• Dired Mode in Emacs

    • Start up Dired mode: C-x d; (List dirs: C-x C-d)

    • Hide Dired mode window: q;


    • Mark (for group manipulation): [n]m;

    • Mark with regex: %m;

    • Mark files whose contents match regular expression (like mark with grep): %g

    • Mark all directories: */;

    • Mark all executables: **;

    • Toggle marked files/directories (same as inverse selection): t;

    • Unmark marked files: [n]u;

    • Unmark all marked files: U


    • Move cursor to previous folder: <; next foler: >;

    • Up one level: ^;

    • add file list of the subfolder on cursor at the end of the buffer: i;

    ** Jump to parent folder: C-M-p (jump to children folder is C-M-d, which is conflict with "Show desktop" shortcut of Mint);

    ** Jump to previous/next folder: C-M-p/C-M-n;


    • Copy: [n]C;

    • Delete: [n]d; delete with regex: %d;

    • Execute: x;

    • Create directory: +

    • Change mode (same as "chmod" command): M

    • Show file information (same as "file" command): y

    • Move or Rename: R;

    ** Use m then %u to rename file to upper case, while %l to lower case;

    ** move or rename with regex: %R;

    • View file: v (With Evil, if you want to quit reading file (v key) in Dired mode, use Q instead of q, because q is looked as the macro define key in Evil);

    • Run command on a file: mark it (with "m" key) and !; In command , "*" means all marked files, "?" means execute command on files marked respectively;

    • Compress files: mark files/directories, then "! zip file.zip *"; then use "g" to update display;

    • Compress/Uncompress one or more files to gz (orgin files will be replaced): Z;

    • Query-replace in selected files: mark files, then "Q";

    • Open file in another window (and focus that window): o;

    • Open file in another window (keep focus in Dired window): C-o;

    • Change ownership (same as "chown"): O;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/darkmatter/p/3606769.html
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