原创 CASE WHEN case when x = y then a else b end

    case when x < y then a when x = y then b else c end

    case XYZ when 'foo' then 'moo' else 'bar' end
    The following little SQL script demonstrates the use of CASE WHEN.create table test_case_when (
    a varchar2(5),
    b varchar2(5)

    insert into test_case_when values ('*','*');
    insert into test_case_when values ('+','+');
    insert into test_case_when values ('-','-');
    insert into test_case_when values ('.','.');

    select a,
    when b = '*' then 'star'
    when b = '+' then 'plus'
    when b = '-' then 'minus'
    else '????'
    from test_case_when;This select statement produces the following output:A CASEW
    ----- -----
    * star
    + plus
    - minus
    . ????drop table test_case_when; ORACLE官方文档说明:CASE

    There are two types of expressions used in CASE
    statements: simple and searched. These expressions correspond to the type of
    CASE statement in which they are used. See .

    Simple CASE expression

    A simple CASE expression selects a result from one or more
    alternatives, and returns the result. Although it contains a block that might
    stretch over several lines, it really is an expression that forms part of a
    larger statement, such as an assignment or a procedure call. The
    CASE expression uses a selector,
    an expression whose value determines which alternative to return.

    A CASE expression has the form illustrated in . The selector (grade) is followed
    by one or more WHEN clauses, which are checked sequentially. The
    value of the selector determines which clause is evaluated. The first
    WHEN clause that matches the value of the selector determines the
    result value, and subsequent WHEN clauses are not evaluated. If
    there are no matches, then the optional ELSE clause is

    Example 2-26 Using the WHEN Clause With a CASE

    grade CHAR(1) := 'B';
    appraisal VARCHAR2(20);
    appraisal :=
    CASE grade
    WHEN 'A' THEN 'Excellent'
    WHEN 'B' THEN 'Very Good'
    WHEN 'C' THEN 'Good'
    WHEN 'D' THEN 'Fair'
    WHEN 'F' THEN 'Poor'
    ELSE 'No such grade'
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Grade ' || grade || ' is ' || appraisal);

    The optional ELSE clause works similarly to the
    ELSE clause in an IF statement. If the value of the
    selector is not one of the choices covered by a WHEN clause, the
    ELSE clause is executed. If no ELSE clause is provided
    and none of the WHEN clauses are matched, the expression returns

    Searched CASE Expression

    A searched CASE expression lets you test different conditions
    instead of comparing a single expression to various values. It has the form
    shown in .

    A searched CASE expression has no selector. Each
    WHEN clause contains a search condition that yields a
    BOOLEAN value, so you can test different variables or multiple
    conditions in a single WHEN clause.

    Example 2-27 Using a Search Condition With a CASE

    grade CHAR(1) := 'B';
    appraisal VARCHAR2(120);
    id NUMBER := 8429862;
    attendance NUMBER := 150;
    min_days CONSTANT NUMBER := 200;
    FUNCTION attends_this_school(id NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
    appraisal :=
    WHEN attends_this_school(id) = FALSE THEN 'N/A - Student not enrolled'
    -- Have to test this condition early to detect good students with bad attendance
    WHEN grade = 'F' OR attendance < min_days
    THEN 'Poor (poor performance or bad attendance)'
    WHEN grade = 'A' THEN 'Excellent'
    WHEN grade = 'B' THEN 'Very Good'
    WHEN grade = 'C' THEN 'Good'
    WHEN grade = 'D' THEN 'Fair'
    ELSE 'No such grade'
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Result for student ' || id || ' is ' || appraisal);

    The search conditions are evaluated sequentially. The BOOLEAN
    value of each search condition determines which WHEN clause is
    executed. If a search condition yields TRUE, its WHEN
    clause is executed. After any WHEN clause is executed, subsequent
    search conditions are not evaluated. If none of the search conditions yields
    TRUE, the optional ELSE clause is executed. If no
    WHEN clause is executed and no ELSE clause is
    supplied, the value of the expression is NULL.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/danghuijian/p/4400542.html
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