1. db2建立远程节点编目及删除
db2 catalog tcpip node nodeName remote remoteIp server remotePort
db2 list node directory
eg. db2 catalog tcpip node TESTND remote server 60008
db2 uncatalog node TESTND
2. db2建立数据库编目及删除
db2 catalog db dbName as dbAlisName at node nodeName
db2 list db directory
e.g db2 catalog db TESTDB as TESTDB at node TESTND
db2 uncatalog db TESTDB
3. db2导出数据
db2 "connect to test_db user test_user using test_pwd"
db2 "export to test.ixf of ixf select * from test_schema.test_table"
db2 terminate
4. db2导入数据
db2 "import from test.ixf of ixf insert_update into test_schema.test_table"