• WCF+Silverlight 异常处理




    # re: Handling WCF exceptions in Silverlight 3 7/27/2009 1:27 AM Adrian Hara
    Ok, I looked:
    1. I have it in a separate .dll, not in the hosting (web) project.
    2. In visual studio, where the behavior extension is used (in the example below this is the "<silverlightFaults/>" element) it gets underlined with a blue squiggly line and the tooltip says it can't be found, however at runtime it works like a charm.

    Here's my web.config relevant part from the hosting application:

    <behavior name="SDS.WCF.ServiceImplementation.DataService_Behavior">
    <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true"/>
    <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>
    <behavior name="SilverlightFaultBehavior">
    <service behaviorConfiguration="SDS.WCF.ServiceImplementation.DataService_Behavior" name="SDS.WCF.ServiceImplementation.DataService">
    <endpoint behaviorConfiguration="SilverlightFaultBehavior" address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" name="DefaultEndpoint" bindingNamespace="urn:Ssmt.SilverlightDataService.ServiceContracts:v1" contract="SDS.WCF.ServiceContracts.IDataServiceContract"/>
    <add name="silverlightFaults" type="SDS.WCF.ServiceImplementation.WCFHelpers.SilverlightFaultBehavior, SDS.WCF.ServiceImplementation.ServiceImplementation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"/>

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