
    dcngettext Plural version of dcgettext
    debug_backtrace 产生一条回溯跟踪(backtrace)
    debug_print_backtrace 打印一条回溯。
    debug_zval_dump Dumps a string representation of an internal zend value to output
    decbin 十进制转换为二进制
    dechex 十进制转换为十六进制
    decoct 十进制转换为八进制
    define 定义一个常量
    defined 检查某个名称的常量是否存在
    define_syslog_variables Initializes all syslog related variables
    deg2rad 将角度转换为弧度
    delete 参见 unlink 或 unset
    dgettext Override the current domain
    die 等同于 exit
    dio_close Closes the file descriptor given by fd
    dio_fcntl Performs a c library fcntl on fd
    dio_open Opens a file (creating it if necessary) at a lower level than the C library input/ouput stream functions allow.
    dio_read Reads bytes from a file descriptor
    dio_seek Seeks to pos on fd from whence
    dio_stat Gets stat information about the file descriptor fd
    dio_tcsetattr Sets terminal attributes and baud rate for a serial port
    dio_truncate Truncates file descriptor fd to offset bytes
    dio_write Writes data to fd with optional truncation at length
    dir 返回一个 Directory 类实例
    dirname 返回路径中的目录部分
    diskfreespace disk_free_space 的别名
    disk_free_space 返回目录中的可用空间
    disk_total_space 返回一个目录的磁盘总大小
    dl 运行时载入一个 PHP 扩展
    dngettext Plural version of dgettext
    dns_check_record 别名 checkdnsrr
    dns_get_mx 别名 getmxrr
    dns_get_record 获取指定主机的DNS记录
    dom_import_simplexml Gets a DOMElement object from a SimpleXMLElement object
    doubleval floatval 的别名


    each 返回数组中当前的键/值对并将数组指针向前移动一步
    easter_date 得到指定年份的复活节午夜时的Unix时间戳。
    easter_days 得到指定年份的3月21日到复活节之间的天数
    echo 输出一个或多个字符串
    eio_busy Artificially increase load. Could be useful in tests, benchmarking.
    eio_cancel Cancels a request
    eio_chmod Change file/direcrory permissions.
    eio_chown Change file/direcrory permissions.
    eio_close Close file
    eio_custom Execute custom request like any other eio_* call.
    eio_dup2 Duplicate a file descriptor
    eio_event_loop Polls libeio until all requests proceeded
    eio_fallocate Allows the caller to directly manipulate the allocated disk space for a file
    eio_fchmod Change file permissions.
    eio_fchown Change file ownership
    eio_fdatasync Synchronize a file’s in-core state with storage device.
    eio_fstat Get file status
    eio_fstatvfs Get file system statistics
    eio_fsync Synchronize a file’s in-core state with storage device
    eio_ftruncate Truncate a file
    eio_futime Change file last access and modification times
    eio_get_event_stream Get stream representing a variable used in internal communications with libeio.
    eio_get_last_error Returns string describing the last error associated with a request resource
    eio_grp Createsa request group.
    eio_grp_add Adds a request to the request group.
    eio_grp_cancel Cancels a request group
    eio_grp_limit Set group limit
    eio_init (Re-)initialize Eio
    eio_link Create a hardlink for file
    eio_lstat Get file status
    eio_mkdir Create directory
    eio_mknod Create a special or ordinary file.
    eio_nop Does nothing, except go through the whole request cycle.
    eio_npending Returns number of finished, but unhandled requests
    eio_nready Returns number of not-yet handled requests
    eio_nreqs Returns number of requests to be processed
    eio_nthreads Returns number of threads currently in use
    eio_open Opens a file
    eio_poll Can be to be called whenever there are pending requests that need finishing.
    eio_read Read from a file descriptor at given offset.
    eio_readahead Perform file readahead into page cache
    eio_readdir Reads through a whole directory
    eio_readlink Read value of a symbolic link.
    eio_realpath Get the canonicalized absolute pathname.
    eio_rename Change the name or location of a file.
    eio_rmdir Remove a directory
    eio_seek Repositions the offset of the open file associated with the fd argument to the argument offset according to the directive whence
    eio_sendfile Transfer data between file descriptors
    eio_set_max_idle Set maximum number of idle threads.
    eio_set_max_parallel Set maximum parallel threads
    eio_set_max_poll_reqs Set maximum number of requests processed in a poll.
    eio_set_max_poll_time Set maximum poll time
    eio_set_min_parallel Set minimum parallel thread number
    eio_stat Get file status
    eio_statvfs Get file system statistics
    eio_symlink Create a symbolic link
    eio_sync Commit buffer cache to disk
    eio_syncfs Calls Linux’ syncfs syscall, if available
    eio_sync_file_range Sync a file segment with disk
    eio_truncate Truncate a file
    eio_unlink Delete a name and possibly the file it refers to
    eio_utime Change file last access and modification times.
    eio_write Write to file
    empty 检查一个变量是否为空
    enchant_broker_describe Enumerates the Enchant providers
    enchant_broker_dict_exists Whether a dictionary exists or not. Using non-empty tag
    enchant_broker_free Free the broker resource and its dictionnaries
    enchant_broker_free_dict Free a dictionary resource
    enchant_broker_get_dict_path Get the directory path for a given backend
    enchant_broker_get_error Returns the last error of the broker
    enchant_broker_init create a new broker object capable of requesting
    enchant_broker_list_dicts Returns a list of available dictionaries
    enchant_broker_request_dict create a new dictionary using a tag
    enchant_broker_request_pwl_dict creates a dictionary using a PWL file
    enchant_broker_set_dict_path Set the directory path for a given backend
    enchant_broker_set_ordering Declares a preference of dictionaries to use for the language
    enchant_dict_add_to_personal add a word to personal word list
    enchant_dict_add_to_session add ‘word’ to this spell-checking session
    enchant_dict_check Check whether a word is correctly spelled or not
    enchant_dict_describe Describes an individual dictionary
    enchant_dict_get_error Returns the last error of the current spelling-session
    enchant_dict_is_in_session whether or not ‘word’ exists in this spelling-session
    enchant_dict_quick_check Check the word is correctly spelled and provide suggestions
    enchant_dict_store_replacement Add a correction for a word
    enchant_dict_suggest Will return a list of values if any of those pre-conditions are not met
    end 将数组的内部指针指向最后一个单元
    ereg 正则表达式匹配
    eregi 不区分大小写的正则表达式匹配
    eregi_replace 不区分大小写的正则表达式替换
    ereg_replace 正则表达式替换
    error_clear_last Clear the most recent error
    error_get_last 获取最后发生的错误
    error_log 发送错误信息到某个地方
    error_reporting 设置应该报告何种 PHP 错误
    escapeshellarg 把字符串转码为可以在 shell 命令里使用的参数
    escapeshellcmd shell 元字符转义
    eval 把字符串作为PHP代码执行
    event_base_free Destroy event base
    event_base_loop Handle events
    event_base_loopbreak Abort event loop
    event_base_loopexit Exit loop after a time
    event_base_new Create and initialize new event base
    event_base_priority_init Set the number of event priority levels
    event_base_reinit Reinitialize the event base after a fork
    event_base_set Associate event base with an event
    event_buffer_base_set Associate buffered event with an event base
    event_buffer_disable Disable a buffered event
    event_buffer_enable Enable a buffered event
    event_buffer_fd_set Change a buffered event file descriptor
    event_buffer_free Destroy buffered event
    event_buffer_new Create new buffered event
    event_buffer_priority_set Assign a priority to a buffered event
    event_buffer_read Read data from a buffered event
    event_buffer_set_callback Set or reset callbacks for a buffered event
    event_buffer_timeout_set Set read and write timeouts for a buffered event
    event_buffer_watermark_set Set the watermarks for read and write events
    event_buffer_write Write data to a buffered event
    event_new Create new event
    event_priority_set Assign a priority to an event.
    event_timer_add 别名 event_add
    event_timer_del 别名 event_del
    event_timer_new 别名 event_new
    event_timer_set Prepare a timer event
    Examples with PDO_4D Examples PDO_4D
    exec 执行一个外部程序
    exif_imagetype 判断一个图像的类型
    exif_read_data 从 JPEG 或 TIFF 文件中读取 EXIF 头信息
    exif_tagname 获取指定索引的头名称
    exif_thumbnail 取得嵌入在 TIFF 或 JPEG 图像中的缩略图
    exit 输出一个消息并且退出当前脚本
    exp 计算 e 的指数
    expect_expectl Waits until the output from a process matches one of the patterns, a specified time period has passed, or an EOF is seen
    expect_popen Execute command via Bourne shell, and open the PTY stream to the process
    explode 使用一个字符串分割另一个字符串
    expm1 返回 exp(number)
    extension_loaded 检查一个扩展是否已经加载
    extract 从数组中将变量导入到当前的符号表
    ezmlm_hash 计算 EZMLM 所需的散列值


    fam_cancel_monitor Terminate monitoring
    fam_close Close FAM connection
    fam_monitor_collection Monitor a collection of files in a directory for changes
    fam_monitor_directory Monitor a directory for changes
    fam_monitor_file Monitor a regular file for changes
    fam_next_event Get next pending FAM event
    fam_open Open connection to FAM daemon
    fam_pending Check for pending FAM events
    fam_resume_monitor Resume suspended monitoring
    fam_suspend_monitor Temporarily suspend monitoring
    fann_cascadetrain_on_data Trains on an entire dataset, for a period of time using the Cascade2 training algorithm
    fann_cascadetrain_on_file Trains on an entire dataset read from file, for a period of time using the Cascade2 training algorithm.
    fann_clear_scaling_params Clears scaling parameters
    fann_copy Creates a copy of a fann structure
    fann_create_from_file Constructs a backpropagation neural network from a configuration file
    fann_create_shortcut Creates a standard backpropagation neural network which is not fully connectected and has shortcut connections
    fann_create_shortcut_array Creates a standard backpropagation neural network which is not fully connectected and has shortcut connections
    fann_create_sparse Creates a standard backpropagation neural network, which is not fully connected
    fann_create_sparse_array Creates a standard backpropagation neural network, which is not fully connected using an array of layer sizes
    fann_create_standard Creates a standard fully connected backpropagation neural network
    fann_create_standard_array Creates a standard fully connected backpropagation neural network using an array of layer sizes
    fann_create_train Creates an empty training data struct
    fann_create_train_from_callback Creates the training data struct from a user supplied function
    fann_descale_input Scale data in input vector after get it from ann based on previously calculated parameters
    fann_descale_output Scale data in output vector after get it from ann based on previously calculated parameters
    fann_descale_train Descale input and output data based on previously calculated parameters
    fann_destroy Destroys the entire network and properly freeing all the associated memory
    fann_destroy_train Destructs the training data
    fann_duplicate_train_data Returns an exact copy of a fann train data
    fann_get_activation_function Returns the activation function
    fann_get_activation_steepness Returns the activation steepness for supplied neuron and layer number
    fann_get_bias_array Get the number of bias in each layer in the network
    fann_get_bit_fail The number of fail bits
    fann_get_bit_fail_limit Returns the bit fail limit used during training
    fann_get_cascade_activation_functions Returns the cascade activation functions
    fann_get_cascade_activation_functions_count Returns the number of cascade activation functions
    fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnesses Returns the cascade activation steepnesses
    fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnesses_count The number of activation steepnesses
    fann_get_cascade_candidate_change_fraction Returns the cascade candidate change fraction
    fann_get_cascade_candidate_limit Return the candidate limit
    fann_get_cascade_candidate_stagnation_epochs Returns the number of cascade candidate stagnation epochs
    fann_get_cascade_max_cand_epochs Returns the maximum candidate epochs
    fann_get_cascade_max_out_epochs Returns the maximum out epochs
    fann_get_cascade_min_cand_epochs Returns the minimum candidate epochs
    fann_get_cascade_min_out_epochs Returns the minimum out epochs
    fann_get_cascade_num_candidates Returns the number of candidates used during training
    fann_get_cascade_num_candidate_groups Returns the number of candidate groups
    fann_get_cascade_output_change_fraction Returns the cascade output change fraction
    fann_get_cascade_output_stagnation_epochs Returns the number of cascade output stagnation epochs
    fann_get_cascade_weight_multiplier Returns the weight multiplier
    fann_get_connection_array Get connections in the network
    fann_get_connection_rate Get the connection rate used when the network was created
    fann_get_errno Returns the last error number
    fann_get_errstr Returns the last errstr
    fann_get_layer_array Get the number of neurons in each layer in the network
    fann_get_learning_momentum Returns the learning momentum
    fann_get_learning_rate Returns the learning rate
    fann_get_MSE Reads the mean square error from the network
    fann_get_network_type Get the type of neural network it was created as
    fann_get_num_input Get the number of input neurons
    fann_get_num_layers Get the number of layers in the neural network
    fann_get_num_output Get the number of output neurons
    fann_get_quickprop_decay Returns the decay which is a factor that weights should decrease in each iteration during quickprop training
    fann_get_quickprop_mu Returns the mu factor
    fann_get_rprop_decrease_factor Returns the increase factor used during RPROP training
    fann_get_rprop_delta_max Returns the maximum step-size
    fann_get_rprop_delta_min Returns the minimum step-size
    fann_get_rprop_delta_zero Returns the initial step-size
    fann_get_rprop_increase_factor Returns the increase factor used during RPROP training
    fann_get_sarprop_step_error_shift Returns the sarprop step error shift
    fann_get_sarprop_step_error_threshold_factor Returns the sarprop step error threshold factor
    fann_get_sarprop_temperature Returns the sarprop temperature
    fann_get_sarprop_weight_decay_shift Returns the sarprop weight decay shift
    fann_get_total_connections Get the total number of connections in the entire network
    fann_get_total_neurons Get the total number of neurons in the entire network
    fann_get_training_algorithm Returns the training algorithm
    fann_get_train_error_function Returns the error function used during training
    fann_get_train_stop_function Returns the stop function used during training
    fann_init_weights Initialize the weights using Widrow + Nguyen’s algorithm
    fann_length_train_data Returns the number of training patterns in the train data
    fann_merge_train_data Merges the train data
    fann_num_input_train_data Returns the number of inputs in each of the training patterns in the train data
    fann_num_output_train_data Returns the number of outputs in each of the training patterns in the train data
    fann_print_error Prints the error string
    fann_randomize_weights Give each connection a random weight between min_weight and max_weight
    fann_read_train_from_file Reads a file that stores training data
    fann_reset_errno Resets the last error number
    fann_reset_errstr Resets the last error string
    fann_reset_MSE Resets the mean square error from the network
    fann_run Will run input through the neural network
    fann_save Saves the entire network to a configuration file
    fann_save_train Save the training structure to a file
    fann_scale_input Scale data in input vector before feed it to ann based on previously calculated parameters
    fann_scale_input_train_data Scales the inputs in the training data to the specified range
    fann_scale_output Scale data in output vector before feed it to ann based on previously calculated parameters
    fann_scale_output_train_data Scales the outputs in the training data to the specified range
    fann_scale_train Scale input and output data based on previously calculated parameters
    fann_scale_train_data Scales the inputs and outputs in the training data to the specified range
    fann_set_activation_function Sets the activation function for supplied neuron and layer
    fann_set_activation_function_hidden Sets the activation function for all of the hidden layers
    fann_set_activation_function_layer Sets the activation function for all the neurons in the supplied layer.
    fann_set_activation_function_output Sets the activation function for the output layer
    fann_set_activation_steepness Sets the activation steepness for supplied neuron and layer number
    fann_set_activation_steepness_hidden Sets the steepness of the activation steepness for all neurons in the all hidden layers
    fann_set_activation_steepness_layer Sets the activation steepness for all of the neurons in the supplied layer number
    fann_set_activation_steepness_output Sets the steepness of the activation steepness in the output layer
    fann_set_bit_fail_limit Set the bit fail limit used during training
    fann_set_callback Sets the callback function for use during training
    fann_set_cascade_activation_functions Sets the array of cascade candidate activation functions
    fann_set_cascade_activation_steepnesses Sets the array of cascade candidate activation steepnesses
    fann_set_cascade_candidate_change_fraction Sets the cascade candidate change fraction
    fann_set_cascade_candidate_limit Sets the candidate limit
    fann_set_cascade_candidate_stagnation_epochs Sets the number of cascade candidate stagnation epochs
    fann_set_cascade_max_cand_epochs Sets the max candidate epochs
    fann_set_cascade_max_out_epochs Sets the maximum out epochs
    fann_set_cascade_min_cand_epochs Sets the min candidate epochs
    fann_set_cascade_min_out_epochs Sets the minimum out epochs
    fann_set_cascade_num_candidate_groups Sets the number of candidate groups
    fann_set_cascade_output_change_fraction Sets the cascade output change fraction
    fann_set_cascade_output_stagnation_epochs Sets the number of cascade output stagnation epochs
    fann_set_cascade_weight_multiplier Sets the weight multiplier
    fann_set_error_log Sets where the errors are logged to
    fann_set_input_scaling_params Calculate input scaling parameters for future use based on training data
    fann_set_learning_momentum Sets the learning momentum
    fann_set_learning_rate Sets the learning rate
    fann_set_output_scaling_params Calculate output scaling parameters for future use based on training data
    fann_set_quickprop_decay Sets the quickprop decay factor
    fann_set_quickprop_mu Sets the quickprop mu factor
    fann_set_rprop_decrease_factor Sets the decrease factor used during RPROP training
    fann_set_rprop_delta_max Sets the maximum step-size
    fann_set_rprop_delta_min Sets the minimum step-size
    fann_set_rprop_delta_zero Sets the initial step-size
    fann_set_rprop_increase_factor Sets the increase factor used during RPROP training
    fann_set_sarprop_step_error_shift Sets the sarprop step error shift
    fann_set_sarprop_step_error_threshold_factor Sets the sarprop step error threshold factor
    fann_set_sarprop_temperature Sets the sarprop temperature
    fann_set_sarprop_weight_decay_shift Sets the sarprop weight decay shift
    fann_set_scaling_params Calculate input and output scaling parameters for future use based on training data
    fann_set_training_algorithm Sets the training algorithm
    fann_set_train_error_function Sets the error function used during training
    fann_set_train_stop_function Sets the stop function used during training
    fann_set_weight Set a connection in the network
    fann_set_weight_array Set connections in the network
    fann_shuffle_train_data Shuffles training data, randomizing the order
    fann_subset_train_data Returns an copy of a subset of the train data
    fann_test Test with a set of inputs, and a set of desired outputs
    fann_test_data Test a set of training data and calculates the MSE for the training data
    fann_train Train one iteration with a set of inputs, and a set of desired outputs
    fann_train_epoch Train one epoch with a set of training data
    fann_train_on_data Trains on an entire dataset for a period of time
    fann_train_on_file Trains on an entire dataset, which is read from file, for a period of time
    fastcgi_finish_request 冲刷(flush)所有响应的数据给客户端
    fbsql_affected_rows Get number of affected rows in previous FrontBase operation
    fbsql_autocommit Enable or disable autocommit
    fbsql_blob_size Get the size of a BLOB
    fbsql_change_user Change logged in user of the active connection
    fbsql_clob_size Get the size of a CLOB
    fbsql_close Close FrontBase connection
    fbsql_commit Commits a transaction to the database
    fbsql_connect Open a connection to a FrontBase Server
    fbsql_create_blob Create a BLOB
    fbsql_create_clob Create a CLOB
    fbsql_create_db Create a FrontBase database
    fbsql_database Get or set the database name used with a connection
    fbsql_database_password Sets or retrieves the password for a FrontBase database
    fbsql_data_seek Move internal result pointer
    fbsql_db_query Send a FrontBase query
    fbsql_db_status Get the status for a given database
    fbsql_drop_db Drop (delete) a FrontBase database
    fbsql_errno Returns the error number from previous operation
    fbsql_error Returns the error message from previous operation
    fbsql_fetch_array Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both
    fbsql_fetch_assoc Fetch a result row as an associative array
    fbsql_fetch_field Get column information from a result and return as an object
    fbsql_fetch_lengths Get the length of each output in a result
    fbsql_fetch_object Fetch a result row as an object
    fbsql_fetch_row Get a result row as an enumerated array
    fbsql_field_flags Get the flags associated with the specified field in a result
    fbsql_field_len Returns the length of the specified field
    fbsql_field_name Get the name of the specified field in a result
    fbsql_field_seek Set result pointer to a specified field offset
    fbsql_field_table Get name of the table the specified field is in
    fbsql_field_type Get the type of the specified field in a result
    fbsql_free_result Free result memory
    fbsql_get_autostart_info 说明
    fbsql_hostname Get or set the host name used with a connection
    fbsql_insert_id Get the id generated from the previous INSERT operation
    fbsql_list_dbs List databases available on a FrontBase server
    fbsql_list_fields List FrontBase result fields
    fbsql_list_tables List tables in a FrontBase database
    fbsql_next_result Move the internal result pointer to the next result
    fbsql_num_fields Get number of fields in result
    fbsql_num_rows Get number of rows in result
    fbsql_password Get or set the user password used with a connection
    fbsql_pconnect Open a persistent connection to a FrontBase Server
    fbsql_query Send a FrontBase query
    fbsql_read_blob Read a BLOB from the database
    fbsql_read_clob Read a CLOB from the database
    fbsql_result Get result data
    fbsql_rollback Rollback a transaction to the database
    fbsql_rows_fetched Get the number of rows affected by the last statement
    fbsql_select_db Select a FrontBase database
    fbsql_set_characterset Change input/output character set
    fbsql_set_lob_mode Set the LOB retrieve mode for a FrontBase result set
    fbsql_set_password Change the password for a given user
    fbsql_set_transaction Set the transaction locking and isolation
    fbsql_start_db Start a database on local or remote server
    fbsql_stop_db Stop a database on local or remote server
    fbsql_tablename 别名 fbsql_table_name
    fbsql_table_name Get table name of field
    fbsql_username Get or set the username for the connection
    fbsql_warnings Enable or disable FrontBase warnings
    fclose 关闭一个已打开的文件指针
    fdf_add_doc_javascript Adds javascript code to the FDF document
    fdf_add_template Adds a template into the FDF document
    fdf_close Close an FDF document
    fdf_create Create a new FDF document
    fdf_enum_values Call a user defined function for each document value
    fdf_errno Return error code for last fdf operation
    fdf_error Return error description for FDF error code
    fdf_get_ap Get the appearance of a field
    fdf_get_attachment Extracts uploaded file embedded in the FDF
    fdf_get_encoding Get the value of the /Encoding key
    fdf_get_file Get the value of the /F key
    fdf_get_flags Gets the flags of a field
    fdf_get_opt Gets a value from the opt array of a field
    fdf_get_status Get the value of the /STATUS key
    fdf_get_value Get the value of a field
    fdf_get_version Gets version number for FDF API or file
    fdf_header Sets FDF-specific output headers
    fdf_next_field_name Get the next field name
    fdf_open Open a FDF document
    fdf_open_string Read a FDF document from a string
    fdf_remove_item Sets target frame for form
    fdf_save Save a FDF document
    fdf_save_string Returns the FDF document as a string
    fdf_set_ap Set the appearance of a field
    fdf_set_encoding Sets FDF character encoding
    fdf_set_file Set PDF document to display FDF data in
    fdf_set_flags Sets a flag of a field
    fdf_set_javascript_action Sets an javascript action of a field
    fdf_set_on_import_javascript Adds javascript code to be executed when Acrobat opens the FDF
    fdf_set_opt Sets an option of a field
    fdf_set_status Set the value of the /STATUS key
    fdf_set_submit_form_action Sets a submit form action of a field
    fdf_set_target_frame Set target frame for form display
    fdf_set_value Set the value of a field
    fdf_set_version Sets version number for a FDF file
    feof 测试文件指针是否到了文件结束的位置
    fflush 将缓冲内容输出到文件
    fgetc 从文件指针中读取字符
    fgetcsv 从文件指针中读入一行并解析 CSV 字段
    fgets 从文件指针中读取一行
    fgetss 从文件指针中读取一行并过滤掉 HTML 标记
    file 把整个文件读入一个数组中
    fileatime 取得文件的上次访问时间
    filectime 取得文件的 inode 修改时间
    filegroup 取得文件的组
    fileinode 取得文件的 inode
    filemtime 取得文件修改时间
    fileowner 取得文件的所有者
    fileperms 取得文件的权限
    filepro Read and verify the map file
    filepro_fieldcount Find out how many fields are in a filePro database
    filepro_fieldname Gets the name of a field
    filepro_fieldtype Gets the type of a field
    filepro_fieldwidth Gets the width of a field
    filepro_retrieve Retrieves data from a filePro database
    filepro_rowcount Find out how many rows are in a filePro database
    filesize 取得文件大小
    filetype 取得文件类型
    file_exists 检查文件或目录是否存在
    file_get_contents 将整个文件读入一个字符串
    file_put_contents 将一个字符串写入文件
    filter_has_var Checks if variable of specified type exists
    filter_id 返回与某个特定名称的过滤器相关联的id
    filter_input 通过名称获取特定的外部变量,并且可以通过过滤器处理它
    filter_input_array 获取一系列外部变量,并且可以通过过滤器处理它们
    filter_list 返回所支持的过滤器列表
    filter_var 使用特定的过滤器过滤一个变量
    filter_var_array 获取多个变量并且过滤它们
    finfo_close 关闭 fileinfo 资源
    finfo_open 创建一个 fileinfo 资源
    floatval 获取变量的浮点值
    flock 轻便的咨询文件锁定
    floor 舍去法取整
    flush 刷新输出缓冲
    fmod 返回除法的浮点数余数
    fnmatch 用模式匹配文件名
    fopen 打开文件或者 URL
    forward_static_call Call a static method
    forward_static_call_array Call a static method and pass the arguments as array
    fpassthru 输出文件指针处的所有剩余数据
    fprintf 将格式化后的字符串写入到流
    fputcsv 将行格式化为 CSV 并写入文件指针
    fputs fwrite 的别名
    fread 读取文件(可安全用于二进制文件)
    FrenchToJD 从一个French Republican历法的日期得到Julian Day计数。
    fribidi_log2vis Convert a logical string to a visual one
    fscanf 从文件中格式化输入
    fseek 在文件指针中定位
    fsockopen 打开一个网络连接或者一个Unix套接字连接
    fstat 通过已打开的文件指针取得文件信息
    ftell 返回文件指针读/写的位置
    ftok Convert a pathname and a project identifier to a System V IPC key
    FTP context options FTP context option listing
    ftp_alloc 为要上传的文件分配空间
    ftp_cdup 切换到当前目录的父目录
    ftp_chdir 在 FTP 服务器上改变当前目录
    ftp_chmod 设置 FTP 服务器上的文件权限
    ftp_close 关闭一个 FTP 连接
    ftp_connect 建立一个新的 FTP 连接
    ftp_delete 删除 FTP 服务器上的一个文件
    ftp_exec 请求运行一条 FTP 命令
    ftp_fget 从 FTP 服务器上下载一个文件并保存到本地一个已经打开的文件中
    ftp_fput 上传一个已经打开的文件到 FTP 服务器
    ftp_get 从 FTP 服务器上下载一个文件
    ftp_get_option 返回当前 FTP 连接的各种不同的选项设置
    ftp_login 登录 FTP 服务器
    ftp_mdtm 返回指定文件的最后修改时间
    ftp_mkdir 建立新目录
    ftp_nb_continue 连续获取/发送文件(non-blocking)
    ftp_nb_fget 从 FTP 服务器获取文件并写入到一个打开的文件(非阻塞)
    ftp_nb_fput 将文件存储到 FTP 服务器 (非阻塞)
    ftp_nb_get 从 FTP 服务器上获取文件并写入本地文件(non-blocking)
    ftp_nb_put 存储一个文件至 FTP 服务器(non-blocking)
    ftp_nlist 返回给定目录的文件列表
    ftp_pasv 返回当前 FTP 被动模式是否打开
    ftp_put 上传文件到 FTP 服务器
    ftp_pwd 返回当前目录名
    ftp_quit ftp_close 的 别名
    ftp_raw 向 FTP 服务器发送命令
    ftp_rawlist 返回指定目录下文件的详细列表
    ftp_rename 更改 FTP 服务器上的文件或目录名
    ftp_rmdir 删除 FTP 服务器上的一个目录
    ftp_set_option 设置各种 FTP 运行时选项
    ftp_site 向服务器发送 SITE 命令
    ftp_size 返回指定文件的大小
    ftp_ssl_connect 打开 SSL-FTP 连接
    ftp_systype 返回远程 FTP 服务器的操作系统类型
    ftruncate 将文件截断到给定的长度
    function_exists 如果给定的函数已经被定义就返回 TRUE
    func_get_arg 返回参数列表的某一项
    func_get_args 返回一个包含函数参数列表的数组
    func_num_args Returns the number of arguments passed to the function
    fwrite 写入文件(可安全用于二进制文件)


