• LF.47.Check If Binary Tree Is Completed

    Check if a given binary tree is completed. A complete binary tree is one in which every level of the binary tree 
    is completely filled except possibly the last level. Furthermore, all nodes are as far left as possible. Examples
    5 / 3 8 / 1 4 is completed. 5 / 3 8 / 1 4 11 is not completed. Corner Cases What if the binary tree is null? Return true in this case.
    public class Solution {
      public boolean isCompleted(TreeNode root) {
        // Write your solution here
        if (root == null) {
            return true ;
        Deque<TreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<>();
        /*flag means: 1)the curr root could not have child
        2) the node on the same level as curr could not have child
        3        8
            1      4
        boolean flag = false ;
            TreeNode curr = queue.poll() ;
            if (curr.left == null) {
                flag = true ; //左右互斥 要不都没有,要不都有,不能有一个
            } else if (flag) {
            但左边不为空 则退出去
                return false ;
            } else{
            if (curr.right == null) {
                flag = true;
            } else if(flag){
                return false ;
            } else{
                queue.offer(curr.right) ;
        return true ;

    time o(n)--每一个点都要遍历 

    space o(1)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/davidnyc/p/8684373.html
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