• 一些常用的前端基础操作





    1、在HTML头地方添加<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5">  这样一行代码,页面就会定时刷新。content是设置多长时间刷新一次

    2、在页面中使用js设置一个时间间隔,调用刷新函数refresh。 setInterval("refresh();", 5000); --5秒刷新一次



    body {
    background:url('img/index/bk.jpg') no-repeat;
    background-size:100% 100%;
    background-position:center center;


    <div id="main" style="500px;height:500px;background-color:gray;border:1px solid;">
    <div id="d1"><marquee scrollamount=2; style="100%;">向左滚动</marquee></div>
    <div id="d2"><marquee scrollamount=2 style="100%;"><a href="http://www.baidu.com">百度</a></marquee></div>
    <div id="d3"><marquee scrollamount=2 style="100%;" onmouseover=stop() onmouseout=start()>鼠标放在文字上停止滚动</marquee></div>
    <div id="d4"><marquee scrollamount=2 style="100%;" behavior=alternate>来回移动</marquee></div>
    <div id="d5"><marquee scrollamount=2 style="100%;height:200px;" direction=up>·上下滚动<br>·调用了JavaScript代码<br>·可以点击链接<p>·<a href="http://www.baidu.com">百度</a></marquee></div>
    <div id="d6"><marquee scrollamount=2 style="100%;"><a style="color:#CC6600">颜色设置</a></marquee></div>


    autoplay:false 如果出现该属性,则视频在就绪后马上播放。

    controls="controls" 如果出现该属性,则向用户显示控件,比如播放按钮。


     1 <div id="main" style="100%;height:300px;">
     2         <div id="top" style="100%;height:50%;">
     3             <div id="top_left" style="50%;float:left;">
     4                 <video autoplay="false" style="100%;">
     5                     <source src="ivideooggch01d.ogg" type="video/ogg" />
     6                     您的浏览器 不支持video标签
     7                 </video>
     8             </div>
     9             <div id="top_right" style="50%;float:left;">
    10                 <video autoplay="false" style="100%;">
    11                     <source src="ivideooggch01d.ogg" type="video/ogg" />
    12                     您的浏览器 不支持video标签
    13                 </video>
    14             </div>
    15         </div>
    16         <div id="bottom" style="100%;height:50%;">
    17             <div id="bottom_left" style="50%;float:left;">
    18                 <video autoplay="false" style="100%;">
    19                     <source src="ivideooggch01d.ogg" type="video/ogg" />
    20                     您的浏览器 不支持video标签
    21                 </video>
    22             </div>
    23             <div id="bottom_right" style="50%;float:left;">
    24                 <video autoplay="false" style="100%;">
    25                     <source src="ivideooggch01d.ogg" type="video/ogg" />
    26                     您的浏览器 不支持video标签
    27                 </video>
    28             </div>
    29         </div>
    30     </div>
    View Code