    gc_collect_cycles 强制收集所有现存的垃圾循环周期
    gc_disable 停用循环引用收集器
    gc_enable 激活循环引用收集器
    gc_enabled 返回循环引用计数器的状态
    gc_mem_caches Reclaims memory used by the Zend Engine memory manager
    gd_info 取得当前安装的 GD 库的信息
    geoip_asnum_by_name Get the Autonomous System Numbers (ASN)
    geoip_continent_code_by_name Get the two letter continent code
    geoip_country_code3_by_name Get the three letter country code
    geoip_country_code_by_name Get the two letter country code
    geoip_country_name_by_name Get the full country name
    geoip_database_info Get GeoIP Database information
    geoip_db_avail Determine if GeoIP Database is available
    geoip_db_filename Returns the filename of the corresponding GeoIP Database
    geoip_db_get_all_info Returns detailed information about all GeoIP database types
    geoip_domain_by_name Get the second level domain name
    geoip_id_by_name Get the Internet connection type
    geoip_isp_by_name Get the Internet Service Provider (ISP) name
    geoip_netspeedcell_by_name Get the Internet connection speed
    geoip_org_by_name Get the organization name
    geoip_record_by_name Returns the detailed City information found in the GeoIP Database
    geoip_region_by_name Get the country code and region
    geoip_region_name_by_code Returns the region name for some country and region code combo
    geoip_setup_custom_directory Set a custom directory for the GeoIP database.
    geoip_time_zone_by_country_and_region Returns the time zone for some country and region code combo
    getallheaders 获取全部 HTTP 请求头信息
    getcwd 取得当前工作目录
    getdate 取得日期/时间信息
    getenv 获取一个环境变量的值
    gethostbyaddr 获取指定的IP地址对应的主机名
    gethostbyname Get the IPv4 address corresponding to a given Internet host name
    gethostbynamel Get a list of IPv4 addresses corresponding to a given Internet host name
    gethostname Gets the host name
    getimagesize 取得图像大小
    getimagesizefromstring 从字符串中获取图像尺寸信息
    getlastmod 获取页面最后修改的时间
    getmxrr Get MX records corresponding to a given Internet host name
    getmygid 获取当前 PHP 脚本拥有者的 GID
    getmyinode 获取当前脚本的索引节点(inode)
    getmypid 获取 PHP 进程的 ID
    getmyuid 获取 PHP 脚本所有者的 UID
    getopt 从命令行参数列表中获取选项
    getprotobyname Get protocol number associated with protocol name
    getprotobynumber Get protocol name associated with protocol number
    getrandmax 显示随机数最大的可能值
    getrusage 获取当前资源使用状况
    getservbyname Get port number associated with an Internet service and protocol
    getservbyport Get Internet service which corresponds to port and protocol
    gettext Lookup a message in the current domain
    gettimeofday 取得当前时间
    gettype 获取变量的类型
    get_browser 获取浏览器具有的功能
    get_called_class 后期静态绑定(”Late Static Binding”)类的名称
    get_cfg_var 获取 PHP 配置选项的值
    get_class 返回对象的类名
    get_class_methods 返回由类的方法名组成的数组
    get_class_vars 返回由类的默认属性组成的数组
    get_current_user 获取当前 PHP 脚本所有者名称
    get_declared_classes 返回由已定义类的名字所组成的数组
    get_declared_interfaces 返回一个数组包含所有已声明的接口
    get_declared_traits 返回所有已定义的 traits 的数组
    get_defined_constants 返回所有常量的关联数组,键是常量名,值是常量值
    get_defined_functions Returns an array of all defined functions
    get_defined_vars 返回由所有已定义变量所组成的数组
    get_extension_funcs 返回模块函数名称的数组
    get_headers 取得服务器响应一个 HTTP 请求所发送的所有标头
    get_html_translation_table 返回使用 htmlspecialchars 和 htmlentities 后的转换表
    get_included_files 返回被 include 和 require 文件名的 array
    get_include_path 获取当前的 include_path 配置选项
    get_loaded_extensions 返回所有编译并加载模块名的 array
    get_magic_quotes_gpc 获取当前 magic_quotes_gpc 的配置选项设置
    get_magic_quotes_runtime 获取当前 magic_quotes_runtime 配置选项的激活状态
    get_meta_tags 从一个文件中提取所有的 meta 标签 content 属性,返回一个数组
    get_object_vars 返回由对象属性组成的关联数组
    get_parent_class 返回对象或类的父类名
    get_required_files 别名 get_included_files
    get_resources Returns active resources
    get_resource_type 返回资源(resource)类型
    glob 寻找与模式匹配的文件路径
    gmdate 格式化一个 GMT/UTC 日期/时间
    gmmktime 取得 GMT 日期的 UNIX 时间戳
    gmp_abs Absolute value
    gmp_add Add numbers
    gmp_and Bitwise AND
    gmp_clrbit Clear bit
    gmp_cmp Compare numbers
    gmp_com Calculates one’s complement
    gmp_div 别名 gmp_div_q
    gmp_divexact Exact division of numbers
    gmp_div_q Divide numbers
    gmp_div_qr Divide numbers and get quotient and remainder
    gmp_div_r Remainder of the division of numbers
    gmp_export Export to a binary string
    gmp_fact Factorial
    gmp_gcd Calculate GCD
    gmp_gcdext Calculate GCD and multipliers
    gmp_hamdist Hamming distance
    gmp_import Import from a binary string
    gmp_init Create GMP number
    gmp_intval Convert GMP number to integer
    gmp_invert Inverse by modulo
    gmp_jacobi Jacobi symbol
    gmp_legendre Legendre symbol
    gmp_mod Modulo operation
    gmp_mul Multiply numbers
    gmp_neg Negate number
    gmp_nextprime Find next prime number
    gmp_or Bitwise OR
    gmp_perfect_square Perfect square check
    gmp_popcount Population count
    gmp_pow Raise number into power
    gmp_powm Raise number into power with modulo
    gmp_prob_prime Check if number is “probably prime”
    gmp_random Random number
    gmp_random_bits Random number
    gmp_random_range Random number
    gmp_random_seed Sets the RNG seed
    gmp_root Take the integer part of nth root
    gmp_rootrem Take the integer part and remainder of nth root
    gmp_scan0 Scan for 0
    gmp_scan1 Scan for 1
    gmp_setbit Set bit
    gmp_sign Sign of number
    gmp_sqrt Calculate square root
    gmp_sqrtrem Square root with remainder
    gmp_strval Convert GMP number to string
    gmp_sub Subtract numbers
    gmp_testbit Tests if a bit is set
    gmp_xor Bitwise XOR
    gmstrftime 根据区域设置格式化 GMT/UTC 时间/日期
    gnupg_adddecryptkey Add a key for decryption
    gnupg_addencryptkey Add a key for encryption
    gnupg_addsignkey Add a key for signing
    gnupg_cleardecryptkeys Removes all keys which were set for decryption before
    gnupg_clearencryptkeys Removes all keys which were set for encryption before
    gnupg_clearsignkeys Removes all keys which were set for signing before
    gnupg_decrypt Decrypts a given text
    gnupg_decryptverify Decrypts and verifies a given text
    gnupg_encrypt Encrypts a given text
    gnupg_encryptsign Encrypts and signs a given text
    gnupg_export Exports a key
    gnupg_geterror Returns the errortext, if a function fails
    gnupg_getprotocol Returns the currently active protocol for all operations
    gnupg_import Imports a key
    gnupg_init Initialize a connection
    gnupg_keyinfo Returns an array with information about all keys that matches the given pattern
    gnupg_setarmor Toggle armored output
    gnupg_seterrormode Sets the mode for error_reporting
    gnupg_setsignmode Sets the mode for signing
    gnupg_sign Signs a given text
    gnupg_verify Verifies a signed text
    gopher_parsedir Translate a gopher formatted directory entry into an associative array.
    grapheme_extract Function to extract a sequence of default grapheme clusters from a text buffer, which must be encoded in UTF-8.
    grapheme_stripos Find position (in grapheme units) of first occurrence of a case-insensitive string
    grapheme_stristr Returns part of haystack string from the first occurrence of case-insensitive needle to the end of haystack.
    grapheme_strlen Get string length in grapheme units
    grapheme_strpos Find position (in grapheme units) of first occurrence of a string
    grapheme_strripos Find position (in grapheme units) of last occurrence of a case-insensitive string
    grapheme_strrpos Find position (in grapheme units) of last occurrence of a string
    grapheme_strstr Returns part of haystack string from the first occurrence of needle to the end of haystack.
    grapheme_substr Return part of a string
    GregorianToJD 转变一个Gregorian历法日期到Julian Day计数
    gupnp_context_get_host_ip Get the IP address
    gupnp_context_get_port Get the port
    gupnp_context_get_subscription_timeout Get the event subscription timeout
    gupnp_context_host_path Start hosting
    gupnp_context_new Create a new context
    gupnp_context_set_subscription_timeout Sets the event subscription timeout
    gupnp_context_timeout_add Sets a function to be called at regular intervals
    gupnp_context_unhost_path Stop hosting
    gupnp_control_point_browse_start Start browsing
    gupnp_control_point_browse_stop Stop browsing
    gupnp_control_point_callback_set Set control point callback
    gupnp_control_point_new Create a new control point
    gupnp_device_action_callback_set Set device callback function
    gupnp_device_info_get Get info of root device
    gupnp_device_info_get_service Get the service with type
    gupnp_root_device_get_available Check whether root device is available
    gupnp_root_device_get_relative_location Get the relative location of root device.
    gupnp_root_device_new Create a new root device
    gupnp_root_device_set_available Set whether or not root_device is available
    gupnp_root_device_start Start main loop
    gupnp_root_device_stop Stop main loop
    gupnp_service_action_get Retrieves the specified action arguments
    gupnp_service_action_return Return successfully
    gupnp_service_action_return_error Return error code
    gupnp_service_action_set Sets the specified action return values
    gupnp_service_freeze_notify Freeze new notifications
    gupnp_service_info_get Get full info of service
    gupnp_service_info_get_introspection Get resource introspection of service
    gupnp_service_introspection_get_state_variable Returns the state variable data
    gupnp_service_notify Notifies listening clients
    gupnp_service_proxy_action_get Send action to the service and get value
    gupnp_service_proxy_action_set Send action to the service and set value
    gupnp_service_proxy_add_notify Sets up callback for variable change notification
    gupnp_service_proxy_callback_set Set service proxy callback for signal
    gupnp_service_proxy_get_subscribed Check whether subscription is valid to the service
    gupnp_service_proxy_remove_notify Cancels the variable change notification
    gupnp_service_proxy_send_action Send action with multiple parameters synchronously
    gupnp_service_proxy_set_subscribed (Un)subscribes to the service.
    gupnp_service_thaw_notify Sends out any pending notifications and stops queuing of new ones.
    gzclose Close an open gz-file pointer
    gzcompress Compress a string
    gzdecode Decodes a gzip compressed string
    gzdeflate Deflate a string
    gzencode Create a gzip compressed string
    gzeof Test for EOF on a gz-file pointer
    gzfile Read entire gz-file into an array
    gzgetc Get character from gz-file pointer
    gzgets Get line from file pointer
    gzgetss Get line from gz-file pointer and strip HTML tags
    gzinflate Inflate a deflated string
    gzopen Open gz-file
    gzpassthru Output all remaining data on a gz-file pointer
    gzputs 别名 gzwrite
    gzread Binary-safe gz-file read
    gzrewind Rewind the position of a gz-file pointer
    gzseek Seek on a gz-file pointer
    gztell Tell gz-file pointer read/write position
    gzuncompress Uncompress a compressed string
    gzwrite Binary-safe gz-file write


    hash 生成哈希值 (消息摘要)
    hash_algos 返回已注册的哈希算法列表
    hash_copy 拷贝哈希运算上下文
    hash_equals 可防止时序攻击的字符串比较
    hash_file 使用给定文件的内容生成哈希值
    hash_final 结束增量哈希,并且返回摘要结果
    hash_hmac 使用 HMAC 方法生成带有密钥的哈希值
    hash_hmac_file 使用 HMAC 方法和给定文件的内容生成带密钥的哈希值
    hash_init 初始化增量哈希运算上下文
    hash_pbkdf2 生成所提供密码的 PBKDF2 密钥导出
    hash_update 向活跃的哈希运算上下文中填充数据
    hash_update_file 从文件向活跃的哈希运算上下文中填充数据
    hash_update_stream 从打开的流向活跃的哈希运算上下文中填充数据
    header 发送原生 HTTP 头
    headers_list Returns a list of response headers sent (or ready to send)
    headers_sent Checks if or where headers have been sent
    header_register_callback Call a header function
    header_remove Remove previously set headers
    hebrev 将逻辑顺序希伯来文(logical-Hebrew)转换为视觉顺序希伯来文(visual-Hebrew)
    hebrevc 将逻辑顺序希伯来文(logical-Hebrew)转换为视觉顺序希伯来文(visual-Hebrew),并且转换换行符
    hex2bin 转换十六进制字符串为二进制字符串
    hexdec 十六进制转换为十进制
    highlight_file 语法高亮一个文件
    highlight_string 字符串的语法高亮
    htmlentities Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities
    htmlspecialchars Convert special characters to HTML entities
    htmlspecialchars_decode 将特殊的 HTML 实体转换回普通字符
    html_entity_decode Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters
    HTTP context 选项 HTTP context 的选项列表
    http_build_cookie Build cookie string
    http_build_query 生成 URL-encode 之后的请求字符串
    http_build_str 产生一个查询字符串
    http_build_url 产生一个 URL
    http_cache_etag Caching by ETag
    http_cache_last_modified Caching by last modification
    http_chunked_decode Decode chunked-encoded data
    http_date Compose HTTP RFC compliant date
    http_deflate Deflate data
    http_get Perform GET request
    http_get_request_body Get request body as string
    http_get_request_body_stream Get request body as stream
    http_get_request_headers Get request headers as array
    http_head Perform HEAD request
    http_inflate Inflate data
    http_match_etag Match ETag
    http_match_modified Match last modification
    http_match_request_header Match any header
    http_negotiate_charset Negotiate client’s preferred character set
    http_negotiate_content_type Negotiate client’s preferred content type
    http_negotiate_language Negotiate client’s preferred language
    http_parse_cookie Parse HTTP cookie
    http_parse_headers Parse HTTP headers
    http_parse_message Parse HTTP messages
    http_parse_params Parse parameter list
    http_persistent_handles_clean Clean up persistent handles
    http_persistent_handles_count Stat persistent handles
    http_persistent_handles_ident Get/set ident of persistent handles
    http_post_data Perform POST request with pre-encoded data
    http_post_fields Perform POST request with data to be encoded
    http_put_data Perform PUT request with data
    http_put_file Perform PUT request with file
    http_put_stream Perform PUT request with stream
    http_redirect Issue HTTP redirect
    http_request Perform custom request
    http_request_body_encode Encode request body
    http_request_method_exists Check whether request method exists
    http_request_method_name Get request method name
    http_request_method_register Register request method
    http_request_method_unregister Unregister request method
    http_response_code Get or Set the HTTP response code
    http_send_content_disposition Send Content-Disposition
    http_send_content_type Send Content-Type
    http_send_data Send arbitrary data
    http_send_file Send file
    http_send_last_modified Send Last-Modified
    http_send_status Send HTTP response status
    http_send_stream Send stream
    http_support Check built-in HTTP support
    http_throttle HTTP throttling
    hwapi_attribute_new Creates instance of class hw_api_attribute
    hwapi_content_new Create new instance of class hw_api_content
    hwapi_hgcsp Returns object of class hw_api
    hwapi_object_new Creates a new instance of class hwapi_object_new
    hypot 计算一直角三角形的斜边长度


