通过远程 HTTP GET 请求载入信息。
这是一个简单的 GET 请求功能以取代复杂 $.ajax 。请求成功时可调用回调函数。如果需要在出错时执行函数,请使用 $.ajax。
Load a remote page using an HTTP GET request.
This is an easy way to send a simple GET request to a server without having to use the more complex $.ajax function. It allows a single callback function to be specified that will be executed when the request is complete (and only if the response has a successful response code). If you need to have both error and success callbacks, you may want to use $.ajax.
url (String) : 待载入页面的URL地址
data (Map) : (可选) 待发送 Key/value 参数。
callback (Function) : (可选) 载入成功时回调函数。
请求 test.php 网页,忽略返回值。
jQuery 代码:
var url = "../config/chkAjax.ashx?action=chkUserName&userName=" + document.getElementById("editUserName").value;
$.get(url, function (data) {
if (data != "OK") {
return false;
请求 test.php 网页,传送2个参数,忽略返回值。
jQuery 代码:
$.get("test.php", { name: "John", time: "2pm" } );
显示 test.php 返回值(HTML 或 XML,取决于返回值)。
jQuery 代码:
$.get("test.php", function(data){
alert("Data Loaded: " + data);
alert("Data Loaded: " + data);
显示 test.cgi 返回值(HTML 或 XML,取决于返回值),添加一组请求参数。
jQuery 代码:
$.get("test.cgi", { name: "John", time: "2pm" },
alert("Data Loaded: " + data);
alert("Data Loaded: " + data);
View Code
var xmlhttp; function getReturn(Url) //提交为aspx,aspx页面路径, 返回页面的值 { if(typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined") { xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if(window.ActiveXObject) { var versions = ["MSXML2.XMLHttp.5.0","MSXML2.XMLHttp.4.0","MSXML2.XMLHttp.3.0","MSXML2.XMLHttp","Microsoft.XMLHttp"]; for(var i = 0 ; i < versions.length; i++) { try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject(versions[i]); break; } catch(E) { } } } try { xmlhttp.open('GET',Url,false); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded') xmlhttp.send(null); if((xmlhttp.readyState == 4)&&(xmlhttp.status == 200)) { return xmlhttp.responseText; } else { return null; } } catch (e) { alert("你的浏览器不支持XMLHttpRequest对象, 请升级"); } return null; }
View Code
result = getReturn('ajaxupgrade.aspx?op=unzip'); if (result != "") { document.getElementById("unzip" + i).src = "../Img/state1.gif"; } else { document.getElementById("unzip" + i).src = "../Img/state2.gif"; }