    五、canvas 元素用于在网页上绘制图形

    HTML5 的 canvas 元素使用 JavaScript 在网页上绘制图像。


    canvas 拥有多种绘制路径、矩形、圆形、字符以及添加图像的方法。


     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html>
     3 <head>
     4     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
     5     <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
     6     <script type="text/javascript">
     7         $(function () {
     8             circleProgress(10,50);
     9         });
    10         function circleProgress(value, average) {
    11             var canvas = document.getElementById("yuan");
    12             var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
    13             var _this = $(canvas),
    14             value = Number(value),// 当前百分比,数值
    15             average = Number(average),// 平均百分比
    16             color = "",// 进度条、文字样式
    17             maxpercent = 100,//最大百分比,可设置
    18             c_width = _this.width(),// canvas,宽度
    19             c_height = _this.height();// canvas,高度
    20             // 判断设置当前显示颜色
    21             if (value == maxpercent) {
    22                 color = "#29c9ad";
    23             } else if (value > average) {
    24                 color = "#27b5ff";
    25             } else {
    26                 color = "#ff6100";
    27             }
    28             // 清空画布
    29             context.clearRect(0, 0, c_width, c_height);
    30             // 画初始圆
    31             context.beginPath();
    32             // 将起始点移到canvas中心
    33             context.moveTo(c_width / 2, c_height / 2);
    34             // 绘制一个中心点为(c_width/2, c_height/2),半径为c_height/2,起始点0,终止点为Math.PI * 2的 整圆
    35             context.arc(c_width / 2, c_height / 2, c_height / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
    36             context.closePath();
    37             context.fillStyle = '#ddd'; //填充颜色
    38             context.fill();
    39             // 绘制内圆
    40             context.beginPath();
    41             context.strokeStyle = color;
    42             context.lineCap = 'square';
    43             context.closePath();
    44             context.fill();
    45             context.lineWidth = 10.0;//绘制内圆的线宽度
    47             function draw(cur) {
    48                 // 画内部空白
    49                 context.beginPath();
    50                 context.moveTo(15, 15);
    51                 context.arc(c_width / 2, c_height / 2, c_height / 2 - 10, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
    52                 context.closePath();
    53                 context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';  // 填充内部颜色
    54                 context.fill();
    55                 // 画内圆
    56                 context.beginPath();
    57                 // 绘制一个中心点为(c_width/2, c_height/2),半径为c_height/2-5不与外圆重叠,
    58                 // 起始点-(Math.PI/2),终止点为((Math.PI*2)*cur)-Math.PI/2的 整圆cur为每一次绘制的距离
    59                 context.arc(c_width / 2, c_height / 2, c_height / 2 - 5, -(Math.PI / 2), ((Math.PI * 2) * cur) - Math.PI / 2, false);
    60                 context.stroke();
    61                 //在中间写字
    62                 context.font = "bold 18pt Arial";  // 字体大小,样式
    63                 context.fillStyle = color;  // 颜色
    64                 context.textAlign = 'center';  // 位置
    65                 context.textBaseline = 'middle';
    66                 context.moveTo(c_width / 2, c_height / 2);  // 文字填充位置
    67                 context.fillText(value + "%", c_width / 2, c_height / 2 - 20);
    68                 context.fillText("世纪家园", c_width / 2, c_height / 2 + 20);
    69             }
    70             // 调用定时器实现动态效果
    71             var timer = null, n = 0;
    72             function loadCanvas(nowT) {
    73                 timer = setInterval(function () {
    74                     if (n > nowT) {
    75                         clearInterval(timer);
    76                     } else {
    77                         draw(n);
    78                         n += 0.01;
    79                     }
    80                 }, 15);
    81             }
    82             loadCanvas(value / 100);
    83             timer = null;
    84         };
    85     </script>
    86     <title>百分比DEMO</title>
    87 </head>
    88 <body>
    89     <canvas id="yuan"></canvas>
    90 </body>
    91 </html>
    View Code