    ibase_add_user Add a user to a security database
    ibase_affected_rows Return the number of rows that were affected by the previous query
    ibase_backup Initiates a backup task in the service manager and returns immediately
    ibase_blob_add Add data into a newly created blob
    ibase_blob_cancel Cancel creating blob
    ibase_blob_close Close blob
    ibase_blob_create Create a new blob for adding data
    ibase_blob_echo Output blob contents to browser
    ibase_blob_get Get len bytes data from open blob
    ibase_blob_import Create blob, copy file in it, and close it
    ibase_blob_info Return blob length and other useful info
    ibase_blob_open Open blob for retrieving data parts
    ibase_close Close a connection to an InterBase database
    ibase_commit Commit a transaction
    ibase_commit_ret Commit a transaction without closing it
    ibase_connect Open a connection to a database
    ibase_db_info Request statistics about a database
    ibase_delete_user Delete a user from a security database
    ibase_drop_db Drops a database
    ibase_errcode Return an error code
    ibase_errmsg Return error messages
    ibase_execute Execute a previously prepared query
    ibase_fetch_assoc Fetch a result row from a query as an associative array
    ibase_fetch_object Get an object from a InterBase database
    ibase_fetch_row Fetch a row from an InterBase database
    ibase_field_info Get information about a field
    ibase_free_event_handler Cancels a registered event handler
    ibase_free_query Free memory allocated by a prepared query
    ibase_free_result Free a result set
    ibase_gen_id Increments the named generator and returns its new value
    ibase_maintain_db Execute a maintenance command on the database server
    ibase_modify_user Modify a user to a security database
    ibase_name_result Assigns a name to a result set
    ibase_num_fields Get the number of fields in a result set
    ibase_num_params Return the number of parameters in a prepared query
    ibase_param_info Return information about a parameter in a prepared query
    ibase_pconnect Open a persistent connection to an InterBase database
    ibase_prepare Prepare a query for later binding of parameter placeholders and execution
    ibase_query Execute a query on an InterBase database
    ibase_restore Initiates a restore task in the service manager and returns immediately
    ibase_rollback Roll back a transaction
    ibase_rollback_ret Roll back a transaction without closing it
    ibase_server_info Request information about a database server
    ibase_service_attach Connect to the service manager
    ibase_service_detach Disconnect from the service manager
    ibase_set_event_handler Register a callback function to be called when events are posted
    ibase_trans Begin a transaction
    ibase_wait_event Wait for an event to be posted by the database
    iconv 字符串按要求的字符编码来转换
    iconv_get_encoding 获取 iconv 扩展的内部配置变量
    iconv_mime_decode Decodes a MIME header field
    iconv_mime_decode_headers 一次性解码多个 MIME 头字段
    iconv_mime_encode Composes a MIME header field
    iconv_set_encoding 为字符编码转换设定当前设置
    iconv_strlen 返回字符串的字符数统计
    iconv_strpos Finds position of first occurrence of a needle within a haystack
    iconv_strrpos Finds the last occurrence of a needle within a haystack
    iconv_substr 截取字符串的部分
    id3_get_frame_long_name Get the long name of an ID3v2 frame
    id3_get_frame_short_name Get the short name of an ID3v2 frame
    id3_get_genre_id Get the id for a genre
    id3_get_genre_list Get all possible genre values
    id3_get_genre_name Get the name for a genre id
    id3_get_tag Get all information stored in an ID3 tag
    id3_get_version Get version of an ID3 tag
    id3_remove_tag Remove an existing ID3 tag
    id3_set_tag Update information stored in an ID3 tag
    idate 将本地时间日期格式化为整数
    idn_to_ascii Convert domain name to IDNA ASCII form.
    idn_to_unicode 别名 idn_to_utf8
    idn_to_utf8 Convert domain name from IDNA ASCII to Unicode.
    ifxus_close_slob Deletes the slob object
    ifxus_create_slob Creates an slob object and opens it
    ifxus_free_slob Deletes the slob object
    ifxus_open_slob Opens an slob object
    ifxus_read_slob Reads nbytes of the slob object
    ifxus_seek_slob Sets the current file or seek position
    ifxus_tell_slob Returns the current file or seek position
    ifxus_write_slob Writes a string into the slob object
    ifx_affected_rows Get number of rows affected by a query
    ifx_blobinfile_mode Set the default blob mode for all select queries
    ifx_byteasvarchar Set the default byte mode
    ifx_close Close Informix connection
    ifx_connect Open Informix server connection
    ifx_copy_blob Duplicates the given blob object
    ifx_create_blob Creates an blob object
    ifx_create_char Creates an char object
    ifx_do Execute a previously prepared SQL-statement
    ifx_error Returns error code of last Informix call
    ifx_errormsg Returns error message of last Informix call
    ifx_fetch_row Get row as an associative array
    ifx_fieldproperties List of SQL fieldproperties
    ifx_fieldtypes List of Informix SQL fields
    ifx_free_blob Deletes the blob object
    ifx_free_char Deletes the char object
    ifx_free_result Releases resources for the query
    ifx_getsqlca Get the contents of sqlca.sqlerrd[0..5] after a query
    ifx_get_blob Return the content of a blob object
    ifx_get_char Return the content of the char object
    ifx_htmltbl_result Formats all rows of a query into a HTML table
    ifx_nullformat Sets the default return value on a fetch row
    ifx_num_fields Returns the number of columns in the query
    ifx_num_rows Count the rows already fetched from a query
    ifx_pconnect Open persistent Informix connection
    ifx_prepare Prepare an SQL-statement for execution
    ifx_query Send Informix query
    ifx_textasvarchar Set the default text mode
    ifx_update_blob Updates the content of the blob object
    ifx_update_char Updates the content of the char object
    ignore_user_abort 设置客户端断开连接时是否中断脚本的执行
    iis_add_server Creates a new virtual web server
    iis_get_dir_security Gets Directory Security
    iis_get_script_map Gets script mapping on a virtual directory for a specific extension
    iis_get_server_by_comment Return the instance number associated with the Comment
    iis_get_server_by_path Return the instance number associated with the Path
    iis_get_server_rights Gets server rights
    iis_get_service_state Returns the state for the service defined by ServiceId
    iis_remove_server Removes the virtual web server indicated by ServerInstance
    iis_set_app_settings Creates application scope for a virtual directory
    iis_set_dir_security Sets Directory Security
    iis_set_script_map Sets script mapping on a virtual directory
    iis_set_server_rights Sets server rights
    iis_start_server Starts the virtual web server
    iis_start_service Starts the service defined by ServiceId
    iis_stop_server Stops the virtual web server
    iis_stop_service Stops the service defined by ServiceId
    image2wbmp 以 WBMP 格式将图像输出到浏览器或文件
    imageaffine 返回经过仿射变换后的图像,剪切区域可选
    imageaffinematrixconcat Concat two matrices (as in doing many ops in one go)
    imageaffinematrixget Return an image containing the affine tramsformed src image, using an optional clipping area
    imagealphablending 设定图像的混色模式
    imageantialias 是否使用抗锯齿(antialias)功能
    imagearc 画椭圆弧
    imagechar 水平地画一个字符
    imagecharup 垂直地画一个字符
    imagecolorallocate 为一幅图像分配颜色
    imagecolorallocatealpha 为一幅图像分配颜色 + alpha
    imagecolorat 取得某像素的颜色索引值
    imagecolorclosest 取得与指定的颜色最接近的颜色的索引值
    imagecolorclosestalpha 取得与指定的颜色加透明度最接近的颜色
    imagecolorclosesthwb 取得与给定颜色最接近的色度的黑白色的索引
    imagecolordeallocate 取消图像颜色的分配
    imagecolorexact 取得指定颜色的索引值
    imagecolorexactalpha 取得指定的颜色加透明度的索引值
    imagecolormatch 使一个图像中调色板版本的颜色与真彩色版本更能匹配
    imagecolorresolve 取得指定颜色的索引值或有可能得到的最接近的替代值
    imagecolorresolvealpha 取得指定颜色 + alpha 的索引值或有可能得到的最接近的替代值
    imagecolorset 给指定调色板索引设定颜色
    imagecolorsforindex 取得某索引的颜色
    imagecolorstotal 取得一幅图像的调色板中颜色的数目
    imagecolortransparent 将某个颜色定义为透明色
    imageconvolution 用系数 div 和 offset 申请一个 3x3 的卷积矩阵
    imagecopy 拷贝图像的一部分
    imagecopymerge 拷贝并合并图像的一部分
    imagecopymergegray 用灰度拷贝并合并图像的一部分
    imagecopyresampled 重采样拷贝部分图像并调整大小
    imagecopyresized 拷贝部分图像并调整大小
    imagecreate 新建一个基于调色板的图像
    imagecreatefromgd 从 GD 文件或 URL 新建一图像
    imagecreatefromgd2 从 GD2 文件或 URL 新建一图像
    imagecreatefromgd2part 从给定的 GD2 文件或 URL 中的部分新建一图像
    imagecreatefromgif 由文件或 URL 创建一个新图象。
    imagecreatefromjpeg 由文件或 URL 创建一个新图象。
    imagecreatefrompng 由文件或 URL 创建一个新图象。
    imagecreatefromstring 从字符串中的图像流新建一图像
    imagecreatefromwbmp 由文件或 URL 创建一个新图象。
    imagecreatefromwebp 由文件或 URL 创建一个新图象。
    imagecreatefromxbm 由文件或 URL 创建一个新图象。
    imagecreatefromxpm 由文件或 URL 创建一个新图象。
    imagecreatetruecolor 新建一个真彩色图像
    imagecrop Crop an image using the given coordinates and size, x, y, width and height
    imagecropauto Crop an image automatically using one of the available modes
    imagedashedline 画一虚线
    imagedestroy 销毁一图像
    imageellipse 画一个椭圆
    imagefill 区域填充
    imagefilledarc 画一椭圆弧且填充
    imagefilledellipse 画一椭圆并填充
    imagefilledpolygon 画一多边形并填充
    imagefilledrectangle 画一矩形并填充
    imagefilltoborder 区域填充到指定颜色的边界为止
    imagefilter 对图像使用过滤器
    imageflip Flips an image using a given mode
    imagefontheight 取得字体高度
    imagefontwidth 取得字体宽度
    imageftbbox 给出一个使用 FreeType 2 字体的文本框
    imagefttext 使用 FreeType 2 字体将文本写入图像
    imagegammacorrect 对 GD 图像应用 gamma 修正
    imagegd 将 GD 图像输出到浏览器或文件
    imagegd2 将 GD2 图像输出到浏览器或文件
    imagegif 输出图象到浏览器或文件。
    imagegrabscreen Captures the whole screen
    imagegrabwindow Captures a window
    imageinterlace 激活或禁止隔行扫描
    imageistruecolor 检查图像是否为真彩色图像
    imagejpeg 输出图象到浏览器或文件。
    imagelayereffect 设定 alpha 混色标志以使用绑定的 libgd 分层效果
    imageline 画一条线段
    imageloadfont 载入一新字体
    imagepalettecopy 将调色板从一幅图像拷贝到另一幅
    imagepalettetotruecolor Converts a palette based image to true color
    imagepng 以 PNG 格式将图像输出到浏览器或文件
    imagepolygon 画一个多边形
    imagepsbbox 给出一个使用 PostScript Type1 字体的文本方框
    imagepsencodefont 改变字体中的字符编码矢量
    imagepsextendfont 扩充或精简字体
    imagepsfreefont 释放一个 PostScript Type 1 字体所占用的内存
    imagepsloadfont 从文件中加载一个 PostScript Type 1 字体
    imagepsslantfont 倾斜某字体
    imagepstext 用 PostScript Type1 字体把文本字符串画在图像上
    imagerectangle 画一个矩形
    imagerotate 用给定角度旋转图像
    imagesavealpha 设置标记以在保存 PNG 图像时保存完整的 alpha 通道信息(与单一透明色相反)
    imagescale Scale an image using the given new width and height
    imagesetbrush 设定画线用的画笔图像
    imagesetinterpolation Set the interpolation method
    imagesetpixel 画一个单一像素
    imagesetstyle 设定画线的风格
    imagesetthickness 设定画线的宽度
    imagesettile 设定用于填充的贴图
    imagestring 水平地画一行字符串
    imagestringup 垂直地画一行字符串
    imagesx 取得图像宽度
    imagesy 取得图像高度
    imagetruecolortopalette 将真彩色图像转换为调色板图像
    imagettfbbox 取得使用 TrueType 字体的文本的范围
    imagettftext 用 TrueType 字体向图像写入文本
    imagetypes 返回当前 PHP 版本所支持的图像类型
    imagewbmp 以 WBMP 格式将图像输出到浏览器或文件
    imagewebp 将 WebP 格式的图像输出到浏览器或文件
    imagexbm 将 XBM 图像输出到浏览器或文件
    image_type_to_extension 取得图像类型的文件后缀
    image_type_to_mime_type 取得 getimagesize,exif_read_data,exif_thumbnail,exif_imagetype 所返回的图像类型的 MIME 类型
    imap_8bit Convert an 8bit string to a quoted-printable string
    imap_alerts Returns all IMAP alert messages that have occurred
    imap_append Append a string message to a specified mailbox
    imap_base64 Decode BASE64 encoded text
    imap_binary Convert an 8bit string to a base64 string
    imap_body Read the message body
    imap_bodystruct Read the structure of a specified body section of a specific message
    imap_check Check current mailbox
    imap_clearflag_full Clears flags on messages
    imap_close Close an IMAP stream
    imap_create 别名 imap_createmailbox
    imap_createmailbox Create a new mailbox
    imap_delete Mark a message for deletion from current mailbox
    imap_deletemailbox Delete a mailbox
    imap_errors Returns all of the IMAP errors that have occurred
    imap_expunge Delete all messages marked for deletion
    imap_fetchbody Fetch a particular section of the body of the message
    imap_fetchheader Returns header for a message
    imap_fetchmime Fetch MIME headers for a particular section of the message
    imap_fetchstructure Read the structure of a particular message
    imap_fetchtext 别名 imap_body
    imap_fetch_overview Read an overview of the information in the headers of the given message
    imap_gc Clears IMAP cache
    imap_getacl Gets the ACL for a given mailbox
    imap_getmailboxes Read the list of mailboxes, returning detailed information on each one
    imap_getsubscribed List all the subscribed mailboxes
    imap_get_quota Retrieve the quota level settings, and usage statics per mailbox
    imap_get_quotaroot Retrieve the quota settings per user
    imap_header 别名 imap_headerinfo
    imap_headerinfo Read the header of the message
    imap_headers Returns headers for all messages in a mailbox
    imap_last_error Gets the last IMAP error that occurred during this page request
    imap_list Read the list of mailboxes
    imap_listmailbox 别名 imap_list
    imap_listscan Returns the list of mailboxes that matches the given text
    imap_listsubscribed 别名 imap_lsub
    imap_lsub List all the subscribed mailboxes
    imap_mail Send an email message
    imap_mailboxmsginfo Get information about the current mailbox
    imap_mail_compose Create a MIME message based on given envelope and body sections
    imap_mail_copy Copy specified messages to a mailbox
    imap_mail_move Move specified messages to a mailbox
    imap_mime_header_decode Decode MIME header elements
    imap_msgno Gets the message sequence number for the given UID
    imap_num_msg Gets the number of messages in the current mailbox
    imap_num_recent Gets the number of recent messages in current mailbox
    imap_open Open an IMAP stream to a mailbox
    imap_ping Check if the IMAP stream is still active
    imap_qprint Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string
    imap_rename 别名 imap_renamemailbox
    imap_renamemailbox Rename an old mailbox to new mailbox
    imap_reopen Reopen IMAP stream to new mailbox
    imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist Parses an address string
    imap_rfc822_parse_headers Parse mail headers from a string
    imap_rfc822_write_address Returns a properly formatted email address given the mailbox, host, and personal info
    imap_savebody Save a specific body section to a file
    imap_scan 别名 imap_listscan
    imap_scanmailbox 别名 imap_listscan
    imap_search This function returns an array of messages matching the given search criteria
    imap_setacl Sets the ACL for a given mailbox
    imap_setflag_full Sets flags on messages
    imap_set_quota Sets a quota for a given mailbox
    imap_sort Gets and sort messages
    imap_status Returns status information on a mailbox
    imap_subscribe Subscribe to a mailbox
    imap_thread Returns a tree of threaded message
    imap_timeout Set or fetch imap timeout
    imap_uid This function returns the UID for the given message sequence number
    imap_undelete Unmark the message which is marked deleted
    imap_unsubscribe Unsubscribe from a mailbox
    imap_utf7_decode Decodes a modified UTF-7 encoded string
    imap_utf7_encode Converts ISO-8859-1 string to modified UTF-7 text
    imap_utf8 Converts MIME-encoded text to UTF-8
    implode 将一个一维数组的值转化为字符串
    import_request_variables 将 GET/POST/Cookie 变量导入到全局作用域中
    inclued_get_data Get the inclued data
    inet_ntop Converts a packed internet address to a human readable representation
    inet_pton Converts a human readable IP address to its packed in_addr representation
    ingres_autocommit Switch autocommit on or off
    ingres_autocommit_state Test if the connection is using autocommit
    ingres_charset Returns the installation character set
    ingres_close Close an Ingres database connection
    ingres_commit Commit a transaction
    ingres_connect Open a connection to an Ingres database
    ingres_cursor Get a cursor name for a given result resource
    ingres_errno Get the last Ingres error number generated
    ingres_error Get a meaningful error message for the last error generated
    ingres_errsqlstate Get the last SQLSTATE error code generated
    ingres_escape_string Escape special characters for use in a query
    ingres_execute Execute a prepared query
    ingres_fetch_array Fetch a row of result into an array
    ingres_fetch_assoc Fetch a row of result into an associative array
    ingres_fetch_object Fetch a row of result into an object
    ingres_fetch_proc_return Get the return value from a procedure call
    ingres_fetch_row Fetch a row of result into an enumerated array
    ingres_field_length Get the length of a field
    ingres_field_name Get the name of a field in a query result
    ingres_field_nullable Test if a field is nullable
    ingres_field_precision Get the precision of a field
    ingres_field_scale Get the scale of a field
    ingres_field_type Get the type of a field in a query result
    ingres_free_result Free the resources associated with a result identifier
    ingres_next_error Get the next Ingres error
    ingres_num_fields Get the number of fields returned by the last query
    ingres_num_rows Get the number of rows affected or returned by a query
    ingres_pconnect Open a persistent connection to an Ingres database
    ingres_prepare Prepare a query for later execution
    ingres_query Send an SQL query to Ingres
    ingres_result_seek Set the row position before fetching data
    ingres_rollback Roll back a transaction
    ingres_set_environment Set environment features controlling output options
    ingres_unbuffered_query Send an unbuffered SQL query to Ingres
    ini_alter 别名 ini_set
    ini_get 获取一个配置选项的值
    ini_get_all 获取所有配置选项
    ini_restore 恢复配置选项的值
    ini_set 为一个配置选项设置值
    inotify_add_watch Add a watch to an initialized inotify instance
    inotify_init Initialize an inotify instance
    inotify_queue_len Return a number upper than zero if there are pending events
    inotify_read Read events from an inotify instance
    inotify_rm_watch Remove an existing watch from an inotify instance
    intdiv Integer division
    interface_exists 检查接口是否已被定义
    intl_error_name Get symbolic name for a given error code
    intl_get_error_code Get the last error code
    intl_get_error_message Get description of the last error
    intl_is_failure Check whether the given error code indicates failure
    intval 获取变量的整数值
    in_array 检查数组中是否存在某个值
    ip2long 将一个IPV4的字符串互联网协议转换成数字格式
    iptcembed 将二进制 IPTC 数据嵌入到一幅 JPEG 图像中
    iptcparse 将二进制 IPTC 块解析为单个标记
    isset 检测变量是否设置
    is_a 如果对象属于该类或该类是此对象的父类则返回 TRUE
    is_array 检测变量是否是数组
    is_bool 检测变量是否是布尔型
    is_callable 检测参数是否为合法的可调用结构
    is_dir 判断给定文件名是否是一个目录
    is_double is_float 的别名
    is_executable 判断给定文件名是否可执行
    is_file 判断给定文件名是否为一个正常的文件
    is_finite 判断是否为有限值
    is_float 检测变量是否是浮点型
    is_infinite 判断是否为无限值
    is_int 检测变量是否是整数
    is_integer is_int 的别名
    is_link 判断给定文件名是否为一个符号连接
    is_long is_int 的别名
    is_nan 判断是否为合法数值
    is_null 检测变量是否为 NULL
    is_numeric 检测变量是否为数字或数字字符串
    is_object 检测变量是否是一个对象
    is_readable 判断给定文件名是否可读
    is_real is_float 的别名
    is_resource 检测变量是否为资源类型
    is_scalar 检测变量是否是一个标量
    is_soap_fault Checks if a SOAP call has failed
    is_string 检测变量是否是字符串
    is_subclass_of 如果此对象是该类的子类,则返回 TRUE
    is_tainted Checks whether a string is tainted
    is_uploaded_file 判断文件是否是通过 HTTP POST 上传的
    is_writable 判断给定的文件名是否可写
    is_writeable is_writable 的别名
    iterator_apply 为迭代器中每个元素调用一个用户自定义函数
    iterator_count 计算迭代器中元素的个数
    iterator_to_array 将迭代器中的元素拷贝到数组


    JDDayOfWeek 返回星期的日期
    JDMonthName 返回月份的名称
    JDToFrench 转变一个Julian Day计数到French Republican历法的日期
    JDToGregorian 转变一个Julian Day计数为Gregorian历法日期
    jdtojewish 转换一个julian天数为Jewish历法的日期
    JDToJulian 转变一个Julian Day计数到Julian历法的日期
    jdtounix 转变Julian Day计数为一个Unix时间戳
    JewishToJD 转变一个Jewish历法的日期为一个Julian Day计数
    join 别名 implode
    jpeg2wbmp 将 JPEG 图像文件转换为 WBMP 图像文件
    json_decode 对 JSON 格式的字符串进行编码
    json_encode 对变量进行 JSON 编码
    json_last_error 返回最后发生的错误
    json_last_error_msg Returns the error string of the last json_encode() or json_decode() call
    judy_type Return the type of a Judy array
    judy_version Return or print the current PHP Judy version
    JulianToJD 转变一个Julian历法的日期为Julian Day计数


    kadm5_chpass_principal Changes the principal’s password
    kadm5_create_principal Creates a kerberos principal with the given parameters
    kadm5_delete_principal Deletes a kerberos principal
    kadm5_destroy Closes the connection to the admin server and releases all related resources
    kadm5_flush Flush all changes to the Kerberos database
    kadm5_get_policies Gets all policies from the Kerberos database
    kadm5_get_principal Gets the principal’s entries from the Kerberos database
    kadm5_get_principals Gets all principals from the Kerberos database
    kadm5_init_with_password Opens a connection to the KADM5 library
    kadm5_modify_principal Modifies a kerberos principal with the given parameters
    key 从关联数组中取得键名
    key_exists 别名 array_key_exists
    krsort 对数组按照键名逆向排序
    ksort 对数组按照键名排序


    lcfirst 使一个字符串的第一个字符小写
    lcg_value 组合线性同余发生器
    lchgrp Changes group ownership of symlink
    lchown Changes user ownership of symlink
    ldap_8859_to_t61 Translate 8859 characters to t61 characters
    ldap_add Add entries to LDAP directory
    ldap_bind 绑定 LDAP 目录
    ldap_close 别名 ldap_unbind
    ldap_compare Compare value of attribute found in entry specified with DN
    ldap_connect Connect to an LDAP server
    ldap_control_paged_result Send LDAP pagination control
    ldap_control_paged_result_response Retrieve the LDAP pagination cookie
    ldap_count_entries Count the number of entries in a search
    ldap_delete Delete an entry from a directory
    ldap_dn2ufn Convert DN to User Friendly Naming format
    ldap_err2str Convert LDAP error number into string error message
    ldap_errno Return the LDAP error number of the last LDAP command
    ldap_error Return the LDAP error message of the last LDAP command
    ldap_escape Escape a string for use in an LDAP filter or DN
    ldap_explode_dn Splits DN into its component parts
    ldap_first_attribute Return first attribute
    ldap_first_entry Return first result id
    ldap_first_reference Return first reference
    ldap_free_result Free result memory
    ldap_get_attributes Get attributes from a search result entry
    ldap_get_dn Get the DN of a result entry
    ldap_get_entries Get all result entries
    ldap_get_option Get the current value for given option
    ldap_get_values Get all values from a result entry
    ldap_get_values_len Get all binary values from a result entry
    ldap_list Single-level search
    ldap_modify Modify an LDAP entry
    ldap_modify_batch Batch and execute modifications on an LDAP entry
    ldap_mod_add Add attribute values to current attributes
    ldap_mod_del Delete attribute values from current attributes
    ldap_mod_replace Replace attribute values with new ones
    ldap_next_attribute Get the next attribute in result
    ldap_next_entry Get next result entry
    ldap_next_reference Get next reference
    ldap_parse_reference Extract information from reference entry
    ldap_parse_result Extract information from result
    ldap_read Read an entry
    ldap_rename Modify the name of an entry
    ldap_sasl_bind Bind to LDAP directory using SASL
    ldap_search Search LDAP tree
    ldap_set_option Set the value of the given option
    ldap_set_rebind_proc Set a callback function to do re-binds on referral chasing
    ldap_sort Sort LDAP result entries
    ldap_start_tls Start TLS
    ldap_t61_to_8859 Translate t61 characters to 8859 characters
    ldap_unbind Unbind from LDAP directory
    levenshtein 计算两个字符串之间的编辑距离
    libxml_clear_errors Clear libxml error buffer
    libxml_disable_entity_loader Disable the ability to load external entities
    libxml_get_errors Retrieve array of errors
    libxml_get_last_error Retrieve last error from libxml
    libxml_set_external_entity_loader Changes the default external entity loader
    libxml_set_streams_context Set the streams context for the next libxml document load or write
    libxml_use_internal_errors Disable libxml errors and allow user to fetch error information as needed
    link 建立一个硬连接
    linkinfo 获取一个连接的信息
    list 把数组中的值赋给一些变量
    localeconv Get numeric formatting information
    localtime 取得本地时间
    log 自然对数
    log1p 返回 log(1 + number),甚至当 number 的值接近零也能计算出准确结果
    log10 以 10 为底的对数
    long2ip Converts an long integer address into a string in (IPv4) Internet standard dotted format
    lstat 给出一个文件或符号连接的信息
    ltrim 删除字符串开头的空白字符(或其他字符)
    lzf_compress LZF compression
    lzf_decompress LZF decompression
    lzf_optimized_for Determines what LZF extension was optimized for


    magic_quotes_runtime 别名 set_magic_quotes_runtime
    mail 发送邮件
    mailparse_determine_best_xfer_encoding Gets the best way of encoding
    mailparse_msg_create Create a mime mail resource
    mailparse_msg_extract_part Extracts/decodes a message section
    mailparse_msg_extract_part_file Extracts/decodes a message section
    mailparse_msg_extract_whole_part_file Extracts a message section including headers without decoding the transfer encoding
    mailparse_msg_free Frees a MIME resource
    mailparse_msg_get_part Returns a handle on a given section in a mimemessage
    mailparse_msg_get_part_data Returns an associative array of info about the message
    mailparse_msg_get_structure Returns an array of mime section names in the supplied message
    mailparse_msg_parse Incrementally parse data into buffer
    mailparse_msg_parse_file Parses a file
    mailparse_rfc822_parse_addresses Parse RFC 822 compliant addresses
    mailparse_stream_encode Streams data from source file pointer, apply encoding and write to destfp
    mailparse_uudecode_all Scans the data from fp and extract each embedded uuencoded file
    main 虚拟的main
    max 找出最大值
    maxdb_affected_rows Gets the number of affected rows in a previous MaxDB operation
    maxdb_autocommit Turns on or off auto-commiting database modifications
    maxdb_bind_param 别名 maxdb_stmt_bind_param
    maxdb_bind_result 别名 maxdb_stmt_bind_result
    maxdb_change_user Changes the user of the specified database connection
    maxdb_character_set_name Returns the default character set for the database connection
    maxdb_client_encoding 别名 maxdb_character_set_name
    maxdb_close Closes a previously opened database connection
    maxdb_close_long_data 别名 maxdb_stmt_close_long_data
    maxdb_commit Commits the current transaction
    maxdb_connect Open a new connection to the MaxDB server
    maxdb_connect_errno Returns the error code from last connect call
    maxdb_connect_error Returns a string description of the last connect error
    maxdb_data_seek Adjusts the result pointer to an arbitary row in the result
    maxdb_debug Performs debugging operations
    maxdb_disable_reads_from_master Disable reads from master
    maxdb_disable_rpl_parse Disable RPL parse
    maxdb_dump_debug_info Dump debugging information into the log
    maxdb_embedded_connect Open a connection to an embedded MaxDB server
    maxdb_enable_reads_from_master Enable reads from master
    maxdb_enable_rpl_parse Enable RPL parse
    maxdb_errno Returns the error code for the most recent function call
    maxdb_error Returns a string description of the last error
    maxdb_escape_string 别名 maxdb_real_escape_string
    maxdb_execute 别名 maxdb_stmt_execute
    maxdb_fetch 别名 maxdb_stmt_fetch
    maxdb_fetch_array Fetch a result row as an associative, a numeric array, or both
    maxdb_fetch_assoc Fetch a result row as an associative array
    maxdb_fetch_field Returns the next field in the result set
    maxdb_fetch_fields Returns an array of resources representing the fields in a result set
    maxdb_fetch_field_direct Fetch meta-data for a single field
    maxdb_fetch_lengths Returns the lengths of the columns of the current row in the result set
    maxdb_fetch_object Returns the current row of a result set as an object
    maxdb_fetch_row Get a result row as an enumerated array
    maxdb_field_count Returns the number of columns for the most recent query
    maxdb_field_seek Set result pointer to a specified field offset
    maxdb_field_tell Get current field offset of a result pointer
    maxdb_free_result Frees the memory associated with a result
    maxdb_get_client_info Returns the MaxDB client version as a string
    maxdb_get_client_version Get MaxDB client info
    maxdb_get_host_info Returns a string representing the type of connection used
    maxdb_get_metadata 别名 maxdb_stmt_result_metadata
    maxdb_get_proto_info Returns the version of the MaxDB protocol used
    maxdb_get_server_info Returns the version of the MaxDB server
    maxdb_get_server_version Returns the version of the MaxDB server as an integer
    maxdb_info Retrieves information about the most recently executed query
    maxdb_init Initializes MaxDB and returns an resource for use with maxdb_real_connect
    maxdb_insert_id Returns the auto generated id used in the last query
    maxdb_kill Disconnects from a MaxDB server
    maxdb_master_query Enforce execution of a query on the master in a master/slave setup
    maxdb_more_results Check if there any more query results from a multi query
    maxdb_multi_query Performs a query on the database
    maxdb_next_result Prepare next result from multi_query
    maxdb_num_fields Get the number of fields in a result
    maxdb_num_rows Gets the number of rows in a result
    maxdb_options Set options
    maxdb_param_count 别名 maxdb_stmt_param_count
    maxdb_ping Pings a server connection, or tries to reconnect if the connection has gone down
    maxdb_prepare Prepare an SQL statement for execution
    maxdb_query Performs a query on the database
    maxdb_real_connect Opens a connection to a MaxDB server
    maxdb_real_escape_string Escapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement, taking into account the current charset of the connection
    maxdb_real_query Execute an SQL query
    maxdb_report Enables or disables internal report functions
    maxdb_rollback Rolls back current transaction
    maxdb_rpl_parse_enabled Check if RPL parse is enabled
    maxdb_rpl_probe RPL probe
    maxdb_rpl_query_type Returns RPL query type
    maxdb_select_db Selects the default database for database queries
    maxdb_send_long_data 别名 maxdb_stmt_send_long_data
    maxdb_send_query Send the query and return
    maxdb_server_end Shut down the embedded server
    maxdb_server_init Initialize embedded server
    maxdb_set_opt 别名 maxdb_options
    maxdb_sqlstate Returns the SQLSTATE error from previous MaxDB operation
    maxdb_ssl_set Used for establishing secure connections using SSL
    maxdb_stat Gets the current system status
    maxdb_stmt_affected_rows Returns the total number of rows changed, deleted, or inserted by the last executed statement
    maxdb_stmt_bind_param Binds variables to a prepared statement as parameters
    maxdb_stmt_bind_result Binds variables to a prepared statement for result storage
    maxdb_stmt_close Closes a prepared statement
    maxdb_stmt_close_long_data Ends a sequence of maxdb_stmt_send_long_data
    maxdb_stmt_data_seek Seeks to an arbitray row in statement result set
    maxdb_stmt_errno Returns the error code for the most recent statement call
    maxdb_stmt_error Returns a string description for last statement error
    maxdb_stmt_execute Executes a prepared Query
    maxdb_stmt_fetch Fetch results from a prepared statement into the bound variables
    maxdb_stmt_free_result Frees stored result memory for the given statement handle
    maxdb_stmt_init Initializes a statement and returns an resource for use with maxdb_stmt_prepare
    maxdb_stmt_num_rows Return the number of rows in statements result set
    maxdb_stmt_param_count Returns the number of parameter for the given statement
    maxdb_stmt_prepare Prepare an SQL statement for execution
    maxdb_stmt_reset Resets a prepared statement
    maxdb_stmt_result_metadata Returns result set metadata from a prepared statement
    maxdb_stmt_send_long_data Send data in blocks
    maxdb_stmt_sqlstate Returns SQLSTATE error from previous statement operation
    maxdb_stmt_store_result Transfers a result set from a prepared statement
    maxdb_store_result Transfers a result set from the last query
    maxdb_thread_id Returns the thread ID for the current connection
    maxdb_thread_safe Returns whether thread safety is given or not
    maxdb_use_result Initiate a result set retrieval
    maxdb_warning_count Returns the number of warnings from the last query for the given link
    mb_check_encoding 检查字符串在指定的编码里是否有效
    mb_convert_case 对字符串进行大小写转换
    mb_convert_encoding 转换字符的编码
    mb_convert_kana Convert “kana” one from another (“zen-kaku”, “han-kaku” and more)
    mb_convert_variables 转换一个或多个变量的字符编码
    mb_decode_mimeheader 解码 MIME 头字段中的字符串
    mb_decode_numericentity 根据 HTML 数字字符串解码成字符
    mb_detect_encoding 检测字符的编码
    mb_detect_order 设置/获取 字符编码的检测顺序
    mb_encode_mimeheader 为 MIME 头编码字符串
    mb_encode_numericentity Encode character to HTML numeric string reference
    mb_encoding_aliases Get aliases of a known encoding type
    mb_ereg Regular expression match with multibyte support
    mb_eregi Regular expression match ignoring case with multibyte support
    mb_eregi_replace Replace regular expression with multibyte support ignoring case
    mb_ereg_match Regular expression match for multibyte string
    mb_ereg_replace Replace regular expression with multibyte support
    mb_ereg_replace_callback Perform a regular expresssion seach and replace with multibyte support using a callback
    mb_ereg_search Multibyte regular expression match for predefined multibyte string
    mb_ereg_search_getpos Returns start point for next regular expression match
    mb_ereg_search_getregs Retrieve the result from the last multibyte regular expression match
    mb_ereg_search_init Setup string and regular expression for a multibyte regular expression match
    mb_ereg_search_pos Returns position and length of a matched part of the multibyte regular expression for a predefined multibyte string
    mb_ereg_search_regs Returns the matched part of a multibyte regular expression
    mb_ereg_search_setpos Set start point of next regular expression match
    mb_get_info 获取 mbstring 的内部设置
    mb_http_input 检测 HTTP 输入字符编码
    mb_http_output 设置/获取 HTTP 输出字符编码
    mb_internal_encoding 设置/获取内部字符编码
    mb_language 设置/获取当前的语言
    mb_list_encodings 返回所有支持编码的数组
    mb_output_handler 在输出缓冲中转换字符编码的回调函数
    mb_parse_str 解析 GET/POST/COOKIE 数据并设置全局变量
    mb_preferred_mime_name 获取 MIME 字符串
    mb_regex_encoding Set/Get character encoding for multibyte regex
    mb_regex_set_options Set/Get the default options for mbregex functions
    mb_send_mail 发送编码过的邮件
    mb_split 使用正则表达式分割多字节字符串
    mb_strcut 获取字符的一部分
    mb_strimwidth 获取按指定宽度截断的字符串
    mb_stripos 大小写不敏感地查找字符串在另一个字符串中首次出现的位置
    mb_stristr 大小写不敏感地查找字符串在另一个字符串里的首次出现
    mb_strlen 获取字符串的长度
    mb_strpos 查找字符串在另一个字符串中首次出现的位置
    mb_strrchr 查找指定字符在另一个字符串中最后一次的出现
    mb_strrichr 大小写不敏感地查找指定字符在另一个字符串中最后一次的出现
    mb_strripos 大小写不敏感地在字符串中查找一个字符串最后出现的位置
    mb_strrpos 查找字符串在一个字符串中最后出现的位置
    mb_strstr 查找字符串在另一个字符串里的首次出现
    mb_strtolower 使字符串小写
    mb_strtoupper 使字符串大写
    mb_strwidth 返回字符串的宽度
    mb_substitute_character 设置/获取替代字符
    mb_substr 获取字符串的部分
    mb_substr_count 统计字符串出现的次数
    mcrypt_cbc 以 CBC 模式加解密数据
    mcrypt_cfb 以 CFB 模式加解密数据
    mcrypt_create_iv 从随机源创建初始向量
    mcrypt_decrypt 使用给定参数解密密文
    mcrypt_ecb 已废弃:使用 ECB 模式加解密数据
    mcrypt_encrypt 使用给定参数加密明文
    mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name 返回打开的算法名称
    mcrypt_enc_get_block_size 返回打开的算法的分组大小
    mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size 返回打开的算法的初始向量大小
    mcrypt_enc_get_key_size 返回打开的模式所能支持的最长密钥
    mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name 返回打开的模式的名称
    mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes 以数组方式返回打开的算法所支持的密钥长度
    mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm 检测打开模式的算法是否为分组算法
    mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode 检测打开的模式是否支持分组加密
    mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode 检测打开的模式是否以分组方式输出
    mcrypt_enc_self_test 在打开的模块上进行自检
    mcrypt_generic 加密数据
    mcrypt_generic_deinit 对加密模块进行清理工作
    mcrypt_generic_end 终止加密
    mcrypt_generic_init 初始化加密所需的缓冲区
    mcrypt_get_block_size 获得加密算法的分组大小
    mcrypt_get_cipher_name 获取加密算法名称
    mcrypt_get_iv_size 返回指定算法/模式组合的初始向量大小
    mcrypt_get_key_size 获取指定加密算法的密钥大小
    mcrypt_list_algorithms 获取支持的加密算法
    mcrypt_list_modes 获取所支持的模式
    mcrypt_module_close 关闭加密模块
    mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size 返回指定算法的分组大小
    mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size 获取打开模式所支持的最大密钥大小
    mcrypt_module_get_supported_key_sizes 以数组形式返回打开的算法所支持的密钥大小
    mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm 检测指定算法是否为分组加密算法
    mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm_mode 返回指定模块是否是分组加密模式
    mcrypt_module_is_block_mode 检测指定模式是否以分组方式输出
    mcrypt_module_open 打开算法和模式对应的模块
    mcrypt_module_self_test 在指定模块上执行自检
    mcrypt_ofb 使用 OFB 模式加密/解密数据
    md5 计算字符串的 MD5 散列值
    md5_file 计算指定文件的 MD5 散列值
    mdecrypt_generic 解密数据
    memcache_debug 转换调试输出的开/关
    memory_get_peak_usage 返回分配给 PHP 内存的峰值
    memory_get_usage 返回分配给 PHP 的内存量
    metaphone Calculate the metaphone key of a string
    method_exists 检查类的方法是否存在
    mhash Computes hash
    mhash_count Gets the highest available hash ID
    mhash_get_block_size Gets the block size of the specified hash
    mhash_get_hash_name Gets the name of the specified hash
    mhash_keygen_s2k Generates a key
    microtime 返回当前 Unix 时间戳和微秒数
    mime_content_type 检测文件的 MIME 类型(已废弃)
    min 找出最小值
    ming_keypress Returns the action flag for keyPress(char)
    ming_setcubicthreshold Set cubic threshold
    ming_setscale Set the global scaling factor.
    ming_setswfcompression Sets the SWF output compression
    ming_useconstants Use constant pool
    ming_useswfversion Sets the SWF version
    mkdir 新建目录
    mktime 取得一个日期的 Unix 时间戳
    money_format Formats a number as a currency string
    MongoDB context options MongoDB context option listing
    MongoDBBSONfromJSON Returns the BSON representation of a JSON value
    MongoDBBSONfromPHP Returns the BSON representation of a PHP value
    MongoDBBSON oJSON Returns the JSON representation of a BSON value
    MongoDBBSON oPHP Returns the PHP representation of a BSON value
    move_uploaded_file 将上传的文件移动到新位置
    mqseries_back MQSeries MQBACK
    mqseries_begin MQseries MQBEGIN
    mqseries_close MQSeries MQCLOSE
    mqseries_cmit MQSeries MQCMIT
    mqseries_conn MQSeries MQCONN
    mqseries_connx MQSeries MQCONNX
    mqseries_disc MQSeries MQDISC
    mqseries_get MQSeries MQGET
    mqseries_inq MQSeries MQINQ
    mqseries_open MQSeries MQOPEN
    mqseries_put MQSeries MQPUT
    mqseries_put1 MQSeries MQPUT1
    mqseries_set MQSeries MQSET
    mqseries_strerror Returns the error message corresponding to a result code (MQRC).
    msession_connect Connect to msession server
    msession_count Get session count
    msession_create Create a session
    msession_destroy Destroy a session
    msession_disconnect Close connection to msession server
    msession_find Find all sessions with name and value
    msession_get Get value from session
    msession_get_array Get array of msession variables
    msession_get_data Get data session unstructured data
    msession_inc Increment value in session
    msession_list List all sessions
    msession_listvar List sessions with variable
    msession_lock Lock a session
    msession_plugin Call an escape function within the msession personality plugin
    msession_randstr Get random string
    msession_set Set value in session
    msession_set_array Set msession variables from an array
    msession_set_data Set data session unstructured data
    msession_timeout Set/get session timeout
    msession_uniq Get unique id
    msession_unlock Unlock a session
    msg_get_queue Create or attach to a message queue
    msg_queue_exists Check whether a message queue exists
    msg_receive Receive a message from a message queue
    msg_remove_queue Destroy a message queue
    msg_send Send a message to a message queue
    msg_set_queue Set information in the message queue data structure
    msg_stat_queue Returns information from the message queue data structure
    msql Alias of msql_db_query
    msql_affected_rows Returns number of affected rows
    msql_close Close mSQL connection
    msql_connect Open mSQL connection
    msql_createdb 别名 msql_create_db
    msql_create_db Create mSQL database
    msql_data_seek Move internal row pointer
    msql_dbname 别名 msql_result
    msql_db_query Send mSQL query
    msql_drop_db Drop (delete) mSQL database
    msql_error Returns error message of last msql call
    msql_fetch_array Fetch row as array
    msql_fetch_field Get field information
    msql_fetch_object Fetch row as object
    msql_fetch_row Get row as enumerated array
    msql_fieldflags Alias of msql_field_flags
    msql_fieldlen Alias of msql_field_len
    msql_fieldname Alias of msql_field_name
    msql_fieldtable Alias of msql_field_table
    msql_fieldtype Alias of msql_field_type
    msql_field_flags Get field flags
    msql_field_len Get field length
    msql_field_name Get the name of the specified field in a result
    msql_field_seek Set field offset
    msql_field_table Get table name for field
    msql_field_type Get field type
    msql_free_result Free result memory
    msql_list_dbs List mSQL databases on server
    msql_list_fields List result fields
    msql_list_tables List tables in an mSQL database
    msql_numfields Alias of msql_num_fields
    msql_numrows Alias of msql_num_rows
    msql_num_fields Get number of fields in result
    msql_num_rows Get number of rows in result
    msql_pconnect Open persistent mSQL connection
    msql_query Send mSQL query
    msql_regcase Alias of sql_regcase
    msql_result Get result data
    msql_select_db Select mSQL database
    msql_tablename Alias of msql_result
    mssql_bind Adds a parameter to a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure
    mssql_close 关闭MS SQL Server链接
    mssql_connect 打开MS SQL server链接
    mssql_data_seek Moves internal row pointer
    mssql_execute Executes a stored procedure on a MS SQL server database
    mssql_fetch_array Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both
    mssql_fetch_assoc Returns an associative array of the current row in the result
    mssql_fetch_batch Returns the next batch of records
    mssql_fetch_field Get field information
    mssql_fetch_object Fetch row as object
    mssql_fetch_row Get row as enumerated array
    mssql_field_length Get the length of a field
    mssql_field_name Get the name of a field
    mssql_field_seek Seeks to the specified field offset
    mssql_field_type Gets the type of a field
    mssql_free_result Free result memory
    mssql_free_statement Free statement memory
    mssql_get_last_message Returns the last message from the server
    mssql_guid_string Converts a 16 byte binary GUID to a string
    mssql_init Initializes a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure
    mssql_min_error_severity Sets the minimum error severity
    mssql_min_message_severity Sets the minimum message severity
    mssql_next_result Move the internal result pointer to the next result
    mssql_num_fields Gets the number of fields in result
    mssql_num_rows Gets the number of rows in result
    mssql_pconnect Open persistent MS SQL connection
    mssql_query Send MS SQL query
    mssql_result Get result data
    mssql_rows_affected Returns the number of records affected by the query
    mssql_select_db Select MS SQL database
    mt_getrandmax 显示随机数的最大可能值
    mt_rand 生成更好的随机数
    mt_srand 播下一个更好的随机数发生器种子
    mysqli_bind_param mysqli_stmt_bind_param的别名
    mysqli_bind_result mysqli_stmt_bind_result的别名
    mysqli_client_encoding mysqli_character_set_name的别名
    mysqli_disable_rpl_parse 禁用RPL解析
    mysqli_enable_reads_from_master 开启从主机读取
    mysqli_enable_rpl_parse 开启RPL解析
    mysqli_escape_string 别名 mysqli_real_escape_string
    mysqli_execute mysqli_stmt_execute的别名
    mysqli_fetch mysqli_stmt_fetch的别名。
    mysqli_get_cache_stats 返回客户端Zval缓存统计信息
    mysqli_get_client_stats Returns client per-process statistics
    mysqli_get_client_version Returns the MySQL client version as an integer
    mysqli_get_links_stats Return information about open and cached links
    mysqli_get_metadata mysqli_stmt_result_metadata的别名
    mysqli_master_query 在主/从机制中强制在主机中执行一个查询
    mysqli_param_count mysqli_stmt_param_count的别名
    mysqli_report 开启或禁用(Mysql)内部(错误)报告函数
    mysqli_rpl_parse_enabled 检查是否开启了RPL解析
    mysqli_rpl_probe RPL探测
    mysqli_send_long_data mysqli_stmt_send_long_data的别名
    mysqli_set_opt mysqli_options的别名
    mysqli_slave_query 在主/从机制中强制在从机上执行一个查询
    mysqlnd_memcache_get_config Returns information about the plugin configuration
    mysqlnd_memcache_set Associate a MySQL connection with a Memcache connection
    mysqlnd_ms_dump_servers Returns a list of currently configured servers
    mysqlnd_ms_fabric_select_global Switch to global sharding server for a given table
    mysqlnd_ms_fabric_select_shard Switch to shard
    mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid 返回最后的全局同步 ID (GTID)
    mysqlnd_ms_get_last_used_connection Returns an array which describes the last used connection
    mysqlnd_ms_get_stats Returns query distribution and connection statistics
    mysqlnd_ms_match_wild Finds whether a table name matches a wildcard pattern or not
    mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select 查询给定的 SQL 会发送给 master、slave 还是最后使用的 MySQL server 执行。
    mysqlnd_ms_set_qos Sets the quality of service needed from the cluster
    mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server Sets a callback for user-defined read/write splitting
    mysqlnd_ms_xa_begin Starts a distributed/XA transaction among MySQL servers
    mysqlnd_ms_xa_commit Commits a distributed/XA transaction among MySQL servers
    mysqlnd_ms_xa_gc Garbage collects unfinished XA transactions after severe errors
    mysqlnd_ms_xa_rollback Rolls back a distributed/XA transaction among MySQL servers
    mysqlnd_qc_clear_cache Flush all cache contents
    mysqlnd_qc_get_available_handlers Returns a list of available storage handler
    mysqlnd_qc_get_cache_info Returns information on the current handler, the number of cache entries and cache entries, if available
    mysqlnd_qc_get_core_stats Statistics collected by the core of the query cache
    mysqlnd_qc_get_normalized_query_trace_log Returns a normalized query trace log for each query inspected by the query cache
    mysqlnd_qc_get_query_trace_log Returns a backtrace for each query inspected by the query cache
    mysqlnd_qc_set_cache_condition Set conditions for automatic caching
    mysqlnd_qc_set_is_select Installs a callback which decides whether a statement is cached
    mysqlnd_qc_set_storage_handler Change current storage handler
    mysqlnd_qc_set_user_handlers Sets the callback functions for a user-defined procedural storage handler
    mysqlnd_uh_convert_to_mysqlnd Converts a MySQL connection handle into a mysqlnd connection handle
    mysqlnd_uh_set_connection_proxy Installs a proxy for mysqlnd connections
    mysqlnd_uh_set_statement_proxy Installs a proxy for mysqlnd statements
    mysql_affected_rows 取得前一次 MySQL 操作所影响的记录行数
    mysql_client_encoding 返回字符集的名称
    mysql_close 关闭 MySQL 连接
    mysql_connect 打开一个到 MySQL 服务器的连接
    mysql_create_db 新建一个 MySQL 数据库
    mysql_data_seek 移动内部结果的指针
    mysql_db_name 取得结果数据
    mysql_db_query 发送一条 MySQL 查询
    mysql_drop_db 丢弃(删除)一个 MySQL 数据库
    mysql_errno 返回上一个 MySQL 操作中的错误信息的数字编码
    mysql_error 返回上一个 MySQL 操作产生的文本错误信息
    mysql_escape_string 转义一个字符串用于 mysql_query
    mysql_fetch_array 从结果集中取得一行作为关联数组,或数字数组,或二者兼有
    mysql_fetch_assoc 从结果集中取得一行作为关联数组
    mysql_fetch_field 从结果集中取得列信息并作为对象返回
    mysql_fetch_lengths 取得结果集中每个输出的长度
    mysql_fetch_object 从结果集中取得一行作为对象
    mysql_fetch_row 从结果集中取得一行作为枚举数组
    mysql_field_flags 从结果中取得和指定字段关联的标志
    mysql_field_len 返回指定字段的长度
    mysql_field_name 取得结果中指定字段的字段名
    mysql_field_seek 将结果集中的指针设定为制定的字段偏移量
    mysql_field_table 取得指定字段所在的表名
    mysql_field_type 取得结果集中指定字段的类型
    mysql_free_result 释放结果内存
    mysql_get_client_info 取得 MySQL 客户端信息
    mysql_get_host_info 取得 MySQL 主机信息
    mysql_get_proto_info 取得 MySQL 协议信息
    mysql_get_server_info 取得 MySQL 服务器信息
    mysql_info 取得最近一条查询的信息
    mysql_insert_id 取得上一步 INSERT 操作产生的 ID
    mysql_list_dbs 列出 MySQL 服务器中所有的数据库
    mysql_list_fields 列出 MySQL 结果中的字段
    mysql_list_processes 列出 MySQL 进程
    mysql_list_tables 列出 MySQL 数据库中的表
    mysql_num_fields 取得结果集中字段的数目
    mysql_num_rows 取得结果集中行的数目
    mysql_pconnect 打开一个到 MySQL 服务器的持久连接
    mysql_ping Ping 一个服务器连接,如果没有连接则重新连接
    mysql_query 发送一条 MySQL 查询
    mysql_real_escape_string 转义 SQL 语句中使用的字符串中的特殊字符,并考虑到连接的当前字符集
    mysql_result 取得结果数据
    mysql_select_db 选择 MySQL 数据库
    mysql_set_charset 设置客户端的字符集
    mysql_stat 取得当前系统状态
    mysql_tablename 取得表名
    mysql_thread_id 返回当前线程的 ID
    mysql_unbuffered_query 向 MySQL 发送一条 SQL 查询,并不获取和缓存结果的行
    m_checkstatus Check to see if a transaction has completed
    m_completeauthorizations Number of complete authorizations in queue, returning an array of their identifiers
    m_connect Establish the connection to MCVE
    m_connectionerror Get a textual representation of why a connection failed
    m_deletetrans Delete specified transaction from MCVE_CONN structure
    m_destroyconn Destroy the connection and MCVE_CONN structure
    m_destroyengine Free memory associated with IP/SSL connectivity
    m_getcell Get a specific cell from a comma delimited response by column name
    m_getcellbynum Get a specific cell from a comma delimited response by column number
    m_getcommadelimited Get the RAW comma delimited data returned from MCVE
    m_getheader Get the name of the column in a comma-delimited response
    m_initconn Create and initialize an MCVE_CONN structure
    m_initengine Ready the client for IP/SSL Communication
    m_iscommadelimited Checks to see if response is comma delimited
    m_maxconntimeout The maximum amount of time the API will attempt a connection to MCVE
    m_monitor Perform communication with MCVE (send/receive data) Non-blocking
    m_numcolumns Number of columns returned in a comma delimited response
    m_numrows Number of rows returned in a comma delimited response
    m_parsecommadelimited Parse the comma delimited response so m_getcell, etc will work
    m_responsekeys Returns array of strings which represents the keys that can be used for response parameters on this transaction
    m_responseparam Get a custom response parameter
    m_returnstatus Check to see if the transaction was successful
    m_setblocking Set blocking/non-blocking mode for connection
    m_setdropfile Set the connection method to Drop-File
    m_setip Set the connection method to IP
    m_setssl Set the connection method to SSL
    m_setssl_cafile Set SSL CA (Certificate Authority) file for verification of server certificate
    m_setssl_files Set certificate key files and certificates if server requires client certificate verification
    m_settimeout Set maximum transaction time (per trans)
    m_sslcert_gen_hash Generate hash for SSL client certificate verification
    m_transactionssent Check to see if outgoing buffer is clear
    m_transinqueue Number of transactions in client-queue
    m_transkeyval Add key/value pair to a transaction. Replaces deprecated transparam()
    m_transnew Start a new transaction
    m_transsend Finalize and send the transaction
    m_uwait Wait x microsecs
    m_validateidentifier Whether or not to validate the passed identifier on any transaction it is passed to
    m_verifyconnection Set whether or not to PING upon connect to verify connection
    m_verifysslcert Set whether or not to verify the server ssl certificate