     1 (function (jQuery) {
     2     /*
     3      * jQuery Plugin - Messager
     4      * Author: corrie    Mail: corrie@sina.com    Homepage: www.corrie.net.cn
     5      * Copyright (c) 2008 corrie.net.cn
     6      * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html [GNU General Public License]
     7      *
     8      * $Date: 2008-08-30 
     9      * $Vesion: 1.1
    10      @ how to use and example: Please Open demo.html
    11      */
    12     this.version = '@1.1';
    13     this.layer = { 'width': 200, 'height': 100 };
    14     this.title = '信息提示';
    15     this.time = 114000;
    16     this.anims = { 'type': 'slide', 'speed': 600 };
    18     this.inits = function (title, text) {
    19         if ($("#message").is("div")) { return; }
    20         $(document.body).prepend('<div id="message" style="border:#b9c9ef 1px solid;z-index:100;' + this.layer.width + 'px;height:' + this.layer.height + 'px;position:absolute; display:none;background:#cfdef4; bottom:0; right:0; overflow:hidden;"><div style="border:1px solid #fff;border-bottom:none;100%;height:25px;font-size:12px;overflow:hidden;color:#1f336b;"><span id="message_close" style="float:right;padding:5px 0 5px 0;16px;line-height:auto;color:red;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;cursor:pointer;overflow:hidden;">×</span><div style="padding:5px 0 5px 5px;100px;line-height:18px;text-align:left;overflow:hidden;">' + title + '</div><div style="clear:both;"></div></div> <div style="padding-bottom:5px;border:1px solid #fff;border-top:none;100%;height:auto;font-size:12px;"><div id="message_content" style="margin:0 5px 0 5px;border:#b9c9ef 1px solid;padding:10px 0 10px 5px;font-size:12px;' + (this.layer.width - 17) + 'px;height:' + (this.layer.height - 50) + 'px;color:#1f336b;text-align:left;overflow:hidden;">' + text + '</div></div></div>');
    21     };
    22     this.show = function (title, text, time) {
    23         if ($("#message").is("div")) { return; }
    24         if (title == 0 || !title) title = this.title;
    25         this.inits(title, text);
    26         if (time) this.time = time;
    27         switch (this.anims.type) {
    28             case 'slide': $("#message").slideDown(this.anims.speed); break;
    29             case 'fade': $("#message").fadeIn(this.anims.speed); break;
    30             case 'show': $("#message").show(this.anims.speed); break;
    31             default: $("#message").slideDown(this.anims.speed); break;
    32         }
    33         $("#message_close").click(function () {
    34             setTimeout('this.close()', 1);
    35         });
    36         //$("#message").slideDown('slow');
    37         this.rmmessage(this.time);
    38     };
    39     this.lays = function (width, height) {
    40         if ($("#message").is("div")) { return; }
    41         if (width != 0 && width) this.layer.width = width;
    42         if (height != 0 && height) this.layer.height = height;
    43     }
    44     this.anim = function (type, speed) {
    45         if ($("#message").is("div")) { return; }
    46         if (type != 0 && type) this.anims.type = type;
    47         if (speed != 0 && speed) {
    48             switch (speed) {
    49                 case 'slow':; break;
    50                 case 'fast': this.anims.speed = 200; break;
    51                 case 'normal': this.anims.speed = 400; break;
    52                 default:
    53                     this.anims.speed = speed;
    54             }
    55         }
    56     }
    57     this.rmmessage = function (time) {
    58         setTimeout('this.close()', time);
    59         //setTimeout('$("#message").remove()', time+1000);
    60     };
    61     this.close = function () {
    62         switch (this.anims.type) {
    63             case 'slide': $("#message").slideUp(this.anims.speed); break;
    64             case 'fade': $("#message").fadeOut(this.anims.speed); break;
    65             case 'show': $("#message").hide(this.anims.speed); break;
    66             default: $("#message").slideUp(this.anims.speed); break;
    67         };
    68         setTimeout('$("#message").remove();', this.anims.speed);
    69         this.original();
    70     };
    71     this.original = function () {
    72         this.layer = { 'width': 200, 'height': 100 };
    73         this.title = '信息提示';
    74         this.time = 114000;
    75         this.anims = { 'type': 'slide', 'speed': 600 };
    76     };
    77     jQuery.messager = this;
    78     return jQuery;
    79 })(jQuery)
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     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
     3 <head>
     4 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
     5 <title></title>
     6 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
     7 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/Message.js"></script>
     8 <script type="text/javascript"> 
     9 function GetMessage() {
    10 $.ajax({
    11 type: "POST",
    12 url: "Ashx/GetMessage.ashx",
    13 data: "",
    14 //出错处理
    15 error: function () {
    16 alert("网络出现故障!请重试!");
    17 },
    18 //发送前事件
    19 beforeSend: function () {
    20 },
    21 //成功后事件
    22 success: function (data) {
    23 if (data != null && data != "") {
    24 $.messager.lays(350, 300);
    25 $.messager.show('<font style="color:red;">智慧城市报警提示</font>', '<font style="font-size:12px; text-align:left;color:green;">' + unescape(data) + '</font>');
    26 }
    27 }
    28 });
    29 }
    30 setInterval("GetMessage();", 5000);//设定秒调用一次
    31 </script>
    32 </head>
    33 <body>
    34 </body>
    35 </html>
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     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
     3 <head>
     4 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
     5 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
     6 <title>主页-背景随着屏幕大小改变</title>
     7 <style type="text/css">
     8 body {
     9 background:url('img/index/bk.jpg') no-repeat;
    10 background-size:100% 100%;
    11 background-position:center center;
    12 background-size:cover;
    13 background-attachment:fixed;
    14 }
    15 #div_top {
    16 width:100%;
    17 height:50px;
    18 }
    19 #div_center {
    20 width:100%;
    21 height:90%;
    22 margin-top:100px;
    23 float:left;
    24 }
    25 #div_left {
    26 width:45%;
    27 height:100%;
    28 margin-left:4%;
    29 float:left;
    30 }
    31 #div_right {
    32 width:45%;
    33 height:100%;
    34 margin-left:3%;
    35 float:left;
    36 }
    37 </style>
    38 </head>
    39 <body>
    40 <div id="main">
    41 <div id="div_top">
    42 <img alt="logo" src="img/index/logo.png" />
    43 </div>
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    46 <div id="div_left_row1">
    47 <img alt="zhzk" src="img/index/zhqk.png" />
    48 <img alt="szyy" src="img/index/szyy.png" /> 
    49 </div>
    50 <div id="div_left_row2">
    51 <img alt="wyfw" src="img/index/wyfw.png" />
    52 <img alt="jfsbzt" src="img/index/jfsbzt.png" />
    53 </div>
    54 <div id="div_left_row3" >
    55 <img alt="xtgl" src="img/index/xtgl.png" />
    56 </div> 
    57 </div>
    58 <div id="div_right">
    59 <div id="div_right_row1">
    60 <img alt="crk" src="img/index/crk.png" />
    61 <img alt="fjdc" src="img/index/fjdc.png" />
    62 </div>
    63 <div id="div_right_row2">
    64 <img alt="rqbj" src="img/index/rqmj.png" />
    65 <img alt="tcc" src="img/index/tcc.png" />
    66 </div>
    67 <div id="div_right_row3">
    68 <img alt="dzxg" src="img/index/dzxg.png" />
    69 <img alt="lymj" src="img/index/lymj.png" />
    70 <img alt="spjk" src="img/index/spjk.png" />
    71 </div> 
    72 </div>
    73 </div>
    74 </div>
    75 </body>
    76 </html>
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