    natcasesort 用“自然排序”算法对数组进行不区分大小写字母的排序
    natsort 用“自然排序”算法对数组排序
    ncurses_addch Add character at current position and advance cursor
    ncurses_addchnstr Add attributed string with specified length at current position
    ncurses_addchstr Add attributed string at current position
    ncurses_addnstr Add string with specified length at current position
    ncurses_addstr Output text at current position
    ncurses_assume_default_colors Define default colors for color 0
    ncurses_attroff Turn off the given attributes
    ncurses_attron Turn on the given attributes
    ncurses_attrset Set given attributes
    ncurses_baudrate Returns baudrate of terminal
    ncurses_beep Let the terminal beep
    ncurses_bkgd Set background property for terminal screen
    ncurses_bkgdset Control screen background
    ncurses_border Draw a border around the screen using attributed characters
    ncurses_bottom_panel Moves a visible panel to the bottom of the stack
    ncurses_can_change_color Checks if terminal color definitions can be changed
    ncurses_cbreak Switch off input buffering
    ncurses_clear Clear screen
    ncurses_clrtobot Clear screen from current position to bottom
    ncurses_clrtoeol Clear screen from current position to end of line
    ncurses_color_content Retrieves RGB components of a color
    ncurses_color_set Set active foreground and background colors
    ncurses_curs_set Set cursor state
    ncurses_define_key Define a keycode
    ncurses_def_prog_mode Saves terminals (program) mode
    ncurses_def_shell_mode Saves terminals (shell) mode
    ncurses_delay_output Delay output on terminal using padding characters
    ncurses_delch Delete character at current position, move rest of line left
    ncurses_deleteln Delete line at current position, move rest of screen up
    ncurses_delwin Delete a ncurses window
    ncurses_del_panel Remove panel from the stack and delete it (but not the associated window)
    ncurses_doupdate Write all prepared refreshes to terminal
    ncurses_echo Activate keyboard input echo
    ncurses_echochar Single character output including refresh
    ncurses_end Stop using ncurses, clean up the screen
    ncurses_erase Erase terminal screen
    ncurses_erasechar Returns current erase character
    ncurses_filter Set LINES for iniscr() and newterm() to 1
    ncurses_flash Flash terminal screen (visual bell)
    ncurses_flushinp Flush keyboard input buffer
    ncurses_getch Read a character from keyboard
    ncurses_getmaxyx Returns the size of a window
    ncurses_getmouse Reads mouse event
    ncurses_getyx Returns the current cursor position for a window
    ncurses_halfdelay Put terminal into halfdelay mode
    ncurses_has_colors Checks if terminal has color capabilities
    ncurses_has_ic Check for insert- and delete-capabilities
    ncurses_has_il Check for line insert- and delete-capabilities
    ncurses_has_key Check for presence of a function key on terminal keyboard
    ncurses_hide_panel Remove panel from the stack, making it invisible
    ncurses_hline Draw a horizontal line at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
    ncurses_inch Get character and attribute at current position
    ncurses_init Initialize ncurses
    ncurses_init_color Define a terminal color
    ncurses_init_pair Define a color pair
    ncurses_insch Insert character moving rest of line including character at current position
    ncurses_insdelln Insert lines before current line scrolling down (negative numbers delete and scroll up)
    ncurses_insertln Insert a line, move rest of screen down
    ncurses_insstr Insert string at current position, moving rest of line right
    ncurses_instr Reads string from terminal screen
    ncurses_isendwin Ncurses is in endwin mode, normal screen output may be performed
    ncurses_keyok Enable or disable a keycode
    ncurses_keypad Turns keypad on or off
    ncurses_killchar Returns current line kill character
    ncurses_longname Returns terminals description
    ncurses_meta Enables/Disable 8-bit meta key information
    ncurses_mouseinterval Set timeout for mouse button clicks
    ncurses_mousemask Sets mouse options
    ncurses_mouse_trafo Transforms coordinates
    ncurses_move Move output position
    ncurses_move_panel Moves a panel so that its upper-left corner is at [startx, starty]
    ncurses_mvaddch Move current position and add character
    ncurses_mvaddchnstr Move position and add attributed string with specified length
    ncurses_mvaddchstr Move position and add attributed string
    ncurses_mvaddnstr Move position and add string with specified length
    ncurses_mvaddstr Move position and add string
    ncurses_mvcur Move cursor immediately
    ncurses_mvdelch Move position and delete character, shift rest of line left
    ncurses_mvgetch Move position and get character at new position
    ncurses_mvhline Set new position and draw a horizontal line using an attributed character and max. n characters long
    ncurses_mvinch Move position and get attributed character at new position
    ncurses_mvvline Set new position and draw a vertical line using an attributed character and max. n characters long
    ncurses_mvwaddstr Add string at new position in window
    ncurses_napms Sleep
    ncurses_newpad Creates a new pad (window)
    ncurses_newwin Create a new window
    ncurses_new_panel Create a new panel and associate it with window
    ncurses_nl Translate newline and carriage return / line feed
    ncurses_nocbreak Switch terminal to cooked mode
    ncurses_noecho Switch off keyboard input echo
    ncurses_nonl Do not translate newline and carriage return / line feed
    ncurses_noqiflush Do not flush on signal characters
    ncurses_noraw Switch terminal out of raw mode
    ncurses_pair_content Retrieves foreground and background colors of a color pair
    ncurses_panel_above Returns the panel above panel
    ncurses_panel_below Returns the panel below panel
    ncurses_panel_window Returns the window associated with panel
    ncurses_pnoutrefresh Copies a region from a pad into the virtual screen
    ncurses_prefresh Copies a region from a pad into the virtual screen
    ncurses_putp Apply padding information to the string and output it
    ncurses_qiflush Flush on signal characters
    ncurses_raw Switch terminal into raw mode
    ncurses_refresh Refresh screen
    ncurses_replace_panel Replaces the window associated with panel
    ncurses_resetty Restores saved terminal state
    ncurses_reset_prog_mode Resets the prog mode saved by def_prog_mode
    ncurses_reset_shell_mode Resets the shell mode saved by def_shell_mode
    ncurses_savetty Saves terminal state
    ncurses_scrl Scroll window content up or down without changing current position
    ncurses_scr_dump Dump screen content to file
    ncurses_scr_init Initialize screen from file dump
    ncurses_scr_restore Restore screen from file dump
    ncurses_scr_set Inherit screen from file dump
    ncurses_show_panel Places an invisible panel on top of the stack, making it visible
    ncurses_slk_attr Returns current soft label key attribute
    ncurses_slk_attroff Turn off the given attributes for soft function-key labels
    ncurses_slk_attron Turn on the given attributes for soft function-key labels
    ncurses_slk_attrset Set given attributes for soft function-key labels
    ncurses_slk_clear Clears soft labels from screen
    ncurses_slk_color Sets color for soft label keys
    ncurses_slk_init Initializes soft label key functions
    ncurses_slk_noutrefresh Copies soft label keys to virtual screen
    ncurses_slk_refresh Copies soft label keys to screen
    ncurses_slk_restore Restores soft label keys
    ncurses_slk_set Sets function key labels
    ncurses_slk_touch Forces output when ncurses_slk_noutrefresh is performed
    ncurses_standend Stop using ‘standout’ attribute
    ncurses_standout Start using ‘standout’ attribute
    ncurses_start_color Initializes color functionality
    ncurses_termattrs Returns a logical OR of all attribute flags supported by terminal
    ncurses_termname Returns terminals (short)-name
    ncurses_timeout Set timeout for special key sequences
    ncurses_top_panel Moves a visible panel to the top of the stack
    ncurses_typeahead Specify different filedescriptor for typeahead checking
    ncurses_ungetch Put a character back into the input stream
    ncurses_ungetmouse Pushes mouse event to queue
    ncurses_update_panels Refreshes the virtual screen to reflect the relations between panels in the stack
    ncurses_use_default_colors Assign terminal default colors to color id -1
    ncurses_use_env Control use of environment information about terminal size
    ncurses_use_extended_names Control use of extended names in terminfo descriptions
    ncurses_vidattr Display the string on the terminal in the video attribute mode
    ncurses_vline Draw a vertical line at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
    ncurses_waddch Adds character at current position in a window and advance cursor
    ncurses_waddstr Outputs text at current postion in window
    ncurses_wattroff Turns off attributes for a window
    ncurses_wattron Turns on attributes for a window
    ncurses_wattrset Set the attributes for a window
    ncurses_wborder Draws a border around the window using attributed characters
    ncurses_wclear Clears window
    ncurses_wcolor_set Sets windows color pairings
    ncurses_werase Erase window contents
    ncurses_wgetch Reads a character from keyboard (window)
    ncurses_whline Draws a horizontal line in a window at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
    ncurses_wmouse_trafo Transforms window/stdscr coordinates
    ncurses_wmove Moves windows output position
    ncurses_wnoutrefresh Copies window to virtual screen
    ncurses_wrefresh Refresh window on terminal screen
    ncurses_wstandend End standout mode for a window
    ncurses_wstandout Enter standout mode for a window
    ncurses_wvline Draws a vertical line in a window at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
    newt_bell Send a beep to the terminal
    newt_button Create a new button
    newt_button_bar This function returns a grid containing the buttons created.
    newt_centered_window Open a centered window of the specified size
    newt_checkbox 说明
    newt_checkbox_get_value Retreives value of checkox resource
    newt_checkbox_set_flags Configures checkbox resource
    newt_checkbox_set_value Sets the value of the checkbox
    newt_checkbox_tree 说明
    newt_checkbox_tree_add_item Adds new item to the checkbox tree
    newt_checkbox_tree_find_item Finds an item in the checkbox tree
    newt_checkbox_tree_get_current Returns checkbox tree selected item
    newt_checkbox_tree_get_entry_value 说明
    newt_checkbox_tree_get_multi_selection 说明
    newt_checkbox_tree_get_selection 说明
    newt_checkbox_tree_multi 说明
    newt_checkbox_tree_set_current 说明
    newt_checkbox_tree_set_entry 说明
    newt_checkbox_tree_set_entry_value 说明
    newt_checkbox_tree_set_width 说明
    newt_clear_key_buffer Discards the contents of the terminal’s input buffer without waiting for additional input
    newt_cls 说明
    newt_compact_button 说明
    newt_component_add_callback 说明
    newt_component_takes_focus 说明
    newt_create_grid 说明
    newt_cursor_off 说明
    newt_cursor_on 说明
    newt_delay 说明
    newt_draw_form 说明
    newt_draw_root_text Displays the string text at the position indicated
    newt_entry 说明
    newt_entry_get_value 说明
    newt_entry_set 说明
    newt_entry_set_filter 说明
    newt_entry_set_flags 说明
    newt_finished Uninitializes newt interface
    newt_form Create a form
    newt_form_add_component Adds a single component to the form
    newt_form_add_components Add several components to the form
    newt_form_add_hot_key 说明
    newt_form_destroy Destroys a form
    newt_form_get_current 说明
    newt_form_run Runs a form
    newt_form_set_background 说明
    newt_form_set_height 说明
    newt_form_set_size 说明
    newt_form_set_timer 说明
    newt_form_set_width 说明
    newt_form_watch_fd 说明
    newt_get_screen_size Fills in the passed references with the current size of the terminal
    newt_grid_add_components_to_form 说明
    newt_grid_basic_window 说明
    newt_grid_free 说明
    newt_grid_get_size 说明
    newt_grid_h_close_stacked 说明
    newt_grid_h_stacked 说明
    newt_grid_place 说明
    newt_grid_set_field 说明
    newt_grid_simple_window 说明
    newt_grid_v_close_stacked 说明
    newt_grid_v_stacked 说明
    newt_grid_wrapped_window 说明
    newt_grid_wrapped_window_at 说明
    newt_init Initialize newt
    newt_label 说明
    newt_label_set_text 说明
    newt_listbox 说明
    newt_listbox_append_entry 说明
    newt_listbox_clear 说明
    newt_listbox_clear_selection 说明
    newt_listbox_delete_entry 说明
    newt_listbox_get_current 说明
    newt_listbox_get_selection 说明
    newt_listbox_insert_entry 说明
    newt_listbox_item_count 说明
    newt_listbox_select_item 说明
    newt_listbox_set_current 说明
    newt_listbox_set_current_by_key 说明
    newt_listbox_set_data 说明
    newt_listbox_set_entry 说明
    newt_listbox_set_width 说明
    newt_listitem 说明
    newt_listitem_get_data 说明
    newt_listitem_set 说明
    newt_open_window Open a window of the specified size and position
    newt_pop_help_line Replaces the current help line with the one from the stack
    newt_pop_window Removes the top window from the display
    newt_push_help_line Saves the current help line on a stack, and displays the new line
    newt_radiobutton 说明
    newt_radio_get_current 说明
    newt_redraw_help_line 说明
    newt_reflow_text 说明
    newt_refresh Updates modified portions of the screen
    newt_resize_screen 说明
    newt_resume Resume using the newt interface after calling newt_suspend
    newt_run_form Runs a form
    newt_scale 说明
    newt_scale_set 说明
    newt_scrollbar_set 说明
    newt_set_help_callback 说明
    newt_set_suspend_callback Set a callback function which gets invoked when user presses the suspend key
    newt_suspend Tells newt to return the terminal to its initial state
    newt_textbox 说明
    newt_textbox_get_num_lines 说明
    newt_textbox_reflowed 说明
    newt_textbox_set_height 说明
    newt_textbox_set_text 说明
    newt_vertical_scrollbar 说明
    newt_wait_for_key Doesn’t return until a key has been pressed
    newt_win_choice 说明
    newt_win_entries 说明
    newt_win_menu 说明
    newt_win_message 说明
    newt_win_messagev 说明
    newt_win_ternary 说明
    next 将数组中的内部指针向前移动一位
    ngettext Plural version of gettext
    nl2br 在字符串所有新行之前插入 HTML 换行标记
    nl_langinfo Query language and locale information
    nsapi_request_headers Fetch all HTTP request headers
    nsapi_response_headers Fetch all HTTP response headers
    nsapi_virtual Perform an NSAPI sub-request
    nthmac Obtain a nthmac key (needs 2 arguments)
    number_format 以千位分隔符方式格式化一个数字


    oauth_get_sbs 生成一个签名字符基串
    oauth_urlencode 将 URI 编码为 RFC 3986 规范
    ob_clean 清空(擦掉)输出缓冲区
    ob_deflatehandler Deflate output handler
    ob_end_clean 清空(擦除)缓冲区并关闭输出缓冲
    ob_end_flush 冲刷出(送出)输出缓冲区内容并关闭缓冲
    ob_etaghandler ETag output handler
    ob_flush 冲刷出(送出)输出缓冲区中的内容
    ob_get_clean 得到当前缓冲区的内容并删除当前输出缓。
    ob_get_contents 返回输出缓冲区的内容
    ob_get_flush 刷出(送出)缓冲区内容,以字符串形式返回内容,并关闭输出缓冲区。
    ob_get_length 返回输出缓冲区内容的长度
    ob_get_level 返回输出缓冲机制的嵌套级别
    ob_get_status 得到所有输出缓冲区的状态
    ob_gzhandler 在ob_start中使用的用来压缩输出缓冲区中内容的回调函数。ob_start callback function to gzip output buffer
    ob_iconv_handler 以输出缓冲处理程序转换字符编码
    ob_implicit_flush 打开/关闭绝对刷送
    ob_inflatehandler Inflate output handler
    ob_list_handlers 列出所有使用中的输出处理程序。
    ob_start 打开输出控制缓冲
    ob_tidyhandler ob_start callback function to repair the buffer
    ocibindbyname 别名 oci_bind_by_name
    ocicancel 别名 oci_cancel
    ocicolumnisnull 别名 oci_field_is_null
    ocicolumnname 别名 oci_field_name
    ocicolumnprecision 别名 oci_field_precision
    ocicolumnscale 别名 oci_field_scale
    ocicolumnsize 别名 oci_field_size
    ocicolumntype 别名 oci_field_type
    ocicolumntyperaw 别名 oci_field_type_raw
    ocicommit 别名 oci_commit
    ocidefinebyname 别名 oci_define_by_name
    ocierror 别名 oci_error
    ociexecute 别名 oci_execute
    ocifetch 别名 oci_fetch
    ocifetchinto Obsolete variant of oci_fetch_array, oci_fetch_object, oci_fetch_assoc and oci_fetch_row
    ocifetchstatement 别名 oci_fetch_all
    ocifreecursor 别名 oci_free_statement
    ocifreestatement 别名 oci_free_statement
    ociinternaldebug 别名 oci_internal_debug
    ocilogoff 别名 oci_close
    ocilogon 别名 oci_connect
    ocinewcollection 别名 oci_new_collection
    ocinewcursor 别名 oci_new_cursor
    ocinewdescriptor 别名 oci_new_descriptor
    ocinlogon 别名 oci_new_connect
    ocinumcols 别名 oci_num_fields
    ociparse 别名 oci_parse
    ociplogon 别名 oci_pconnect
    ociresult 别名 oci_result
    ocirollback 别名 oci_rollback
    ocirowcount 别名 oci_num_rows
    ociserverversion 别名 oci_server_version
    ocisetprefetch 别名 oci_set_prefetch
    ocistatementtype 别名 oci_statement_type
    oci_bind_array_by_name Binds a PHP array to an Oracle PL/SQL array parameter
    oci_bind_by_name 绑定一个 PHP 变量到一个 Oracle 位置标志符
    oci_cancel 中断游标读取数据
    oci_client_version Returns the Oracle client library version
    oci_close 关闭 Oracle 连接
    oci_commit 提交未执行的事务处理
    oci_connect 建立一个到 Oracle 服务器的连接
    oci_define_by_name 在 SELECT 中使用 PHP 变量作为定义的步骤
    oci_error 返回上一个错误
    oci_execute 执行一条语句
    oci_fetch Fetches the next row into result-buffer
    oci_fetch_all 获取结果数据的所有行到一个数组
    oci_fetch_array Returns the next row from a query as an associative or numeric array
    oci_fetch_assoc Returns the next row from a query as an associative array
    oci_fetch_object Returns the next row from a query as an object
    oci_fetch_row Returns the next row from a query as a numeric array
    oci_field_is_null 检查字段是否为 NULL
    oci_field_name 返回字段名
    oci_field_precision 返回字段精度
    oci_field_scale 返回字段范围
    oci_field_size 返回字段大小
    oci_field_type 返回字段的数据类型
    oci_field_type_raw 返回字段的原始 Oracle 数据类型
    oci_free_descriptor Frees a descriptor
    oci_free_statement 释放关联于语句或游标的所有资源
    oci_get_implicit_resultset Returns the next child statement resource from a parent statement resource that has Oracle Database 12c Implicit Result Sets
    oci_internal_debug 打开或关闭内部调试输出
    oci_lob_copy Copies large object
    oci_lob_is_equal Compares two LOB/FILE locators for equality
    oci_new_collection 分配新的 collection 对象
    oci_new_connect 建定一个到 Oracle 服务器的新连接
    oci_new_cursor 分配并返回一个新的游标(语句句柄)
    oci_new_descriptor 初始化一个新的空 LOB 或 FILE 描述符
    oci_num_fields 返回结果列的数目
    oci_num_rows 返回语句执行后受影响的行数
    oci_parse 配置 Oracle 语句预备执行
    oci_password_change 修改 Oracle 用户的密码
    oci_pconnect 使用一个持久连接连到 Oracle 数据库
    oci_result 返回所取得行中字段的值
    oci_rollback 回滚未提交的事务
    oci_server_version 返回服务器版本信息
    oci_set_action Sets the action name
    oci_set_client_identifier Sets the client identifier
    oci_set_client_info Sets the client information
    oci_set_edition Sets the database edition
    oci_set_module_name Sets the module name
    oci_set_prefetch 设置预提取行数
    oci_statement_type 返回 OCI 语句的类型
    octdec 八进制转换为十进制
    odbc_autocommit Toggle autocommit behaviour
    odbc_binmode Handling of binary column data
    odbc_close Close an ODBC connection
    odbc_close_all Close all ODBC connections
    odbc_columnprivileges Lists columns and associated privileges for the given table
    odbc_columns Lists the column names in specified tables
    odbc_commit Commit an ODBC transaction
    odbc_connect Connect to a datasource
    odbc_cursor Get cursorname
    odbc_data_source Returns information about a current connection
    odbc_do 别名 odbc_exec
    odbc_error Get the last error code
    odbc_errormsg Get the last error message
    odbc_exec Prepare and execute an SQL statement
    odbc_execute Execute a prepared statement
    odbc_fetch_array Fetch a result row as an associative array
    odbc_fetch_into Fetch one result row into array
    odbc_fetch_object Fetch a result row as an object
    odbc_fetch_row Fetch a row
    odbc_field_len Get the length (precision) of a field
    odbc_field_name Get the columnname
    odbc_field_num Return column number
    odbc_field_precision 别名 odbc_field_len
    odbc_field_scale Get the scale of a field
    odbc_field_type Datatype of a field
    odbc_foreignkeys Retrieves a list of foreign keys
    odbc_free_result Free resources associated with a result
    odbc_gettypeinfo Retrieves information about data types supported by the data source
    odbc_longreadlen Handling of LONG columns
    odbc_next_result Checks if multiple results are available
    odbc_num_fields Number of columns in a result
    odbc_num_rows Number of rows in a result
    odbc_pconnect Open a persistent database connection
    odbc_prepare Prepares a statement for execution
    odbc_primarykeys Gets the primary keys for a table
    odbc_procedurecolumns Retrieve information about parameters to procedures
    odbc_procedures Get the list of procedures stored in a specific data source
    odbc_result Get result data
    odbc_result_all Print result as HTML table
    odbc_rollback Rollback a transaction
    odbc_setoption Adjust ODBC settings
    odbc_specialcolumns Retrieves special columns
    odbc_statistics Retrieve statistics about a table
    odbc_tableprivileges Lists tables and the privileges associated with each table
    odbc_tables Get the list of table names stored in a specific data source
    opcache_compile_file 无需运行,即可编译并缓存 PHP 脚本
    opcache_get_configuration 获取缓存的配置信息
    opcache_get_status 获取缓存的状态信息
    opcache_invalidate 废除脚本缓存
    opcache_is_script_cached Tells whether a script is cached in OPCache
    opcache_reset 重置字节码缓存的内容
    openal_buffer_create Generate OpenAL buffer
    openal_buffer_data Load a buffer with data
    openal_buffer_destroy Destroys an OpenAL buffer
    openal_buffer_get Retrieve an OpenAL buffer property
    openal_buffer_loadwav Load a .wav file into a buffer
    openal_context_create Create an audio processing context
    openal_context_current Make the specified context current
    openal_context_destroy Destroys a context
    openal_context_process Process the specified context
    openal_context_suspend Suspend the specified context
    openal_device_close Close an OpenAL device
    openal_device_open Initialize the OpenAL audio layer
    openal_listener_get Retrieve a listener property
    openal_listener_set Set a listener property
    openal_source_create Generate a source resource
    openal_source_destroy Destroy a source resource
    openal_source_get Retrieve an OpenAL source property
    openal_source_pause Pause the source
    openal_source_play Start playing the source
    openal_source_rewind Rewind the source
    openal_source_set Set source property
    openal_source_stop Stop playing the source
    openal_stream Begin streaming on a source
    opendir 打开目录句柄
    openlog Open connection to system logger
    openssl_cipher_iv_length Gets the cipher iv length
    openssl_csr_export Exports a CSR as a string
    openssl_csr_export_to_file Exports a CSR to a file
    openssl_csr_get_public_key Returns the public key of a CERT
    openssl_csr_get_subject Returns the subject of a CERT
    openssl_csr_new Generates a CSR
    openssl_csr_sign Sign a CSR with another certificate (or itself) and generate a certificate
    openssl_decrypt Decrypts data
    openssl_dh_compute_key Computes shared secret for public value of remote DH key and local DH key
    openssl_digest Computes a digest
    openssl_encrypt Encrypts data
    openssl_error_string Return openSSL error message
    openssl_free_key Free key resource
    openssl_get_cert_locations Retrieve the available certificate locations
    openssl_get_cipher_methods Gets available cipher methods
    openssl_get_md_methods Gets available digest methods
    openssl_get_privatekey 别名 openssl_pkey_get_private
    openssl_get_publickey 别名 openssl_pkey_get_public
    openssl_open Open sealed data
    openssl_pbkdf2 Generates a PKCS5 v2 PBKDF2 string, defaults to SHA-1
    openssl_pkcs7_decrypt Decrypts an S/MIME encrypted message
    openssl_pkcs7_encrypt Encrypt an S/MIME message
    openssl_pkcs7_sign Sign an S/MIME message
    openssl_pkcs7_verify Verifies the signature of an S/MIME signed message
    openssl_pkcs12_export Exports a PKCS#12 Compatible Certificate Store File to variable.
    openssl_pkcs12_export_to_file Exports a PKCS#12 Compatible Certificate Store File
    openssl_pkcs12_read Parse a PKCS#12 Certificate Store into an array
    openssl_pkey_export Gets an exportable representation of a key into a string
    openssl_pkey_export_to_file Gets an exportable representation of a key into a file
    openssl_pkey_free Frees a private key
    openssl_pkey_get_details Returns an array with the key details
    openssl_pkey_get_private Get a private key
    openssl_pkey_get_public Extract public key from certificate and prepare it for use
    openssl_pkey_new Generates a new private key
    openssl_private_decrypt Decrypts data with private key
    openssl_private_encrypt Encrypts data with private key
    openssl_public_decrypt Decrypts data with public key
    openssl_public_encrypt Encrypts data with public key
    openssl_random_pseudo_bytes Generate a pseudo-random string of bytes
    openssl_seal Seal (encrypt) data
    openssl_sign Generate signature
    openssl_spki_export Exports a valid PEM formatted public key signed public key and challenge
    openssl_spki_export_challenge Exports the challenge assoicated with a signed public key and challenge
    openssl_spki_new Generate a new signed public key and challenge
    openssl_spki_verify Verifies a signed public key and challenge
    openssl_verify Verify signature
    openssl_x509_checkpurpose Verifies if a certificate can be used for a particular purpose
    openssl_x509_check_private_key Checks if a private key corresponds to a certificate
    openssl_x509_export Exports a certificate as a string
    openssl_x509_export_to_file Exports a certificate to file
    openssl_x509_fingerprint Calculates the fingerprint, or digest, of a given X.509 certificate
    openssl_x509_free Free certificate resource
    openssl_x509_parse Parse an X509 certificate and return the information as an array
    openssl_x509_read Parse an X.509 certificate and return a resource identifier for it
    ord 返回字符的 ASCII 码值
    output_add_rewrite_var 添加URL重写器的值(Add URL rewriter values)
    output_reset_rewrite_vars 重设URL重写器的值(Reset URL rewriter values)
    override_function Overrides built-in functions


    pack Pack data into binary string
    parsekit_compile_file Compile a PHP file and return the resulting op array
    parsekit_compile_string Compile a string of PHP code and return the resulting op array
    parsekit_func_arginfo Return information regarding function argument(s)
    parse_ini_file 解析一个配置文件
    parse_ini_string Parse a configuration string
    parse_str 将字符串解析成多个变量
    parse_url 解析 URL,返回其组成部分
    passthru 执行外部程序并且显示原始输出
    password_get_info Returns information about the given hash
    password_hash Creates a password hash
    password_needs_rehash Checks if the given hash matches the given options
    password_verify Verifies that a password matches a hash
    pathinfo 返回文件路径的信息
    pclose 关闭进程文件指针
    pcntl_alarm 为进程设置一个alarm闹钟信号
    pcntl_errno 别名 pcntl_strerror
    pcntl_exec 在当前进程空间执行指定程序
    pcntl_fork 在当前进程当前位置产生分支(子进程)。译注:fork是创建了一个子进程,父进程和子进程 都从fork的位置开始向下继续执行,不同的是父进程执行过程中,得到的fork返回值为子进程 号,而子进程得到的是0。
    pcntl_getpriority 获取任意进程的优先级
    pcntl_get_last_error Retrieve the error number set by the last pcntl function which failed
    pcntl_setpriority 修改任意进程的优先级
    pcntl_signal 安装一个信号处理器
    pcntl_signal_dispatch 调用等待信号的处理器
    pcntl_sigprocmask 设置或检索阻塞信号
    pcntl_sigtimedwait 带超时机制的信号等待
    pcntl_sigwaitinfo 等待信号
    pcntl_strerror Retrieve the system error message associated with the given errno
    pcntl_wait 等待或返回fork的子进程状态
    pcntl_waitpid 等待或返回fork的子进程状态
    pcntl_wexitstatus 返回一个中断的子进程的返回代码
    pcntl_wifexited 检查状态代码是否代表一个正常的退出。
    pcntl_wifsignaled 检查子进程状态码是否代表由于某个信号而中断
    pcntl_wifstopped 检查子进程当前是否已经停止
    pcntl_wstopsig 返回导致子进程停止的信号
    pcntl_wtermsig 返回导致子进程中断的信号
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    PDF_closepath_fill_stroke Close, fill and stroke current path
    PDF_closepath_stroke Close and stroke path
    PDF_close_image Close image
    PDF_close_pdi Close the input PDF document [deprecated]
    PDF_close_pdi_page Close the page handle
    PDF_concat Concatenate a matrix to the CTM
    PDF_continue_text Output text in next line
    PDF_create_3dview Create 3D view
    PDF_create_action Create action for objects or events
    PDF_create_annotation Create rectangular annotation
    PDF_create_bookmark Create bookmark
    PDF_create_field Create form field
    PDF_create_fieldgroup Create form field group
    PDF_create_gstate Create graphics state object
    PDF_create_pvf Create PDFlib virtual file
    PDF_create_textflow Create textflow object
    PDF_curveto Draw Bezier curve
    PDF_define_layer Create layer definition
    PDF_delete Delete PDFlib object
    PDF_delete_pvf Delete PDFlib virtual file
    PDF_delete_table Delete table object
    PDF_delete_textflow Delete textflow object
    PDF_encoding_set_char Add glyph name and/or Unicode value
    PDF_endpath End current path
    PDF_end_document Close PDF file
    PDF_end_font Terminate Type 3 font definition
    PDF_end_glyph Terminate glyph definition for Type 3 font
    PDF_end_item Close structure element or other content item
    PDF_end_layer Deactivate all active layers
    PDF_end_page Finish page
    PDF_end_page_ext Finish page
    PDF_end_pattern Finish pattern
    PDF_end_template Finish template
    PDF_fill Fill current path
    PDF_fill_imageblock Fill image block with variable data
    PDF_fill_pdfblock Fill PDF block with variable data
    PDF_fill_stroke Fill and stroke path
    PDF_fill_textblock Fill text block with variable data
    PDF_findfont Prepare font for later use [deprecated]
    PDF_fit_image Place image or template
    PDF_fit_pdi_page Place imported PDF page
    PDF_fit_table Place table on page
    PDF_fit_textflow Format textflow in rectangular area
    PDF_fit_textline Place single line of text
    PDF_get_apiname Get name of unsuccessfull API function
    PDF_get_buffer Get PDF output buffer
    PDF_get_errmsg Get error text
    PDF_get_errnum Get error number
    PDF_get_font Get font [deprecated]
    PDF_get_fontname Get font name [deprecated]
    PDF_get_fontsize Font handling [deprecated]
    PDF_get_image_height Get image height [deprecated]
    PDF_get_image_width Get image width [deprecated]
    PDF_get_majorversion Get major version number [deprecated]
    PDF_get_minorversion Get minor version number [deprecated]
    PDF_get_parameter Get string parameter
    PDF_get_pdi_parameter Get PDI string parameter [deprecated]
    PDF_get_pdi_value Get PDI numerical parameter [deprecated]
    PDF_get_value Get numerical parameter
    PDF_info_font Query detailed information about a loaded font
    PDF_info_matchbox Query matchbox information
    PDF_info_table Retrieve table information
    PDF_info_textflow Query textflow state
    PDF_info_textline Perform textline formatting and query metrics
    PDF_initgraphics Reset graphic state
    PDF_lineto Draw a line
    PDF_load_3ddata Load 3D model
    PDF_load_font Search and prepare font
    PDF_load_iccprofile Search and prepare ICC profile
    PDF_load_image Open image file
    PDF_makespotcolor Make spot color
    PDF_moveto Set current point
    PDF_new Create PDFlib object
    PDF_open_ccitt Open raw CCITT image [deprecated]
    PDF_open_file Create PDF file [deprecated]
    PDF_open_gif Open GIF image [deprecated]
    PDF_open_image Use image data [deprecated]
    PDF_open_image_file Read image from file [deprecated]
    PDF_open_jpeg Open JPEG image [deprecated]
    PDF_open_memory_image Open image created with PHP’s image functions [not supported]
    PDF_open_pdi Open PDF file [deprecated]
    PDF_open_pdi_document Prepare a pdi document
    PDF_open_pdi_page Prepare a page
    PDF_open_tiff Open TIFF image [deprecated]
    PDF_pcos_get_number Get value of pCOS path with type number or boolean
    PDF_pcos_get_stream Get contents of pCOS path with type stream, fstream, or string
    PDF_pcos_get_string Get value of pCOS path with type name, string, or boolean
    PDF_place_image Place image on the page [deprecated]
    PDF_place_pdi_page Place PDF page [deprecated]
    PDF_process_pdi Process imported PDF document
    PDF_rect Draw rectangle
    PDF_restore Restore graphics state
    PDF_resume_page Resume page
    PDF_rotate Rotate coordinate system
    PDF_save Save graphics state
    PDF_scale Scale coordinate system
    PDF_setcolor Set fill and stroke color
    PDF_setdash Set simple dash pattern
    PDF_setdashpattern Set dash pattern
    PDF_setflat Set flatness
    PDF_setfont Set font
    PDF_setgray Set color to gray [deprecated]
    PDF_setgray_fill Set fill color to gray [deprecated]
    PDF_setgray_stroke Set stroke color to gray [deprecated]
    PDF_setlinecap Set linecap parameter
    PDF_setlinejoin Set linejoin parameter
    PDF_setlinewidth Set line width
    PDF_setmatrix Set current transformation matrix
    PDF_setmiterlimit Set miter limit
    PDF_setpolydash Set complicated dash pattern [deprecated]
    PDF_setrgbcolor Set fill and stroke rgb color values [deprecated]
    PDF_setrgbcolor_fill Set fill rgb color values [deprecated]
    PDF_setrgbcolor_stroke Set stroke rgb color values [deprecated]
    PDF_set_border_color Set border color of annotations [deprecated]
    PDF_set_border_dash Set border dash style of annotations [deprecated]
    PDF_set_border_style Set border style of annotations [deprecated]
    PDF_set_char_spacing Set character spacing [deprecated]
    PDF_set_duration Set duration between pages [deprecated]
    PDF_set_gstate Activate graphics state object
    PDF_set_horiz_scaling Set horizontal text scaling [deprecated]
    PDF_set_info Fill document info field
    PDF_set_info_author Fill the author document info field [deprecated]
    PDF_set_info_creator Fill the creator document info field [deprecated]
    PDF_set_info_keywords Fill the keywords document info field [deprecated]
    PDF_set_info_subject Fill the subject document info field [deprecated]
    PDF_set_info_title Fill the title document info field [deprecated]
    PDF_set_layer_dependency Define relationships among layers
    PDF_set_leading Set distance between text lines [deprecated]
    PDF_set_parameter Set string parameter
    PDF_set_text_matrix Set text matrix [deprecated]
    PDF_set_text_pos Set text position
    PDF_set_text_rendering Determine text rendering [deprecated]
    PDF_set_text_rise Set text rise [deprecated]
    PDF_set_value Set numerical parameter
    PDF_set_word_spacing Set spacing between words [deprecated]
    PDF_shading Define blend
    PDF_shading_pattern Define shading pattern
    PDF_shfill Fill area with shading
    PDF_show Output text at current position
    PDF_show_boxed Output text in a box [deprecated]
    PDF_show_xy Output text at given position
    PDF_skew Skew the coordinate system
    PDF_stringwidth Return width of text
    PDF_stroke Stroke path
    PDF_suspend_page Suspend page
    PDF_translate Set origin of coordinate system
    PDF_utf8_to_utf16 Convert string from UTF-8 to UTF-16
    PDF_utf16_to_utf8 Convert string from UTF-16 to UTF-8
    PDF_utf32_to_utf16 Convert string from UTF-32 to UTF-16
    PDO_4D DSN Connecting to 4D SQL server
    PDO_CUBRID DSN Connecting to CUBRID databases
    PDO_DBLIB DSN Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases
    PDO_FIREBIRD DSN Connecting to Firebird databases
    PDO_IBM DSN Connecting to IBM databases
    PDO_INFORMIX DSN Connecting to Informix databases
    PDO_MYSQL DSN Connecting to MySQL databases
    PDO_OCI DSN Connecting to Oracle databases
    PDO_ODBC DSN Connecting to ODBC or DB2 databases
    PDO_PGSQL DSN Connecting to PostgreSQL databases
    PDO_SQLITE DSN Connecting to SQLite databases
    PDO_SQLSRV DSN Connecting to MS SQL Server and SQL Azure databases
    pfsockopen 打开一个持久的网络连接或者Unix套接字连接。
    pg_affected_rows 返回受影响的记录数目
    pg_cancel_query 取消异步查询
    pg_client_encoding 取得客户端编码方式
    pg_close 关闭一个 PostgreSQL 连接
    pg_connect 打开一个 PostgreSQL 连接
    pg_connection_busy 获知连接是否为忙
    pg_connection_reset 重置连接(再次连接)
    pg_connection_status 获得连接状态
    pg_connect_poll Poll the status of an in-progress asynchronous PostgreSQL connection attempt.
    pg_consume_input Reads input on the connection
    pg_convert 将关联的数组值转换为适合 SQL 语句的格式。
    pg_copy_from 根据数组将记录插入表中
    pg_copy_to 将一个表拷贝到数组中
    pg_dbname 获得数据库名
    pg_delete 删除记录
    pg_end_copy 与 PostgreSQL 后端同步
    pg_escape_bytea 转义 bytea 类型的二进制数据
    pg_escape_identifier Escape a identifier for insertion into a text field
    pg_escape_literal Escape a literal for insertion into a text field
    pg_escape_string 转义 text/char 类型的字符串
    pg_execute Sends a request to execute a prepared statement with given parameters, and waits for the result.
    pg_fetch_all 从结果中提取所有行作为一个数组
    pg_fetch_all_columns Fetches all rows in a particular result column as an array
    pg_fetch_array 提取一行作为数组
    pg_fetch_assoc 提取一行作为关联数组
    pg_fetch_object 提取一行作为对象
    pg_fetch_result 从结果资源中返回值
    pg_fetch_row 提取一行作为枚举数组
    pg_field_is_null 测试字段是否为 NULL
    pg_field_name 返回字段的名字
    pg_field_num 返回字段的编号
    pg_field_prtlen 返回打印出来的长度
    pg_field_size 返回指定字段占用内部存储空间的大小
    pg_field_table Returns the name or oid of the tables field
    pg_field_type 返回相应字段的类型名称
    pg_field_type_oid Returns the type ID (OID) for the corresponding field number
    pg_flush Flush outbound query data on the connection
    pg_free_result 释放查询结果占用的内存
    pg_get_notify Ping 数据库连接
    pg_get_pid Ping 数据库连接
    pg_get_result 取得异步查询结果
    pg_host 返回和某连接关联的主机名
    pg_insert 将数组插入到表中
    pg_last_error 得到某连接的最后一条错误信息
    pg_last_notice 返回 PostgreSQL 服务器最新一条公告信息
    pg_last_oid 返回上一个对象的 oid
    pg_lo_close 关闭一个大型对象
    pg_lo_create 新建一个大型对象
    pg_lo_export 将大型对象导出到文件
    pg_lo_import 将文件导入为大型对象
    pg_lo_open 打开一个大型对象
    pg_lo_read 从大型对象中读入数据
    pg_lo_read_all 读入整个大型对象并直接发送给浏览器
    pg_lo_seek 移动大型对象中的指针
    pg_lo_tell 返回大型对象的当前指针位置
    pg_lo_truncate Truncates a large object
    pg_lo_unlink 删除一个大型对象
    pg_lo_write 向大型对象写入数据
    pg_meta_data 获得表的元数据
    pg_num_fields 返回字段的数目
    pg_num_rows 返回行的数目
    pg_options 获得和连接有关的选项
    pg_parameter_status Looks up a current parameter setting of the server.
    pg_pconnect 打开一个持久的 PostgreSQL 连接
    pg_ping Ping 数据库连接
    pg_port 返回该连接的端口号
    pg_prepare Submits a request to create a prepared statement with the given parameters, and waits for completion.
    pg_put_line 向 PostgreSQL 后端发送以 NULL 结尾的字符串
    pg_query 执行查询
    pg_query_params Submits a command to the server and waits for the result, with the ability to pass parameters separately from the SQL command text.
    pg_result_error 获得查询结果的错误信息
    pg_result_error_field Returns an individual field of an error report.
    pg_result_seek 在结果资源中设定内部行偏移量
    pg_result_status 获得查询结果的状态
    pg_select 选择记录
    pg_send_execute Sends a request to execute a prepared statement with given parameters, without waiting for the result(s).
    pg_send_prepare Sends a request to create a prepared statement with the given parameters, without waiting for completion.
    pg_send_query 发送异步查询
    pg_send_query_params Submits a command and separate parameters to the server without waiting for the result(s).
    pg_set_client_encoding 设定客户端编码
    pg_set_error_verbosity Determines the verbosity of messages returned by pg_last_error and pg_result_error.
    pg_socket Get a read only handle to the socket underlying a PostgreSQL connection
    pg_trace 启动一个 PostgreSQL 连接的追踪功能
    pg_transaction_status Returns the current in-transaction status of the server.
    pg_tty 返回该连接的 tty 号
    pg_unescape_bytea 取消 bytea 类型中的字符串转义
    pg_untrace 关闭 PostgreSQL 连接的追踪功能
    pg_update 更新表
    pg_version Returns an array with client, protocol and server version (when available)
    PharException The PharException class provides a phar-specific exception class for try/catch blocks.
    Phar 上下文(context)选项 Phar 上下文(context)选项列表
    phpcredits 打印 PHP 贡献者名单
    phpinfo 输出关于 PHP 配置的信息
    phpversion 获取当前的PHP版本
    php_check_syntax 检查PHP的语法(并执行)指定的文件
    php_ini_loaded_file 取得已加载的 php.ini 文件的路径
    php_ini_scanned_files 返回从额外 ini 目录里解析的 .ini 文件列表
    php_logo_guid 获取 logo 的 guid
    php_sapi_name 返回 web 服务器和 PHP 之间的接口类型
    php_strip_whitespace 返回删除注释和空格后的PHP源码
    php_uname 返回运行 PHP 的系统的有关信息
    pi 得到圆周率值
    png2wbmp 将 PNG 图像文件转换为 WBMP 图像文件
    popen 打开进程文件指针
    pos current 的别名
    posix_access Determine accessibility of a file
    posix_ctermid Get path name of controlling terminal
    posix_errno 别名 posix_get_last_error
    posix_getcwd Pathname of current directory
    posix_getegid Return the effective group ID of the current process
    posix_geteuid Return the effective user ID of the current process
    posix_getgid Return the real group ID of the current process
    posix_getgrgid Return info about a group by group id
    posix_getgrnam Return info about a group by name
    posix_getgroups Return the group set of the current process
    posix_getlogin Return login name
    posix_getpgid Get process group id for job control
    posix_getpgrp Return the current process group identifier
    posix_getpid 返回当前进程 id
    posix_getppid Return the parent process identifier
    posix_getpwnam Return info about a user by username
    posix_getpwuid Return info about a user by user id
    posix_getrlimit Return info about system resource limits
    posix_getsid Get the current sid of the process
    posix_getuid Return the real user ID of the current process
    posix_get_last_error Retrieve the error number set by the last posix function that failed
    posix_initgroups Calculate the group access list
    posix_isatty Determine if a file descriptor is an interactive terminal
    posix_kill Send a signal to a process
    posix_mkfifo Create a fifo special file (a named pipe)
    posix_mknod Create a special or ordinary file (POSIX.1)
    posix_setegid Set the effective GID of the current process
    posix_seteuid Set the effective UID of the current process
    posix_setgid Set the GID of the current process
    posix_setpgid Set process group id for job control
    posix_setrlimit Set system resource limits
    posix_setsid Make the current process a session leader
    posix_setuid Set the UID of the current process
    posix_strerror Retrieve the system error message associated with the given errno
    posix_times Get process times
    posix_ttyname Determine terminal device name
    posix_uname Get system name
    pow 指数表达式
    preg_filter 执行一个正则表达式搜索和替换
    preg_grep 返回匹配模式的数组条目
    preg_last_error 返回最后一个PCRE正则执行产生的错误代码
    preg_match 执行一个正则表达式匹配
    preg_match_all 执行一个全局正则表达式匹配
    preg_quote 转义正则表达式字符
    preg_replace 执行一个正则表达式的搜索和替换
    preg_replace_callback 执行一个正则表达式搜索并且使用一个回调进行替换
    preg_replace_callback_array Perform a regular expression search and replace using callbacks
    preg_split 通过一个正则表达式分隔字符串
    prev 将数组的内部指针倒回一位
    print 输出字符串
    printf 输出格式化字符串
    print_r 打印关于变量的易于理解的信息。
    proc_close 关闭由 proc_open 打开的进程并且返回进程退出码
    proc_get_status 获取由 proc_open 函数打开的进程的信息
    proc_nice 修改当前进程的优先级
    proc_open 执行一个命令,并且打开用来输入/输出的文件指针。
    proc_terminate 杀除由 proc_open 打开的进程
    property_exists 检查对象或类是否具有该属性
    pspell_add_to_personal Add the word to a personal wordlist
    pspell_add_to_session Add the word to the wordlist in the current session
    pspell_check Check a word
    pspell_clear_session Clear the current session
    pspell_config_create Create a config used to open a dictionary
    pspell_config_data_dir location of language data files
    pspell_config_dict_dir Location of the main word list
    pspell_config_ignore Ignore words less than N characters long
    pspell_config_mode Change the mode number of suggestions returned
    pspell_config_personal Set a file that contains personal wordlist
    pspell_config_repl Set a file that contains replacement pairs
    pspell_config_runtogether Consider run-together words as valid compounds
    pspell_config_save_repl Determine whether to save a replacement pairs list along with the wordlist
    pspell_new Load a new dictionary
    pspell_new_config Load a new dictionary with settings based on a given config
    pspell_new_personal Load a new dictionary with personal wordlist
    pspell_save_wordlist Save the personal wordlist to a file
    pspell_store_replacement Store a replacement pair for a word
    pspell_suggest Suggest spellings of a word
    ps_add_bookmark Add bookmark to current page
    ps_add_launchlink Adds link which launches file
    ps_add_locallink Adds link to a page in the same document
    ps_add_note Adds note to current page
    ps_add_pdflink Adds link to a page in a second pdf document
    ps_add_weblink Adds link to a web location
    ps_arc Draws an arc counterclockwise
    ps_arcn Draws an arc clockwise
    ps_begin_page Start a new page
    ps_begin_pattern Start a new pattern
    ps_begin_template Start a new template
    ps_circle Draws a circle
    ps_clip Clips drawing to current path
    ps_close Closes a PostScript document
    ps_closepath Closes path
    ps_closepath_stroke Closes and strokes path
    ps_close_image Closes image and frees memory
    ps_continue_text Continue text in next line
    ps_curveto Draws a curve
    ps_delete Deletes all resources of a PostScript document
    ps_end_page End a page
    ps_end_pattern End a pattern
    ps_end_template End a template
    ps_fill Fills the current path
    ps_fill_stroke Fills and strokes the current path
    ps_findfont Loads a font
    ps_get_buffer Fetches the full buffer containig the generated PS data
    ps_get_parameter Gets certain parameters
    ps_get_value Gets certain values
    ps_hyphenate Hyphenates a word
    ps_include_file Reads an external file with raw PostScript code
    ps_lineto Draws a line
    ps_makespotcolor Create spot color
    ps_moveto Sets current point
    ps_new Creates a new PostScript document object
    ps_open_file Opens a file for output
    ps_open_image Reads an image for later placement
    ps_open_image_file Opens image from file
    ps_open_memory_image Takes an GD image and returns an image for placement in a PS document
    ps_place_image Places image on the page
    ps_rect Draws a rectangle
    ps_restore Restore previously save context
    ps_rotate Sets rotation factor
    ps_save Save current context
    ps_scale Sets scaling factor
    ps_setcolor Sets current color
    ps_setdash Sets appearance of a dashed line
    ps_setflat Sets flatness
    ps_setfont Sets font to use for following output
    ps_setgray Sets gray value
    ps_setlinecap Sets appearance of line ends
    ps_setlinejoin Sets how contected lines are joined
    ps_setlinewidth Sets width of a line
    ps_setmiterlimit Sets the miter limit
    ps_setoverprintmode Sets overprint mode
    ps_setpolydash Sets appearance of a dashed line
    ps_set_border_color Sets color of border for annotations
    ps_set_border_dash Sets length of dashes for border of annotations
    ps_set_border_style Sets border style of annotations
    ps_set_info Sets information fields of document
    ps_set_parameter Sets certain parameters
    ps_set_text_pos Sets position for text output
    ps_set_value Sets certain values
    ps_shading Creates a shading for later use
    ps_shading_pattern Creates a pattern based on a shading
    ps_shfill Fills an area with a shading
    ps_show Output text
    ps_show2 Output a text at current position
    ps_show_boxed Output text in a box
    ps_show_xy Output text at given position
    ps_show_xy2 Output text at position
    ps_stringwidth Gets width of a string
    ps_string_geometry Gets geometry of a string
    ps_stroke Draws the current path
    ps_symbol Output a glyph
    ps_symbol_name Gets name of a glyph
    ps_symbol_width Gets width of a glyph
    ps_translate Sets translation
    putenv 设置环境变量的值
    px_close Closes a paradox database
    px_create_fp Create a new paradox database
    px_date2string Converts a date into a string.
    px_delete Deletes resource of paradox database
    px_delete_record Deletes record from paradox database
    px_get_field Returns the specification of a single field
    px_get_info Return lots of information about a paradox file
    px_get_parameter Gets a parameter
    px_get_record Returns record of paradox database
    px_get_schema Returns the database schema
    px_get_value Gets a value
    px_insert_record Inserts record into paradox database
    px_new Create a new paradox object
    px_numfields Returns number of fields in a database
    px_numrecords Returns number of records in a database
    px_open_fp Open paradox database
    px_put_record Stores record into paradox database
    px_retrieve_record Returns record of paradox database
    px_set_blob_file Sets the file where blobs are read from
    px_set_parameter Sets a parameter
    px_set_tablename Sets the name of a table (deprecated)
    px_set_targetencoding Sets the encoding for character fields (deprecated)
    px_set_value Sets a value
    px_timestamp2string Converts the timestamp into a string.
    px_update_record Updates record in paradox database


    quoted_printable_decode 将 quoted-printable 字符串转换为 8-bit 字符串
    quoted_printable_encode 将 8-bit 字符串转换成 quoted-printable 字符串
    quotemeta 转义元字符集


    rad2deg 将弧度数转换为相应的角度数
    radius_acct_open Creates a Radius handle for accounting
    radius_add_server Adds a server
    radius_auth_open Creates a Radius handle for authentication
    radius_close Frees all ressources
    radius_config Causes the library to read the given configuration file
    radius_create_request Create accounting or authentication request
    radius_cvt_addr Converts raw data to IP-Address
    radius_cvt_int Converts raw data to integer
    radius_cvt_string Converts raw data to string
    radius_demangle Demangles data
    radius_demangle_mppe_key Derives mppe-keys from mangled data
    radius_get_attr Extracts an attribute
    radius_get_tagged_attr_data Extracts the data from a tagged attribute
    radius_get_tagged_attr_tag Extracts the tag from a tagged attribute
    radius_get_vendor_attr Extracts a vendor specific attribute
    radius_put_addr Attaches an IP address attribute
    radius_put_attr Attaches a binary attribute
    radius_put_int Attaches an integer attribute
    radius_put_string Attaches a string attribute
    radius_put_vendor_addr Attaches a vendor specific IP address attribute
    radius_put_vendor_attr Attaches a vendor specific binary attribute
    radius_put_vendor_int Attaches a vendor specific integer attribute
    radius_put_vendor_string Attaches a vendor specific string attribute
    radius_request_authenticator Returns the request authenticator
    radius_salt_encrypt_attr Salt-encrypts a value
    radius_send_request Sends the request and waites for a reply
    radius_server_secret Returns the shared secret
    radius_strerror Returns an error message
    rand 产生一个随机整数
    random_bytes Generates cryptographically secure pseudo-random bytes
    random_int Generates cryptographically secure pseudo-random integers
    range 建立一个包含指定范围单元的数组
    rar_wrapper_cache_stats Cache hits and misses for the URL wrapper
    rawurldecode 对已编码的 URL 字符串进行解码
    rawurlencode 按照 RFC 3986 对 URL 进行编码
    readdir 从目录句柄中读取条目
    readfile 输出一个文件
    readgzfile Output a gz-file
    readline 读取一行
    readline_add_history 添加一行命令行历史记录
    readline_callback_handler_install 初始化一个 readline 回调接口,然后终端输出提示信息并立即返回
    readline_callback_handler_remove 移除上一个安装的回调函数句柄并且恢复终端设置
    readline_callback_read_char 当一个行被接收时读取一个字符并且通知 readline 调用回调函数
    readline_clear_history 清除历史
    readline_completion_function 注册一个完成函数
    readline_info 获取/设置readline内部的各个变量
    readline_list_history 获取命令历史列表
    readline_on_new_line 通知readline将光标移动到新行
    readline_read_history 读取命令历史
    readline_redisplay 重绘显示区
    readline_write_history 写入历史记录
    readlink 返回符号连接指向的目标
    read_exif_data 别名 exif_read_data
    realpath 返回规范化的绝对路径名
    realpath_cache_get Get realpath cache entries
    realpath_cache_size Get realpath cache size
    recode 别名 recode_string
    recode_file Recode from file to file according to recode request
    recode_string Recode a string according to a recode request
    register_shutdown_function Register a function for execution on shutdown
    register_tick_function Register a function for execution on each tick
    rename 重命名一个文件或目录
    rename_function Renames orig_name to new_name in the global function table
    reset 将数组的内部指针指向第一个单元
    restore_error_handler 还原之前的错误处理函数
    restore_exception_handler 恢复之前定义过的异常处理函数。
    restore_include_path 还原 include_path 配置选项的值
    rewind 倒回文件指针的位置
    rewinddir 倒回目录句柄
    rmdir 删除目录
    round 对浮点数进行四舍五入
    rpm_close Closes an RPM file
    rpm_get_tag Retrieves a header tag from an RPM file
    rpm_is_valid Tests a filename for validity as an RPM file
    rpm_open Opens an RPM file
    rpm_version Returns a string representing the current version of the rpmreader extension
    rrdc_disconnect Close any outstanding connection to rrd caching daemon
    rrd_create Creates rrd database file
    rrd_error Gets latest error message.
    rrd_fetch Fetch the data for graph as array.
    rrd_first Gets the timestamp of the first sample from rrd file.
    rrd_graph Creates image from a data.
    rrd_info Gets information about rrd file
    rrd_last Gets unix timestamp of the last sample.
    rrd_lastupdate Gets information about last updated data.
    rrd_restore Restores the RRD file from XML dump.
    rrd_tune Tunes some RRD database file header options.
    rrd_update Updates the RRD database.
    rrd_version Gets information about underlying rrdtool library
    rrd_xport Exports the information about RRD database.
    rsort 对数组逆向排序
    rtrim 删除字符串末端的空白字符(或者其他字符)
    runkit_class_adopt Convert a base class to an inherited class, add ancestral methods when appropriate
    runkit_class_emancipate Convert an inherited class to a base class, removes any method whose scope is ancestral
    runkit_constant_add Similar to define(), but allows defining in class definitions as well
    runkit_constant_redefine Redefine an already defined constant
    runkit_constant_remove Remove/Delete an already defined constant
    runkit_function_add Add a new function, similar to create_function
    runkit_function_copy Copy a function to a new function name
    runkit_function_redefine Replace a function definition with a new implementation
    runkit_function_remove Remove a function definition
    runkit_function_rename Change a function’s name
    runkit_import Process a PHP file importing function and class definitions, overwriting where appropriate
    runkit_lint Check the PHP syntax of the specified php code
    runkit_lint_file Check the PHP syntax of the specified file
    runkit_method_add Dynamically adds a new method to a given class
    runkit_method_copy Copies a method from class to another
    runkit_method_redefine Dynamically changes the code of the given method
    runkit_method_remove Dynamically removes the given method
    runkit_method_rename Dynamically changes the name of the given method
    runkit_return_value_used Determines if the current functions return value will be used
    Runkit_Sandbox Runkit Sandbox Class – PHP Virtual Machine
    runkit_sandbox_output_handler Specify a function to capture and/or process output from a runkit sandbox
    Runkit_Sandbox_Parent Runkit Anti-Sandbox Class
    runkit_superglobals Return numerically indexed array of registered superglobals


    scandir 列出指定路径中的文件和目录
    sem_acquire Acquire a semaphore
    sem_get Get a semaphore id
    sem_release Release a semaphore
    sem_remove Remove a semaphore
    serialize 产生一个可存储的值的表示
    session_abort Discard session array changes and finish session
    session_cache_expire 返回当前缓存的到期时间
    session_cache_limiter 读取/设置缓存限制器
    session_commit session_write_close 的别名
    session_decode 解码会话数据
    session_destroy 销毁一个会话中的全部数据
    session_encode 将当前会话数据编码为一个字符串
    session_get_cookie_params 获取会话 cookie 参数
    session_id 获取/设置当前会话 ID
    session_is_registered 检查变量是否在会话中已经注册
    session_module_name 获取/设置会话模块名称
    session_name 读取/设置会话名称
    session_pgsql_add_error Increments error counts and sets last error message
    session_pgsql_get_error Returns number of errors and last error message
    session_pgsql_get_field Get custom field value
    session_pgsql_reset Reset connection to session database servers
    session_pgsql_set_field Set custom field value
    session_pgsql_status Get current save handler status
    session_regenerate_id 使用新生成的会话 ID 更新现有会话 ID
    session_register Register one or more global variables with the current session
    session_register_shutdown 关闭会话
    session_reset Re-initialize session array with original values
    session_save_path 读取/设置当前会话的保存路径
    session_set_cookie_params 设置会话 cookie 参数
    session_set_save_handler 设置用户自定义会话存储函数
    session_start 启动新会话或者重用现有会话
    session_status Returns the current session status
    session_unregister Unregister a global variable from the current session
    session_unset Free all session variables
    session_write_close Write session data and end session
    setcookie Send a cookie
    setlocale 设置地区信息
    setproctitle Set the process title
    setrawcookie Send a cookie without urlencoding the cookie value
    setthreadtitle Set the thread title
    settype 设置变量的类型
    set_error_handler 设置一个用户定义的错误处理函数
    set_exception_handler 设置一个用户定义的异常处理函数。
    set_file_buffer stream_set_write_buffer 的别名
    set_include_path 设置 include_path 配置选项
    set_magic_quotes_runtime 设置当前 magic_quotes_runtime 配置选项的激活状态
    set_socket_blocking 别名 stream_set_blocking
    set_time_limit 设置脚本最大执行时间
    sha1 计算字符串的 sha1 散列值
    sha1_file 计算文件的 sha1 散列值
    shell_exec 通过 shell 环境执行命令,并且将完整的输出以字符串的方式返回。
    shmop_close Close shared memory block
    shmop_delete Delete shared memory block
    shmop_open Create or open shared memory block
    shmop_read Read data from shared memory block
    shmop_size Get size of shared memory block
    shmop_write Write data into shared memory block
    shm_attach Creates or open a shared memory segment
    shm_detach Disconnects from shared memory segment
    shm_get_var Returns a variable from shared memory
    shm_has_var Check whether a specific entry exists
    shm_put_var Inserts or updates a variable in shared memory
    shm_remove Removes shared memory from Unix systems
    shm_remove_var Removes a variable from shared memory
    show_source 别名 highlight_file
    shuffle 将数组打乱
    signeurlpaiement Obtain the payment url (needs 2 arguments)
    similar_text 计算两个字符串的相似度
    simplexml_import_dom Get a SimpleXMLElement object from a DOM node.
    simplexml_load_file Interprets an XML file into an object
    simplexml_load_string Interprets a string of XML into an object
    sin 正弦
    sinh 双曲正弦
    sizeof count 的别名
    sleep 延缓执行
    snmp2_get Fetch an SNMP object
    snmp2_getnext Fetch the SNMP object which follows the given object id
    snmp2_real_walk Return all objects including their respective object ID within the specified one
    snmp2_set Set the value of an SNMP object
    snmp2_walk Fetch all the SNMP objects from an agent
    snmp3_get Fetch an SNMP object
    snmp3_getnext Fetch the SNMP object which follows the given object id
    snmp3_real_walk Return all objects including their respective object ID within the specified one
    snmp3_set Set the value of an SNMP object
    snmp3_walk Fetch all the SNMP objects from an agent
    snmpget 获取一个 SNMP 对象
    snmpgetnext Fetch the SNMP object which follows the given object id
    snmprealwalk 返回指定的所有对象,包括它们各自的对象 ID
    snmpset 设置一个 SNMP 对象
    snmpwalk 从代理返回所有的 SNMP 对象
    snmpwalkoid 查询关于网络实体的信息树
    snmp_get_quick_print 返回 UCD 库中 quick_print 设置的当前值
    snmp_get_valueretrieval Return the method how the SNMP values will be returned
    snmp_read_mib Reads and parses a MIB file into the active MIB tree
    snmp_set_enum_print Return all values that are enums with their enum value instead of the raw integer
    snmp_set_oid_numeric_print Set the OID output format
    snmp_set_oid_output_format Set the OID output format
    snmp_set_quick_print 设置 UCD SNMP 库中 quick_print 的值
    snmp_set_valueretrieval Specify the method how the SNMP values will be returned
    socket_accept Accepts a connection on a socket
    socket_bind 给套接字绑定名字
    socket_clear_error 清除套接字或者最后的错误代码上的错误
    socket_close 关闭套接字资源
    socket_cmsg_space Calculate message buffer size
    socket_connect 开启一个套接字连接
    socket_create 创建一个套接字(通讯节点)
    socket_create_listen Opens a socket on port to accept connections
    socket_create_pair Creates a pair of indistinguishable sockets and stores them in an array
    socket_getpeername Queries the remote side of the given socket which may either result in host/port or in a Unix filesystem path, dependent on its type
    socket_getsockname Queries the local side of the given socket which may either result in host/port or in a Unix filesystem path, dependent on its type
    socket_get_option Gets socket options for the socket
    socket_get_status 别名 stream_get_meta_data
    socket_import_stream Import a stream
    socket_last_error Returns the last error on the socket
    socket_listen Listens for a connection on a socket
    socket_read Reads a maximum of length bytes from a socket
    socket_recv Receives data from a connected socket
    socket_recvfrom Receives data from a socket whether or not it is connection-oriented
    socket_recvmsg Read a message
    socket_select Runs the select() system call on the given arrays of sockets with a specified timeout
    socket_send Sends data to a connected socket
    socket_sendmsg Send a message
    socket_sendto Sends a message to a socket, whether it is connected or not
    socket_set_block Sets blocking mode on a socket resource
    socket_set_blocking 别名 stream_set_blocking
    socket_set_nonblock Sets nonblocking mode for file descriptor fd
    socket_set_option Sets socket options for the socket
    socket_set_timeout 别名 stream_set_timeout
    socket_shutdown Shuts down a socket for receiving, sending, or both
    socket_strerror Return a string describing a socket error
    socket_write Write to a socket
    solr_get_version 返回当前Solr扩展的版本
    sort 对数组排序
    soundex Calculate the soundex key of a string
    split 用正则表达式将字符串分割到数组中
    spliti 用正则表达式不区分大小写将字符串分割到数组中
    spl_autoload __autoload()函数的默认实现
    spl_autoload_call 尝试调用所有已注册的__autoload()函数来装载请求类
    spl_autoload_extensions 注册并返回spl_autoload函数使用的默认文件扩展名。
    spl_autoload_functions 返回所有已注册的__autoload()函数。
    spl_autoload_register 注册给定的函数作为 __autoload 的实现
    spl_autoload_unregister 注销已注册的__autoload()函数
    spl_classes 返回所有可用的SPL类
    spl_object_hash 返回指定对象的hash id
    sprintf Return a formatted string
    SQL acceptable by 4D PDO and SQL 4D
    sqlite_array_query Execute a query against a given database and returns an array
    sqlite_busy_timeout Set busy timeout duration, or disable busy handlers
    sqlite_changes Returns the number of rows that were changed by the most recent SQL statement
    sqlite_close Closes an open SQLite database
    sqlite_column Fetches a column from the current row of a result set
    sqlite_create_aggregate Register an aggregating UDF for use in SQL statements
    sqlite_create_function Registers a “regular” User Defined Function for use in SQL statements
    sqlite_current Fetches the current row from a result set as an array
    sqlite_error_string Returns the textual description of an error code
    sqlite_escape_string Escapes a string for use as a query parameter
    sqlite_exec Executes a result-less query against a given database
    sqlite_factory Opens an SQLite database and returns an SQLiteDatabase object
    sqlite_fetch_all Fetches all rows from a result set as an array of arrays
    sqlite_fetch_array Fetches the next row from a result set as an array
    sqlite_fetch_column_types Return an array of column types from a particular table
    sqlite_fetch_object Fetches the next row from a result set as an object
    sqlite_fetch_single Fetches the first column of a result set as a string
    sqlite_fetch_string 别名 sqlite_fetch_single
    sqlite_field_name Returns the name of a particular field
    sqlite_has_more Finds whether or not more rows are available
    sqlite_has_prev Returns whether or not a previous row is available
    sqlite_key Returns the current row index
    sqlite_last_error Returns the error code of the last error for a database
    sqlite_last_insert_rowid Returns the rowid of the most recently inserted row
    sqlite_libencoding Returns the encoding of the linked SQLite library
    sqlite_libversion Returns the version of the linked SQLite library
    sqlite_next Seek to the next row number
    sqlite_num_fields Returns the number of fields in a result set
    sqlite_num_rows Returns the number of rows in a buffered result set
    sqlite_open Opens an SQLite database and create the database if it does not exist
    sqlite_popen Opens a persistent handle to an SQLite database and create the database if it does not exist
    sqlite_prev Seek to the previous row number of a result set
    sqlite_query Executes a query against a given database and returns a result handle
    sqlite_rewind Seek to the first row number
    sqlite_seek Seek to a particular row number of a buffered result set
    sqlite_single_query Executes a query and returns either an array for one single column or the value of the first row
    sqlite_udf_decode_binary Decode binary data passed as parameters to an UDF
    sqlite_udf_encode_binary Encode binary data before returning it from an UDF
    sqlite_unbuffered_query Execute a query that does not prefetch and buffer all data
    sqlite_valid Returns whether more rows are available
    sqlsrv_begin_transaction Begins a database transaction
    sqlsrv_cancel Cancels a statement
    sqlsrv_client_info Returns information about the client and specified connection
    sqlsrv_close Closes an open connection and releases resourses associated with the connection
    sqlsrv_commit Commits a transaction that was begun with sqlsrv_begin_transaction
    sqlsrv_configure Changes the driver error handling and logging configurations
    sqlsrv_connect Opens a connection to a Microsoft SQL Server database
    sqlsrv_errors Returns error and warning information about the last SQLSRV operation performed
    sqlsrv_execute Executes a statement prepared with sqlsrv_prepare
    sqlsrv_fetch Makes the next row in a result set available for reading
    sqlsrv_fetch_array Returns a row as an array
    sqlsrv_fetch_object Retrieves the next row of data in a result set as an object
    sqlsrv_field_metadata Retrieves metadata for the fields of a statement prepared by sqlsrv_prepare or sqlsrv_query
    sqlsrv_free_stmt Frees all resources for the specified statement
    sqlsrv_get_config Returns the value of the specified configuration setting
    sqlsrv_get_field Gets field data from the currently selected row
    sqlsrv_has_rows Indicates whether the specified statement has rows
    sqlsrv_next_result Makes the next result of the specified statement active
    sqlsrv_num_fields Retrieves the number of fields (columns) on a statement
    sqlsrv_num_rows Retrieves the number of rows in a result set
    sqlsrv_prepare Prepares a query for execution
    sqlsrv_query Prepares and executes a query.
    sqlsrv_rollback Rolls back a transaction that was begun with sqlsrv_begin_transaction
    sqlsrv_rows_affected Returns the number of rows modified by the last INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE query executed
    sqlsrv_send_stream_data Sends data from parameter streams to the server
    sqlsrv_server_info Returns information about the server
    SQL types with PDO_4D and PHP SQL types with PDO_4D and PHP
    sql_regcase 产生用于不区分大小的匹配的正则表达式
    sqrt 平方根
    srand 播下随机数发生器种子
    sscanf 根据指定格式解析输入的字符
    ssdeep_fuzzy_compare Calculates the match score between two fuzzy hash signatures
    ssdeep_fuzzy_hash Create a fuzzy hash from a string
    ssdeep_fuzzy_hash_filename Create a fuzzy hash from a file
    ssh2_auth_agent Authenticate over SSH using the ssh agent
    ssh2_auth_hostbased_file Authenticate using a public hostkey
    ssh2_auth_none Authenticate as “none”
    ssh2_auth_password Authenticate over SSH using a plain password
    ssh2_auth_pubkey_file Authenticate using a public key
    ssh2_connect Connect to an SSH server
    ssh2_exec Execute a command on a remote server
    ssh2_fetch_stream Fetch an extended data stream
    ssh2_fingerprint Retrieve fingerprint of remote server
    ssh2_methods_negotiated Return list of negotiated methods
    ssh2_publickey_add Add an authorized publickey
    ssh2_publickey_init Initialize Publickey subsystem
    ssh2_publickey_list List currently authorized publickeys
    ssh2_publickey_remove Remove an authorized publickey
    ssh2_scp_recv Request a file via SCP
    ssh2_scp_send Send a file via SCP
    ssh2_sftp Initialize SFTP subsystem
    ssh2_sftp_chmod Changes file mode
    ssh2_sftp_lstat Stat a symbolic link
    ssh2_sftp_mkdir Create a directory
    ssh2_sftp_readlink Return the target of a symbolic link
    ssh2_sftp_realpath Resolve the realpath of a provided path string
    ssh2_sftp_rename Rename a remote file
    ssh2_sftp_rmdir Remove a directory
    ssh2_sftp_stat Stat a file on a remote filesystem
    ssh2_sftp_symlink Create a symlink
    ssh2_sftp_unlink Delete a file
    ssh2_shell Request an interactive shell
    ssh2_tunnel Open a tunnel through a remote server
    SSL 上下文选项 SSL 上下文选项清单
    stat 给出文件的信息
    stats_absolute_deviation Returns the absolute deviation of an array of values
    stats_cdf_beta CDF function for BETA Distribution. Calculates any one parameter of the beta distribution given values for the others.
    stats_cdf_binomial Calculates any one parameter of the binomial distribution given values for the others.
    stats_cdf_cauchy Not documented
    stats_cdf_chisquare Calculates any one parameter of the chi-square distribution given values for the others.
    stats_cdf_exponential Not documented
    stats_cdf_f Calculates any one parameter of the F distribution given values for the others.
    stats_cdf_gamma Calculates any one parameter of the gamma distribution given values for the others.
    stats_cdf_laplace Not documented
    stats_cdf_logistic Not documented
    stats_cdf_negative_binomial Calculates any one parameter of the negative binomial distribution given values for the others.
    stats_cdf_noncentral_chisquare Calculates any one parameter of the non-central chi-square distribution given values for the others.
    stats_cdf_noncentral_f Calculates any one parameter of the Non-central F distribution given values for the others.
    stats_cdf_poisson Calculates any one parameter of the Poisson distribution given values for the others.
    stats_cdf_t Calculates any one parameter of the T distribution given values for the others.
    stats_cdf_uniform Not documented
    stats_cdf_weibull Not documented
    stats_covariance Computes the covariance of two data sets
    stats_dens_beta Not documented
    stats_dens_cauchy Not documented
    stats_dens_chisquare Not documented
    stats_dens_exponential Not documented
    stats_dens_f 说明
    stats_dens_gamma Not documented
    stats_dens_laplace Not documented
    stats_dens_logistic Not documented
    stats_dens_negative_binomial Not documented
    stats_dens_normal Not documented
    stats_dens_pmf_binomial Not documented
    stats_dens_pmf_hypergeometric 说明
    stats_dens_pmf_poisson Not documented
    stats_dens_t Not documented
    stats_dens_weibull Not documented
    stats_den_uniform Not documented
    stats_harmonic_mean Returns the harmonic mean of an array of values
    stats_kurtosis Computes the kurtosis of the data in the array
    stats_rand_gen_beta Generates beta random deviate
    stats_rand_gen_chisquare Generates random deviate from the distribution of a chisquare with “df” degrees of freedom random variable.
    stats_rand_gen_exponential Generates a single random deviate from an exponential distribution with mean “av”
    stats_rand_gen_f Generates a random deviate
    stats_rand_gen_funiform Generates uniform float between low (exclusive) and high (exclusive)
    stats_rand_gen_gamma Generates random deviates from a gamma distribution
    stats_rand_gen_ibinomial Generates a single random deviate from a binomial distribution whose number of trials is “n” (n >= 0) and whose probability of an event in each trial is “pp” ([0;1]). Method : algorithm BTPE
    stats_rand_gen_ibinomial_negative Generates a single random deviate from a negative binomial distribution. Arguments : n
    stats_rand_gen_int Generates random integer between 1 and 2147483562
    stats_rand_gen_ipoisson Generates a single random deviate from a Poisson distribution with mean “mu” (mu >= 0.0).
    stats_rand_gen_iuniform Generates integer uniformly distributed between LOW (inclusive) and HIGH (inclusive)
    stats_rand_gen_noncenral_chisquare Generates random deviate from the distribution of a noncentral chisquare with “df” degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter “xnonc”. d must be >= 1.0, xnonc must >= 0.0
    stats_rand_gen_noncentral_f Generates a random deviate from the noncentral F (variance ratio) distribution with “dfn” degrees of freedom in the numerator, and “dfd” degrees of freedom in the denominator, and noncentrality parameter “xnonc”. Method : directly generates ratio of noncentral numerator chisquare variate to central denominator chisquare variate.
    stats_rand_gen_noncentral_t Generates a single random deviate from a noncentral T distribution
    stats_rand_gen_normal Generates a single random deviate from a normal distribution with mean, av, and standard deviation, sd (sd >= 0). Method : Renames SNORM from TOMS as slightly modified by BWB to use RANF instead of SUNIF.
    stats_rand_gen_t Generates a single random deviate from a T distribution
    stats_rand_get_seeds Not documented
    stats_rand_phrase_to_seeds generate two seeds for the RGN random number generator
    stats_rand_ranf Returns a random floating point number from a uniform distribution over 0
    stats_rand_setall Not documented
    stats_skew Computes the skewness of the data in the array
    stats_standard_deviation Returns the standard deviation
    stats_stat_binomial_coef Not documented
    stats_stat_correlation Not documented
    stats_stat_gennch Not documented
    stats_stat_independent_t Not documented
    stats_stat_innerproduct 说明
    stats_stat_noncentral_t Calculates any one parameter of the noncentral t distribution give values for the others.
    stats_stat_paired_t Not documented
    stats_stat_percentile Not documented
    stats_stat_powersum Not documented
    stats_variance Returns the population variance
    stomp_connect_error Returns a string description of the last connect error
    stomp_version Gets the current stomp extension version
    strcasecmp 二进制安全比较字符串(不区分大小写)
    strchr 别名 strstr
    strcmp 二进制安全字符串比较
    strcoll 基于区域设置的字符串比较
    strcspn 获取不匹配遮罩的起始子字符串的长度
    stream_bucket_append Append bucket to brigade
    stream_bucket_make_writeable Return a bucket object from the brigade for operating on
    stream_bucket_new Create a new bucket for use on the current stream
    stream_bucket_prepend Prepend bucket to brigade
    stream_context_create 创建资源流上下文
    stream_context_get_default Retrieve the default stream context
    stream_context_get_options 获取资源流/数据包/上下文的参数
    stream_context_get_params Retrieves parameters from a context
    stream_context_set_default Set the default stream context
    stream_context_set_option 对资源流、数据包或者上下文设置参数
    stream_context_set_params Set parameters for a stream/wrapper/context
    stream_copy_to_stream Copies data from one stream to another
    stream_encoding 设置数据流的字符集
    stream_filter_append Attach a filter to a stream
    stream_filter_prepend Attach a filter to a stream
    stream_filter_register Register a user defined stream filter
    stream_filter_remove 从资源流里移除某个过滤器
    stream_get_contents 读取资源流到一个字符串
    stream_get_filters 获取已注册的数据流过滤器列表
    stream_get_line 从资源流里读取一行直到给定的定界符
    stream_get_meta_data 从封装协议文件指针中取得报头/元数据
    stream_get_transports 获取已注册的套接字传输协议列表
    stream_get_wrappers 获取已注册的流类型
    stream_is_local Checks if a stream is a local stream
    stream_notification_callback A callback function for the notification context parameter
    stream_register_wrapper 注册一个用 PHP 类实现的 URL 封装协议
    stream_resolve_include_path Resolve filename against the include path
    stream_select Runs the equivalent of the select() system call on the given arrays of streams with a timeout specified by tv_sec and tv_usec
    stream_set_blocking 为资源流设置阻塞或者阻塞模式
    stream_set_chunk_size 设置资源流区块大小
    stream_set_read_buffer Set read file buffering on the given stream
    stream_set_timeout Set timeout period on a stream
    stream_set_write_buffer Sets write file buffering on the given stream
    stream_socket_accept 接受由 stream_socket_server 创建的套接字连接
    stream_socket_client Open Internet or Unix domain socket connection
    stream_socket_enable_crypto Turns encryption on/off on an already connected socket
    stream_socket_get_name 获取本地或者远程的套接字名称
    stream_socket_pair 创建一对完全一样的网络套接字连接流
    stream_socket_recvfrom Receives data from a socket, connected or not
    stream_socket_sendto Sends a message to a socket, whether it is connected or not
    stream_socket_server Create an Internet or Unix domain server socket
    stream_socket_shutdown Shutdown a full-duplex connection
    stream_supports_lock Tells whether the stream supports locking.
    stream_wrapper_restore Restores a previously unregistered built-in wrapper
    stream_wrapper_unregister Unregister a URL wrapper
    strftime 根据区域设置格式化本地时间/日期
    stripcslashes 反引用一个使用 addcslashes 转义的字符串
    stripos 查找字符串首次出现的位置(不区分大小写)
    stripslashes 反引用一个引用字符串
    strip_tags 从字符串中去除 HTML 和 PHP 标记
    stristr strstr 函数的忽略大小写版本
    strlen 获取字符串长度
    strnatcasecmp 使用“自然顺序”算法比较字符串(不区分大小写)
    strnatcmp 使用自然排序算法比较字符串
    strncasecmp 二进制安全比较字符串开头的若干个字符(不区分大小写)
    strncmp 二进制安全比较字符串开头的若干个字符
    strpbrk 在字符串中查找一组字符的任何一个字符
    strpos 查找字符串首次出现的位置
    strptime 解析由 strftime 生成的日期/时间
    strrchr 查找指定字符在字符串中的最后一次出现
    strrev 反转字符串
    strripos 计算指定字符串在目标字符串中最后一次出现的位置(不区分大小写)
    strrpos 计算指定字符串在目标字符串中最后一次出现的位置
    strspn 计算字符串中全部字符都存在于指定字符集合中的第一段子串的长度。
    strstr 查找字符串的首次出现
    strtok 标记分割字符串
    strtolower 将字符串转化为小写
    strtotime 将任何英文文本的日期时间描述解析为 Unix 时间戳
    strtoupper 将字符串转化为大写
    strtr 转换指定字符
    strval 获取变量的字符串值
    str_getcsv 解析 CSV 字符串为一个数组
    str_ireplace str_replace 的忽略大小写版本
    str_pad 使用另一个字符串填充字符串为指定长度
    str_repeat 重复一个字符串
    str_replace 子字符串替换
    str_rot13 对字符串执行 ROT13 转换
    str_shuffle 随机打乱一个字符串
    str_split 将字符串转换为数组
    str_word_count 返回字符串中单词的使用情况
    substr 返回字符串的子串
    substr_compare 二进制安全比较字符串(从偏移位置比较指定长度)
    substr_count 计算字串出现的次数
    substr_replace 替换字符串的子串
    svn_add 计划在工作目录添加项
    svn_auth_get_parameter Retrieves authentication parameter
    svn_auth_set_parameter Sets an authentication parameter
    svn_blame Get the SVN blame for a file
    svn_cat Returns the contents of a file in a repository
    svn_checkout Checks out a working copy from the repository
    svn_cleanup Recursively cleanup a working copy directory, finishing incomplete operations and removing locks
    svn_client_version Returns the version of the SVN client libraries
    svn_commit Sends changes from the local working copy to the repository
    svn_delete Delete items from a working copy or repository.
    svn_diff Recursively diffs two paths
    svn_export Export the contents of a SVN directory
    svn_fs_abort_txn Abort a transaction, returns true if everything is okay, false otherwise
    svn_fs_apply_text Creates and returns a stream that will be used to replace
    svn_fs_begin_txn2 Create a new transaction
    svn_fs_change_node_prop Return true if everything is ok, false otherwise
    svn_fs_check_path Determines what kind of item lives at path in a given repository fsroot
    svn_fs_contents_changed Return true if content is different, false otherwise
    svn_fs_copy Copies a file or a directory, returns true if all is ok, false otherwise
    svn_fs_delete Deletes a file or a directory, return true if all is ok, false otherwise
    svn_fs_dir_entries Enumerates the directory entries under path; returns a hash of dir names to file type
    svn_fs_file_contents Returns a stream to access the contents of a file from a given version of the fs
    svn_fs_file_length Returns the length of a file from a given version of the fs
    svn_fs_is_dir Return true if the path points to a directory, false otherwise
    svn_fs_is_file Return true if the path points to a file, false otherwise
    svn_fs_make_dir Creates a new empty directory, returns true if all is ok, false otherwise
    svn_fs_make_file Creates a new empty file, returns true if all is ok, false otherwise
    svn_fs_node_created_rev Returns the revision in which path under fsroot was created
    svn_fs_node_prop Returns the value of a property for a node
    svn_fs_props_changed Return true if props are different, false otherwise
    svn_fs_revision_prop Fetches the value of a named property
    svn_fs_revision_root Get a handle on a specific version of the repository root
    svn_fs_txn_root Creates and returns a transaction root
    svn_fs_youngest_rev Returns the number of the youngest revision in the filesystem
    svn_import Imports an unversioned path into a repository
    svn_log Returns the commit log messages of a repository URL
    svn_ls Returns list of directory contents in repository URL, optionally at revision number
    svn_mkdir Creates a directory in a working copy or repository
    svn_repos_create Create a new subversion repository at path
    svn_repos_fs Gets a handle on the filesystem for a repository
    svn_repos_fs_begin_txn_for_commit Create a new transaction
    svn_repos_fs_commit_txn Commits a transaction and returns the new revision
    svn_repos_hotcopy Make a hot-copy of the repos at repospath; copy it to destpath
    svn_repos_open Open a shared lock on a repository.
    svn_repos_recover Run recovery procedures on the repository located at path.
    svn_revert Revert changes to the working copy
    svn_status Returns the status of working copy files and directories
    svn_update Update working copy
    sybase_affected_rows Gets number of affected rows in last query
    sybase_close Closes a Sybase connection
    sybase_connect Opens a Sybase server connection
    sybase_data_seek Moves internal row pointer
    sybase_deadlock_retry_count Sets the deadlock retry count
    sybase_fetch_array Fetch row as array
    sybase_fetch_assoc Fetch a result row as an associative array
    sybase_fetch_field Get field information from a result
    sybase_fetch_object Fetch a row as an object
    sybase_fetch_row Get a result row as an enumerated array
    sybase_field_seek Sets field offset
    sybase_free_result Frees result memory
    sybase_get_last_message Returns the last message from the server
    sybase_min_client_severity Sets minimum client severity
    sybase_min_error_severity Sets minimum error severity
    sybase_min_message_severity Sets minimum message severity
    sybase_min_server_severity Sets minimum server severity
    sybase_num_fields Gets the number of fields in a result set
    sybase_num_rows Get number of rows in a result set
    sybase_pconnect Open persistent Sybase connection
    sybase_query Sends a Sybase query
    sybase_result Get result data
    sybase_select_db Selects a Sybase database
    sybase_set_message_handler Sets the handler called when a server message is raised
    sybase_unbuffered_query Send a Sybase query and do not block
    symlink 建立符号连接
    syslog Generate a system log message
    system 执行外部程序,并且显示输出
    sys_getloadavg 获取系统的负载(load average)
    sys_get_temp_dir 返回用于临时文件的目录


    taint Taint a string
    tan 正切
    tanh 双曲正切
    tcpwrap_check Performs a tcpwrap check
    tempnam 建立一个具有唯一文件名的文件
    textdomain Sets the default domain
    tidy_access_count Returns the Number of Tidy accessibility warnings encountered for specified document
    tidy_config_count Returns the Number of Tidy configuration errors encountered for specified document
    tidy_error_count Returns the Number of Tidy errors encountered for specified document
    tidy_get_output Return a string representing the parsed tidy markup
    tidy_load_config Load an ASCII Tidy configuration file with the specified encoding
    tidy_reset_config Restore Tidy configuration to default values
    tidy_save_config Save current settings to named file
    tidy_setopt Updates the configuration settings for the specified tidy document
    tidy_set_encoding Set the input/output character encoding for parsing markup
    tidy_warning_count Returns the Number of Tidy warnings encountered for specified document
    time 返回当前的 Unix 时间戳
    timezone_name_from_abbr Returns the timezone name from abbreviation
    timezone_version_get Gets the version of the timezonedb
    time_nanosleep 延缓执行若干秒和纳秒
    time_sleep_until 使脚本睡眠到指定的时间为止。
    tmpfile 建立一个临时文件
    token_get_all 将提供的源码按 PHP 标记进行分割
    token_name 获取提供的 PHP 解析器代号的符号名称
    touch 设定文件的访问和修改时间
    trader_acos Vector Trigonometric ACos
    trader_ad Chaikin A/D Line
    trader_add Vector Arithmetic Add
    trader_adosc Chaikin A/D Oscillator
    trader_adx Average Directional Movement Index
    trader_adxr Average Directional Movement Index Rating
    trader_apo Absolute Price Oscillator
    trader_aroon Aroon
    trader_aroonosc Aroon Oscillator
    trader_asin Vector Trigonometric ASin
    trader_atan Vector Trigonometric ATan
    trader_atr Average True Range
    trader_avgprice Average Price
    trader_bbands Bollinger Bands
    trader_beta Beta
    trader_bop Balance Of Power
    trader_cci Commodity Channel Index
    trader_cdl2crows Two Crows
    trader_cdl3blackcrows Three Black Crows
    trader_cdl3inside Three Inside Up/Down
    trader_cdl3linestrike Three-Line Strike
    trader_cdl3outside Three Outside Up/Down
    trader_cdl3starsinsouth Three Stars In The South
    trader_cdl3whitesoldiers Three Advancing White Soldiers
    trader_cdlabandonedbaby Abandoned Baby
    trader_cdladvanceblock Advance Block
    trader_cdlbelthold Belt-hold
    trader_cdlbreakaway Breakaway
    trader_cdlclosingmarubozu Closing Marubozu
    trader_cdlconcealbabyswall Concealing Baby Swallow
    trader_cdlcounterattack Counterattack
    trader_cdldarkcloudcover Dark Cloud Cover
    trader_cdldoji Doji
    trader_cdldojistar Doji Star
    trader_cdldragonflydoji Dragonfly Doji
    trader_cdlengulfing Engulfing Pattern
    trader_cdleveningdojistar Evening Doji Star
    trader_cdleveningstar Evening Star
    trader_cdlgapsidesidewhite Up/Down-gap side-by-side white lines
    trader_cdlgravestonedoji Gravestone Doji
    trader_cdlhammer Hammer
    trader_cdlhangingman Hanging Man
    trader_cdlharami Harami Pattern
    trader_cdlharamicross Harami Cross Pattern
    trader_cdlhighwave High-Wave Candle
    trader_cdlhikkake Hikkake Pattern
    trader_cdlhikkakemod Modified Hikkake Pattern
    trader_cdlhomingpigeon Homing Pigeon
    trader_cdlidentical3crows Identical Three Crows
    trader_cdlinneck In-Neck Pattern
    trader_cdlinvertedhammer Inverted Hammer
    trader_cdlkicking Kicking
    trader_cdlkickingbylength Kicking
    trader_cdlladderbottom Ladder Bottom
    trader_cdllongleggeddoji Long Legged Doji
    trader_cdllongline Long Line Candle
    trader_cdlmarubozu Marubozu
    trader_cdlmatchinglow Matching Low
    trader_cdlmathold Mat Hold
    trader_cdlmorningdojistar Morning Doji Star
    trader_cdlmorningstar Morning Star
    trader_cdlonneck On-Neck Pattern
    trader_cdlpiercing Piercing Pattern
    trader_cdlrickshawman Rickshaw Man
    trader_cdlrisefall3methods Rising/Falling Three Methods
    trader_cdlseparatinglines Separating Lines
    trader_cdlshootingstar Shooting Star
    trader_cdlshortline Short Line Candle
    trader_cdlspinningtop Spinning Top
    trader_cdlstalledpattern Stalled Pattern
    trader_cdlsticksandwich Stick Sandwich
    trader_cdltakuri Takuri (Dragonfly Doji with very long lower shadow)
    trader_cdltasukigap Tasuki Gap
    trader_cdlthrusting Thrusting Pattern
    trader_cdltristar Tristar Pattern
    trader_cdlunique3river Unique 3 River
    trader_cdlupsidegap2crows Upside Gap Two Crows
    trader_cdlxsidegap3methods Upside/Downside Gap Three Methods
    trader_ceil Vector Ceil
    trader_cmo Chande Momentum Oscillator
    trader_correl Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient (r)
    trader_cos Vector Trigonometric Cos
    trader_cosh Vector Trigonometric Cosh
    trader_dema Double Exponential Moving Average
    trader_div Vector Arithmetic Div
    trader_dx Directional Movement Index
    trader_ema Exponential Moving Average
    trader_errno Get error code
    trader_exp Vector Arithmetic Exp
    trader_floor Vector Floor
    trader_get_compat Get compatibility mode
    trader_get_unstable_period Get unstable period
    trader_ht_dcperiod Hilbert Transform
    trader_ht_dcphase Hilbert Transform
    trader_ht_phasor Hilbert Transform
    trader_ht_sine Hilbert Transform
    trader_ht_trendline Hilbert Transform
    trader_ht_trendmode Hilbert Transform
    trader_kama Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average
    trader_linearreg Linear Regression
    trader_linearreg_angle Linear Regression Angle
    trader_linearreg_intercept Linear Regression Intercept
    trader_linearreg_slope Linear Regression Slope
    trader_ln Vector Log Natural
    trader_log10 Vector Log10
    trader_ma Moving average
    trader_macd Moving Average Convergence/Divergence
    trader_macdext MACD with controllable MA type
    trader_macdfix Moving Average Convergence/Divergence Fix 12/26
    trader_mama MESA Adaptive Moving Average
    trader_mavp Moving average with variable period
    trader_max Highest value over a specified period
    trader_maxindex Index of highest value over a specified period
    trader_medprice Median Price
    trader_mfi Money Flow Index
    trader_midpoint MidPoint over period
    trader_midprice Midpoint Price over period
    trader_min Lowest value over a specified period
    trader_minindex Index of lowest value over a specified period
    trader_minmax Lowest and highest values over a specified period
    trader_minmaxindex Indexes of lowest and highest values over a specified period
    trader_minus_di Minus Directional Indicator
    trader_minus_dm Minus Directional Movement
    trader_mom Momentum
    trader_mult Vector Arithmetic Mult
    trader_natr Normalized Average True Range
    trader_obv On Balance Volume
    trader_plus_di Plus Directional Indicator
    trader_plus_dm Plus Directional Movement
    trader_ppo Percentage Price Oscillator
    trader_roc Rate of change : ((price/prevPrice)-1)*100
    trader_rocp Rate of change Percentage: (price-prevPrice)/prevPrice
    trader_rocr Rate of change ratio: (price/prevPrice)
    trader_rocr100 Rate of change ratio 100 scale: (price/prevPrice)*100
    trader_rsi Relative Strength Index
    trader_sar Parabolic SAR
    trader_sarext Parabolic SAR
    trader_set_compat Set compatibility mode
    trader_set_unstable_period Set unstable period
    trader_sin Vector Trigonometric Sin
    trader_sinh Vector Trigonometric Sinh
    trader_sma Simple Moving Average
    trader_sqrt Vector Square Root
    trader_stddev Standard Deviation
    trader_stoch Stochastic
    trader_stochf Stochastic Fast
    trader_stochrsi Stochastic Relative Strength Index
    trader_sub Vector Arithmetic Subtraction
    trader_sum Summation
    trader_t3 Triple Exponential Moving Average (T3)
    trader_tan Vector Trigonometric Tan
    trader_tanh Vector Trigonometric Tanh
    trader_tema Triple Exponential Moving Average
    trader_trange True Range
    trader_trima Triangular Moving Average
    trader_trix 1-day Rate-Of-Change (ROC) of a Triple Smooth EMA
    trader_tsf Time Series Forecast
    trader_typprice Typical Price
    trader_ultosc Ultimate Oscillator
    trader_var Variance
    trader_wclprice Weighted Close Price
    trader_willr Williams’ %R
    trader_wma Weighted Moving Average
    trait_exists 检查指定的 trait 是否存在
    trigger_error 产生一个用户级别的 error/warning/notice 信息
    trim 去除字符串首尾处的空白字符(或者其他字符)


    uasort 使用用户自定义的比较函数对数组中的值进行排序并保持索引关联
    ucfirst 将字符串的首字母转换为大写
    ucwords 将字符串中每个单词的首字母转换为大写
    udm_add_search_limit Add various search limits
    udm_alloc_agent Allocate mnoGoSearch session
    udm_alloc_agent_array Allocate mnoGoSearch session
    udm_api_version Get mnoGoSearch API version
    udm_cat_list Get all the categories on the same level with the current one
    udm_cat_path Get the path to the current category
    udm_check_charset Check if the given charset is known to mnogosearch
    udm_clear_search_limits Clear all mnoGoSearch search restrictions
    udm_crc32 Return CRC32 checksum of given string
    udm_errno Get mnoGoSearch error number
    udm_error Get mnoGoSearch error message
    udm_find Perform search
    udm_free_agent Free mnoGoSearch session
    udm_free_ispell_data Free memory allocated for ispell data
    udm_free_res Free mnoGoSearch result
    udm_get_doc_count Get total number of documents in database
    udm_get_res_field Fetch a result field
    udm_get_res_param Get mnoGoSearch result parameters
    udm_hash32 Return Hash32 checksum of given string
    udm_load_ispell_data Load ispell data
    udm_set_agent_param Set mnoGoSearch agent session parameters
    uksort 使用用户自定义的比较函数对数组中的键名进行排序
    umask 改变当前的 umask
    uniqid 生成一个唯一ID
    unixtojd 转变Unix时间戳为Julian Day计数
    unlink 删除文件
    unpack Unpack data from binary string
    unregister_tick_function De-register a function for execution on each tick
    unserialize 从已存储的表示中创建 PHP 的值
    unset 释放给定的变量
    untaint Untaint strings
    uopz_backup Backup a function
    uopz_compose Compose a class
    uopz_copy Copy a function
    uopz_delete Delete a function
    uopz_extend Extend a class at runtime
    uopz_flags Get or set flags on function or class
    uopz_function Creates a function at runtime
    uopz_implement Implements an interface at runtime
    uopz_overload Overload a VM opcode
    uopz_redefine Redefine a constant
    uopz_rename Rename a function at runtime
    uopz_restore Restore a previously backed up function
    uopz_undefine Undefine a constant
    urldecode 解码已编码的 URL 字符串
    urlencode 编码 URL 字符串
    user_error trigger_error 的别名
    use_soap_error_handler Set whether to use the SOAP error handler
    usleep 以指定的微秒数延迟执行
    usort 使用用户自定义的比较函数对数组中的值进行排序
    utf8_decode 将用 UTF-8 方式编码的 ISO-8859-1 字符串转换成单字节的 ISO-8859-1 字符串。
    utf8_encode 将 ISO-8859-1 编码的字符串转换为 UTF-8 编码


    variant_abs Returns the absolute value of a variant
    variant_add “Adds” two variant values together and returns the result
    variant_and Performs a bitwise AND operation between two variants
    variant_cast Convert a variant into a new variant object of another type
    variant_cat concatenates two variant values together and returns the result
    variant_cmp Compares two variants
    variant_date_from_timestamp Returns a variant date representation of a Unix timestamp
    variant_date_to_timestamp Converts a variant date/time value to Unix timestamp
    variant_div Returns the result from dividing two variants
    variant_eqv Performs a bitwise equivalence on two variants
    variant_fix Returns the integer portion of a variant
    variant_get_type Returns the type of a variant object
    variant_idiv Converts variants to integers and then returns the result from dividing them
    variant_imp Performs a bitwise implication on two variants
    variant_int Returns the integer portion of a variant
    variant_mod Divides two variants and returns only the remainder
    variant_mul Multiplies the values of the two variants
    variant_neg Performs logical negation on a variant
    variant_not Performs bitwise not negation on a variant
    variant_or Performs a logical disjunction on two variants
    variant_pow Returns the result of performing the power function with two variants
    variant_round Rounds a variant to the specified number of decimal places
    variant_set Assigns a new value for a variant object
    variant_set_type Convert a variant into another type “in-place”
    variant_sub Subtracts the value of the right variant from the left variant value
    variant_xor Performs a logical exclusion on two variants
    var_dump 打印变量的相关信息
    var_export 输出或返回一个变量的字符串表示
    version_compare 对比两个「PHP 规范化」的版本数字字符串
    vfprintf 将格式化字符串写入流
    virtual 执行 Apache 子请求
    vpopmail_add_alias_domain Add an alias for a virtual domain
    vpopmail_add_alias_domain_ex Add alias to an existing virtual domain
    vpopmail_add_domain Add a new virtual domain
    vpopmail_add_domain_ex Add a new virtual domain
    vpopmail_add_user Add a new user to the specified virtual domain
    vpopmail_alias_add Insert a virtual alias
    vpopmail_alias_del Deletes all virtual aliases of a user
    vpopmail_alias_del_domain Deletes all virtual aliases of a domain
    vpopmail_alias_get Get all lines of an alias for a domain
    vpopmail_alias_get_all Get all lines of an alias for a domain
    vpopmail_auth_user Attempt to validate a username/domain/password
    vpopmail_del_domain Delete a virtual domain
    vpopmail_del_domain_ex Delete a virtual domain
    vpopmail_del_user Delete a user from a virtual domain
    vpopmail_error Get text message for last vpopmail error
    vpopmail_passwd Change a virtual user’s password
    vpopmail_set_user_quota Sets a virtual user’s quota
    vprintf 输出格式化字符串
    vsprintf 返回格式化字符串


    wddx_add_vars Add variables to a WDDX packet with the specified ID
    wddx_deserialize Unserializes a WDDX packet
    wddx_packet_end Ends a WDDX packet with the specified ID
    wddx_packet_start Starts a new WDDX packet with structure inside it
    wddx_serialize_value Serialize a single value into a WDDX packet
    wddx_serialize_vars Serialize variables into a WDDX packet
    win32_continue_service Resumes a paused service
    win32_create_service Creates a new service entry in the SCM database
    win32_delete_service Deletes a service entry from the SCM database
    win32_get_last_control_message Returns the last control message that was sent to this service
    win32_pause_service Pauses a service
    win32_ps_list_procs List running processes
    win32_ps_stat_mem Stat memory utilization
    win32_ps_stat_proc Stat process
    win32_query_service_status Queries the status of a service
    win32_set_service_status Update the service status
    win32_start_service Starts a service
    win32_start_service_ctrl_dispatcher Registers the script with the SCM, so that it can act as the service with the given name
    win32_stop_service Stops a service
    wincache_fcache_fileinfo Retrieves information about files cached in the file cache
    wincache_fcache_meminfo Retrieves information about file cache memory usage
    wincache_lock Acquires an exclusive lock on a given key
    wincache_ocache_fileinfo Retrieves information about files cached in the opcode cache
    wincache_ocache_meminfo Retrieves information about opcode cache memory usage
    wincache_refresh_if_changed Refreshes the cache entries for the cached files
    wincache_rplist_fileinfo Retrieves information about resolve file path cache
    wincache_rplist_meminfo Retrieves information about memory usage by the resolve file path cache
    wincache_scache_info Retrieves information about files cached in the session cache
    wincache_scache_meminfo Retrieves information about session cache memory usage
    wincache_ucache_add Adds a variable in user cache only if variable does not already exist in the cache
    wincache_ucache_cas Compares the variable with old value and assigns new value to it
    wincache_ucache_clear Deletes entire content of the user cache
    wincache_ucache_dec Decrements the value associated with the key
    wincache_ucache_delete Deletes variables from the user cache
    wincache_ucache_exists Checks if a variable exists in the user cache
    wincache_ucache_get Gets a variable stored in the user cache
    wincache_ucache_inc Increments the value associated with the key
    wincache_ucache_info Retrieves information about data stored in the user cache
    wincache_ucache_meminfo Retrieves information about user cache memory usage
    wincache_ucache_set Adds a variable in user cache and overwrites a variable if it already exists in the cache
    wincache_unlock Releases an exclusive lock on a given key
    wordwrap 打断字符串为指定数量的字串


    xattr_get Get an extended attribute
    xattr_list Get a list of extended attributes
    xattr_remove Remove an extended attribute
    xattr_set Set an extended attribute
    xattr_supported Check if filesystem supports extended attributes
    xdiff_file_bdiff Make binary diff of two files
    xdiff_file_bdiff_size Read a size of file created by applying a binary diff
    xdiff_file_bpatch Patch a file with a binary diff
    xdiff_file_diff Make unified diff of two files
    xdiff_file_diff_binary Alias of xdiff_file_bdiff
    xdiff_file_merge3 Merge 3 files into one
    xdiff_file_patch Patch a file with an unified diff
    xdiff_file_patch_binary Alias of xdiff_file_bpatch
    xdiff_file_rabdiff Make binary diff of two files using the Rabin’s polynomial fingerprinting algorithm
    xdiff_string_bdiff Make binary diff of two strings
    xdiff_string_bdiff_size Read a size of file created by applying a binary diff
    xdiff_string_bpatch Patch a string with a binary diff
    xdiff_string_diff Make unified diff of two strings
    xdiff_string_diff_binary Alias of xdiff_string_bdiff
    xdiff_string_merge3 Merge 3 strings into one
    xdiff_string_patch Patch a string with an unified diff
    xdiff_string_patch_binary Alias of xdiff_string_bpatch
    xdiff_string_rabdiff Make binary diff of two strings using the Rabin’s polynomial fingerprinting algorithm
    xhprof_disable 停止 xhprof 分析器
    xhprof_enable 启动 xhprof 性能分析器
    xhprof_sample_disable 停止 xhprof 性能采样分析器
    xhprof_sample_enable 以采样模式启动 XHProf 性能分析
    xmlrpc_decode 将 XML 译码为 PHP 本身的类型
    xmlrpc_decode_request 将 XML 译码为 PHP 本身的类型
    xmlrpc_encode 为 PHP 的值生成 XML
    xmlrpc_encode_request 为 PHP 的值生成 XML
    xmlrpc_get_type 为 PHP 的值获取 xmlrpc 的类型
    xmlrpc_is_fault Determines if an array value represents an XMLRPC fault
    xmlrpc_parse_method_descriptions 将 XML 译码成方法描述的列表
    xmlrpc_server_add_introspection_data 添加自我描述的文档
    xmlrpc_server_call_method 解析 XML 请求同时调用方法
    xmlrpc_server_create 创建一个 xmlrpc 服务端
    xmlrpc_server_destroy 销毁服务端资源
    xmlrpc_server_register_introspection_callback 注册一个 PHP 函数用于生成文档
    xmlrpc_server_register_method 注册一个 PHP 函数用于匹配 xmlrpc 方法名
    xmlrpc_set_type 为一个 PHP 字符串值设置 xmlrpc 的类型、base64 或日期时间
    xml_error_string 获取 XML 解析器的错误字符串
    xml_get_current_byte_index 获取 XML 解析器的当前字节索引
    xml_get_current_column_number 获取 XML 解析器的当前列号
    xml_get_current_line_number 获取 XML 解析器的当前行号
    xml_get_error_code 获取 XML 解析器错误代码
    xml_parse 开始解析一个 XML 文档
    xml_parser_create 建立一个 XML 解析器
    xml_parser_create_ns 生成一个支持命名空间的 XML 解析器
    xml_parser_free 释放指定的 XML 解析器
    xml_parser_get_option 从 XML 解析器获取选项设置信息
    xml_parser_set_option 为指定 XML 解析进行选项设置
    xml_parse_into_struct 将 XML 数据解析到数组中
    xml_set_character_data_handler 建立字符数据处理器
    xml_set_default_handler 建立默认处理器
    xml_set_element_handler 建立起始和终止元素处理器
    xml_set_end_namespace_decl_handler 建立终止命名空间声明处理器
    xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler 建立外部实体指向处理器
    xml_set_notation_decl_handler 建立注释声明处理器
    xml_set_object 在对象中使用 XML 解析器
    xml_set_processing_instruction_handler 建立处理指令(PI)处理器
    xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler 建立起始命名空间声明处理器
    xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler 建立未解析实体定义声明处理器


    yaml_emit Returns the YAML representation of a value
    yaml_emit_file Send the YAML representation of a value to a file
    yaml_parse Parse a YAML stream
    yaml_parse_file Parse a YAML stream from a file
    yaml_parse_url Parse a Yaml stream from a URL
    yaz_addinfo Returns additional error information
    yaz_ccl_conf Configure CCL parser
    yaz_ccl_parse Invoke CCL Parser
    yaz_close Close YAZ connection
    yaz_connect Prepares for a connection to a Z39.50 server
    yaz_database Specifies the databases within a session
    yaz_element Specifies Element-Set Name for retrieval
    yaz_errno Returns error number
    yaz_error Returns error description
    yaz_es Prepares for an Extended Service Request
    yaz_es_result Inspects Extended Services Result
    yaz_get_option Returns value of option for connection
    yaz_hits Returns number of hits for last search
    yaz_itemorder Prepares for Z39.50 Item Order with an ILL-Request package
    yaz_present Prepares for retrieval (Z39.50 present)
    yaz_range Specifies a range of records to retrieve
    yaz_record Returns a record
    yaz_scan Prepares for a scan
    yaz_scan_result Returns Scan Response result
    yaz_schema Specifies schema for retrieval
    yaz_search Prepares for a search
    yaz_set_option Sets one or more options for connection
    yaz_sort Sets sorting criteria
    yaz_syntax Specifies the preferred record syntax for retrieval
    yaz_wait Wait for Z39.50 requests to complete
    yp_all Traverse the map and call a function on each entry
    yp_cat Return an array containing the entire map
    yp_errno Returns the error code of the previous operation
    yp_err_string Returns the error string associated with the given error code
    yp_first Returns the first key-value pair from the named map
    yp_get_default_domain Fetches the machine’s default NIS domain
    yp_master Returns the machine name of the master NIS server for a map
    yp_match Returns the matched line
    yp_next Returns the next key-value pair in the named map
    yp_order Returns the order number for a map


    zend_logo_guid 获取 Zend guid
    zend_thread_id 返回当前线程的唯一识别符
    zend_version 获取当前 Zend 引擎的版本
    zip_close 关闭一个ZIP档案文件
    zip_entry_close 关闭目录项
    zip_entry_compressedsize 检索目录项压缩过后的大小
    zip_entry_compressionmethod 检索目录实体的压缩方法
    zip_entry_filesize 检索目录实体的实际大小
    zip_entry_name 检索目录项的名称
    zip_entry_open 打开用于读取的目录实体
    zip_entry_read 读取一个打开了的压缩目录实体
    zip_open 打开ZIP存档文件
    zip_read 读取ZIP存档文件中下一项
    zlib_decode Uncompress any raw/gzip/zlib encoded data
    zlib_encode Compress data with the specified encoding
    zlib_get_coding_type Returns the coding type used for output compression
  • 相关阅读:
    oracle 从select的结果update其他表
    C# 中获取CPU序列号/网卡mac地址
    C# 断点续传原理与实现
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dcb3688/p/4608040.html
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